Acute bronchitis: what are the symptoms and treatment at home?

Acute bronchitis represents the inflammatory pathology of the respiratory tract of the bronchial tree, which usually occurs in the winter or autumn period due to the negative effects of allergic, biological, chemical and physical factors on the human body.

With prolonged absence of competent treatment or incorrect therapy after 2-3 weeks, the disease can go into a chronic form.

Article content:
  • Reasons for development of
  • Symptoms of pathology
  • Possible complications of
  • When to call an ambulance?
  • General recommendations
  • Folk methods
  • Prevention of disease

Causes of development of

The source of acute bronchitis for adults is considered to be rhinoviruses, influenza viruses and bacteria - streptococci, pneumococci, hemophilic rod.

In winter, there is a high risk of influenza, ARI, tonsillitis due to high humidity and frequent overcooling, which leads to the development of acute bronchitis.

The path of infection is airborne:

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when sneezing and coughing, kissing and close contacts. Ill people should use individual dishes and cover their mouth and nose with coughing and sneezing for the safety of the people around them.

Pathology can be manifested when exposed to respiratory tract allergens that provoke inflammation in the bronchi and irritation.

Negative factors contribute to damage to bronchial cells, vulnerability of the mucous membrane and the emergence of pathogenic bacilli and pneumococci favorable for reproduction.

The main sign of the transition of the acute form of the disease to the chronic stage is the appearance of a strong cough several times during the year, which lasts more than 2 or 3 months.

The factors contributing to the development of acute bronchitis include:

  • work in hazardous conditions - mines, chemical industry;
  • nasal breathing disorders;
  • wrong lifestyle, especially smoking;
  • significant reduction in immunity;
  • thoracic deformation;
  • prolonged and frequent hypothermia of the body;
  • allergic reactions to animal hair, dust and some plants;
  • of the upper respiratory tract.

Symptoms of pathology

Most often acute bronchitis is a companion of the flu or cold.

The first symptoms of the development of the disease are the following manifestations:

  • chills;
  • heart palpitations;
  • dry cough;
  • chest pains worse with cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • wheezing;
  • headaches;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • increase in body temperature to 38 degrees or higher.

At night, there is an increase in cough that causes insomnia.

Sputum and pus begin to depart 2-3 days after the initial signs.

The relief of the patient's condition occurs 3-4 days after the application of an effective treatment properly selected by a specialist.

Possible complications of

In case of untimely diagnosis and absence of treatment, the condition of a person is aggravated, the disease becomes lingering, and additional complications arise:

  • tachycardia;
  • endocarditis;
  • increase in blood pressure( how to lower blood pressure by folk remedies, read the link);
  • myocarditis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • obstructive bronchitis - obstruction of the respiratory tract of bronchi during edema;
  • vasculitis;
  • bronchial asthma.

Respiratory tract infection spreads by human blood, affecting the heart muscle, kidneys, vessels and other organs and systems.

In acute bronchitis there is a high risk of developing pneumonia. Sign of pneumonia, requiring immediate attention to a specialist, is the allocation of greenish phlegm with blood veins.

Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis and treatment at home.

How to cure inflammation of the ear with folk remedies? Read in this article.

When to call an ambulance?

Calling a doctor is recommended in the following situations:

  • Significant increase in body temperature.
  • No effect of treatment after a few days.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • If the case of acute bronchitis is not the first. This can be evidence of the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

General recommendations

Methods of treatment are selected by a specialist depending on the cause of the disease. Also, the effect is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the pathology, which causes discomfort to the patient.

The doctor usually prescribes the following medicines:

  • Antibiotics - for the bacterial nature of the lesion.
  • Antiviral drugs.
  • Bronchodilators - with difficulty breathing.
  • Expectorants with prolonged strong cough to restore the function of the bronchial mucosa and clean it.
  • Antihistamine medications for the development of bronchitis in the influence of allergens.
  • Antipyretic agents to reduce temperature and eliminate general discomfort.

In complex therapy of pathology, the obligatory method of eliminating acute bronchitis is physiotherapy procedures:

  • UHF;
  • warming up;
  • banks;
  • massage;
  • paraffin applications;
  • quartz;
  • inhalation with essential oils and herbal decoctions of mint and eucalyptus;
  • mustard plaster.

In the treatment of the disease it is recommended to adhere to bed rest, increase the amount of fluid used and monitor the humidity of the air in the room, using special humidifiers.

Recovery on average occurs in patients on the 8-10 day of treatment.

Folk methods

Doctors do not deny the positive influence of folk medicine on the disease, but any recipe from natural ingredients can be used only after preliminary consultation of the doctor and only as an additional method of fighting acute bronchitis.

It is useful to make compresses at home for the removal of pus and sputum and improve blood circulation.

Remember! After the procedures, coughing may increase, which contributes to natural cleansing of the lungs and should not frighten the patient with bronchitis.

A favorable effect is provided by inhalation of over steam in a container or by using a special nebulizer device, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Procedures are prohibited if there is a tendency to allergic reactions, pneumonia, high fever, heart disease and high blood pressure.

It is undesirable to use inhalations for the treatment of small children due to the high risk of burning a mucous membrane. Children can breathe only over a healing mass with a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

Effective herbal decoctions of for bronchitis in acute form are:

  • licorice root;
  • marshmallows;Ledger;
  • linden;
  • mother-and-stepmother;
  • of elderina.

The most effective methods of folk treatment include the following recipes:

  • Boiled milk in the cooled state should be mixed with the juice of 2 large pre-ground redek in the ratio 1: 1.Take the remedy is recommended 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
  • It is necessary to peel off the husk and finely chop 3 large bulbs, add 1 cup sugar and 1 liter of water .The medicinal mixture should be placed on a slow fire cook for 3 hours, stirring occasionally. After removing the container from the fire and cooling in the broth, you should pour in 1 tablespoon of honey. The drug is applied 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons, suitable for children and adults for expectoration.
  • It should be connected 2 cups of boiled water and 5 teaspoons of shredded needles .The broth is infused for 3 hours, filtered and mixed with 300 grams of sugar. The resulting mass is put on the fire and cooked to a thick consistency. It is taken up to 5 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
  • The cleanings from the potato are washed and cooked until soft, the water is drained, and the cleaning is carefully crushed and wrapped in gauze. The resulting compress is held on the chest, covered with cellophane, until completely cooled. Unused cleaning can be applied in the following procedure. Raw material in this case is stored in the refrigerator and used after preheating in a water bath.
  • Flour, honey, vegetable oil and mustard powder are mixed in equal ratio - 1 tablespoon. The mixture is applied to a cotton cloth, applied to the top of the chest with a towel wrapped on top or any cloth and left overnight. The product does not cause burning, promotes mild heating and effective cleansing of the bronchi.
  • In 1 cup boiled water add 1 teaspoon dry crushed root elecampane .It is recommended to soak the product on a water bath for about 10 minutes, give a little infusion, carefully strain and ingest up to 4 times a day before eating a quarter cup.
  • Alkaline water of room temperature is poured into heated milk, for example Borjomi in a 1: 1 ratio. The drug is used before meals for 1/3 cup to get rid of a strong cough.

To the methods of traditional medicine were safe and most useful for the elimination of acute bronchitis, it is recommended to strictly observe the dosages specified in the prescription, as well as the rules for the reception and storage of medicinal products.

Characteristic symptoms of sinusitis and treatment at home.

About the causes and treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs folk remedies read in this article.

How to treat external hemorrhoids at home?http: // narodnye-sredstva /zhkt/ naruzhnyj-gemorroj.html

Prevention of the disease

To prevent the occurrence of bronchial disease, you should follow the helpful recommendations:

  • Strengthening of local and general immunity, including the use of immunomodulators, eleutherococcus, echinacea.
  • Adherence to proper nutrition with the intake of protein in the body and the necessary useful components.
  • Hardening.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding bad habits.
  • Vaccination.
  • Use of a special mask when working with harmful irritants and chemicals.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air.
  • Daily exercise for improving blood circulation.
  • Timely elimination of upper respiratory tract infection.
  • Elimination of close contact with people with a cold or acute bronchitis.

The effectiveness of treatment and the speed of recovery completely depend on the time for seeking help from a specialist.

Only a doctor will be able to carry out diagnostic measures and, after determining the disease, pick up traditional ones and recommend popular methods of getting rid of the problem in order to avoid the development of complications and the transition of the disease to a more difficult stage.

See a video about the symptoms and treatment of acute bronchitis: