Neurosis obsessive, compulsive states: symptoms and treatment

Obsessive-compulsive disorder ( obsessive-compulsive disorder ) is an obsessive-compulsive disorder of central nervous system functioning in children and adults, accompanied by:

  1. obsessive thoughts - obsessions ,
  2. obsessive- compulsions .

These phenomena disrupt normal life in a child and in an adult, therefore in this article we will consider possible symptoms and treatment of neurosis of an obsessive neurosis both with medical preparations, medicines, and folk remedies at home.


Obsession neurosis: thoughts, actions

Obsessive thoughts - obsessions - persistently appearing undesirable fears, thoughts, images, desires, motivations, fantasies. A person involuntarily fixes on such thoughts, can not let them go and switch to something else. There is chronic stress, the impossibility of concentration of consciousness to solve everyday problems.

Types of obsessions:

  1. aggressive motivations;
  2. inappropriate erotic fantasies;
  3. blasphemous thoughts;
  4. obsessive memories of trouble;
  5. irrational fears( phobias) - fear of closed and open spaces, fear of harming oneself, relatives, fear of contracting the disease.

The main feature of obsessions: fears, fears have no real basis and reasons.

Obsessions - compulsions - stereotyped repetitive actions, repeated many times. A person has to fulfill them, because otherwise, in his opinion, something terrible can happen. Thus, with the help of these actions a person makes an attempt to remove anxious fears.


  1. diligent washing of hands, body before the appearance of wounds, irritations on the skin;
  2. excessive, frequent cleaning in the house, with the use of strong disinfectants;
  3. laying things out in the closet if there is order in their content and position;
  4. repeated repeated inspection of electrical appliances, household gas, door locks;
  5. involuntary calculation of all items: steps on the landing, train cars, lampposts along the road and the like;
  6. careful stepping over or jumping of cracks on the road;
  7. repetition of phrases, verbal formulas.

The main feature of compulsions: from them practically a person can not refuse.

A person with an obsessive neurosis - mentally normal, adequate!

With obsessive-compulsive disorder, people never go crazy! This disorder is neurotic - a functional disorder of the brain, but not a mental illness.

Nevertheless, a person is fully aware of the abnormality of what is happening, he has a high level of psychoemotional stress, anxiety, he can be afraid of his madness, of what other people will say about him.

Neurotic with an obsessive neurosis calm down, smile and remember that all your obsessions, aggressive motivations are never realized. Such "sick" do not commit immoral acts, crimes. Although I understand your suffering and your nervous-mental tension. Well, let's learn to relax and enjoy life together!

All aggression is neutralized, as the disease of an obsessive neurosis very often happens in people with high morality, conscientiousness and humanity.

The prevalence of the obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adults

It is difficult to say how prevalent the obsessive neurosis is, because the mass of patients susceptible to it simply hides their suffering from others, is not treated, people get used to living with the disease, the disease gradually passes with years.

A child under 10 years of age rarely has a similar neurosis. Children and adults usually suffer from 10 to 30 years of age. From the onset of the disease to treatment to a neurologist or psychiatrist often takes several years. Neurosis more often sick urban residents with low and medium income, men are somewhat larger than women.

Favorable soil for the development of obsessive neurosis:

  1. high intelligence,
  2. analytical mind,
  3. heightened conscientiousness and sense of justice,
  4. also character traits - suspiciousness, anxiety, predisposition to doubts.

Some people have fears, fears, anxiety, but these are not signs of obsessive-compulsive disorders, because sometimes we are all afraid of height, dog bite, darkness - our imagination is played out, and the richer it is, the brighter the emotion. We often check whether we have turned off the light, gas, whether we closed the door. A healthy person checked - calmed down, and a person with an obsessive neurosis continues to experience, fear and worry.

Reasons for obsessive obsessive-compulsive disorder

The exact causes of obsessive-compulsive neurosis are not established, and the approximate scientists are divided into:

  1. psychological,
  2. social,
  3. biological.


  1. Psychotrauma. Events that are of great importance for the individual: loss of loved ones, loss of property, car crash.
  2. Strong emotional turmoil: acute and chronic stressful situations, changing in the psyche attitude to yourself and to surrounding people and events.
  3. Conflicts: external social, intrapersonal.
  4. Superstition, belief in the supernatural. Therefore, man creates rituals that can protect from misfortunes and troubles.
  5. Overfatigue leads to exhaustion of nervous processes and disruption of the normal functioning of the brain.
  6. Pointed personality traits - accentuations of character.
  7. Low self-esteem, self-doubt.


  1. Very strict religious upbringing.
  2. Grafted from childhood, the passion for order, cleanliness.
  3. Poor social adaptation, which generates inadequate answers to life situations.


  1. Genetic predisposition( special functioning of the central nervous system).It is observed in 70% of patients with neurosis. Here the imbalance in the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex, the combination of oppositely directed opposite individual and typological properties of the nervous system.
  2. Features of the reaction of the autonomic nervous system.
  3. Decrease in the level of serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline - a breakdown in the functioning of neurotransmitter systems.
  4. MMD is the minimal cerebral dysfunction that develops during a complicated birth process.
  5. Neurological symptoms: extrapyramidal disorders - stiffness of muscle movements and accumulation of chronic stress in them.
  6. Presence in the anamnesis of serious illnesses, infections, traumas, extensive burns, kidney disorders and other diseases with intoxication.

As the neurosis of compulsive states appears with depression

According to the theory of our native physiologist IP Pavlov, a special focus of excitation is formed in the brain of the patient, with high activity of inhibitory structures. It does not suppress the excitation of other foci, so criticality remains in thinking. However, this focus of excitation is not eliminated by willpower, is not suppressed by the impulses of new stimuli. Therefore, people can not get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Later, Pavlov IP came to the conclusion that the basis for the appearance of obsessive thoughts is the result of inhibition in the foci of pathological excitation. Therefore, for example, blasphemous thoughts appear in religious people, turbulent and perverted sexual fantasies of those who are strictly educated and preach high moral and moral principles.

Nervous processes in patients are sluggish, they are inert. This is due to the overstrain of braking processes in the brain. A similar clinical picture occurs with depression. In this regard, patients with obsessive neurosis often develop depressive disorders.

Symptoms, signs of obsessive neurosis

Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are three symptoms:

  1. Often repetitive obsessions are obsessions;
  2. Anxiety, fear caused by these thoughts;
  3. Similar repetitive actions, rituals, performed to eliminate the alarm.

The above symptoms follow one after another forming an obsessive-compulsive cycle. The patient experiences temporary relief after performing obsessive actions, after a short period of respite the cycle is repeated again. Part of the patients are dominated by obsessions( thoughts), others have repetitive actions( compulsions), others have the same symptoms.

Mental symptoms

Obsessions - repetitive unpleasant thoughts and images:

  1. Aggressive, violent images;
  2. Unreasonable fears for their lives, the safety of their loved ones;
  3. Images, fantasies of the sexual plan;
  4. Fear of getting dirty;
  5. Fear of getting infected;
  6. Fear of exuding a foul smell;
  7. Fear of finding unconventional sexual orientation;
  8. Fear of losing, forgetting the necessary things;
  9. Excessive striving for symmetry, order;
  10. Excessive superstition, attention to signs, beliefs.

With obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive thoughts are perceived by man as their own. In schizophrenia - a split personality - the patient reports thoughts as "nested in the head of someone", words that the "other self" says. With the obsessive neurosis, the patient is against his own thoughts, does not want to fulfill them, but can not get rid of them. And the more he tries to suppress them, the more often they appear again and again.

Compulsions - repeated repetitively per day monotonous obsessive actions:

  1. Wiping of door handles, other items;
  2. plucking of the skin, nail biting, hair tearing;
  3. Avoid contact with soiled: toilet bowls, handrails in public transport;
  4. Constant utterance of prayers, mantras, for protection against aggression, immoral actions that a person can commit.
  5. Wash hands, body, face wash;
  6. Check of safety, health of close people;
  7. Checking of door locks, electrical appliances, gas stoves;
  8. Arrangement of things in a strictly defined order;
  9. Collection, accumulation of unused things: waste paper, empty containers.

It is clear that obsessive thoughts cause an upsurge of emotional tension, fear, anxiety. The desire to avoid them or get rid of them forces the patient to perform the same action many times a day. No satisfaction with the implementation of obsessive actions does not bring, although somewhat helps a person reduce anxiety and calm down for a while. However, soon the obsessive-compulsive cycle is repeated.

From the standpoint of rationalism, some compulsions may seem rational, for example, cleaning the room, laying out things, and as irrational - jumping over cracks. The fact is that for a person with an obsessional neurosis the actions are mandatory, he can not refuse to obey them, although he realizes the absurdity, inappropriateness of these actions.

A person, when performing obsessive actions, can pronounce certain phrases, verbal formulas, count the number of repetitions, thus performing a ritual.

Physical Symptoms

With obsessive-compulsive disorder, physical symptoms are associated with a disorder in the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for the activity of the internal organs.
Along with the psychological instability, manifest:

  1. pain in the region of the heart;
  2. headaches;
  3. impaired appetite, indigestion;
  4. sleep disorders;
  5. attacks of hypertension, hypotension - increase, lowering blood pressure;
  6. attacks of dizziness;
  7. decreased sexual desire to the opposite sex.

Obsessive-compulsive-state forms

Obsessive-compulsion neurosis can be manifested in the following forms of the disease:

  1. chronic -an attack lasting more than two months;
  2. recurrent - periods of exacerbation, alternate with periods of mental health;
  3. progressive is a continuous course with a periodic increase in symptoms.

If you do not treat obsessive neurosis, in 70% of patients it becomes chronic. Obtrusiveness becomes more, exhausting thoughts come more often, the number of repetitions of compulsive actions increases.

In 20% of cases of a light neurosis, the disorder goes by itself, in connection with new vivid impressions: a change of scenery, moving, a new job, the birth of a child.

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis: diagnosis, diagnosis

When obsessive thoughts, repetitive actions last two weeks in a row or more, disrupt the habitual life of a person, then it is possible to diagnose "obsessive-compulsive disorder".

To determine the severity of the disease, the Yale-Brown test is used. Questions of which allow us to determine:

  1. the nature of obsessive thoughts, repetitive motions;
  2. frequency of their appearance;
  3. how much time it takes;
  4. how much interfere with life;
  5. how much the patient is trying to suppress them.

During the research, a person is offered to answer ten questions. The answer is estimated on a five-point scale. Test results - scoring, which allows to assess the severity of obsessions and compulsions.

  1. Absence of obsessive-compulsive disorder can be ascertained with scores from 0 to 7 points scored.
  2. Easy degree - 8 to 15.
  3. Medium 16 to 23.
  4. Obsessive-compulsive disorder at 24 to 31.
  5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder neuroses at 32 to 40 points.

Differential Diagnosis

Similar symptoms of an obsessive neurosis have an ankastastic depression and an early form of schizophrenia. The main task is to correctly diagnose.

Delirium differs from obsessive states. In delirium the patient is sure of the correctness of his judgments, actions. With the obsessive neurosis, the patient understands the morbidity and baselessness of his thoughts. It is critical to fears, but can not get rid of them.

In 60% of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychiatric disorders are found in parallel:

  1. bulimia,
  2. depression,
  3. anxious neurosis,
  4. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Obsessive neurosis: treatment, how to cure, than to cure

From medical personnel, the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder is dealt with by:

  1. neurologists,
  2. psychiatrists,
  3. psychotherapists,
  4. medical, clinical psychologists.

Treatment is carried out individually after determining the symptoms, identifying the causes of the disease. Effective methods and techniques have been developed that make it possible to get rid of the neurosis in a few weeks.

Psychotherapeutic treatment methods

Psychoanalysis. With the help of psychoanalysis, the patient can identify a psychotraumatic situation, certain causal thoughts, desires, aspirations, repressed subconsciousness. Memories cause obsessive thoughts. The psychoanalyst establishes in the client's mind the connection between the root causal experience and the obsessions, due to the subconscious mind, the symptoms of the obsessive-compulsive disorder gradually disappear

In psychoanalysis, for example, the method of free associations is used. When a client voices a psychoanalyst all thoughts that come to mind, including obscene, absurd. A psychologist or a psychotherapist registers the signs of repressed personality complexes, mental trauma, then leads them to the conscious sphere.

The existing method of interpretation is to clarify the meaning in thoughts, images, dreams, patterns, drives. Gradually, the thoughts and traumas that have been forced out of the sphere of consciousness are being revealed, which also provoked the development of an obsessive neurosis.

In psychoanalysis, the effectiveness is good, the treatment courses are two to three sessions of psychotherapy for six months or a year.

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. The main goal in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder is the development of a neutral( indifferent) calm attitude toward the appearance of obsessive thoughts, the lack of response to them by rituals and obsessions.

During the installation conversation, the client makes a list of his symptoms, fears, which cause the development of the obsessive-compulsive neurosis. Then this person is deliberately artificially exposed to his inherent fears, starting with the easiest. He is given tasks on the house, where he must independently meet his fears without the help of a psychotherapist.

This method of treating obsessive-compulsive reactions is called "exposure and prevention of reactions."For example, a person is encouraged not to be afraid to touch the door handles in public transport( with fear to get dirty and get infected), ride in public transport( for fear of crowding people), ride in the elevator( for fear of confined space).That is, to do everything on the contrary and not to yield to the desire to perform ritual obtrusive "protective" actions.

This method is effective, although the willpower, discipline of the patient is required. Positive therapeutic effect begins to manifest itself within a few weeks.

Method of hypnosuggestive therapy. Represents a combination of suggestion and hypnosis. The patient is impressed with adequate ideas and behavior patterns, regulates the work of the central nervous system.

The patient is injected into a hypnotic trance and carries positive attitudes toward recovery against a background of narrowed consciousness and focus on the formulas of suggestion. That allows us to productively put mental and behavioral attitudes to the absence of fear.

This method is highly effective in a few sessions.

Group Therapy. This area of ​​the method includes group forms of working with patients to reduce social isolation of people and provide external support.

Conduct information sessions, train self-management with stress, increase motivational activity of the individual. Psychotherapists model individual anxiety situations of patients and with the help of the group suggest the person possible ways out of stress.

The effectiveness of group therapy is high, the course of treatment is from seven to sixteen weeks.

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis: medications, drugs, medications

It is compulsory, the medication of the obsessive neurosis is combined with psychotherapeutic methods of influence. Treatment with medicines, drugs makes it possible to eliminate physical symptoms: headaches, sleep disorders, troubles in the heart. Medicines are prescribed and taken only on the recommendation of a neurologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

This includes the drugs Citalopram, Escitalopram. They block the reuptake of serotonin in the synapses of neurons. Eliminate the foci of pathological excitation in the brain. The effect occurs after 2-4 weeks of treatment.

Tricyclic antidepressants

Preparation Melipramine blocks the seizure of noradrenaline and serotonin, facilitating the transmission of a neural impulse from a neuron to a neuron.

Medication Mianserin stimulates the release of mediators, which improve the carrying out of impulses between neurons.


Preparations Carbamazepine, Oxcarbazepine. They slow down the processes in the brain and increase the level of the amino acid tryptophan, which improves the work of the central nervous system and increases its endurance.

The dose, the duration of the medication is determined individually.

Drug treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder is prescribed by a psychiatrist. Self-medication is ineffective and dangerous.

Folk remedies at home

In the daytime hours of use St. John's wort medicines, for example Deprim .This will ease depression, a bad mood, will have a mild toning effect.

In the evening take medications with a sedative-hypnotic effect, for example: valerian, lemon balm, motherwort, peony, hops in alcohol tinctures, sedatives, tablets.

Omega-3 fatty acid preparations will improve blood circulation in the brain Omakor, Tekom .

Effectively apply for the treatment of neurosis obsessive and depressed acupressure points of the place of the connection of the head and neck behind, the surface of the head.

Psychological self-help methods:

  • Do not be afraid of , calmly accept the fact that you have a compulsive disorder neurosis. The diagnosis of "Obsessive-compulsive disorder" is not a sentence, but a theme of development and improvement of your personality. The disease is not contagious and completely curable.
  • Study the information on the neurosis .The more you know, it's easier to understand and overcome the problem.
  • Do not fight with obsessive thoughts, actions. The more they rebel against what they fight. Ignore, do not pay attention to obsessive frightening thoughts, have a goal and go ahead, do not whine.
  • The alarm has no reason .It is the result of biochemical processes occurring with a neurosis. The repetitive actions of fear will not reduce.
  • Do not perform the intrusive action. Screw them! Before the exit, check once the electrical appliances, gas, door. Say it aloud to yourself that I checked, everything is in order, fix it in consciousness.
  • Take a pause, when you really want to perform an obsessive action. Wait five minutes before performing the ritual.
  • Actively communicate with close friends, get acquainted, get a four-footed friend. This will improve brain function, reduces anxiety.
  • Find an interesting lesson, , which will capture you completely: sports, yoga, qigong, writing poetry, drawing pictures, creating anything else .
  • Apply relaxation techniques and alternate them with by methods of strong physical strain, labor .Do self-hypnosis, breathing exercises, meditation.

For obsessive neurosis: how, how to treat

See the following articles for the solution of these problems:

To relieve stress, anxiety

  1. How to get rid of feelings of anxiety, anxiety and fear
  2. Quick relief of anxiety, emotional stress and stress
  3. stress and nervous tension
  4. Bates method, or How to get rid of stress and anxiety

With nervous tension, anxiety

  1. How to stop worrying and start living
  2. Methods of neuromuscular relaxation and stress relieving

For insomnia, sleep disorders

  1. Insomnia - sleep disorder
  2. Tortured insomnia what to do - folk remedies will help
  3. How to sleep fast in 1 minute if not sleeping at night
  4. How to get rid of insomnia with drugs
  5. How to improve sleep for an adult and elderlyperson
  6. Tumors of insomnia that do at home
  7. Causes of insomnia in women and men, children, adolescents and the elderly

With depression, asthenia, weakness

  1. Asthenia: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
  2. Depression: how to get out of depression yourself

Useful to read

  1. Vadim Zeland. Transurfing reality
  2. The method of preservation and strengthening of human health
  3. Incredible cases of saving people
  4. Negative emotions in humans
  5. Overcoming people's diseases
  6. Overcoming loneliness
  7. Developing strong-willed qualities of a person
  8. The film "The Secret" 2006

Video of the subject

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis: symptoms, treatment, what to do

On the video channel "Practical psychology" specialist Igor Bogush will tell how to learn to live without fears, what is neurosis, what are the causes, and howto get rid of the neurosis by simple methods. You can get a free online psychologist consultation here: http: // Prt = 115014 .

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts: to distract, to remove negative states

Course of psychotherapy of anxiety disorders: Zhavnerov Pavel Borisovich.

Psychologist for anxiety and emotional disorders. A certified clinical psychologist in the direction of psychological correction and psychotherapy. Candidate of Science, as well as an official expert of the radio and the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Author of the book "Psychotherapy of fear and panic attacks", author of the system for getting rid of panic attacks and anxiety disorder in which 26 video lessons, the author of a step-by-step method of getting rid of an anxiety disorder. Works within the framework of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, which is recognized by the World Health Organization as the most effective in the treatment of anxiety-phobic disorders.

Conducts consultations on Skype video communication around the world. He received more than 100 reviews on the results of the psychotherapy course on Skype. More than 50 are video reviews.

Works with anxious and emotional problems:

  1. panic attacks,
  2. vegetative dystonia,
  3. neurosis,
  4. anxiety disorder,
  5. phobia,
  6. social phobia,
  7. hypochondria,
  8. obsessive thoughts,
  9. low self-esteem,
  10. increased emotionality, quick temper, irritability, touchiness, tearfulness.

To date, the cost of the course of psychotherapy is 50 thousand rubles( 800 euros or 850 dollars) - this is a comprehensive continuous work, which includes weekly consultations and support in chat Skype throughout the course, as well as doing homework.

Before taking the course, a free consultation on Skype video communication is conducted. The application for a free consultation can be left on the site http: // .

Psychologist's advice: get rid of obsessive thoughts!

Recommendations from an experienced psychologist, trainer, Gestalt therapist, family arranger, specialist in the counseling of couples and matrimonial therapy, family counselor, member of the Guild of Psychotherapy and training of St. Petersburg Noskova Galina.

Fear of going insane, losing control, harming yourself and your relatives

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Download free books:

  1. "A happy life without panic attacks and fears" - https: // l1qyok
  2. "Enjoying life without vegetative dystonia and anxiety" - https: // aCZWKC
  3. "A happy life without obsessive thoughts and fears" - https: // 8sGFxG

How to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder: Pavel Fedorenko

Derealization, depersonalization: how to get rid of the symptoms of an obsessive neurosis

On the video channel of Pavel Fedorenko effective ways, methods of managing your realityand the victory over the obsessional neurosis.

Causes of neurosis: why it arises

Look, listen to Pavel Fedorenko's video, read his books.

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