Get rid of asthma at home quickly and easily

To treat asthma at home with folk remedies, consultation with the treating doctor is required. As a rule, doctors allow combining some home treatment methods with basic medicines.

  • Attention to efficiency
  • Features of asthma in children
  • Treatment of starvation
  • Than to treat at an exacerbation of an asthma and tussis
  • Application of respiratory gymnastics
  • Asthma caused by allergies
  • We eliminate shortness of breath
  • Traditional medicine against asthma
  • Kidney buds
  • Nettle
  • What to take inside
  • Asthma in Pregnancy
Related articles:
  • What complications of bronchial asthma in adults and children
  • Bronchial asthma - prevention
  • Symptoms and treatment of cardiac asthma
  • Asthma in the adult - signs of disease
  • Complex of respiratory exercises with bronchial asthma and suffocation

Important! Asthma is a serious disease that poses a danger to human life. In no case can asthma be treated uncontrollably.

Attention to efficiency

In the treatment of asthma, the doctor's recommendations are always strict, they are mandatory for performance. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage when taking medications, try not to contact with possible allergens. It is also important to eliminate inflammation of the bronchi in time, not to allow strong physical and emotional stress.

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An extremely popular method of maintaining asthmatics is the administration of inhalation therapy. Many means for inhalations can be bought at the pharmacy, but various folk recipes for decoctions and infusions are also suitable.

Features of asthma in children

It is extremely important in the treatment of asthma at home in children to take into account the hereditary factor. If there is a predisposition to this disease, then, first and foremost, parents should as far as possible exclude possible allergens from the child's life: pet hair, dust, pollen of plants and flowers.

Important! Doctors say that often hereditary asthma in a child appears due to constant colds, acute respiratory infections, malnutrition. To reduce the likelihood of an attack, you can also use the folk methods described in this material.

The main symptoms of asthma are:

  1. A feeling of severe contraction in the chest area.
  2. Appearance of shortness of breath, rapid breathing.
  3. Exhalation occurs as if accompanied by a muscle spasm.
  4. There may be a feeling of suffocation.
  5. Over time, without adequate therapy, this condition only progresses.

To cure bronchial asthma in a child, you need to use all valid recipes:

  • to drink a decoction, prepared instead of tea, from the nettle;
  • drink tea from the collection of herbs (anise, rhizome grass licorice, celandine), observe the child's dosage;
  • mix 10 slices of chopped garlic with two lemons, rubbed on a grater, the resulting mass to dilute 1 liter of boiled water, allow to stand for 6 days, then carefully filter. Take before meals for half an hour for 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day;
  • at an attack to give soda on a tip of a knife, for liquefaction of a sputum;
  • will help with an attack and 20 drops of valerian diluted in a glass of water.

Treatment of starvation

This method - the treatment of asthma with starvation - is calculated for 21 days. It consists in that 3 weeks to drink only water. In this case, the intestine is cleared. To get out of this state is necessary, strictly observing all instructions.

Important! Hunger is a stress for the whole organism, under the influence of which hormones of the adrenal cortex are produced, which possess anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

The treatment of starvation is very popular in non-traditional medicine. But you should know that the body is extremely dangerous, especially if the person is an asthmatic. The result is decompensation of the disease, disruption of the digestive, endocrine, nervous system. In severe cases, depletion develops, irreversible changes occur in the body, death is possible.

Than to treat at an exacerbation of an asthma and tussis

In the case of an exacerbation of the disease will help decoction of ginger:

  1. 7 cm fresh product finely chopped, pour 500 ml of boiling water and put on fire for 5 minutes.
  2. Let cool and drink half a glass a day.

Mixture of juice with honey:

  1. Mix 3 tbsp. l. juice of ginger, 3 tbsp. l. pomegranate juice and 3 tbsp. l. honey.
  2. The resulting mixture to eat for 3 meals during the day.

Quickly and effectively relieve exacerbation in bronchial asthma can be in this way:

  1. There are daily on 1/2 heads of onions per day fresh.
  2. Take turmeric powder. Take the rhizome of the plant to grind and grind, 1 tbsp. l. powder mixed with 2 tbsp. l. bee honey. Take during an attack of cough.

If there is a strong cough, then treat it will help tincture of walnuts:

  1. 0.5 kg of peeled nuts pour 0.5 liters of vodka, cover and put it for a week in a dark place.
  2. Take 25 drops 3 times a day before meals, drink a glass of warm milk.

Also helps a warm pumpkin:

  1. 0.5 kg of pumpkin grate, put in a container and fill 100 g of dried rose petals, 7 leaves of plantain, pour ingredients 1 liter of red dry wine and add 4 tbsp. l. honey.
  2. Put on the fire, wait until it boils, and immediately remove, let it brew for 1 day.
  3. Obtained extract infused and take 1 tbsp. l. during the month 5 times a day, then take a break 2 weeks and repeat the course.

Application of respiratory gymnastics

Home treatment, which is actively promoted by all doctors. With the help of such gymnastics, you can improve the saturation of blood with oxygen. Respiratory failure with regular exercise will be ruled out with greater probability.

Proper breathing also allows you to enter some physical activity on your day. If everything is done correctly, then the exercises not only help get rid of seizures, but also strengthen the muscles of the peritoneum and chest.

Important aspects of proper breathing exercises:

  • the breath is always made through the nose, and the exhalation is produced by the mouth;
  • The stomach should be drawn on a small inspiration, and when exhaled, one should put the palm to the face;
  • on exhalation you need to smoothly, through the teeth, pronounce the sound "c";
  • also it is necessary to say the sound "y", "e", "a", "w" and "uh" in the exhalation;
  • exercises in the initial stages can be repeated only once, and then the number of repetitions should be increased.

Asthma caused by allergies

To treat allergic asthma, you can use traditional medicine. First, you need to drink more water. To reduce the risk of seizures and allergy during the flowering season, you can drink a celandine:

  • 1 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew;
  • strain and take 150 ml before meals.

Tea and coffee replaced by a turn. Prepare it as follows: 1 h. l. turn pour 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

To remove an attack of an allergic cough it is possible by means of the compress prepared from black mustard - to impose on a thorax and on a back from an underside. In case of hypersensitivity to mustard, the attack, on the contrary, will increase.

We eliminate shortness of breath

During an attack of bronchial asthma, dyspnea occurs, you can eliminate it if you take the traditional medicine.

Balsam Recipe:

  1. 250 grams of aloe is cut into a jar (before cutting off the plant, do not water the plant for two weeks, simply wipe with a rag), pour 500 ml of red wine (preferably Cahors) and add 350 g of honey (not candied).
  2. Stir everything and put it on for 9 days to insist. Then strain and take 2 days for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, then reduce the dose to 1 hour. l.

Recipe for garlic oil:

  1. 5 cloves of garlic grate and add to it 100 g of butter and a little salt.
  2. Prepared butter can be spread on bread or added to crushed potatoes.

Traditional medicine against asthma

When treating asthma at home, remember that the main food should consist of products that contain proteins. You also need to eat vegetables, any dairy products and try to reduce the consumption of salt.

Kidney buds

For cooking, you need to take 1 dec. l. pine buds, plantain and mother-and-stepmother and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave to stand for 4 hours. Then the infusion put on a 15-minute water bath, remove the let cool for 10-15 minutes, strain and drink during the day.


For the treatment use tea from the leaves of this herb. To do this, take the dried leaves of nettle (1 h. l.), pour 200 ml of boiling water, allow to brew for 10-15 minutes and drink like tea.

You can combine dioecious nettles with other ingredients:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dried and crushed leaves and plant roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover and give 5 minutes to infuse.
  2. Then add 1 hour. l. honey and take in place of tea 2-3 times a day.

Efficiency showed wrapping procedures. Excellent, if it turns out in the morning and evening to do hardening with a contrast shower. Nursing fees are great for treating breathing problems. It is necessary for 1 tbsp. l. pharmacy herbs add licorice root, elecampane or anise fruits. Pour 1 hour into the mixture. l. honey and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times / day.

What to take inside

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for the relief and treatment of bronchial asthma. Consider the most effective:

  • berries viburnum are boiled together with honey. An excellent tool for getting rid of sputum, reducing coughing attacks;
  • you can eat every day two crushed garlic heads, which are mixed with five lemons;
  • drink a glass a day infusion celandine. It is recommended for asthmatics who suffer from severe shortness of breath. Pharmacy celandine tincture is mixed with 50 ml of boiled water;
  • The turnip from the garden will also help with bronchial asthma. It should be eaten raw without salt. The root crop is especially effective in case of bad sleep, increased heart beat.
  • infusion of St. John 's wort. For cooking, take 40 g of collection and add 200 ml of vodka. After five days of infusion, you can take 25 drops;
  • kilogram of oats pour two liters of water water. Heat for four hours with minimal heat, allow to cool and drain. Then add the leaves of aloe, passed through the meat grinder. Add a spoonful of honey and take in small amounts every day;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Yarrow is poured with 0.2 liters of boiling water. The medicine is taken three times a day;
  • 20 ml of licorice add to the glass with water. Pour into a saucepan and boil for 10 minutes, leave for an hour and drink five days for 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • walnuts in the amount of a kilogram pour 0.5 liters of vodka (you can use alcohol). Infuse for a week, then 4 times a day to take three dozen drops;
  • mix 100 grams of garlic with 0.5 liters of honey and the same amount of vodka. Boil for half an hour, remove and allow to cool. Take in a warm form, a tablespoon in the morning, lunch and evening.

Asthma in Pregnancy

What if an asthma attack occurs during pregnancy? Still, during this period, a woman should be selected by a doctor. Frequently recommended recipes:

  • 5 figs of figs washed down with hot milk before a night's sleep;
  • cut out the middle in a black radish and fill it with sugar, put for 5 hours in a warm place. Drink juice 5 times a day for 1 hour. l. before eating;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Fruit anise pour 200 ml of boiling water, put infused for 2 hours, drink 3 tbsp. l. in a day.

Treatment of asthma with folk remedies at home is carried out in a complex way and includes different methods and recipes that are recommended to be combined with each other. Everything is done with the permission of the doctor.

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