Pressing pain in the stomach

  • Probable causes of pain
  • Diagnosis of diseases
  • What to do if there were pressing pains in the stomach
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Pressing pain in the stomach may appear under the influence of various factors, for example, due to food poisoning, malnutrition( habits are on the moveor eating harmful products), excessive physical activity, emotional distress, overeating, smoking.

The feeling that presses the stomach, can arise not only because of problems with digestion, but also as a result of pneumonia, disruption of the heart and vessels, spasm of the diaphragm. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out why the pathology has developed.

Probable causes of pain

The most common pressing pain in the stomach area is felt after eating poor-quality food or water. Food poisoning is also indicated by fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, flatulence, weakness, poor appetite. When the intestinal infection appears similar symptoms, but usually they are more intense and prolonged.

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Sensations of squeezing of the stomach can occur when overeating, as the stomach is full and presses against the diaphragm. Also, pain often appears after eating sharp or fatty foods, which indicates a lack of enzymes that break down nutrients.

If a person misses a meal or eats fast food, then the probability of developing pathologies of the digestive system increases several times.

With pancreatitis in the pancreas inflammatory-destructive processes occur, which lead to disruption of the external and intrasecretory function. When exacerbation there is a pain of a bursting character in the upper abdomen and under the ribs to the left, dyspeptic disorders( vomiting, nausea, flatulence, heartburn), skin and sclera yellow.

Persistent stomach pain can occur in people who are depressed. The fact is that when emotions are experienced, blood circulation and the contraction of smooth muscles in the digestive organs are disrupted, the salivation and secretion of gastric juice change. All this leads to inflammatory and dystrophic processes in the stomach( gastritis, peptic ulcer disease).

With inflammation of the wall( gastritis), pain and pain appear in the stomach, nausea after eating, belching, vomiting is possible. With prolonged current inflammation, deep layers of the mucosa( peptic ulcer) are affected, which can lead to perforation or gastric bleeding. With ulcers, often there are so-called hungry pains, since gastric juice, for lack of other work, corrodes the inflamed mucous.

The cancer of the stomach initially has the same symptoms as gastritis, so it is often not found in the first stage due to neglect of the pathology. With the growth of a malignant tumor, there are symptoms of intoxication( weakness, decreased efficiency, subfebrile condition, anorexia).If you turn to a specialist in time, then the forecast can be favorable.

In some cases, the lesion located on the front wall can be groped for palpation, confirms the diagnosis of histological examination, a sample for which is taken during gastroscopy. Pressing pain at the top of the abdomen can occur as a result of pathological processes occurring in the liver, gall bladder or its ducts.

As a rule, discomfort appears after eating( after 30-90 minutes), because digestion increases the pressure in the stomach

With hypertension of the stomach, the tonus of the musculature of the organ is elevated, which leads to the appearance of seizures and impaired motor function. When the pathology of the body is poor or not at all stretched, so even a small portion of food can cause pressing pain.

More common hypertension is the result of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, heavy metal poisoning, vitamin B1 deficiency, pelvic inflammation, adhesion process. Provoke an attack can stress, ingestion of air, decreased peristalsis of the stomach, hypocalcemia, smoking, physical activity.

Persistent pressing pains and a sensation of raspiraniya in the epigastric region can occur with the following violations:

Pains in the stomach and nausea
  • lactose intolerance. With age, lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose, ceases to synthesize, so sugar does not split, but passes into the lower intestine and begins to ferment there, which leads to gas liberation and bloating;
  • food allergy. The organism perceives the product as a toxic substance and triggers a protective reaction;
  • smoking. Nicotine irritates the gastric mucosa and develops dystrophic processes;
  • pregnancy. In the second half of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus presses on the stomach and diaphragm;
  • irritable bowel syndrome. The disease manifests a feeling of overflow of the abdomen, pain syndrome, vomiting, belching. The disorder occurs against the background of a disturbance in the gastric motility and hypersensitivity of the organ receptors to stretching.

Pressing pain may occur as a result of the formation of diaphragmatic hernia. In pathology, part of the stomach penetrates into the thoracic cavity through the esophageal opening and is clamped. There is a pathology of retrosternal pain, heartburn, swallowing, hiccough, arrhythmia.

In case of disease, the pain syndrome develops after eating or physical exertion, with flatulence, coughing, lying down, and its intensity decreases if you drink water, take a deep breath, and after eructation, vomiting, body position change. Against the backdrop of the disease often develops GERD due to casting the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus, while there will be a plaque on the throat, belching sour, it happens that patients have difficulty breathing.

When atony of the stomach, a person feels a pressing pain after eating, even if the portion is very small. Because of motor disturbance, food is not digested in the stomach and does not leave it for long, hence the squeezing and sensation of heaviness in the solar plexus region.

Diagnosis of diseases

At the primary admission the doctor will ask questions( when exactly the pain arises, how much it hurts, how long it bothers, whether the pain is removed by spasmolytics) and will conduct a physical examination.

If the pressing pain in the stomach occurs frequently, then it is necessary to contact the gastroenterologist

Palpation allows the specialist to detect an increase in the abdominal organs, the presence of fluid, the presence of seals, knots, tumors in the abdominal wall, and also makes it possible to determine the structure of the palpable tissue. When listening to the abdomen, the doctor will be able to find out whether there is fluid accumulation.

At external examination the doctor pays attention to the presence of rashes, scars, pigmentation, hernia, severity of the venous network. All this allows already at the primary reception to presume the cause of pressing pain in the stomach.

If the doctor suspected that the pains are due to a violation of the gastrointestinal tract( and not because of a malfunction of the cardiovascular, respiratory or nervous system), the patient is assigned blood, urine, feces and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity,if necessary, the following examinations are carried out:

  • X-ray examination of the stomach;
  • fibrogastroscopy;
  • general analysis of gastric juice;
  • the analysis of a venous blood on enzymes, a glucose, helikobaktery, onkomarkery.

What to do if there are pressing pains in the stomach

After feeling the pressing pains in the stomach, you should immediately reconsider your diet. With any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, a doctor will prescribe a medical diet that will help to eliminate unpleasant sensations. In some diseases, therapeutic nutrition is the main prescription, and drug therapy is prescribed as an adjunct.

In order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic, it is necessary to find out and eliminate its cause, therefore, a doctor must always go to

. In case of gastritis and peptic ulcer, diet No 1 is prescribed, which implies chemical, mechanical and thermal sparing of the gastrointestinal tract. This means that you can not eat fatty, spicy, salty, sour, as well as foods that contain fiber, and all dishes should be steamed or boiled and mashed to a puree state.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the food, it should be within 15-60 ° C.

For diseases of the hepatobiliary system, diet No 5 is prescribed. She recommends chemical and mechanical shining, excludes from the diet products rich in purines, extractives, essential oils, coarse fiber. Depending on the cause of pain, a diet that stimulates bile secretion or, conversely, reduces it, can be recommended.

At the core of any therapeutic diet are the principles of healthy nutrition:

  • meals should be at one time of day, which will develop a conditioned reflex, therefore, digestive juices will be allocated at a certain hour;
  • it is necessary to adhere to a fractional food( there are small portions, but often);
  • rejection of fried, fatty, spicy food, as it takes a long time to digest it;
  • avoid overeating and starvation. When overeating, food stays in the gastrointestinal tract longer, which leads to increased fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine, which means bloating and development of pathogenic microflora. During fasting in the stomach, the process of autolysis( self-digestion) begins;
  • thoroughly chew food;
  • to abandon bad habits, as alcohol and smoking provoke inflammation in the stomach;
  • to lead an active lifestyle. Motor activity improves the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to diet, the doctor will prescribe medication. It can be:

  • enveloping agents that protect the stomach from enzymes and hydrochloric acid;
  • enzyme preparations that accelerate digestion;
  • antispasmodics, removing a spasm of smooth muscles;
  • choleretic preparations that stimulate the outflow of bile;
  • antacids, reducing the acidity of gastric juice.

In case of peptic ulcer, neoplasms, calculous cholecystitis, hernia, surgery

may be required. Irritable bowel syndrome and nervous gastritis additionally prescribe sedatives. With inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, you can drink infusions of chamomile, mint, oregano, tansy, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

If the increased pressure in the stomach is frequent and it is not corrected by the diet, then it is necessary to contact the gastroenterologist.

Factors capable of provoking pressing pains are plentiful and in order to find out the true cause one needs to undergo a series of studies, some of which are not very pleasant, but it is necessary to prevent the development of chronic pathologies and more serious diseases. Only after understanding the etiology of the disorder, the doctor will be able to determine what to do in order to eliminate the disease.

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