Strong dry cough than cure

How to treat a severe dry cough

How to treat a severe dry cough

A harbinger of acute inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma) is a dry cough. This type of cough is considered unproductive, tk. occurs without sputum rejection.

You will need

  1. - baking soda;
  2. - chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, lime blossom, plantain;
  3. - infusion of flowers of clover meadow;
  4. - milk, honey, onions.


  1. As one of the main methods of treatment, take inhalations with a special device - an inhaler, a teapot with a spout or a funnel. Breathe couples cooked in the uniform of potatoes, ordinary baking soda or a decoction made from medicinal herbs that exert an expectorant effect (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, lime color, plantain). Do not forget that the inhalation should not be performed over boiling water, wait about 5 minutes after boiling.
  2. Be sure to rinse your throat, using the collections, which are sold in a large assortment in pharmacies. Use and long-proven recipes: half a teaspoon of baking soda or half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar on a glass of warm boiled water. In addition, you can independently prepare a rinse, taking in the same amount of sage, eucalyptus, calendula flowers. This mixture of herbs brewed a glass of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 10 minutes and strain.
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  3. Drink herbal decoctions, offered by folk healers, who, undoubtedly, will bring relief and calmdrycough. Use such popular means as infusion of flowers of clover meadow (2 tablespoons of a plant will be needed for a glass of boiling water) or brew a teaspoon of thyme in half a glass of boiling water. This drink is consumed within 24 hours.
  4. To get a quick effect, drink at night hot milk with onions or honey.
  5. Forget about smoking, because it will further exacerbate attacks of dry cough.
  6. Moisten the air in the room. To do this, use one of the existing models of a humidifier, a water-soaked towel on the battery, or placed in a room with a container of water. Regularly conduct a wet cleaning of the room.
  7. With an ongoing dry cough, consult a doctor to prescribe medication if necessary.

At the child very strong, dry tussis - than to treat?



Cough with regular tracheitis and bronchitis
Most often begins as dry, unproductive. There is no sputum. The main task is to first achieve its appearance. In the early days - the use of mucolytic drugs or drugs of mixed action (* they include, in particular, lazolvan, ambroben, bromhexine), then - expectorants. If the cough becomes productive, the baby coughs up phlegm well, all drugs can be canceled, go to a chest massage. Do not forget to give plenty of water to the child with warm solutions (mors, teas, juices). If there is no high temperature, you can apply from the first days of distraction (hot foot bath, mustard, rubbing). All this, strengthening the flow of blood to the respiratory organs, increases the appearance of sputum.
With the defeat of only the uppermost parts of the respiratory tract - the pharynx - very often a persistent, frequent dry cough accompanied by sneezing is observed. No functional load this cough is not and very exhausting patient. Here the help can consist in carrying out inhalations with herbs, oils, soda inhalations, giving at night medications that calm the cough.


Call a doctor, whistling - a threat of asthma. Perhaps the child must be urgently hospitalized.

Denis Yemelyanov

Check throat, if not red, then eliminate allergens


Mukaltin or ambroben, ACC and potion (can be lazolvan) You can syrup of licorice root
In the hospital, antibiotics will be pricked and microflora

Victor Burdyugov

Effective is a doctor, you have a child sick, and not a computer buggy to engage in amateur performance. I do not want to give tragic examples of self-treatment.

Elena Golosova

An inhaler, with an amber. Nothing helped us except him! The cough was, as with pertussis, before vomiting, after the first inhalation it became easier.


In hospital for a long time it was necessary will address.. this may be pertussis



Shal Fei

beer is hot (how tolerant


consult a doctor. I, unfortunately, the child after such a cough came to the hospital with pneumonia. if you need urgently and now, call the ambulance, you will be advised by phone. Get well!


ACC drink on day 3 as the child began to cough up!!! Try inhalation (if there is no temperature), but it is better to call a doctor.


Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in the ratio:. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour the mixture, l. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.

Alenk @

first you need to cough liquefied, mukaltin will do, the child suffers 3 days already... Doctors urgently call!

Scourge braids !!!

If there is no tempo. Heat the onion peel on a clean oven, more on medium heat and breathe this smoke until it turns black. Do not rush to ventilate the room. And immediately compress from 2-3 medium. boiled potatoes in the outfit, crush along with kazhura, add 2 drops of iodine, h. l oil is growing. rumble and on the neck area. Until the warmth and cold drink cool down!

Zina Verevkina

this is serious! the child may have stenosis or pneumonia. I advise you to see a doctor

Diana Mamaeva

We are best served by Assistance. Syrup of natural origin. you can even give the smallest. Personally, we have allergies and addiction to it. how many times a dry cough has been treated and every time it helps

Olga Gromova

The doctor should listen, and if this is a dry cough from the bronchi, then the syrup Prospan helps us well to clear his throat and remove the mucus. It is without dyes, natural. We are in the first aid kit, just in case.

Strong cough without fever in the adult: causes, treatment and varieties

  • Dry cough
  • Prolonged cough
Strong cough without fever in an adult

A severe cough without fever in an adult is a widespread symptom among people of young and old age.

Characteristic for various diseases, in the absence of treatment, prolonged coughing is steadily progresses in most cases, leading to the development of complications that significantly reduce the quality of life patient.

A growing strong cough without fever in an adult is a sign of an infectious process, characteristic of a decrease in immunity or for elderly patients.

Paroxysmal cough paroxysms are pathognomonic for the initial stages of whooping cough, which occurs without fever, runny nose and general impairment in children and adults. Night attacks are typical for exacerbation or debut of bronchial asthma as a result of irritation of the bronchial mucosa on the background of an allergic reaction. For asthma, a typical exhalation in the presence of a normal inhalation of air, hypersecretion of viscous sputum provokes the development of a strong cough without temperature in an adult and a child.

The causes of the pathological process are:

  • nonspecific inflammation (ENT organs, upper respiratory tract, bronchi, trachea, lungs);
  • infection (influenza, parainfluenza, measles, SARS, whooping cough, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus);
  • allergy (pollinosis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma);
  • trauma (foreign bodies, damage to the esophagus);
  • cardiac arrhythmia (extrasystole, vegetovascular dystonia).

Manifestation of a symptom at night on the background of a stoppage of breathing and prolonged smoking in the anamnesis is a pathognomonic clinical picture of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bronchitis of the smoker is transformed into an irreversible form, manifestations of which is a steadily progressing cough with the development of respiratory insufficiency of various degrees of severity.

Prolonged cough in an infant is a sign of the fistula of the thoracic esophagus, through which food enters the respiratory tract, causing irritation and a protracted inflammatory process.An incessant cough in childhood is a diagnostic problem that disrupts the physiological breathing and normal development of the child.

To suspect an infectious process the doctor will allow diagnostic examination, examination of sputum and the delivery of tests. Early treatment of severe cough without fever in adults and children is done taking into account the characteristics of the cough, its duration and the overall clinical picture.

Dry and wet cough differ depending on the stage and etiology of the process. Dry cough is the initial stage of inflammatory diseases, in which coughing tremors are a reflex mechanism. A dry, violent cough develops when foreign bodies enter the body, aimed at removing it from the upper respiratory tract. A moist cough is formed as a result of increased production of serous or purulent sputum, the ingestion of which into the lungs causes the development of pneumonia.

This complication is typical for people who have weak respiratory muscles and a sedentary lifestyle.Antitussives with a dry cough are used to stop the syndrome, eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane. The purpose of the drug with moist cough promotes the development of severe forms of pneumonia. Expectorants with a damp cough are prescribed against the background of taking antibiotics to prevent the multiplication of pathogens.

When taking medication, you need to consume large amounts of water to dilute sputum. Breastfeeding is a folk remedy for cough, used in outpatient treatment. Herbal infusion is prepared in the following way: for 200 ml of boiling water dilute two or three tablespoons. collection, and then leave to insist for one hour. Feedback on the forums indicate the high effectiveness of this method for the treatment of dry and wet cough. The infusion is used 3 times a day for 10-14 days.

Dry cough without fever in an adult: a variety and their treatment

Cough treatment in an adultDry cough without fever in an adult has the following types and tactics of treatment.

Specific antiviral or antibacterial treatment is shown against the background of the use of expectorants and mokrotorazhizhayuschih drugs. The expediency of therapy is determined by the severity of the inflammatory process, in severe cases, in-patient treatment is required.

Removal of a foreign body is performed surgically or by bronchoscopy. Elimination of the cause of arrhythmia is under the control of a cardiologist, specific drugs are prescribed that stop the manifestation of extrasystole and vegetovascular dystonia.

  1. Prolonged cough with phlegmis a sign of an infectious process, influenza, ARVI or pneumonia. Often accompanied by inflammation of the larynx, trachea and ENT organs. Accompanied by:
    • high temperature;
    • coryza;
    • general weakness;
    • decreased performance.
  2. Prolonged cough without phlegm(dry) is typical for allergic processes, bronchial asthma or the initial stages of infection (in the presence of rashes). An unproductive cough is accompanied by a sore throat, a throat, a heaviness in the head. Antiallergic therapy reduces exacerbation in the early stages.
  3. Prolonged cough without feverIs a characteristic syndrome of cardiac arrhythmia, foreign body entry to the mucosa or vocal cords. Diagnosis takes a long time, relief comes immediately after a targeted treatment, taking pills.
  4. Prolonged cough with phlegm without temperatureis formed with increased mucus production, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, prolonged smoking, and work with construction dust, asbestos or cotton wool. In addition, dry cough without temperature in an adult is manifested with pulmonary tuberculosis, open or closed form, lung radiography clarifies the diagnosis.

Treatment of chronic obstruction begins with quitting smoking and taking bronchodilators short or long-acting. With the growth of fibrotic processes in the bronchi, patients are assigned enzyme preparations, as well as hormone therapy. With pulmonary tuberculosis, the patient is sent for specific therapy to the physiotherapy department of the hospital.

A prolonged cough without fever in an adult: a type of treatment

Dry cough without fever in an adultA prolonged cough without fever in an adult requires an early onset of a specific treatment after going through a wide diagnostic examination to determine the exact cause of the onset.

A blood test, sputum culture, as well as instrumental and functional research methods allow differentiate allergic and infectious diseases, foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract and esophagus.

General treatment includes:

  • to give up smoking;
  • general strengthening procedures;
  • enhancing the immune properties of the body;
  • removal of the allergen;
  • frequent wet cleaning.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections and infections is aimed at limiting contacts during the epidemic period, regular intake of immunoprophylactic drugs, and routine vaccination according to the vaccination schedule.

Mantoux reaction allows detecting tuberculosis infection at early stages, initiating early specific therapy, which significantly reduces the risk of exacerbations.

Medical treatment has the following directions:

  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • bronchodilator.

Preparations for infectious and fungal diseases that have caused a prolonged cough without temperature at the adult, are selected individually by the attending physician taking into account the clinical picture and the affected organ.With severe pain on the background of coughing, an urgent start of treatment is required because of the high stress on the respiratory musculature.

With asthma and allergic pharyngitis treatment begins with anti-allergic antihistamines drugs, which are supplemented with bronchodilators to facilitate breathing and eliminate symptoms of cough. The bronchodilators work almost immediately, they are taken in the form of inhalations according to the doctor's prescription.

Folk remedies are aimed at restoring the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, reducing the production of sputum and mucus.Individual herbal infusions, such as oak bark, affect the degree of intensity of the inflammatory process, reducing the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes in the lesion.

Lime, marshmallow and plantain are used as antitussive drugs, but can be used only after consulting a doctor because of the risk of side effects. Breastfeeding is the safest and most versatile method for softly stopping a prolonged cough without fever in an adult and a child over 10 years of age.


How can you cure a dry cough in a child?

Every parent begins to worry when there is a dry cough in the child, rather than treating it? What are the causes of this symptom? What drugs can you take off a strong attack of cough? Coughing is a natural function of the body, which is aimed at preventing foreign agents from entering the respiratory tract.

The problem of dry cough in a child

Dry cough occurs in children for a number of different reasons:

  • influenza, ARVI, ARI;
  • getting into the respiratory tract of small objects that cause irritation of the mucosa and larynx;
  • inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dry air in the room;
  • cigarette smoke, gassed air on the street;
  • oncological diseases of the lungs;
  • congenital heart defects.

Given that cough can not only develop due to the presence of infectious or viral diseases, but also to signal more serious diagnoses, at the first manifestations you need to consult a doctor for consultation. Only a doctor should prescribe medications, since self-medication can have deplorable consequences.

Treatment of dry cough

Allergy is the cause of dry coughWith a dry cough in children, all medical interventions should be preliminarily agreed with the doctor, as the procedure of recovery itself passes with some peculiarities:
  1. Greater chance of side effects, allergic reactions and overdose. This question is especially relevant in children under 2 years old. Many drugs have age limits, so only consultation with a doctor and full compliance with all recommendations will avoid unpleasant moments.
  2. Most cough drugs cause drowsiness, dizziness, so children should be given them before bedtime so that the child can rest.
  3. Children under 2 years are not recommended to give expectorants, because at this age they have not yet learned to properly cough up phlegm.
  4. Any diseases release toxins into the body, so treatment should include a generous warm drink.

You should be ready to provide emergency help with a fit of dry cough.Almost always dry cough is accompanied by bouts, in which the child can not clear his throat and has a shortage of air.If the child does not receive the correct and timely help, then asphyxia can begin. In such cases, you must perform the following actions:

  • Unbutton buttons in the area of ​​the collar zone;
  • call an ambulance;
  • turn the child's back to him and slightly tilt down, then perform small pats between the shoulder blades;
  • if the cause of suffocation is an allergic reaction or bronchial asthma, it is necessary to give the baby an inhaler.


Cigarette smoke is the cause of dry coughWhat medications to take, should tell only the attending physician, but the principle of treatment in almost all cases is standard.

First of all, with a dry cough, the child is prescribed medications that act on a specific center in the medulla oblongata.

It is this center that is responsible for coughing, so all drugs have the principle of peripheral and central impact. They are prescribed not for all types of dry cough, but only in case of severe attacks accompanied by vomiting or convulsions.

Particular attention should be paid to the instruction for all antitussive drugs. It is forbidden to take those drugs that contain a narcotic substance.

Children under 2 years of dry cough better to treat medicines on a plant basis, but here you need to be careful with possible allergic reactions.

At the slightest manifestations of allergy, you should immediately stop taking syrups from coughing.

In many cases, the scheme for treating dry cough is standard. The following drugs are prescribed:

Benefits of radish with dry cough
  1. Antitussive with reflex action. They block the signal from the brain, which slows the process of sputum evasion.
  2. Mucolytics. They are necessary for the dilution of sputum and its release outside.
  3. Antitussive drugs for liquefaction of sputum. The main active ingredient of such drugs is soda, ammonium chloride.

Any treatment will be effective only if the child is properly cared for. Regular walks in the fresh air, wet cleaning of the room, airing will make the healing process quick.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended for any dry cough, except that caused by an allergy. Most often recommended dry heating, inhalation using herbal dues, baths with essential oils, aromatherapy.

But all these methods of treatment for coughing should be used with caution, so as not to provoke an allergic edema of the respiratory tract.

Excellent cough with warming compresses, mustard plasters. Ointments, compresses can be bought ready in the pharmacy or make them yourself. It is forbidden to do warming procedures in the heart area.

Folk methods of treatment of dry cough in children

  1. Aloe with bronchitisRelieve attacks of severe cough, reduce their manifestation will help infusion of pine sticks. To make it, you need to boil the milk and add 1 tablespoon. pine buds. Infused broth for an hour and warm is given to 50 ml every 2 hours. If the child does not like boiled milk, then instead of it you can take ordinary water. A more pleasant taste is given by young spruce shoots.
  2. Fat badger, goat, ram is excellent as a warming agent. Perform procedures with it is possible only in the absence of temperature in the baby. It is enough to melt the fat slightly and rub the chest and upper back, wrap it with a warm scarf. Such procedures can be performed several times a day.
  3. This fat can be ingested with warm milk or tea. If a child drinks bad drinks with fat, then the pharmacy sells special capsules with it.
  4. Radish. It acts as a mucolytic agent, helps to bring phlegm to the surface. You can prepare the drug in two ways. For example, cut a small groove in the radish and put 1 tsp there. honey. Formed juice drink 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day. You can cut the radish into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar, put in the oven and wait until the juice starts to stand out. It is also taken for 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day.
  5. Onions can be used as syrups, compresses. Syrups from onions are cooked on the same principle as radish. Vegetables need to be ground and mixed with sugar. Take small portions 2 times a day. Such a drug not all children can drink without problems, since the taste will be quite unpleasant. For warming, the onion should be divided into parts, fried in a dry frying pan and applied to the trachea area.
  6. Onion, garlic is recommended to use as an aromatherapy. It is desirable to cut them into small pieces and put them on the head of the bed.
  7. Juice from the leaves of aloe helps not only to neutralize dry cough, but also to strengthen the immune system of the child. It is enough to take butter, honey in equal proportions, mix with several leaves of aloe, which previously lay in the refrigerator for at least 10 days. Ready mix to give 4-5 times a day before meals.
  8. Cakes from honey and mustard can be used instead of ordinary mustard plasters. For them, you need to take a spoonful of honey, add mustard powder, vodka and vegetable oil. All this mix and form a cake. In the first minutes it is necessary to control the reaction of the skin, since honey is considered to be the strongest allergen.

What else do they recommend?

  1. Boiled potatoes in a uniform well helps as compresses. It is necessary to boil a few potatoes in the peel, to powder, add 2 drops of vegetable oil. From a warm mass to form flat cakes and apply to the chest and back of the child. Such procedures are best performed at night.
  2. A strong cough helps calm the compress from honey and fat. In equal proportions, fat and honey are mixed, ready mixture is spread over the feet, chest, back.
  3. Camphor oil has an excellent warming effect. You can rub your chest and back for the night. If the child does not have a temperature, then it is recommended to use warm baths for the feet. For better effect, you can add mustard. After the procedure, wear socks with woolen socks.

All recipes of traditional medicine will be effective and useful only in case of full agreement with the attending physician.


Dry coughing is always painful for a child. To quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor and strictly follow all recommendations.

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