Monastic tea from alcoholism

Monastic tea from alcoholism advertised on the Internet today is very active. Producers promise the consumer much - a complete cure for alcoholism for 3 weeks. Along the way, internal organs damaged by alcohol abuse are restored. Is it so?



1 variant

Contraindications are possible!

Consider composition of monastic tea from alcoholism

  1. Seeds of cannabis.
  2. Sprigs of fir tree.
  3. Sage.
  4. Root of the dog rose.
  5. Tea( green and black).
  6. Calendula.
  7. Dried flowers.
  8. The Immortal.
  9. Nettles.
  10. Trifol.
  11. Wheat.
  12. Bean leaves.
  13. Wormwood mountain.
  14. Yarrow.
  15. Bark of the buckthorn.
  16. Thymus.
  17. The root of elecampane, dried.
  18. St. John's Wort.
  19. Oregano.
  20. Bearberry.
  21. Camomile.

2 variant

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Belarusian version of the composition:

  1. Meadow sequence.
  2. Eucalyptus.
  3. Thymus.
  4. Hawthorn.
  5. Tavolga.
  6. Oregano.
  7. St. John's Wort.
  8. Rosehip.
  9. Camomile.
  10. Boots.

Collection( 3rd version)

However, on the Internet there is also a slightly different collection of monastic tea - simpler, just 5 of the ingredients:

  1. Rosehip fruits.
  2. The root of elecampane.
  3. St. John's Wort.
  4. Oregano.
  5. Black or green tea to choose from.

Recipe for cooking

The recipe for preparing monastic tea( 5 components - herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy):

  1. Tea is prepared in the morning( daily preparation).
  2. The rose hips( 1 tablespoon of crushed raw material) and the roots of elecampane( 1 teaspoon of the crushed raw material) are poured with boiling water( 1 - 1 liter) and while is simmered on low heat - 5 - 10 minutes( do not boil!).
  3. It is added to 1 tbsp.spoon( if the crushed raw material is dense in it, if it's loose, then 2 tablespoons), St. John's wort and oregano, and also 1 tbsp.a spoonful of black or green tea.
  4. You can insist for 2 hours, wrapped up with a towel dishware obtained, or insist on a slow fire for about 15 minutes so that almost water does not boil.
  5. Cool, drain.

Instruction for use

The resulting mixture of herbal tea monies from alcoholism is used as a tea, diluted with hot water, add honey, lemon to taste. One liter of brewing is the norm for the whole day.

Indications for use and contraindications

This monastic tea is a fortifying aid for lack of strength, energy, low mood, depression, and vitamin deficiency. It is a means to increase the tone of the whole body and stimulate the immune system. Of course, monastic tea is not a panacea for all diseases.

This collection is relatively well tolerated by patients, but contraindications include the following: individual intolerance to medicinal plants that make up the herbal collection.

How to use

If you bought 1 version of the composition of monastic tea from alcoholism( 21 ingredients), about the composition of which we spoke at the beginning of this page, here it is recommended to take 1 to 2 teaspoons and fill them with 250 ml.boiling water. Insist 10 minutes. Filter and take the instructions 3 times a day.

The variant of the composition of the Belarusian monastic tea( version 2) is also used( as well as 1 variant).

However, I add that in general, the herbal( not the roots and fruits) parts of the plant is better to insist on boiling water for 2 hours in a tightly closed and wrapped container. In this case, the charges give the water its healing properties better and fuller.

If you use monastic tea as a means of combating alcoholism and alcoholism, then you should know that the ingredients that coded against alcohol are thyme and white-fronted, which are present in versions 1 and 2 of the herbal mixtures.

You can order and buy monastic tea from alcoholics in pharmacies, carefully look at the composition of fees. Of course, you can always run into a deception, scam or divorce. The price and cost of the herbal mixture should be reasonable. If you are promised to cure alcoholism in a short time - 2 - 3 weeks and wrap prices for a product - most likely you want to be deceived.

Monastic tea from alcoholism is not a panacea, it's just an auxiliary tool for treating the whole organism with the presence in the composition of some plants - thyme and white patch, which have coding properties. Alcohol intake against the background of alcoholism treatment with herbal preparations with the presence of thyme and hoof root( the root of the hoof is very toxic) should be accompanied by the appearance of nausea and vomiting. Which, of course, must turn a person away from drunkenness and direct him into the sober bed of the current of life.

You can see forums, reviews of people about miraculous herbs, but, unfortunately, most likely, there will, in the main, be little. Especially where these herbs you really want to SELL!

You can develop your own composition of monastic tea from alcoholism on the basis of the above recipes and experiment.

Do not forget that the treatment of alcoholism should be comprehensive and under the guidance of a narcologist!

I disappoint you? DO NOT BUY WHAT YOU REALLY WANT TO SELL!And especially for the rabid money!

Do not believe someone who really wants to sell something, especially for big money!

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