Children's bandages from the umbilical hernia

Contents of
  • Why does a newborn have a hernia in the navel?
  • How dangerous is a hernia for a baby?
  • Why might I need a bandage?
  • How to determine when it's time to put on a bandage?
  • Requirements for shroud
  • How to properly wear a bandage?
  • Can I use improvised tools instead of a bandage?
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Umbilical hernia in a newborn baby is a protrusion in the anterior abdominal wall. Bandage is a wide elastic waist, supporting weakened muscles. The use of a bandage in the treatment of umbilical hernia in newborns is a method that has no proven effectiveness.

The umbilical ring in infants is reduced by itself as the abdominal muscles frame is strengthened. Permission of a doctor to purchase a bandage is not required. Doctors believe that the harm from it is not more than from diapers. However, to consult a district pediatrician in a particular case is necessary.

As the decision has to be taken by doubting parents, we will provide information on the origin of the umbilical hernia, the advantages and disadvantages of the bandage.

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Why does a newborn have a hernia in the navel?

The popular opinion that a child has a hernia from a constant cry, is not even happy with grandmothers. And it is useful for parents to remember how the umbilical ring develops. While the fetus was in the uterus, all the child's connection with the maternal organism was realized through this formation. The opening in the abdominal wall was considerably larger.

It freely passed through itself the arteries and veins of the umbilical cord, any squeezing threatens the life of the baby. A wide passage added space for the intestinal loops, which differ faster than the abdominal cavity of the fetus.

When the period of intrauterine development ends, a large ring becomes unnecessary. In its place a dense scar is formed, and the muscles form the abdominal wall supporting the internal organs of the abdomen.

Diagnosis is confirmed by a qualified surgeon

Scar tissue can be weak in children born prematurely, with hereditary insufficiency of the structure of connective tissue. In these cases, the hole does not fully close, a hernia is formed.

How dangerous is a hernia for a baby?

Each hernia can lead to complications in the form of infringement, inflammation. We can calm parents by the fact that in newborns, umbilical protrusions are not prone to these processes. Therefore, children's surgeons do not insist on an early operation, and they advise giving the children's body a chance to cope on their own.

For this, mothers are recommended:

  • put the baby on the stomach for 15-20 minutes before each feeding;
  • substitute palm under the heels of the baby, so that he has a reflex creeping movements;
  • perform a daily massage of the abdominal wall;
  • master and apply a set of exercises for the newborn, they are useful to do when swimming.

Surgical treatment is rare. Usually suturing the hernial ring or plastic completes surgery for congenital abnormalities of the intestine, bladder, ureters, other pelvic organs and abdominal cavity.

Why you might need a bandage?

Hernial protrusion of the baby can increase if the child has a malfunction with feeding, increased gas production, constipation. Any illnesses at an early age give the child suffering, he reacts with a cry. This increases the pressure inside the abdominal cavity and disturbs the overgrowth of the hernial ring.

In such cases, to prevent the growth of hernia and support muscles, pediatricians and surgeons recommend wearing an umbilical bandage, as a temporary aid.

Parents may suspect a hernia from a baby in appearance of the navel

How to determine when it is time to wear a bandage?

To try on a child's bandage it is recommended after healing of the wound on the navel. Usually by this time the baby is 21-28 days old. More reliable signs:

  • the folds of the navel cease to become wet, the blood crusts leave;
  • when the hydrogen peroxide solution disappears hissing.
Symptoms of achalasia of the esophagus

It is not recommended to use a bandage from the umbilical hernia, if signs of diaper rash, rashes, scrapes in the form of redness appear on the skin of the child. And also if you feel resistance when refractory hernia protrusion.

There is an opinion that the bandage should be used in the first months for the prevention of hernia in premature infants. Especially if they have problems in parallel with a chair, selection of food. In this case, the belt helps in strengthening the abdominal wall.

Requirements for shroud

When buying a bandage for a newborn child, you should adhere to a number of rules:

  • product has dimensions in length and width, they should ideally fit the baby;
  • the fabric from which the bandage is sewn, should not resemble a polyethylene film, must be sufficient hygroscopicity and air permeability;
  • it is necessary to check the sewn harder areas( "ribs"), which should prevent the folding with creeping movements;
  • product should be easily washed with detergent;
  • The diameter of the bandage seal should correspond to the size of the hernial ring.

In the pharmacy chain can offer narrow and wide belts. Bandages with various fastenings. Parents consider the most convenient wide belts with velcro fasteners, they are easy to dress.

Given that surgeons recommend using a testimony to use a bandage for children up to the age of five, you can purchase a product for growing

. How to properly wear a bandage?

When buying a bandage, ask for instructions for use. It must accompany the product. We advise you to observe the following sequence of donning:

  1. Check and make sure that the baby's skin on the abdomen and waist are dry and clean.
  2. It is best to use the changing table. This children's furniture makes it possible to conveniently spread the bandage, examine the skin, put the baby on it with his back.
  3. With slight pressure to fix the hernial protrusion, press the limiter to the area of ​​the hernial ring.
  4. Tighten the waistband until it snug against the abdominal wall, but do not attempt to pull it down.
  5. Fasten the fastener.

Additional Information

To make the bandaging a real benefit in addition to gymnastics and massage, you must follow the rules. You can not wear a bandage for a whole day, every 3-4 hours you should take it off and give your baby a break. This applies to preventive use.

Follow signs of skin irritation. On the abdomen and back, there should be no redness. Bandage can be worn on a thin shirt made from natural fabric, but this makes it difficult to move and uncomfortable for kids. In older children, the bandage should be unnoticeable under the clothes, but do not tighten the belly.

Is it possible to use improvised means instead of a bandage?

When there was no bandage products on a wide sale, my mother would stick a belly-button with a band-aid, and, on the advice of grandmothers, a copper coin was added for pressure. This folk mode is followed in some families today.

In the pharmacy network, you can purchase a special umbilical patch

Of course, the disadvantages of the bandage can be attributed:

  • a relatively high price;
  • possibility of slipping due to insufficient fixation;
  • manifestations of discomfort, the need for addiction for some children;
  • possibility of diaper ruptures in places of friction.

But popular methods, despite the cheapness and accessibility can fix only small hernial foramina, accompanied by skin irritation from the effects of adhesive plaster, cause the baby to cry from soreness when removed.

Decide what parents should take into account all the information given. Some at night stick the navel with a band-aid, and in the day they put on a bandage. There are cases when in a newborn a strong increase in the umbilical ring is combined with other congenital malformations of the abdominal organs.

Perhaps the doctor will insist on surgery. To surgical intervention should be treated as a necessary method of treatment. Bandage will help in the postoperative period to accelerate recovery.

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