Treatment of abrasions on the face at home

The problem of home abrasion treatment is especially relevant for children, but in adults they are also not uncommon. Of all wounds, it is these injuries that are most common. If there are abrasions on the face, treatment at home can be done independently. Of course, these skin lesions do not pose a threat to life, but proper treatment is extremely important.

  • Stages of processing abrasions
  • Home Treatment
  • Features of treatment of abrasions on the face
  • Ointments for the treatment of abrasions
  • What folk recipes will help
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Interesting!The abrasions are caused by blows with blunt objects, when falling. The upper layer of the skin, called the epidermis, is damaged. First, a red spot appears on the affected area (it can bleed, swell).

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When abrasion occurs, it is necessary to perform treatment, stop bleeding, if any. Unpleasant pain in trauma - burning, itching. With severe bleeding, body temperature may increase.

Stages of processing abrasions

The degree of severity is determined by the depth of damage. Symptoms of abrasions are manifested in bleeding (profuse depends on the severity of the damage), pain and burning in the place of injury. When the violation of the skin is insignificant, you can eliminate it at home by resorting to special means. But if you have some symptoms, you need to seek medical help:

  • the injury site bleeds profusely, the bleeding does not stop;
  • the local or general temperature rises, suppuration is formed;
  • The abrasion is contaminated, there is a risk of infection in the wound. The results of contamination can be dangerous, possibly contaminating the blood.

Home Treatment

Treatment of abrasion on the face at home begins with washing the affected area. If the wound is not too dirty, then just rinse it with running clean water. When the pollution is strong, no antiseptic solution can not be avoided (3% hydrogen peroxide solution, 2% boric acid solution, manganese solution, Chlorhexidine, Dekasan).

Important!If there is no antiseptic medicine at hand, you can use a regular soap. To avoid burns, you can not treat the entire wound with iodine, zelenok.

Further treatment plan for abrasion:

  1. After treatment, apply a bandage to the wound. It will protect against new contaminants and stop bleeding. Be sure to use a sterile bandage bandage.
  2. The plaster in this situation is not suitable, ointments at this stage of elimination of abrasions can not be used. The wound should be left open, then it will heal faster.
  3. Regular antiseptic treatment - Chlorhexidine or Dekasan.
  4. A bactericidal plaster can be used in a few days. But it must be constantly changed to a new one, removed in time, left for a while a wound in an open form.

Important!Various special antibacterial ointments that are sold in pharmacies can be used only if the abrasion heals for a few days, and after a doctor's examination.

Features of treatment of abrasions on the face

Home treatment of abrasions on the face requires special attention and care. After all, a person is a vulnerable place. In addition, that the wound hurts, it looks unaesthetic. The thing is that there are a lot of nerve endings and vessels in this area. Vessels are located directly at the surface of the skin and bruises develop rapidly if damaged. So, when you receive a minimal injury, you should immediately begin treatment.

Effective and popular folk remedies:

  • cut off the fleshy juice of aloe and squeeze out the juice from it, make lotions several times a day for 10 minutes throughout the week;
  • leaves of plantain twist in a meat grinder and mix with Vaseline in a ratio of 1: 5, the finished mixture applied 3 times a day.

If you need to quickly remove abrasions on the face, then the first thing:

  • treat with hydrogen peroxide;
  • rinse with antiseptic;
  • Treat the edges of the wound with greenery.

Of the general recommendations, it should be noted that wounds are not advised to keep under the bandage all the time. Use special tools to heal lesions on the skin: Panthenol, Calendula Ointment, Rescuer.

The first medical aid is standard, we wrote about it in detail: we wash the wound with an antiseptic, stop the bleeding. For the face of the ointment that accelerate healing, use is mandatory. The treatment compositions are applied several times a day.

Ointments for the treatment of abrasions

Levomekol treats skin lesions well. The product has antiseptic properties. Contains antibiotic, promotes healing of the skin, it is used not only with abrasions. It helps with purulent wounds, furuncles. Levomekol eliminates pathogenic microflora, treats inflammation and swelling. A thin layer of ointment is applied to the damaged area, covered with a sterile tissue.

Solcoseryl is used externally for various skin lesions. There are two types of composition - jelly and ointment.

The first is used immediately after the appearance of abrasion, to dry and degrease the skin. Ointment is used at the final stage of abrasion treatment, it creates a protective layer, which accelerates healing. It is prescribed for burns, heals scratches and cuts. Apply the composition only when the wound is dry. Before use, the wound should be treated with a bactericide.

Actovegin. Apply to heal different types of wounds and eliminate inflammation, he heals and burns. When the damage is serious, apply 20% of Actovegin, then apply a five percent composition.

Rescuer. It is considered an anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces pain, quickly heals the skin. It helps against scratches, burns and frostbite. Eliminates inflammation, calluses and bruises. Removes itching with an insect bite.

Bepanten. Heals minor damage to the skin, including abrasions. There are no contraindications, it is used in the treatment of abrasions in children. Do not use Bepanten at the same time with similar drugs.

Ointment with arnica. Has anti-inflammatory effect, heals damaged tissues. Reduces pain. Treats, in addition to abrasions, other skin lesions. Promotes resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages. Do not use if the wound is heavily soiled. It is forbidden to lubricate the vast surface of the skin.

What folk recipes will help

Folk medicine has answers to the question of what kind of home treatment to do with abrasions on the face. We advise you to pay attention to the pleasant scent and very effective lavender oil. It will help stop the bleeding, will contribute to the early healing of the wound.

Also, bleeding will stop cayenne pepper. True, you need to take it in a minimum amount, put on the wound. To stop the reproduction of bacteria in an open wound, folk medicine advises tea tree oil or natural honey.

Oil balms of any form are perfectly suitable for the speedy healing of lesions. Also, in the treatment, it is possible to actively use crushed pine needles, butter (only natural, with fat content from 85% and above).

Methods of traditional medicine will accelerate healing, but the first treatment of abrasions is carried out quite familiar for each person's materials. You need antiseptics, iodine or zelenka, bandages, as well as mindfulness and caution.

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