We treat lumbago quickly and easily at home

Lumbago - a sharp "sweeping" pain in the lumbar region lasting from 2-3 minutes to several hours. Most often occurs after lifting weights, a long stay in one position or it can be a consequence of osteochondrosis and its complications.

  • Symptoms of lumbago
  • First aid
  • Treatment of lumbago at home
  • Medication Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Compresses
  • Infusions and decoctions
  • Ointments
  • Treatment of lumbago in pregnancy
  • Food
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Symptoms of lumbago

When acute pain occurs, a person "freezes" in a bent position and any movement leads to repeated lumbago. According to statistics, about 80% of the population had a backache test. Therefore, the main symptoms of lumbago are reduced to a sharp, throbbing pain, muscle spasm, limited mobility in the back.

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IMPORTANT!With frequent occurrence of lumbago symptoms, an MRI examination for the presence of an intervertebral hernia is necessary.

First aid

To ease the pain syndrome, the patient is placed on a hard flat bed or floor, after preliminary spreading a thin mattress. Raise the legs and bend slightly in the hip and knee joints, placing a pillow or rolled blanket under them. In this position, the large muscles in the lumbar region relax, and the pain gradually recedes. Painkillers like analgin just stop the pain for a while, without eliminating the underlying cause of the disease.

IMPORTANT!In the absence of timely treatment, it is possible to form a persistent chronic pain syndrome and further development of dystrophic manifestations in the intervertebral discs, which leads to numbness of the extremities.

Treatment of lumbago at home

Therapy implies complex treatment, the main goal of which is the rapid removal of the pain syndrome, the prevention of repeated seizures and the elimination of the cause of the disease.

Complex treatment implies:

  • drug treatment;
  • acupuncture;
  • vacuum and manual therapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.

Medication Therapy

In the first few days, the patient is assigned a bed rest. For severe pain, a novocaine blockade of 2 r / day is administered subcutaneously or into the lumbar region, as well as corticosteroid preparations that eliminate inflammation.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed in the form of suppositories, ointments or injections. It can be: ibuprofen, diclofenac, voltaren.

IMPORTANT!Drugs should be taken only after a medical examination and in accordance with the appointment of a doctor, since they have contraindications and side effects.

On the third day, during the rehabilitation period, warming ointments and salicylic preparations are used, for example, Chloroformii, Methylum salicylicum. The agents are applied to clean, dry skin, without the use of massage. To avoid irritation, the ointment is mixed with a fat cream.

IMPORTANT!In the acute period of the ointment is strictly forbidden to use - they can cause a relapse.

The effectiveness of treatment for lung attacks will increase the anti-inflammatory and anesthetic plaster "NANOPLAST forte", in more serious cases, the use of other drugs is recommended.


After the disappearance of the pain, they begin to create metered loads aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lumbar spine and decompressing the nerve endings. LFK can be studied at home, but only after consulting a specialist.

IMPORTANT!All exercises are performed at a slow pace, without sudden movements, to exclude any manifestation of pain syndrome.

Complex of exercises:

  1. The starting position (hereinafter and. etc.) - lying on the back, one hand along the trunk, the other on the stomach. Deep diaphragmatic breathing. Repeat 3-4 times.
  2. AND. P. - lying down, hands along the trunk. Clenching his fists and pulling his feet toward him. Repeat 5-7 times.
  3. AND. P. - lying down. Alternate flexion of the legs in the knee joint. Repeat 3-4 r. each foot.
  4. "Bicycle riding". 6-8 times with each foot in turn.
  5. AND. P. Lying on his stomach. Take the legs in the sides 4-6 times.
  6. Deflections up to 6 times.
  7. AND. P. Standing. Small inclines forward. Run 4-6 times.

After consultation, the neurologist performs stretching of the spine on special devices with fixation of the shoulder girdle and suspension of weights to the legs. Exercises are performed within half an hour.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help not only to remove acute pain syndrome, but also reduce the negative effects of drugs on the pancreas, liver, kidneys and other organs. Many patients actively use "grandmother's" recipes, but only as an addition to traditional methods of treatment.


  • Black radish grate, put a lot of cotton fabric and apply to the sore spot. Cover with cellophane and woolen shawl. Keep until strong heat appears. The course of treatment - 2-3 sessions;
  • dilute the red clay with water, add a few spoons of turpentine (1 kg of clay - 3 tbsp. l. solution). The resulting cake is applied to the problem site;
  • put a burdock leaf on the lumbar region, cover with a woolen cloth and fix it. The dressing can be on the body up to 12 hours;
  • the tissue is abundantly moistened in a solution of valerian and applied to a sore spot.

Infusions and decoctions

Recipe # 1

Grass clover, field horsetail, marigold flowers, bilberry shoots, plantain leaf - take in equal quantities, grind, fill in a thermovascular vessel 2 tbsp. l. and pass 500 ml of boiling water. Take 2/3 cup after eating for 10-12 days.

Recipe # 2

Grind the leaves of nettle, cowberry, mint, chamomile flowers, hop cones in equal proportions. Pour boiling water (2 tbsp. l. collection for 500 ml of water), give at least 8 hours, take ½ cup before eating 2 r / day.

Recipe # 3

Plantain, rhizome of valerian, lavender, dandelion root, celandine, crushed eucalyptus leaves and pour 500 ml of boiling water. To stand on a water bath for 30 minutes, dilute to the original volume with boiled water. Decoction take 3 r / day for ½ cup after meals.


For preparation use any of the fees:

  1. Buds and poplar buds, mint leaves, dandelion root.
  2. The herb of St. John's wort, the birch buds, the root of the snake mountaineer, the grass of the horsetail, the aspen bark.
  3. Cones of hops, mint grass, celandine, marigold flowers, eucalyptus leaf, flowers of a mammoth, pine buds, roots of a saber.

Ointment is prepared according to one technology: 3 tbsp. l. Collect 100 ml of boiling water and boil over low heat for about 30 minutes. The broth is filtered, mixed with pork fat or unsalted butter and vegetable oil (75 g each). Obtained ointment oil a sore spot 5-6 r / d. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

In a chronic disease with frequent relapses, phytotherapy is carried out by long courses for 2 months with 1-2-week breaks, using a new collection each time.

Treatment of lumbago in pregnancy

During pregnancy, several vertebrae are displaced in the lumbar region, sacrum, the pelvic bones expand, which leads to pain syndrome. Lumbago in this period is not uncommon, especially if a woman is more than 25 years old.

When pregnancy is recommended to pay attention to manual therapy, osteopathy, exercise therapy, massage, as well as the use of a special bandage for the even distribution of physical exertion to the lumbosacral department.

ATTENTION!The use of chondroprotectors, non-steroid preparations is strictly prohibited, since they can provoke congenital malformations in the child.

Medicinal products, including warming ointments, compresses completely exclude, since there is a probability of uterine bleeding and the threat of miscarriage. In the case of an attack of lumbago, the ice is applied to the sore spot for several minutes and the woman is laid on a firm surface.

If the pain syndrome can not be removed within 2 days at home, you need to seek the help of a specialist.

ATTENTION!In the early stages of pregnancy, radiographic diagnosis and computed tomography are excluded.


A special diet for lumbago is not required, but during the acute period should be abandoned salty, sharp and smoked dishes, as they retain water in the body, which contributes to puffiness. In a limited quantity, they consume meat, fat and fatty foods, and porridge, vegetables, light soups will bring the maximum benefit to the body. Herbal teas that have an anti-inflammatory effect in a moderate amount will also be useful.