Bruises: how to get rid quickly at home

On this page of the blog, dear readers, we will look at ways to properly and quickly get rid of bruises( bruises, dark circles and bags under the eyes) at home using folk remedies and recipes. This problem is manifested by darkening and swelling due to injuries, soft tissue bruises on the face due to damage to small vessels and swelling. But this is not only. ..


Reasons for the appearance and mechanism of formation of bags and bruises under the eyes

Many factors contribute to the formation of bags and "blue" under the eyes: from simple lack of sleep and fatigue to serious diseases. Setting the true cause of this phenomenon is very important, because it will be the success and outcome of treatment.

The reason that the skin under the eyes acquires a cyanotic shade, can be:

  • Heredity( very thin or very white skin, deep set eyes, skin-like arrangement of vessels, etc.);
  • Overwork( lack of sleep, stress, physical activity, lack of fresh air);
  • Dehydration( overheating in the sun or in a room with a high temperature);
  • Overexertion of the eyes( long reading, working at a computer, watching TV);
  • Intoxication( nicotine, alcoholic);
  • Abuse of strong hot drinks( tea, coffee) and products with a lot of salt and spicy condiments, canned food;
  • Dysfunction( hard diets, sudden weight loss, "shortage" of vitamins and trace elements with food);
  • Age changes;
  • Cosmetics( improper application or improper selection of funds, low quality, ignoring);
  • Anemia( iron deficiency anemia, high blood loss, including due to heavy menstruation);
  • Exchange disorders( problems with the thyroid gland, adrenal glands);
  • Chronic infections( rhinitis, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis);
  • Glistular invasion;
  • Somatic diseases( intestines, stomach, kidneys, pancreas, heart, liver, respiratory organs).

Given such an abundance of kinds of causes of "blue" under the eyes is better to trust a specialist cosmetician.

How bruises look under the eyes

Any modern woman knows that the skin in the eye area is extremely delicate and very thin. Its structure differs significantly from neighboring skin areas of the face: the epidermis and subcutaneous fat layer is thinner, the blood vessels are located almost beneath the surface of the skin, collagen and elastin are in a minimal amount. Because of this, it is extremely sensitive to any changes and stresses - external and internal.

Being exposed to age-related changes and / or aggressive external factors, and also in response to pathological processes in the body, the skin around the eyes becomes even thinner, loses the turgor. The blood vessels in the capillaries thicken and stagnate, hemoglobin is saturated with carbon dioxide and gets a darker color. Such dark vessels shine through the thin skin, as a result - dark, bluish circles under the eyes.

Can I quickly get rid of a hematoma: recommendations

To speed up their healing will help ice compresses. Cold - the first assistant in the fight against swelling and swelling, turning into a bruise. Apply cold to the site of the injury, alternating compresses with tight bandages. It helps to narrow the blood vessels and drain blood from the site of the injury. As a result, you will not give a bruise to appear or be too large.

The first time it is recommended to change the cold compresses every quarter or third of an hour. On the second day after the injury, the cold is no longer effective, but other procedures are used: massage, warmth, therapeutic gymnastics.

In some people, even with the most intensive preventive measures, bruises still appear: large and dark. There is only one explanation - the increased sensitivity of the skin. How should we act then?

Traditional medicine to eliminate bruises on the face

To remove bruises at home and at home, several methods of folk remedies will quickly help:


The medicinal plant of a squirrel is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of the body from a hematoma. The plant is often used in the form of a fine powder, which is sold in a pharmacy. It is necessary to buy it and prepare an aqueous solution in the proportion of 2 to 1.

Then moisten the tissue in the solution and apply a compress to the site of the injury. Make a tight bandaging and leave it so overnight. Repeat the procedure in the morning and in the evening( each time with a new compress) until the hematoma does not stoop.

Alcohol or vodka compress

This method of getting rid of bruises is considered the most common. If you are going to use medical alcohol, then you need to dilute it, or you can burn the skin. Vodka here will come in handy.

Dampen the cloth in the liquid and apply a compress to the bruised area. You can moisten a bandage or a cut of gauze in a vodka instead of a tissue for a compress. Wrapped the affected area with an alcohol compress, and now wrap it over polyethylene( so to speak, to cause a thermal effect).Such procedures are usually done at night.

Recommendation: Apply a vodka compress better in a couple of weeks after the injury, this will contribute to an early recovery.

Onion and salt

The effect, almost similar to alcohol, has a fresh onion. Grind the vegetable in a gruel and apply as a compress. Strengthen the effectiveness of the tool will help pinch the kitchen salt.

Stone salt has a number of positive qualities: it cleans and disinfects, exfoliates the keratinized tissues, promotes rapid resorption of bruises.

Prepare a compress for the compress easily: chop several small bulbs into a slurry and add to them 18 grams of salt. Frequency of change of lotion: 2-3 times a day. Prevention course: up to a week( depending on the scale and condition of the lesion).

To get rid of bruises in the face area, it is better not to use such a compress, as onion pairs can irritate the mucous eye and nose.

Beet with honey

The natural product of beekeeping has antiseptic and healing properties, and, therefore, is good for getting rid of bruises.

Take the beetroot, peel it from the peel and grind it on a shallow grater. Then wring out the pulp, remove the liquid. In the beet pulp, add 1 tablespoon of honey, mix. The resulting batch is used as a lotion fixed with a tight bandage. Keep such a compress you need at least two or three hours. The course of treatment: daily until recovery.

Bitter wormwood

This plant helps to get rid of bruises on any part of the skin( even on the face).

Cooking means: take fresh stalks of wormwood and grind them well. Then we put the gruel on the bruise and bandage it.

It is important to ensure that the grass does not dry out, either to change the substance to fresh, or to wet the dressing with water. Strong bruises need to be thoroughly flavored with wormwood gruel. The grass dried up - it's time to change the compress.

An effective wormwood compress will be if you add a spoonful of honey to the grass. These dressings are updated every two to three hours.

Vinegar with iodine

Healing wrap based on apple cider vinegar will help to get rid of bruises more quickly. We prepare the preparation: 500 ml of vinegar( remember, apple), 35-50 g of table salt. Dissolve the salt in a liquid. And then warm up the solution a little, lowering the container into the tank with hot water. At the very end, add 4-5 drops of iodine to the solution.

Take a cut of gauze tissue, moisten it in solution and wrap the injury site. Gauze should be fixed with polyethylene and a bandage of dense fabric. Duration of the procedure: from a quarter to a third of an hour.

Healing ointment from bruise, made by own hands

Ingredients: medium-sized bulb, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 100 g of wax, laundry soap - 1 tbsp.a spoon.

Method of preparation: peel the onion. Find such a container, so that the bulb in it can be filled with vegetable oil completely. Add the oil. Now put the container on the fire and boil until the onion turns black. Remove the container from the fire, cool the onion. Remainder of liquid from onions squeezed into oil. Melt the wax, and then add it to the butter. Rub the soap on the grater and add the required amount in the knead. Mix all the ingredients well. So, we got an ointment, which must be placed in the refrigerator for freezing.

Use this tool several times a day, lubricating the affected area. Store it in the refrigerator.

And in conclusion: if you have even the slightest reason to think that under the bruise there is a more serious injury than a small bruise of soft tissues, then in no case can you be engaged in self-medication at home, but you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to clean bags and bruises under the eyes with home remedies

Simple and reliable tips

The desire, inherent in a woman, to beauty and attractiveness is inherent in Nature itself. Therefore they often and steadfastly peer into their reflection in the mirror and look for "shortcomings".So let's talk about how to cope with one of these flaws - bags and bruises under the eyes. The solution to this problem can include: home masks, special creams, herbal compresses, salon procedures. All of them are effective.

If your swelling under the eyes does not have a causal connection with any disease, it's enough just to change your life and for this:

Revise your day regimen

Spend enough time for a healthy sleep( at least 7 hours), more often in the fresh air,limit the "communication" with gadgets and TV, if the work is connected with a computer - more often take breaks, necessarily moving away from the monitor.

Change the nature of food

Try to wean yourself from very salty and spicy food. Do not drink a lot of fluids, especially at night. In the fight against puffiness, your friend - vitamin B5, as well as products containing it. This liver, milk and sour milk products, meat, eggs, cabbage, beets, asparagus, beans, mushrooms( white, champignons), nuts, wheat( bran, sprouts), whole grain bread. Replace strong coffee and tea with mineral water, green or ginger tea, herbal decoctions.

Provide proper care for

Choose the products that suit you. Use them correctly and regularly. Throw away the overdue and causing any discomfort to the eye makeup. Do not be lazy to take off your makeup before bed. It is especially important to carry out this point to those who have inherited bags and bruises.

Protect the skin from the sun

In sunny weather, take the rule of wearing sunglasses, wear special glasses when visiting the solarium.

Reduce susceptibility to stresses

Remember, if you can not change the situation, change your attitude to it. Notice more positive, bring a touch of humor into any stressful jolt. Try to respond adequately - exactly as much as the problem is large. Do not tear your hair, but look for an outlet.

Defeat the bad habits of

From harmful there is nothing to expect benefit, first of all - on the face.

The effect of the above actions will be greatly enhanced if additional procedures are added to them - masks, lotions, massage, gymnastics, salon methods of rejuvenation.


It turns out that the most effective means for defeating dark circles under the eyes is at hand. These are raw vegetables, herbs and extracts of medicinal herbs. Of these, you can make compositions for masks and creams, apply in the form of lotions, freeze in cosmetic cubes.

Effective recipes

Contrasting herbal lotions

Make an infusion of dried sage grass( 1 tsp of raw material per 1 cup of boiling water with settling for about half an hour).Half of the volume is frozen in cubes, heat the other half( when there is already ready "ice" infusion).Blot the skin around the eyes with a cotton swab( cosmetic disk) with a hot herbal infusion, then wipe the same area with ice. The interval between these steps should be minimal. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times. Sage can be replaced with a mixture of chamomile and dill( 1 tsp of each plant).

Compresses with grass infusions

Make infusion of chamomile, lime blossom, mint leaves, horsetail or medicinal sprig( 1 item of medicinal raw material - 1 item of boiling water).You can make a mixture of chamomile with tea( 1 cup of boiling water - 1 teaspoon of flowers and green or black tea).Gently apply impregnated with infusions of cotton swabs or disks to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.


Apply to the eyes for 15-20 minutes cosmetic cotton pads, moistened with a warm infusion of parsley, cornflower, dry rosemary, chamomile or tea, based on the calculation of 1 tbsp.l.medicinal raw materials - 1 tbsp.boiling water with settling time of 15-20 minutes.

Cosmetic ice

The foregoing infusions of herbs or teas can be frozen in the form of cubes and twice a day to rub their skin in the eye area.

Oily cream with herbs

Mix 2 tsp.softened butter with 1 tbsp.l.chopped parsley( you can use both leaves and stems) to a uniform consistency. Use the usual scheme - morning and evening daily.

If there is no time to prepare compresses and lotions at all, you can simply attach thin circles of fresh cucumber, potatoes or cottage cheese in the grated form to your eyes.

Masks from edemas and dark circles under the eyes at home

There are masks that can solve two problems at once - and remove the bruises under the eyes and remove puffiness. The most effective of them in our selection:

2-stage mask with potatoes and cream

Stage I - attach to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes gruel from grated fresh potatoes.

II stage - remove the mask and put on the skin cream( it should contain vitamins A and E) for the same 10-15 minutes. Remains of cream and masks remove the weak tea leaves.

Potato-oatmeal mask

Mix 1 tbsp.l.oatmeal with 1 tbsp.l.potato paste, finely grated raw potatoes, or mashed potatoes, and milk( cream), bring the mixture to a pasty state. Milk or cream is better to choose fatter. The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes, the washing is done with warm green tea.

Potato-oil mask

Mix 4 tsp.finely grated raw potato with 2 tsp.any vegetable oil. Spread the mask on the prepared( oiled) skin for 20-25 minutes. Wash tea with tea( black or green) medium strength.

Cucumber-sour cream mask

Mix 1 tsp.gruel from grated fresh cucumber with 1 tsp.crushed fresh herbs( cilantro or parsley) and the same volume of sour cream. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes. Remover for washing - cool water.

Honey-egg mask

Mix 1 tbsp.l.liquid or melted honey with 1 tbsp.l.flour and 1 raw egg white. Apply under the eyes for 10-15 minutes, rinse with water or tea.

Cottage cheese mask with parsley

Pour thoroughly 2 tsp.fatty cottage cheese with 1 tbsp.l.chopped fresh parsley( leaves and stems) and 1 tsp.milk. Put the mask under the eyes for 20 minutes. Washing - cool water or weak tea leaves.

Nut oil mask

Mix 2 tsp.flour from walnuts, passed through a coffee grinder, with 1 tbsp.l.softened butter and 2 drops of lemon juice. The time of the mask is 15-20 minutes, the washing is done with cool water.

In addition, you can use the above described means of dark circles - they are effective for swelling.

How to remove bags under the eyes with cosmetics

Masking of dark circles and bags under the eyes with a concealer.

Finished cosmetics for eye care - a mandatory item in the list of anti-swelling and blue remedies in this area. The main task of such a cream or gel is lifting and strengthening drainage in the problem area. Therefore, when acquiring such a tool, pay attention not only to its purpose, but also to the composition.

Creams / gels with liposomes, coenzyme Q10, coffee( but remember that it dries out the skin), collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin and extracts of herbs - sage, horsetail, parsley, turns - will be best with bags and dark circles. But saturated and mineral oils can on the contrary stimulate puffiness and cause allergies. To avoid the latter, do not apply the cream close to the line of eyelash growth.

It's great if the cream you choose will have a metal massage tip. Keep it in the refrigerator, and then the cream will be twice as effective.

A good express remedy for edema is a special ice mask with gel filling. Put it in the refrigerator and use it as necessary or in case of emergency. The result will be in a few minutes.

Another way to quickly bring your skin under your eyes in order - to disguise bags with makeup. The first violin belongs to the concealer. Its color should be as close as possible to your skin color, if you want to hide and bruises - then one tone is lighter.

Scheme of "masking" make-up of the area under the eyes:

  1. Cream, corresponding to the above parameters;
  2. A concealer that needs to be applied gently with a brush;
  3. A matte compact powder that is applied very thinly to prolong the life of disguise.

Another distraction from bags under the eyes of a maneuver is a bronzer on the cheekbones( without reflective particles in the composition).

Treatment of bags under the eyes in the beauty salon

Mesotherapy under the eyes

Here we will present cardinal ways to improve the skin condition in the eye area. They are based on modern technologies and are salon procedures or are provided in medical clinics.

Consider the most popular of them:


We use compositions with brown algae, collagen, hyaluronic acid, extracts of leech, horsetail, parsley, chamomile, milkweed, fiber, protein, caffeine, etc. They are effective as prevention, as well as in the initial stages, when the bags are only "drawn".Such masks are not suitable only in case of allergy to their composition.


A cocktail of active ingredients( enzymes, caffeine, vitamins, lysine, extracts from embryonic cells, etc.) is injected directly under the skin of the problem zone to a depth of 0.1-0.6 cm. The injection is done by pricking or without damageskin - under the pressure of oxygen. This method solves the problem of fluid stagnation and microcirculatory disturbances, but is fatally impaired with respect to fatty growths.

Lymphatic drainage

Here the outflow of excess fluid and stagnant phenomena in the vessels is stimulated by electrostimulation. Microcurrents "expel" all unnecessary through the lymph system. This method will remove swelling and bruises, but fatty hernias are too tough for him. In addition, it is contraindicated in the presence of hemorrhages or skin diseases in the area of ​​conduct, as well as in cases of coagulation disorders.


Surgical method for solving the problem. Today, the most cardinal, because it allows you to tighten the skin of the eyelids, to remove puffiness and remove fatty hernias. Since this is an operative intervention, additional examinations and consultations of doctors are needed. It is recommended after 35 years, or if the bags are hereditary. There is a postoperative period - up to 8 days.

Any of the listed methods requires compulsory advice from a specialist and professional conduct.

See video how to get rid of the dark circles that appear under the eyes:

As you can see, all the factors provocateurs of bags and "blue" under the eyes can be conditionally divided into three groups: the consequence of diseases, the result of an incorrect lifestyle and heredity. Proceeding from this and it is necessary to choose for yourself the most effective method of solving problems together with a cosmetologist or a doctor. Only in this case your efforts and expenses will be justified, and the result is noticeable.

How to get rid of bruises, dark circles and bags under the eyes correctly and quickly

Mask dark circles with eye makeup.

Make-up tips

Darkening of the skin or dark circles under the eyes is a common cosmetic problem that can be caused by a thin skin through which blood vessels are visible. But sometimes bruises under the eyes can appear due to problems with the kidneys, the endocrine system or the heart. To remove bruises under the eyes that are caused by a health problem, you need the help of a qualified doctor.

In this part of the article we will tell you how to get rid of bruises under the eyes, which are caused by overwork, bad sleep, prolonged work at the computer, improper nutrition, lack of vitamins or long crying.

Causes of bruising under the eyes of women and men

The main reasons for the appearance of dark circles and bags under the eyes of women and men: heredity aging dry and thin skin long crying long work at the computer psychological and physical stress lack of sleep improper nutrition

Dark circles under the eyes canregardless of age, both in men and in women.

Dark circles are not a serious problem, but because of them a person looks tired, exhausted, unhealthy and much older than his age.

10 best tools for fighting dark circles

Almond oil

Almond oil does not irritate the delicate skin around the eyes and has a number of useful properties. Regular use of almond oil will help clarify the blue under the eyes. For greater effect, you can add vitamin E. to almond oil. Method of applying almond oil Before going to bed, massage the massage, apply a little almond oil on the area under the eyes. Leave it overnight. In the morning, wash off the oil with cool water. Repeat daily until darkness passes.


Cucumbers have a clarifying effect that will help you get rid of the similarity with the raccoon. Plus, cucumbers also have a soothing and refreshing effect. Cut the cucumber into thin slices and put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then, place the cucumber slices on the skin under the eyes for 10 minutes. Wash with cool water. Repeat twice a day for a week.

Another option: mix in equal proportions cucumber and lemon juice. Moisten the resulting cotton wool disc and put under the eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse with water. Repeat daily at least a week.

Crude potatoes

Natural clarifying substances contained in potatoes help to lighten dark circles under the eyes and remove unnecessary swelling. Rub one or two potatoes to get the juice. Dampen the cotton ball in the juice and attach to the eyelids. Make sure that the juice covers not only the eyelids, but also the area under the eyes. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse well with cold water. Repeat once or twice a day. Instead of juice, you can also use thin slices of potatoes.

Rose water

Rose water rejuvenates the skin and soothes tired eyes. Due to its useful properties it is also well suited as a tonic. Wet cotton pads in rose water. Leave it for a couple of minutes. Put the wetted discs on closed eyelids. Leave it for 15 minutes. Repeat twice a day for several weeks.


Tomatoes have an excellent clarifying effect. Mix a teaspoon of tomato juice and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Carefully apply the mixture on the area under the eyes and leave to dry for 10 minutes. Rinse with water. Repeat twice a day for several weeks. You can use just tomato juice. Tomato juice is useful to take and inside. Mix with juice with a couple of mint leaves, lemon juice and salt. For best results, drink juice immediately after preparation.

Lemon juice

Vitamin C, contained in lemons, also has a clarifying effect. Moisten the cotton pad in freshly squeezed lemon juice. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. Repeat once a day for several weeks. Another option: mix a tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of tomato puree, a pinch of flour and turmeric powder. Apply the resulting paste to the skin under the eyes. Rinse with running water after 10-15 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a week. Note: Stop using lemon juice if it causes burning sensation.

Coconut oil

Massage with coconut oil is another method of combating dark circles. In addition to moistening, coconut oil also prevents wrinkles.

Massage rubbing coconut oil into the skin under the eyes. Leave it for a couple of hours, then rinse with water. Repeat 2-3 times a day for several months or until you see an improvement.

Tea bags

Caffeine and antioxidants contained in tea help to lighten dark circles and swelling under the eyes, narrowing the vessels and reducing fluid retention. Tannins reduce swelling and discoloration of the skin. Cool two used sachets of black or green tea in the fridge for half an hour. Put the sachets on closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Remove the sachets and wash with water. Repeat 1-2 times a day for several weeks. Note: Take care that tea does not get into your eyes.

Cold compress

Cold compresses narrow the blood vessels, which helps to lighten the dark circles and remove swelling under the eyes. Dampen a towel in cold water or milk. Apply to closed eyes for a few minutes. Or you can wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and apply them to the skin under the eyes for a couple of minutes. Repeat several times a day.


Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to lighten dark circles under the eyes. In addition, it makes the skin under the eyes softer. Mix two teaspoons of turmeric with pineapple juice. Obtain the paste applied to the skin under the eyes. Leave for 10 minutes, then wipe with a soft damp cloth. Apply daily until you achieve the desired result.

A few more tips on how to get rid of bags under the eyes at home

Just relax, get enough sleep. Do not rub your eyes frequently, as this leads to vasodilation, which causes dark circles under the eyes to appear brighter. Always wash off makeup before going to bed, as this irritates the eyes. Do not spend too much time in the sun. Drink enough water. To avoid puffiness under the eyes before bed, place a couple of additional pillows under the head to lift it. Watch what you eat. Make sure that there are enough foods in your diet that contain vitamins A, C and E. Avoid smoking, reduce consumption of caffeine and alcohol;smoking damages skin cells, and alcohol and caffeine lead to dehydration, which affects negatively, including on the skin around the eyes.

Sources of publication

  1. Website: /article/ 4247-ubiraem-sinyaki-v-domashnikh-usloviyakh
  2. Website: http: // 2282-kak-ubrat-meshki-i-sinyaki-pod-glazami-v-domashnih-usloviyah.html
  3. Website: http: // how-to / how-to-get-rid-of-dark-circles-fast.htm
  4. Website: http: // kak-izbavitsya-ot-meshkov-i-sinyakov-pod-glazami.html