Injections milgamma: instructions for the use of vitamins


  • 1Combined drug Milgamma injections: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues of a drug with a high concentration of vitamins
    • 1.1Composition and action
    • 1.2Indications for use
    • 1.3Contraindications
    • 1.4Instructions for use and daily dosage
    • 1.5Side effects
    • 1.6Drug Interactions
    • 1.7Milgamma injections: analogues
    • 1.8Patient Reviews
  • 2Milgamma: instructions for the use of tablets, solutions, indications, side effects, treatment
    • 2.1Composition of the preparation, physicochemical properties, price
    • 2.2pharmachologic effect
    • 2.3Pharmacokinetics
    • 2.4Metabolism and excretion
    • 2.5Dosage
    • 2.6Milgramam tablets
    • 2.7Solution
    • 2.8special instructions
    • 2.9Drug Interactions
    • 2.10Cheap analogs of Milgamma
  • 3Milgamma: instructions for the use of injections and tablets compositum, indications, price, analogues and reviews
    • 3.1About milgamma
    • 3.2Form of issue
    • 3.3The composition of vitamins and their effect on the nervous system
    • 3.4Indications for use
    • 3.5Contraindications and side effects
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.6Instructions for the use of tablets and injections
    • 3.7An overdose of the drug
    • 3.8In pregnancy
    • 3.9Interaction
    • 3.10Dragee Compositum
    • 3.11The price of tablets and ampoules
    • 3.12Pharmaceutical analogues
  • 4What helps the pill and injections of Milgramm? Instructions for use, analogues, price
    • 4.1Composition and form of release
    • 4.2Pharmacological properties
    • 4.3Tablets, injections of Milgamma: what helps the medicine
    • 4.4Contraindications
    • 4.5Milgamma preparation: instructions for use
    • 4.6With pain
    • 4.7Injections
    • 4.8Side effect
    • 4.9Use in children, during pregnancy and lactation
    • 4.10special instructions
    • 4.11Drug Interactions
    • 4.12With alcohol
    • 4.13Milgamma medication analogues
    • 4.14Which is better: Milgamma or Kombilipen?
    • 4.15Neuromultivitis or Milgamma: Which is better?
    • 4.16Price
    • 4.17Reviews about Milgramam
  • 5Milgamma
    • 5.1Composition and pharmacological action
    • 5.2Indications for use of the medicine
    • 5.3Tablets and pills
    • 5.4Side effects
    • 5.5Overdose
    • 5.6Cost
    • 5.7Reviews about the drug

Combined drug Milgamma injections: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues of a drug with a high concentration of vitamins

The combined preparation Milgamma is an effective remedy for relieving the pain of a neurological nature.

In diseases of the spine, there is often an infringement of arteries, nerves, disk bulging, and neuritis also causes painful symptoms.

Complex of B vitamins eliminates negative manifestations, normalizes blood circulation, positively influences the state of neurons.

When is Milgamma prescribed? What course of injections can significantly reduce soreness in radiculopathy, neuralgia, muscle pain? How to combine tablets and injections Milgramam? Answers in the article.

Composition and action

The combination of pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin and lidocaine provides a good analgesic effect in a short time after the injection of the combined agent.

The drug normalizes blood circulation, positively affects neurons. The concentration of B vitamins is much higher than in tablets and conventional vitamin complexes.

Adding an effective analgesic of lidocaine enhances the action of the drug.

Milgram's composition: in 1 ml of solution is 50 mg of pyridoxine and thiamine hydrochloride, 10 mg of lidocaine and 0.5 mg of cyanocobalamin. Aids of auxiliary ingredients: purified water, benzyl alcohol, other substances.

Each of the vitamins positively affects the body:

  • thiamineregulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, shows antioxidant properties, accelerates the breakdown of fats. Vitamin B1 affects the transmission of nerve impulses, accelerates the development of analgesic action;
  • pyridoxineprevents accumulation of decay products in cells. Vitamin B6 is indispensable for the synthesis of histamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine. An important component is needed for the correct flow of specific processes involving amino acids;
  • cyanocobalaminexhibits an anti-anemic effect, maintains the correct course of metabolism at the cellular level. Studies have shown: vitamin B12 is actively involved in the synthesis of methionine, creatinine, nucleic acids, choline, and has an analgesic effect.

The drug Milgamma enters the pharmacy in the form of a solution for injection, in a cardboard bundle there are 5, 10 or 25 ampoules of 2 ml of solution for injections. Also, pharmaceutical companies produce a complex of B vitamins for oral administration (tablets).

Indications for use

What are the benefits of injecting Milgramam? The drug is effective for the elimination of a pronounced pain syndrome. With painful symptoms, injections are prescribed, with weak signs of osteochondrosis, myalgia, neuritis, enough pills.

Milgamma, in the form of a solution for injection, relieves pain syndrome in the defeat of the nervous system. The list of pathologies is indicated in the instructions for use.It is forbidden to do injections of Milgamma without the appointment of a neurologist or vertebrologist.

Indications for use Milgamma pricks:

Also medicinal vitamins Milgamma effectively removes pain against the background of diseases of other organs:

  1. herpesvirus infections;
  2. ganglionitis;
  3. retrobulbar neuritis;
  4. diabetogenic, alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  5. paralysis of the facial nerve.


The combination of pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin and thiamine is not suitable for all patients. Milgamma is not used in pediatrics: there is no data on the effect of the components of the drug with a high concentration of vitamins on the children's body.

Other restrictions for prescribing injections of Milgamma:

  • pregnancy;
  • heart failure. The drug is not prescribed in the decompensation stage;
  • allergic reactions to pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin, thiamine hydrochloride, lidocaine or additional components.

Instructions for use and daily dosage

The drug Milgamma in pricks is an "ambulance" with intense pain. To eliminate the painful manifestations of therapy begin with a deep introduction into the muscle 2 ml of the solution.

To achieve the analgesic effect, it is sufficient to perform 1 injection for one day.

After reducing the pain syndrome for maintenance therapy, doctors recommend taking 1 injection in 24 hours, two or three times in 7 days.

Ampoules with a solution of vitamins should be stored, necessarily, at a temperature of +2 to +8 degrees. Freezing the formulation reduces the therapeutic effect of injections. It is important to limit the access of light to the receptacles with the drug.

On a note!A combined preparation with a high concentration of B vitamins is used to stop severe pain. After the disappearance of acute symptoms, physicians replace the injectable solution with an oral dosage form. Milgramam tablets are also effective, but they are "softer", they can be taken for a longer period - up to one month.

Side effects

In the course of the research, physicians found out: the majority of negative symptoms are associated with a negative reaction to the components of the drug. Developing signs of allergy: skin itching, rashes on the body, Quincke's edema, dyspnea, anaphylactic shock.

Systemic reactions are less frequent. The main cause of dangerous complications from the nervous, cardiovascular system is the excess of the daily rate.

Also, sweating, delayed heartbeat, convulsive syndrome, dizziness, heart rhythm disturbance occur when the injection solution is injected incorrectly (very quickly).

Some patients reported nausea during a course of treatment with Milgamma.

Drug Interactions

Important points:

  1. the activity of cyanocobalamin is affected by salts of heavy metals;
  2. the Milgamma preparation containing pyridoxine can not be used concomitantly with levodopa (a drug for Parkinson's disease) and the names that make up this component;
  3. the connection with sulfate solutions accelerates the decomposition of vitamin B1;
  4. the positive effect of thiamine intake levels the flow of penicillin, glucose, copper, metabisulphite, iodides, acetates, mercuric chloride, iron ammonium citrate.

You can not uncontrolled use of an expensive drugwith a high concentration of vitamins. In the best case, the effect of taking a powerful analgesic and an anticonvulsant will be minimized, at worst - side reactions are possible.

Combined drug with cyanocobalamin, thiamine and pyridoxine refers to the price category above the average. The price of Milgamma nyxes depends on the number of ampoules in the package: 5 pieces - 290 rubles, 10 pieces - 520 rubles, 25 units - 1150 rubles.

Milgamma injections: analogues

Pharmacy chains offer several substitutes for Milgamma.

Each medicine has a certain concentration of vitamins, a list of indications and limitations.

For this reason, a solution for injecting a similar action is prescribed by a narrow specialist. Drugs of this category apply strictly to the appointment of a neurologist or vertebrologist.

Effective analogues:

  • Kombilipen.
  • Trigamma.
  • Complym.

Patient Reviews

The drug Milgamma has many positive assessments from doctors, patients with neurological and orthopedic diseases.

After the injection, the analgesic effect manifests itself quickly, for a day of enough one injection.

With the correct administration of the solution, unwanted reactions occur infrequently.

The only drawback is the cost of Milgamma Compositum. In pharmacies, there are analogues at a more affordable price.

Neurotropic vitamins: thiamin, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine at a certain therapeutic dose normalize nerve conduction.

The injections of Milgamma are used in severe forms of radiculopathy, exacerbation of osteochondrosis, neurological diseases, spinal cord injury, convulsions, and nerve infringement.

Injections should be strictly medical staff:necessarily deep intramuscular injection of the composition, otherwise the risk of systemic reactions from the heart, blood vessels, brain increases.

- Instructions for the use of Milgamma in ampoules:


Milgamma: instructions for the use of tablets, solutions, indications, side effects, treatment

Milgamma belongs to the group of vitamin-containing medicines that play an important role in the rapid course of the regenerative processes of the nervous tissue after pathological changes and are prescribed for diseases of the degenerative and inflammatory nervous system. Milgamma has proved to be an effective drug in the therapy of neurological diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Farmgroup: Complex of vitamins of group B

Composition of the preparation, physicochemical properties, price

The drug is available in two dosage forms: a dragee (Milgamma compositum) and a solution.

Dragee is intended for oral administration, and the solution is for deep insertion into muscle tissue.

Vitamins of group B stabilize the function of the central nervous system, activate blood circulation and exert an easy analgesic effect.

Base material
  • 100 mg of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride);
  • 100 mg of benfotiamine
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride): in 1 ml of solution - 50 mg or in 1 ampoule - 100 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride): in 1 ml of solution - 50 mg or in 1 ampoule - 100 mg;
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin): in 1 ml of solution - 500 μg or in 1 ampoule - 1 mg;
  • Lidocaine hydrochloride: in 1 ml of the solution - 10 mg or in 1 ampoule - 20 mg
Excipients Carboxymethylcellulose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose, aerosil, sucrose, povidone, talc, fatty acid glycerides, shellac, acacia powder, calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, glycerol, polyethylene glycol-6000, corn starch, tween-80, glycolic wax Benzyl alcohol 40 mg, sodium polyphosphate 20 mg, sodium hydroxide 12 mg, potassium hexacyanoferrate 0.2 mg, water for injection up to 2 ml
Physicochemical characteristics White dragees Solution of pink color
Packaging For 15 dragees in cell contour packs, 2 or 4 cartons in a carton box For 2 ml of the drug in ampoules of dark glass, 5 or 10 ampoules in cell packs or carton pallets, 1, 2 or 5 packs in a cardboard box
  • 30 dragees - 640-680 rub
  • 60 dragees - 1100-1440 rub
  • 5 amp. 250-280 rub
  • 1 amp. 470-550 rub
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pharmachologic effect

Milgamma is a combined preparation, the active composition of which is represented by vitamins of group B:

  • Vitamin B1 is a regulator of protein and carbohydrate cellular metabolism, and also takes part in the metabolism of fats. It is characterized by antioxidant action, regulates the conduction of nerve impulses. Has an analgesic effect due to the effect on the transmission of excitation.
  • Vitamin B6 acts as a cofactor of many enzymes that act in the nervous tissue. It takes part in decarboxylation, reamination and deamination of amino acids. Prevents the accumulation of ammonia in the tissue, is involved in the formation of neurotransmitters (noradrenaline, dopamine, epinephrine, GABA and histamine).

Milgamma in tablets: Accelerates the recovery of nervous tissue. Vitamins B6 and B1 are able to potentiate the action of each other. In the composition of the dragee, vitamin B1 is benfotiamine, a fat-soluble form of a vitamin.

Milgamma injections: Accelerates the inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of the nervous tissue and musculoskeletal system, improves the function of the nervous system as a whole.

In addition to B1 and B6, Vitamin B 12 is included in the composition, which takes a direct part in the formation of the myelin sheath, activates hematopoiesis, and helps reduce pain that occurs when the peripheral nervous system is affected. Accelerates the nucleic acid exchange.

Lidocaine has a local anesthetic effect, providing all kinds of anesthesia (infiltration, terminal, conductor).


  1. Dragee - after oral administration, benfotiamine is absorbed efficiently from the intestine, reaching a maximum concentration in the blood in less than 1 hour. Benfotiamine accumulates in the cells five times more active than the water-soluble form of thiamine. After the biotransformation processes in the form of thiamine diphosphate, the kinetics does not differ from the water-soluble thiamine.
  2. Solution - with intramuscular injection, thiamin is absorbed quickly and efficiently, entering the blood. 15 minutes after the administration of 50 mg of the drug, the concentration of thiamine in the blood is observed up to 484 ng / ml. Thiamine is distributed unevenly in the body: the highest concentration is observed in erythrocytes - 75%, whereas in blood plasma, up to 10% of the vitamin is concentrated. Penetrates through the placenta and the blood-brain barrier. Pyridoxine, when administered intramuscularly, also quickly enters the systemic circulation, evenly distributed in the body, including the brain. Pyridoxine performs the function of coenzyme, binding to plasma proteins up to 80%.

Metabolism and excretion

Metabolites of thiamine are pyramine, thiaminic acid and other substances. Thiamine persists in the body less than other vitamins. It is excreted in the urine.
Pyrodoxin forms a depot in the liver, oxidizing to 4-pyridoxic acid. It is excreted in the urine after 2-5 hours after absorption.

Both the solution and dragees are used as a pathogenetic and symptomatic means of neurological pathologies, in the complex treatment of diseases and syndromes of the nervous system:

  • Neuralgia;
  • Neuritis, neuritis, retrobulbar;
  • Paresis of the facial nerve;
  • Polyneuropathy, including alcohol and diabetic, as well as:
  • Myalgia;
  • Radicular syndromes;
  • Herpes zoster;
  • Systemic pathologies of the nervous system associated with laboratory-proven deficiency of vitamins B1 and B6.
  • Ganglionites;
  • Neuropathy;
  • Plexopathy;
  • Nocturnal cramps of muscle tissue;
  • Neurological symptoms of osteochondrosis: lumboschialgia, radiculopathy, muscular-tonic syndromes.

The general contraindications specified in the instruction manual for the use of Milgamma are:

  1. heart failure decompensated
  2. individual intolerance
  3. childhood
  4. pregnancy and lactation.


Milgramam tablets

They are usually prescribed for a triple admission during the day, 1 dragee per reception. Be sure to drink enough water. In the instruction for the use of Milgamma compositum treatment course is indicated - 1 month.


The injections of Milgramam are prescribed for intramuscular injection deep into the tissue.

  • Severe pain syndrome, accompanying neurological pathology: 2 ml daily for 5-10 days.
  • Mild forms of the disease, relief of acute pain on the background of the above treatment: 2 ml 2-3 times per week for 3 weeks, or switch to an oral dosage form (dragees).

When taking any form of Milgamma, weekly monitoring of therapy is recommended. When improving the condition, it is recommended that you immediately switch from injections to taking pills.

Side effect

  1. Dragee and solution - Rarely can develop tachycardia and arrhythmia. Rarely allergic reactions occur in the form of hives, skin rashes, even less often severe reactions like anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema. Some patients report increased sweating, skin acne.
  2. Solution - can be confused, dizzy, occasionally - convulsions. In some cases, vomiting occurs. A local reaction may also develop at the injection site in the form of irritation.

Overdose - it is possible to develop reactions according to the type of side effects to a greater degree of severity.

special instructions

In case of accidental intravenous injection, Milgamma should be provided with medical supervision or hospitalization for the development of severe symptoms. Information on the possibility of using the drug while working with complex mechanisms or driving an auto instruction does not.

Drug Interactions

  • Levodopa - reduced antiparkinsonian action of the drug;
  • Sulphites, iodites, carbonyls, carbonates, ammonium iron, phenobarbital, dextrose, riboflavin, disulfites, benzylpenicillin, tannic acid, copper - destruction of thiamine in Milgamma;
  • Norepinephrine and epinephrine, sulfonylamides - enhancing the action of lidocaine in the composition of Milgamma on the heart;
  • With caution appoint the drug with simultaneous treatment with D-penicillamine or cycloserine (reducing the effect of the latter);
  • Salts of heavy metals - are incompatible with vitamin B12 in the preparation.

Cheap analogs of Milgamma

Vitagamma 74-140 rubles. Binavit 122-145 rubles. Combined with 140-230 rubles. Complyma In 260 rubles.
Neurobion 177-200 rub. Neuromultivitis from 153 rubles for 20 tablets. Neurobex from 118 rubles for 30 tablets. Trigamma 5 amp. 80-120 rubles.


Milgamma: instructions for the use of injections and tablets compositum, indications, price, analogues and reviews

Often in the practice of treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological pathologies complex vitamin preparations are used.

Vitamins from group B, distinguished by neurotropic action, provide an analgesic effect, normalize nervous system activity, improve the course of blood-forming processes and normalize blood circulation.

One of these drugs, which are highly effective, is the Milgramam medicine.

About milgamma

Milaminam's vitamins are a complex of B-group vitamins.

Form of issue

The drug is produced in several forms: tableted and injectable, in other words, in tablets and injections. Injections are available in packages of 5 or 10 ampoules of brown color. Tablets are packed in 30 or 60 pcs.

The composition of vitamins and their effect on the nervous system

The drug Milgamma consists, as already specified, of a complex of B vitamins.

For injections, the following composition is typical:

  1. Thiamine (B1)- provides a normal course of carbohydrate metabolism, which provides a healthy state of nerve tissues. If the body experiences thiamine deficiency, it provokes an accumulation of carbohydrate metabolites in the body, leading to the development of many pathological conditions.
  2. Pyridoxine (B6)- in the process of metabolism is involved in the production of histamine, serotonin, adrenaline, dopamine and amino acid metabolism. In addition, B6 is an active and indispensable participant in hemoglobin-forming processes.
  3. Cyanocobalamin (B12)- the action of the substance is associated with anti-anemic properties, in addition, B12 is indispensable in the synthesis of methionine, choline, creatinine and nucleic acids. Cyanocobalamin refers to the active participants of metabolic cellular processes, has analgesic effect.


  • Water;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Sodium polyphosphate;
  • Lidocaine hydrochloride;
  • Potassium hexacyanoferrate;
  • Benzyl alcohol.

The composition of Milgamma tablets is as follows:

  1. Pirodoxin- indispensable in protein metabolism, takes part in fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  2. Benzothiamine- one of the forms of thiamine (B1), actively involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates.


  • Silica colloidal dioxide;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Talc;
  • Povidone.

Indications for use

Specialists recommend taking Milgamma in cases when there are:

  1. Different types of osteochondrosis;
  2. Radiculitis;
  3. Diabetic or alcoholic polyneuropathies - lesions of peripheral nerves, manifested by sensitivity disorders or paralysis;
  4. Paresis of facial nerves - sudden nervous system pathology, which causes asymmetry of facial muscles, often develops against the background of colds of infectious pathologies;
  5. As a general restorative;
  6. With neuritis or neuralgia (retrobulbar neuritis, etc.);
  7. All kinds of myalgia - soreness in the muscle tissues, developing against the background of hypertonicity of muscle cells;
  8. Herpesvirus etiology;
  9. Ganglionitis (shingles, including);
  10. Flexopathy is a different kind of disturbance of the activity of the nerve plexuses;
  11. Nocturnal convulsive muscle contractions.

Specialists conducted studies aimed at determining the effectiveness of Milgamma in patients with pathologies such as:

  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Diseases of the brain;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Neuropathy.

As a result of these studies, a significant decrease in pathological manifestations was revealed.

Contraindications and side effects

Taking the drug Milgamma can cause side reactions like:

  1. Hives;
  2. Itching;
  3. Edema Quincke;
  4. Difficult breathing and dyspnoea;
  5. Hyperpractice;
  6. Acne rash;
  7. Tachycardic signs;
  8. Anaphylactic shock;
  9. Bradycardia;
  10. Spasmodic contraction of the calf muscles;
  11. Dizziness;
  12. Nausea.

Such adverse reactions usually develop in case of too rapid intramuscular injection of Milgrammy injections, as well as with excessively high dosages of the drug.

Among the contraindications to the use of the drug are the following:

  • Age to 16 years;
  • Impaired conductivity of the myocardium;
  • Hypersensitivity or individual intolerance of B-group vitamins;
  • Presence of heart failure;
  • Simultaneous use with alcohol.

Instructions for the use of tablets and injections

The greatest therapeutic effect is achieved through intramuscular injection of Milgamma injections.

The recommended dosage of the drug is 2 ml intramuscularly, and the drug should be administered deep once a day.

If the goal is maintenance treatment, the dosage of 2 ml of the drug is administered intramuscularly once every two days.

The tablet form of the drug is usually used as an auxiliary therapy, the recommended dosage is 1 tablet once a day.

Since the drug does not affect psychomotor reactions, there are no contraindications to its use when driving vehicles or working with moving mechanisms.

An overdose of the drug

When an overdose of Milgamma drug in patients there are manifestations of adverse reactions, only in an even more vivid form. In this situation, symptomatic treatment is indicated.

In pregnancy

In connection with the fact that no studies have been conducted on the study of the effect on the fetus, it is not recommended to take Milgamma during the lactation period and during pregnancy.

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With the simultaneous intake of Milgamma with certain substances, vitamin B1 completely disintegrates in the body, without proper treatment, then other vitamins also cease to function, so there is no therapeutic effect in this case.

Absence of the effect of vitamin therapy takes place during the interaction of vitamin B1 with the following substances:

  1. Magnesium sulfate (Magnesia) is a medicinal product with laxative, choleretic, soothing, antispasmodic, vasodilating, anticonvulsant, hypotensive and antiarrhythmic action;
  2. Mercury Chloride (Suloma) is an antiseptic and disinfectant;
  3. Potassium iodide - is used in the treatment of hyperactivity of the thyroid gland, endemic goiter, hyperthyroidism, syphilis, pathologies of the respiratory tract and eyes;
  4. Riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  5. Glucose;
  6. Iron ammonium citrate - food additive E381, antioxidant and antioxidant;
  7. Acetates are esters and salts of acetic acid;
  8. Tannic acid is a fairly common ingredient in many medicines;
  9. Lithium carbonate is a strong antipsychotic and sedative used in schizophrenia, chronic alcohol dependence, manic disorders, etc.

In addition, the activity of vitamin B1 decreases with the growth of acid-base balance in the body, as well as in interaction with preparations containing copper.

If we talk about vitamin B6, then its effect reduces the effectiveness of antiparkinsonian drugs (for example, Levodopa). Therefore, you can not take these drugs at the same time. Some salts of heavy metals deprive vitamin B12 of its beneficial properties.

Dragee Compositum

The preparation Milgamma Compositum is derived from Milgamma and has a similar composition, it is simply produced in the form of a dragee. Therefore, Milgamma Compositum has similar indications for use as in tablets or injections.

Dragee has a biconvex regular round shape and white color. Packed in contour squirrel blisters for 15 pills. The package can contain 30 or 60 pills (2 or 4 blisters).

The price of tablets and ampoules

The average cost of drugs Milgammah in Russian and Moscow pharmacies is approximately the same and is:

  • Injections of Milgamma, 5 ampoules - 250-360 ?;
  • Dragee Milgamma Compositum, 30 dragees - 620-840 ?.

Pharmaceutical analogues

Among the most effective analogues are especially distinguished:

  1. Neuromultivitis;
  2. Kombilipen;
  3. Neurobion;
  4. Milgamma Compositum;
  5. Binawit.


What helps the pill and injections of Milgramm? Instructions for use, analogues, price

Analgesic, metabolic, widely used in medicine, are pills and injections of Milgramam.

What helps the medicine? It also has neuroprotective, moisturizing properties.

Milgamma preparation instruction for use suggests use for neuralgia, osteochondrosis, insufficiency of B vitamins in the body.

Composition and form of release

The medicine is available as a solution (injections of Milgramam for intramuscular injection), as well as in the form of tablets and dragees.

Vitamins in the form of a solution are contained in ampoules of 2 ml. Ampoules are made of brown hydrolytic glass, on each of them there is a label and a white dot. In the package - 5 or 10 ampoules.

The tablets covered with a cover, are packed on 30 or on 60 pieces.

Also produced dragee Milgamma Compositum 100 mg / 100 mg - biconvex, round shape, white. Dragee is contained in a contour squamous package of 15 pieces.

The injections of Milgamma, from which the medicinal product helps with neuralgia, includes several active substances. In particular, the composition of ampoules includes: pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin, lidocaine hydrochloride.

Also in the composition of injections Milgammy contain additional substances: benzyl alcohol, potassium hexacyanoferrate, sodium hydroxide, sodium polyphosphate, water for injection.

Vitamins in tablets contain benfotiamine, pyridoxine hydrochloride, and also they contain silicon anhydrous colloid, sodium croscarmellose, microcrystalline cellulose, talc, povidone K30, partial long chain glycerides.

Pharmacological properties

Medication Milgramam, instruction for use reports this, - a complex drug based on vitamins of group B.

Neurotropic B vitamins have a beneficial effect on inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nerves and motor apparatus.

Promotes increased blood flow and improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) plays a key role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, as well as in the Krebs cycle with subsequent participation in the synthesis of TPI (thiamin pyrophosphate) and ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is involved in protein metabolism and, in part, in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.

The physiological function of both vitamins is the potentiation of each other's action, manifested in a positive effect on the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems. With a deficiency of vitamin B6, widespread deficit conditions quickly stop after the administration of these vitamins.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is involved in the synthesis of the myelin sheath, stimulates hemopoiesis, reduces pain associated with peripheral nervous system damage, stimulates nucleic acid metabolism through the activation of folic acid. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that causes all kinds of local anesthesia (terminal, infiltration, conductive).

Tablets, injections of Milgamma: what helps the medicine

Milgamma is used as a symptomatic and pathogenetic agent in the complex treatment of pathologies of the nervous system:

  • Neuralgia.
  • Neuropathy.
  • Paresis of the facial nerve.
  • Necessity of fortifying action.
  • Retrobulbaric neuritis.
  • Myalgia.
  • Herpes zoster and symptoms of other herpesvirus infections.
  • Plexopathy.
  • Ganglionitis (including shingles).
  • Radical syndrome.
  • Neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine: muscular-tonic syndromes, lumboeishalgia, radiculopathy.
  • Nocturnal muscle cramps, especially in patients of older age groups.
  • Polineuropathy (including alcoholic, diabetic).

From what Milgamma helps more? In addition, the use of Milgamma is shown:

  1. Dragee - symptomatic therapy of myalgia, systemic neurological diseases, caused by a confirmed deficiency of vitamins B1 and B6.
  2. The solution is part of complex therapy of plexopathy, neuropathy, muscle nocturnal cramps (more often in elderly patients); neurologic symptoms of osteochondrosis of the spine.

What helps the drug as part of complex therapy, and from which the injections of Milgramam are prescribed, you can find out more in detail with your doctor.


Medication Milgramam instruction on use prohibits taking:

  • During childbearing and breastfeeding (studies on the effect on the drug on the fetus were not conducted).
  • At the age of 16 years.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the preparation Milgamma, from which these pills and injections can cause side effects.
  • Violation of the conduction of the heart muscle.
  • Heart failure in the stage of decompensation (including acute or chronic form of the flow).

Milgamma preparation: instructions for use

With pain

Instructions for use Milgamma indicates that to quickly eliminate pain, you should use ampoules or tablets (1 tablet three times a day).

Treatment can last about one month. The patient's state of health should be monitored by the doctor weekly. Experts advise as soon as possible to switch to the internal reception of the drug.

It should be noted that Milgamma candles are not produced.


If a patient is prescribed Milgramam injections, the instructions for use should be carefully observed.

Initially, the drug is injected deep into the muscle 2 ml once a day for 5-10 days. If injections are intended for maintenance treatment, then 2 ml is administered 2-3 times a week.

It is also possible for maintenance therapy to take the drug in the form of tablets (1 tablet daily).

The course of treatment with injections can last longer only on the instructions of a doctor. How often it is possible to prick injections, and which form of release is preferable in each particular case, should also be asked by the attending physician.

Side effect

Against the background of taking the dragee, it is possible to develop unwanted reactions:

  1. Cardiovascular system: in some cases - tachycardia.
  2. Other: in some cases - increased sweating, acne.

The use of Milgamma in the form of a solution can cause side effects:

  • Local and systemic reactions: in some cases, irritation at the injection site.
  • Cardiovascular system: very rarely - tachycardia; in some cases - an arrhythmia, a bradycardia.
  • Digestive system: in some cases - vomiting.
  • Musculoskeletal system: in some cases - convulsions.
  • Dermatological reactions: very rarely - itching, increased sweating, acne.
  • Nervous system: in some cases - confusion, dizziness.

Use in children, during pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated the appointment of the drug to children (not enough clinical data for this group of patients). During pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is not recommended.

special instructions

In case of accidental intravenous injection of Milgamma, the patient should be under close medical supervision.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the patient is hospitalized.

When parenteral use of lidocaine in the case of additional use of epinephrine and norepinephrine may increase the side effects on the heart.

Interactions with sulfonamides are also noted.

The cream should not be applied in the presence of acute inflammatory processes on the skin and with individual intolerance of the constituent components of the drug.

Information on caution regarding the reception of Milgamma by drivers of vehicles and people working with dangerous mechanisms is not provided.

Drug Interactions

Therapeutic doses of Milgramam reduce the antiparkinsonian effect of levodopa, this is due to the increase in its peripheral decarboxylation under the influence of pyridoxine. The drug interacts with penicillamine, cycloserine, isoniazid. Drug interaction of the solution is due to its combined composition.

Because of the thiamine content, the solution can not be combined with reducing and oxidizing compounds, including carbonates, iodides, acetates, iron ammonium citrate, tannic acid, phenobarbital, benzylpenicillin, riboflavin, dextrose, disulfites.

Completely disintegrating in solutions of sulfites, thiamine decomposition products reduce the activity of other vitamins. The effectiveness of thiamine is lost at pH more than 3, also copper contributes to the acceleration of its destruction processes.

With the simultaneous use of epinephrine and norepinephrine, the presence of lidocaine in the solution may cause increased side effects from the heart. Interaction with sulfonamides was also noted.

Because of the presence of cyanocobalamin, the solution can not be combined with heavy metal salts, riboflavin (especially with simultaneous exposure to light).

Antioxidants slow the clinical effect of the drug, the action of nicotinamide accelerates photolysis.

With alcohol

Milgamma is prescribed after alcohol intoxication in order to restore the body. At the same time, alcohol and Milgamma, both in injections and in tablets, should not be consumed.

Despite the fact that compatibility with alcohol of this drug in the official instruction is not described, this combination completely neutralizes the positive effect of the drug. Also a number of side effects can provoke the combination of alcohol and lidocaine: it is a headache, drowsiness, a state of anxiety.

Milgamma medication analogues

Similar active substances have analogues:

  • Binawit.
  • Vitagamma.
  • Kombilipen.
  • Complyma V.
  • Trigamma.
  • Vitaxon.
  • Neuromultivitis.
  • Triovit.
  • Pikovit.
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The most optimal substitute is a similar in composition and cheap analog Kombilipen, as well as Neuromultivite. The price of the Milgamma analogs, as a rule, is somewhat lower.

Which is better: Milgamma or Kombilipen?

Kombilipen is also a complex vitamin drug, which includes vitamins of group B.

The drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy for patients with neurological diseases.

These are similar means, only they have a different manufacturer, and Kombilipen can be purchased at a lower price.

Neuromultivitis or Milgamma: Which is better?

The composition of these drugs is similar, but neuromultivitis does not have lidocaine as a component. Neuromultivitis, unlike Milgamma, is prescribed for the treatment of children. For what each of the drugs is prescribed, the treating specialist will explain in more detail.


The injections of Milgamma can be bought in Moscow for 280, dragee 30 pcs. - for 545 rubles. The price of the drug in Kiev and Ukrainian cities is 122 hryvnia (ampoules). In Minsk, pharmacies offer to buy a remedy for 1,25-21,8 bel. rubles. In Kazakhstan, Milgamma in pricks costs 1700 tenge.

Reviews about Milgramam

There are numerous reviews about Milgamma, which are left as patients who underwent such treatment, and specialists. In the reviews it is noted that injections intramuscularly are quite painful, sometimes there is irritation at the place where the injection was administered.

But more often the positive effect is described in the treatment of neuralgia, neuritis and other diseases, which were noted after the patient was injected with Milgamma injections.

The doctors' comments contain information that during the treatment patients should lead a correct lifestyle and follow all the recommendations, as the remedy removes only the symptoms, but not the cause of the ailments.

Often, the effectiveness of the drug in complex therapy is also noted, for which it is prescribed not only this drug, but also other medications.

For example, a good effect can be obtained if Movalis and Milgamma are assigned simultaneously.

Movalis is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that exerts a pronounced positive effect in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

"If you suddenly need to pierce milgammu - stock up in advance with antihistamine. Allergy is a very frequent reaction to the drug. "

"I was not allergic to him and there were improvements in IRR too."

"I stab his courses in the spring and autumn with exacerbation of pain in the spine. They help after 2 injections, - I fly. At the same time calm as an elephant. Pills, yes there are - I have subcutaneous acne on the face and back. "

"Usually this drug is prescribed to older people and, I will tell you a secret, they are delighted with it. Vitamins are there in lethal doses, so they are suitable for people with more serious diseases than the VSD. "

"I drank the pills. The allergy got out only when I tried to drink an additional complex of vitamins. Then the armpit appeared an itch. "

"I stabbed his mother not a single course (of course not in a row and only according to the doctor's prescription). Never had allergies and irritations. She generally considers it very effective, but from joint pain. "



Milgamma is a preparation of B group vitamins, which is used to treat neurological pathologies accompanied by impairment of nerve conduction.

Instruction for the use of the preparation contains all the necessary information on the method of administration and dosages, however Milgamma is dispensed strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

In the presence of indications, the drug can be used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Its therapeutic effect is determined by the properties of the active ingredients: when used in therapeutic doses, B vitamins reduce the severity of inflammatory phenomena, prevent the development of degenerative processes and stop the pain syndrome.

Milgamma is available in two dosage forms:

  1. tablets for oral administration;
  2. ampoules with a solution for intramuscular injection.

Doctors prefer the injection form, since after the injection the active components immediately enter the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system, and the medicine begins to act almost instantly.

In pharmacies, you can see a drug called Milgamma Compositum in the form of a dragee. This is the same drug, and it can be used to treat orthopedic diseases and neurological pathologies, but there are some differences in the composition.

Composition and pharmacological action

The active substance of Milgamma is a complex of B vitamins. In all dosage forms, pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is included.

It is necessary for providing metabolic processes in organs and tissues, improving the conductivity of nerve impulses and forming a sufficient amount of hemoglobin.

In combination with other vitamins of this pharmacological group, pyridoxine participates in the formation of serotonin ("a hormone of joy"), histamine and adrenaline.

Vitamin B1 is responsible for ensuring the energy resources of cells and the processes of carbohydrate metabolism. In the composition of Milgamma Compositum, thiamine is present in the form of benfotiamine.

The solution for injection also includes cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), which provides a moderate analgesic effect and prevents the development of various forms of anemia. With a shortage of cyanocobalamin in the body, the processes of synthesizing choline, creatinine, nucleic acids and other important elements are disrupted.

The main difference between Milgamma and Milgamma Compositum is the presence of lidocaine in the composition.

This is a powerful enough anesthetic that allows you to quickly stop the pain syndrome and restore the previous level of mobility, which is often disrupted for neurological diseases and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for use of the medicine

Milgamma has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect and stimulates metabolic and metabolic processes in tissues.

    The medicine is used as a symptomatic means for stopping the inflammatory process and alleviating the pain syndrome in the following diseases:
  1. neuralgia;
  2. defeat of nerves without signs of inflammation;
  3. neuritis;
  4. violation of mimicry (paresis of the facial nerve);
  5. convulsive syndrome;
  6. osteochondrosis;
  7. Multiple nerve damage of the peripheral system;
  8. inflammation of the nerve plexus (plexopathy);
  9. retrobulbar neuritis;
  10. inflammation of the nerve node (ganglion).

The use of the drug is especially effective in the elderly, suffering from nocturnal cramps calf muscles.

Milgamma is usually prescribed as part of complex therapy, but it can sometimes be used as an independent agent.

Course use Milgammy has a general strengthening, immunostimulating effect and helps to increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

In the presence of indications, the drug may be included in the treatment of infections caused by the herpes virus.

To stop the acute process, Milgamma is used in the form of a solution for injection.

Single dose is 2 ml (one ampoule). The injection is given intramuscularly once a day.

After achieving a stable therapeutic effect, the drug is prescribed in a maintenance dosage of 2 ml every other day.

Tablets and pills

Tablets should be taken orally once a day, washed down with a small amount of water. This dosage form is prescribed after stabilization of the condition. Duration of admission is 30 days.

To stop the acute pain syndrome, the regimen of the drug is changed. In this case, the doctor for a certain period increases the daily dose of the drug to three tablets of 1 piece. 3 times a day.

Milgamma has practically no contraindications, except for heart failure in the stage of decompensation and violation of cardiac conduction.

Pregnant women and lactating mothers are not recommended, since no drug studies have been performed on this category of patients.

Pregnant women, as a rule, are taking vitamin complexes, and additional intake of B vitamins can lead to overdose and the development of adverse reactions.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is also a contraindication for use. Children and adolescents younger than 16 years of age are usually not prescribed Milgamma, since the therapeutic doses of pyridoxine and thiamine are not suitable for use in childhood.

Side effects

Side effects on the background of Milgamma treatment appear very rarely, but it is impossible to exclude such a possibility. Most often there are allergic reactions, manifested by itching, rash, eczema and urticaria.

In some patients, other reactions were recorded, including:

  • nausea;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes (mainly on the lips and skin of the face);
  • difficulty breathing;
  • drowsiness;
  • vomiting;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • increased seizures;
  • increased activity of sweat glands.

In some cases, patients diagnosed with anaphylactic reactions and Quincke's edema.

When using the drug in the form of a solution for injection, local reactions may occur at the injection site.

Irritation usually occurs with the rapid administration of a drug or a violation of the requirements for aseptic.


If accidentally overdosed, there may be an increase in adverse reactions. Treatment consists in the cancellation of the drug, gastric lavage and the appointment of symptomatic therapy.


The average price of Milgamma in pharmacies is:

  1. Milgamma 2 ml (№ 5) - 300 rubles;
  2. Milgamma 2 ml (No. 25) - 1100 rubles;
  3. Milgamma 30 tablets - 650 rubles;
  4. Milgamma Compositum 60 dragees - 1150 rubles.

Sometimes there is a need to replace the drug with a structural analogue or a drug with a similar pharmacological effect. Popular Milgamma analogs include:

  • Neuromultivitis;
  • Kombilipen;
  • Binavit;
  • Neurobion.

To select and prescribe medicines - substitutes should be the attending physician, as they can differ in composition, degree of influence and contraindications.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews about Milgamma are mostly positive.

The drug is well tolerated, does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle, which is important for patients whose professional activity requires increased concentration of attention and rapid reaction. Side effects, stated in the official instructions, are extremely rare.

The drug helps to stop the pain syndrome after several applications, which allows you to restore the usual level of mobility for the patient.

Milgamma effectively copes with articular pains in diabetes mellitus and chronic alcohol intoxication.

With lesions of the sciatic nerve, a significant improvement can be achieved after 7-10 days of treatment.

Milgamma is a well-known and effective drug for restoring metabolic processes, enhancing the protective functions of the body, reducing the severity of inflammatory processes in pathologies of a neurological nature.

When the instructions and recommendations of the attending physician are followed, the treatment passes without complications, and side effects occur very rarely.


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