Hiccups in newborns: what to do and why

Hiccups in newbornschildren - this is frequent rhythmic contractions (twitching) of the diaphragm, the muscular septum separating the digestive system from the respiratory system - the lungs. Hiccups in infants and babies can last from five minutes to one hour. Most often - adults and children, newborn children suffer from hiccups.

This phenomenon brings anxiety to mothers and the babies themselves. Here we will consider what to do and how to stop and remove the hiccup after feeding, and also, so that the hiccup quickly passes, we turn to video advice to Dr. Komarovsky. Adults and older persons can learn on the previous page how to quickly get rid of hiccups at home using folk remedies.


Causes of hiccups in newborns

Hiccups in a newborn are provoked by many factors, because the reflex hiccups are better developed in them than in adults. And during the intrauterine period, hiccups help the baby to develop properly. Because the massaging contractions of the diaphragm circulate the fluid that is in the baby's lungs and develop their muscles. After birth, this reflex is not needed, but its fading is slow. Often any external influence can provoke a reflex hiccups.

The mechanism of occurrence of hiccups in newborns can be imagined as follows: In the nerve pathways and endings of the vagus nerve, an impulse appears. It appears when there is a spasm of the diaphragm, which was squeezed by the swollen abdomen or after irritation of the esophagus. This impulse goes to the brain. And a special area that controls the movements of the diaphragm, gives a command in the form of a nerve impulse and causes the diaphragm to flinch. Although, all the same, why and why there is a strong hiccup, in medicine is not fully determined yet.

In order to stop hiccough, you need to clearly know the most common causes of contractions of the vagus nerve and, accordingly, hiccups:

  1. Subcooling. Normally a child always reacts to cold with strong muscle tension. The abdominal muscles contract, while the internal organs support the diaphragm. It turns out that hiccough is an attempt to help relieve tension and make the necessary level of relaxation of the diaphragm, so that it becomes easier and more comfortable to breathe.
  2. After regurgitation.After eating with regurgitation, air and a portion of food quickly passing through the esophagus, irritate the nearby nerve endings.
  3. Overflow of stomach after feeding. Incorrect attachment to the chest, when the newborn in each throat captures the air or too fast sucking ends with the beginning of hiccups. Overflowing with milk and air, the stomach pressurizes the diaphragm from below, causing hiccups.
  4. Bloating.Gases formed in the intestines cause painful sensations. The tummy of the baby swells and hardens. The kid strains, knocks, the diaphragm contracts even more, rises upward to the lungs. In response, the muscular septum begins to twitch.
  5. Scream.When the baby cries, it strains all the muscles and accumulates a lot of air, which gets into the lungs and into the stomach. The latter increases, stretching the vagus nerve, which just passes over the surface of the stomach.
  6. Frightened.You took the kid with cold hands, turned on a bright light or next to it a loud sound was heard - it could scare the child. Stress is always accompanied by contraction of the muscles of the body, and sometimes hiccups.
  7. Immaturity of internal organs.All internal organs of the child are formed and grow after birth, especially for those children who were born before the due date. Their nervous system and the organs of the digestive system are sensitive to various external and internal stimuli. Therefore, there are spasms, and hiccups - their consequence.
  8. Diseases, disorders and disorders.Sometimes hiccups can cause increased intracranial pressure, while the center of the hiccups in the brain is squeezed and sends pulses to the diaphragm. The next reason is pneumonia (pneumonia). Very dangerous condition. Here, the inflammatory process disrupts the conduct of the signal along the vagus nerve and diaphragmatic.

How hiccups develop in newborns

Hiccups in infants are manifested in a rhythmic jerking of the whole body and is accompanied by a characteristic sound. As we have already said, hiccups last from a few minutes to an hour. Often this happensafter feedingor duringair baths. The hiccups themselves do not cause severe anxiety to newborns, although some babies are prevented from falling asleep, making them whimsical and whiny if they are not soothed and eliminated on time.

Watch video

The first day in the life of Masha. Nakushalsya and hiccup after feeding

What to do if a newborn baby hiccup after a meal

How to treat hiccups

The main rule in order to fight and cope with hiccups is not to panic. Because hiccups in newborns are not a manifestation of the disease. All children are hiccups, although some of them are more often or longer. But each person has its own characteristics. Do not forget that gradually this reflex will fade away, and will not bother the baby so often. Consider simple tips on how to help your baby.

What to do is not necessary

Methods, methods and treatment options for hiccups for adults for a newborn baby will not work. Self hiccup will not do as much harm as trying to get rid of hiccups.

  1. Do not frighten the baby.Throwing, screaming and popping you will only cause a crying attack and achieve a sleepless night. Try to distract your child with civilized methods: wear on your hands, show toys.
  2. Do not eat it.Wrap a child in winter things is not worth it. Enough sliders and blouses at a temperature in the room of the newborn 22 ° C. Overheating to a newborn is worse than even overcooling. If the baby has cold hands and a nose, wrap it in a warm diaper or pick up.
  3. Do not give water.On the recommendation for breastfeeding, newborns need only mother's milk. A bottle of water can cause a lack of desire for the baby to take breasts.
  4. Do not use gas-generating products.The products from the daily menu of the nursing mother are of great importance. The use of nuts (peanuts), cabbage, beans, tomatoes inevitably causes a swelling in babies and can cause hiccups.

What to do

  1. Give your baby breasts.The process of breast sucking for newborns, infants and babies is a great pleasure and work for the muscles. When the newborn is applied to the chest, it warms, relaxes, calms down and begins to breathe properly, spontaneously relax the diaphragmatic muscles. This is the optimal condition fortreatment of hiccoughs of any reason.
  2. Help expel air from the stomach. Wear the newborn vertically with a "pillar". Try to tighten it to him and stroked on the back. This will help spew the air and excess milk, which overflows the stomach, cause hiccups.
  3. Feed the baby at an angle of 45 degrees.This position of the body leads to less ingestion of air. Even there are pediatricians who advise every five minutes of feeding to cause the baby to burp.
  4. Do not overfeed.If the baby turns away from his chest, does not want to take a bottle, do not insist.
  5. Observe the daily routine.It is now customary to put the baby to the breast on demand, but do not forget about the measure. The newborn's body needs two to three hours to digest the mother's milk, process it with enzymes, and assimilate. If every 30 minutes to feed the baby, the stomach will inevitably overflow and hiccup appear. It also happens that the fresh milk that enters the stomach in the newborn is mixed with the one that has not been fully digested, and causes a swelling of the tummy and hiccough.
  6. Pick up the nipple with the correct hole.An unsuitable nipple can cause hiccups in toddlers who are breastfeeding. Reason: bloating. When the hole in the nipple is wide, a lot of milk is poured in. The baby has to convulsively swallow it and overeat. A small hole in the nipple causes the baby to swallow the air when feeding. The stomach swells from the air.

Treatment with medicines

I bring here various medications and tools just for information, not for practical purposes! Do not forget, never take an independent decision about taking medications without consulting medical specialists!

Hiccot treatment for causes

Immaturity of the nervous system and nervous excitement

Apply homoeopathic sedatives of a representative type "Dormikind". Assigned to treat hiccups associated with immaturity of the nervous system and uneven development of its departments. Have a calming effect. The child becomes less tearful, less stressed and sleeps better. The nervous system works faster, and hiccups become less frequent.

Assign: 1 tablet diluted in a teaspoon of water to give a drink 30 minutes before eating or 30 minutes after eating. Repeat 3 times a day.

Intestinal colic

Applied carminative preparations representative type "Baby" and "Espumizan L". Used to treat hiccups caused by bloating and other digestive problems. Relieves spasms in the intestines, helps to get rid of the accumulation of gases. Reduces the load on the diaphragm from the digestive organs.

Assign: 3-6 drops 3 times a day with a small amount of water. Take after meals and before bedtime.


It is forbidden to give a newborn, a baby any medicines without a doctor's appointment! Before treating a hiccup in a newborn with medications, consult a pediatrician and a neurologist. Inform the pediatrician in such cases of hiccups: when it lasts more than two hours, despite the fact that you have eliminated all the possible causes of its appearance; when the seizures are regular, several times a day for two or more weeks.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky

Hiccups and itching - Emergency care

What causes and intensifies the itching, forcing a person to itch? In what cases it is possible to remove the itch yourself, and when to run to the doctor? What provokes and what stops hiccups? Dr. Komarovsky will answer these questions and tell you how to get rid of hiccoughs and itching. See the first new issues and get valuable recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky!

The publication was created based on the materials of a practicing pediatrician of the 2nd category A. D. Isayeva.

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