Medical bile with heel spur - application

Painful sensations in walking, unpleasant feeling in the heel area, severe reddening and swelling of the tissues - all these signs may indicate such an unpleasant disease as a calcaneal spur. This phenomenon is quite common in older patients, as well as in young people. The ailment brings considerable discomfort to a person's life. In the beginning, the pathology of pain can occur only when walking, with complications, the same discomfort persecutes the patient even at rest.

  • What is the heel spur?
  • Properties and features of medical bile
  • Treatment with bile
  • Compress of bile medical
  • Effective remedy for pain
  • Use of Dimexide
  • Drug based on bile and honey
  • Contraindications
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To date, medication has been used to get rid of the problem, but there are folk methods that can significantly alleviate the condition of the patient. For example, medical bile with heel spur gives good results, relieves pain and inflammation. How to apply the product, and what recipes exist with its use, consider later in the article.

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What is the heel spur?

In medical practice, the heel spur is commonly referred to as a strong inflammatory process and pathological growth of the bone developing against a background of calcium metabolism in the bone tissues. This phenomenon causes considerable discomfort and severe pain in the patient when walking.

Causes of the disease can be various provoking factors. They include:

  • excess weight;
  • exercise, accompanied by heavy loads on the feet;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • long walking or standing in one place;
  • women can be the reason for wearing shoes with heels;
  • metabolic disorders of the body.

All these factors can trigger the appearance of a spur. After medical examination and confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medication, consisting in the removal of inflammation, pain and the establishment of healthy metabolic processes.

In addition to the use of medicines, methods of folk therapy are also widely used. One of them is treatment of calcaneal spur with bile. For this, in medical practice, pig bile is used, as well as the bile of animals such as cows and bulls.

Properties and features of medical bile

Bile of animals are treated with many diseases. Externally, the product is a yellow-brown substance with a pronounced unpleasant odor. Most often, bile cattle are used for therapeutic purposes.

On drugstore counters, the product can be found under the name of bile medicine, the drug has a relatively low cost, the price of the drug is from 250 to 300 rubles, but it has many useful actions for various diseases.

The properties of bile are as follows:

  • anesthetizing;
  • warming;
  • healing;
  • nourishes with useful components.

To date, pharmacy bile is used to treat a number of pathologies. They include:

  • bursitis;
  • spur on the heel;
  • pathology of the spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • bruises and stretch marks.

Important!Bile is not used for bruises and injuries of joints with open wounds, since the product has a powerful irritant effect.

Treating the calcaneal spur with bile at home gives good results, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who have experienced this method on their own. Further in the article we will consider popular recipes with the addition of this product for getting rid of pain and inflammation when a spur appears on the heel.

Treatment with bile

Often patients ask themselves how to cure the heel spur bile and how effective treatment can be with this product? To date, in the arsenal of traditional medicine, there are many recipes using this natural substance. Next, find out how to treat the spur with bile at home.

Compress of bile medical

The use of bile with a calcaneal spur can be in the form of lotions. Compress with bile has a warming, calming effect, besides it perfectly removes pain and inflammation. To do this, the product is moistened with gauze folded several times, and applied to the diseased area. On top of the compress should be wrapped around the film and put on a warm, preferably woolen, sock. Bandage time should be at least 8-10 hours.

Effective remedy for pain

Another recipe with quite a strong effect is as follows: mix 5-6 capsules of chili in a glass container, add 100 g of camphor alcohol and 50 g of medical bile. Insist that the drug should be closed for at least 10 days in a cool room, protected from direct sunlight. After the product must be filtered and used for compresses.

Use of Dimexide

Dimexide with bile is also widely used with a calcaneal spur. Compress prepared as follows: Dimexide (50 g) diluted with boiled water 1: 1, after which 10 drops of medical bile are added to the resulting solution. The solution is applied to a bandage or gauze and applied to a diseased leg. You can fix the gauze with a bandage or a sock.

Important!Dimexide is used exclusively for external application. Taking the medicine inside is not allowed, it can cause serious side effects.

Drug based on bile and honey

In a glass or enamelware mix 50 ml of bile, 20 drops of iodine, 30 g of alcohol and a tablespoon of glycerin. All components must be thoroughly mixed and insist 7-10 days in a dark room in a closed form. After the medicine is used for compresses.


Before you look for answers to the question of how to use bile at the heel spur, you need to know about the contraindications of the product. They include:

  1. Open wounds and cracks in the area of ​​the problem area.
  2. The presence of inflammatory diseases affecting the lymphatic system and skin.
  3. Age before 12 years.

Among the side effects can be identified such phenomena as redness, irritation of the dermis, a sense of discomfort. In most cases, negative symptoms disappear after rejecting the drug.

So, when answering the question about whether bile helps with a heel spur, it is possible to give a positive answer with confidence. However, in the treatment, the formulation of the drugs should be strictly observed and the contraindications of the product should be taken into account.