Treatment of alcoholism with the help of folk remedies

Often, in the treatment of alcoholism, people prefer folk remedies. Motivating their choice so that they do not go to a polyclinic, a hospital, a narcological clinic. It is very convenient to use traditional medicine for the treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient. The huge factor is also playing a role here, that the treatment can cost a lot of money, and even the patient with alcoholism, most often does not want to be treated for drunkenness.


herbs Treating alcoholism

Herbal teas, recipes - very common ways to treat alcoholism folk remedies to help cure alcoholism. Nevertheless, please be cautious, careful, in this case you can not suffer excessive self-confidence, and it is always better, at least, at least to consult a doctor-therapist and a narcologist.

Tincture from the lover's root

The lover's root is crushed, take 2 tablespoons of raw plant and pour 200,0 ml.of vodka. Add two laurel leaves. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Try to give the patient 1 teaspoon of tincture, mixed in warm water once a day. If everything is normal, the next day you can give 2 times a day. On the third day, you can give infusion 3 times a day. Gradually, a person who wants to drink something alcoholic will develop an aversion to alcohol.

Herbal preparation for the treatment of alcoholism

Thyme( 4 teaspoons), centauges( 1 teaspoon), wormwood( 1 teaspoon) ground, mixed.1 tablespoon of the collection is poured 250,0 ml.boiling water and insists 2 hours, wrapped. It is filtered and taken 1-2 tablespoons half an hour before meals with a frequency of 4 times a day. The course of treatment is about three months, after 2 weeks the patient will begin to feel disgust for alcohol.

Tincture of pumpkin seeds

One glass of peeled pumpkin seeds( 100.0 gr.) Is ground and poured into 200.0 ml.of vodka. A week insist. Give the patient as well as a tincture from the root of a lover.

Laurel leaf tincture

Insist 2 weeks 2 bay leaves in 200.0 ml.of vodka. Apply also as described above folk remedies.

It is necessary to choose any variant of the national treatment of alcoholism and try. Only carefully and gradually. Tinctures should act as a lapel from alcohol. These drugs can also cause unwanted side effects.

The grass is a shoe European

This herb is potent and poisonous. It causes severe vomiting, if after taking a decoction, the patient drank alcohol.

To prepare the broth, take 1 teaspoon of clef, pour a glass 250,0 ml.boiling water and pressed on low heat for about five minutes. Take off from the fire, insist one more hour, wrapped.when treating the decoction with a decoction give the patient 1 tablespoon of broth, and after a while - half an hour, give a glass to drink 100.0 ml.of vodka. The patient should vomit and wrest. The procedure is repeated the next day. So they develop a complete intolerance to alcohol. But the remedy is very strong, so you need to watch to not become ill to the patient, with heart disease and during pregnancy, you can not use a decoction!

Bearberry against beer alcoholism

Leaves of bearberry, in the amount of 2 tablespoons are poured with boiling water( 200.0 ml.), On the fire brought to a boil. Then, wrapped, insist 2 hours. Drinking beer without measure, give 1 tablespoon 6 times a day. After 2 months, the craving for beer will decrease and disappear.

Gold sands and wormwood

In equal proportions, 1 tablespoon, both types of herbs are poured a glass of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. A patient with alcoholism should drink it during the day in three meals before eating. After a while the alcoholic will lose interest in alcohol.

Treatment of folk remedies of alcohol dependence

In addition to herbal dues, there are still folk methods in order to get rid of alcoholism.

Birch smoke

To get rid of drunkenness, folk medicine used birch logs that were well sprinkled with sugar. The logs were kindled, extinguished, and the alcoholic was forced to breathe smoke. Then they gave me a glass of vodka. The patient began to experience unpleasant and painful alcoholism, he developed an aversion to alcohol.

Sour apples

A simple method that in some cases helps a person recover from alcohol dependence. Every day you need to eat three sour apples. Before eating apples, they are stuck in seven nails for one day.take apples for six weeks.

In this treatment, exclude alcoholism, if possible, from the diet: milk and dairy products, chicken eggs, spicy, fatty and salty foods;peas, onions. Let the patient's diet consist mainly of low-fat meat, cereals, potatoes, carrots, beets. Drink very useful Morse from cranberries, cranberries, apples, plums, lemon, cherries and pomegranate.

Oat broth with calendula

In order to quit drinking and smoking, folk healers used the following remedy. Pour a three-liter pan half-unpacked with oats and pour it to the top with water. The pan was put on the fire and boiled for half an hour from the beginning of the boiling point. The resulting broth of oats was poured, added to the broth 50.0 - 100.0 of calendula. The pan was wrapped and insisted 12 hours. Then filtered.

The treatment with oats decoction was as follows: three times a day before meals the patient drank 200.0 ml each.decoction at a time. After a few days( usually 3 to 4 days), a sick person with alcoholism had an aversion to alcohol, and the craving for tobacco smoking disappeared.


Pepper tincture made from red capsicum will help to stop drinking. Take 20.0 gr.powder of red pepper, pour half a liter of 60 percent ethanol. Insist two weeks in a dark place. Periodically shake the bottle. Filter the tincture. When treating - for 1 liter of wine add 3 drops of tincture. When a sick person drinks wine, he will not get pleasure and satisfaction from drinking. So, gradually, the craving for alcohol will decrease.

Nutty earrings from alcoholism

After the opening of the walnut earrings they are collected from the hazel bushes. A half-liter bottle is filled with raw materials. Top up with vodka to the top and insist 10 days. Then tincture is filtered and given gradually to the patient to drink.

Powder of shells of crayfish

Cook crayfish, remove shells from them, dry them and grind them into powder. Two to three times a day, half a teaspoon, the powder is mixed into the food of an alcoholic. When the patient sins and drinks something containing alcohol, he will experience unpleasant sensations, he will be sick, vomiting will appear. In order to permanent persistent aversion to alcohol, the powder should be mixed regularly.

Broth from the roots of sorrel sorrel

Decoction from the roots of this medicinal plant helps with drinking. Take 1 tablespoon of sorrel sorrel root and pour 200,0 ml.boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes in a sealed container. Then they insist about three hours. For treatment take a decoction of 1 tablespoon six times a day.

Natural honey in the treatment of alcoholism

It is established that one of the causes of alcoholism is the lack of potassium in the body. Replenishment of potassium in the body reduces the craving for alcohol. The most rich in potassium is natural honey. He is very rich in useful trace elements. Regular use of honey removes the desire to drink.

Eat 2 tablespoons of honey for a sitting. Repeat 2 more times 2 tablespoons every 20 minutes. That is, for one hour the patient will eat 6 tablespoons of honey. After a two-hour break, the reception of honey in the same amount and for the same period of time is repeated.

The next day, when there is a craving for alcohol, all treatment is repeated. The desire for alcohol will fade.

Teas that treat alcoholism

In folk medicine, they successfully apply herbal infusions in the form of tea for the treatment of chronic alcoholism. They are without sugar. The goal is to cause profuse sweating and urination in the patient. Teas are drunk in a warm form until 5 to 10 glasses per day.

1 recipe

For preparation of tea take one pinch of the crushed and mixed herb mixture into one glass of boiling water: mint, wormwood, yarrow( equal shares), angelica root, juniper berries, marsh root( take half the share).

2 recipe

Mixture of herbs: wormwood bitter, yarrow, St. John's wort( 20.0 gr.), Thyme( creeping thyme), angelica officinalis( 10.0 gr.), Peppermint( 15.0 gr.),juniper - berries( 5,0 gr.).Herbs are crushed, mixed and brewed in a good kettle-brewer. For one liter of boiling water take 1 tablespoon of a mixture of dried herbs. Tea is infused for about 10 - 15 minutes.

The above teas are drunk about 4 times a day for 10 days. Break - five days. Repeat a ten-day course. Treatment is long, from two to eight months. But the craving for alcohol decreases and disappears altogether.

3 recipe

Unusual coffee from the hoof root powder. Traditional medicine uses this remedy for alcoholism in the amount of one-fourth of a teaspoon by 50.0 Coffee is given to the patient once every other day.

The phyto-pharmacies sell ready-made herbs for alcoholism. But before deciding to apply this or that remedy, consult a doctor.

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