The child has a cold on the lips than heal

Mom, tell me what can cure a cold on the lips of a child? To the child 10 months.



causes and consequences are banal and well known.
to remove the manifestation sometimes helps vulgar sulfur from the ear. Blurred by a thin layer on the swelling. .
that's just whose... maybe. The child's ear is cleaned with a special cotton wand... .
almost all are infected with this virus. from whom he is dozing. someone regularly reminds oneself. with a doctor. of course. you need to consult.

Eldar Kasumov

I'll answer as Daddy. No doctor is able to treat this phenomenon. can offer some ointments. Herpes arises from the state of energy and the violation of the proportion of two amino acids.


usually children are infected by adults when they themselves exacerbate herpes on the lips (as they say, a cold) through kisses, dishes, etc. For prevention, you need to strengthen immunity and hygiene.
here everything is written
but in general, consult a doctor!

Mamzel Elena

instagram viewer

Acyclovir pills let's. Once the herpes virus has activated, it means a reduced immunity. Children are most often infected in utero, if the parents have the virus in the blood, then the child is likely to be.
By the way, maybe the throat is red with small herpetic vesicles, and stomatitis is herpetic. Then panavir-inlay spray will help.


my mom smeared with butter (this was in the 80s)))).
In general, strengthen the immune system, tempered ...


and why herpes, my daughter had a sore, it was just necessary to smear fucorcine and everything went away


Try ointment Advantan or D-Panthenol, it helps.


Herpes is treated with acyclovir, but you do not pick up a dose of such a baby. It's better that the doctor does this. And herpes for children - a dangerous thing. After all, if it was activated, it can get out anywhere, and it's necessary to kill it from inside, not with ointments.


Go to the doctor. Herpes is not a pimple on the lip, it's a virus that lives in nerve endings and is NOT CURED! There is only maintenance therapy. There are even herpetic strokes, this can not be joked. Once a child is sick, it means that you have infected him or relatives - running to the doctor, and yourself, and the child!

Than to treat a cold on the lips of a child A child of a year and a half tell me how to lick a cold on the lips.


natalia smolina

it's not just a cold, but a herpes virus that has attracted the baby's liver and that's how it changed the pH liver, which on the representative zone of the liver - lips, also changed the pH and now looks like skin carosta. it is necessary to get rid, or rather reduce the amount of the herpes virus, which multiplies in the body only when there is a shortage of zinc. change the diet of the baby, let the food uses porridge with zinc (minerals and vitamins more)


it's herpes, an infection in the blood, go to the pediatrician, she will send for tests, to the immunologist, etc.

Larissa Volkov

NATURAL HONEY to apply constantly and at night and no herpes and it's not herpes why scare people please listen to what you wrote to children or adults alike MED-NATURAL and that would the sores dried up and went to buy in the pharmacy grass-Cleaner brew in enameled dishes cool and wipe and then honey HEALTHY to your baby and you with him


It's the herpes virus, go to the immunologist, he's doing things like that

Masha Gutkova

From the herpes virus, nobody cures, including. and an immunologist. This virus is in the body of most people. It is amazing only that he was at such a crumb.. .
Perhaps it's not herpes, but stomatitis? But with stomatitis, there must be a high temperature.
In any way, show your doctor. But no "kashki with vitamins" from this virus does not save, unfortunately. Will help to save yourself from relapses (sores) strengthening the immunity of the child: more to walk with it in any weather, to sleep with an open window, there is only useful food - more vitamins and minerals in food!
Do not get scared and do not bother: with the herpes virus, hundreds of millions of people live happily on Earth! And then the doctors will start chasing the classrooms - just bother the head and let the money go! Medicine against this virus is still powerless.

Margarita Ozhegova

smear with oksolinovoy ointment.

Russian-speaking non-Russian

What honey? It will not help, the more powerful the allergen for a little baby!
natalia smolina in general delirium carried! I did not hear such a thing about the herpes virus!
Correctly said Masha Gutkova.
Acyclovir-cream (better zovirax) locally 3 times a day. But the pediatrician should determine this better.

Oksana Kinkova

Herpes virus is not treated. Apply acyclovir or zovirax. Well, try to temper the child.

Features of treatment of herpes on the lips

Knowing how to cure a cold on the lip, you can get rid of the formed blisters on your face in a short time, but this does not mean that they will never appear again.Nevertheless, it is necessary to treat herpes, because otherwise the virus will spread rapidly throughout the body, causing other infectious diseases. How to treat a cold on the lip - is known to many, the main thing is to correctly use a medical or folk antiviral agent. If the rashes on the lips are episodic, you can easily get rid of the problem by applying special preparations drying and disinfectant. However, as shown by medical practice, a large part of the population is faced with frequent recurrences of the virus, so specialists the main reason for this phenomenon is called weakened immunity.In this case, the treatment should be comprehensive: strengthening the defenses of the body, as well as restoring damaged tissue.


Pharmacies have a wide range of products that can overcome the spread of the herpes virus, so many people know how to clean a cold on the lips. Despite the effectiveness of most antiviral drugs, none of them can completely to overcome the virus, so people have to periodically remove only symptomatic ones manifestations. Pharmaceutical companies offer such antiviral drugs from herpes:
  1. Viru-Merz Serol- one of the most common drugs for today. It is produced by a German company in the form of a gel for the treatment of mucous membranes and skin with their redness and burning - the main symptoms of herpes. Already 3-4 days decreases the manifestation of symptoms, soon recovery occurs, permanently preventing the occurrence of relapses.
  2. Acyclovir- often used medicine for colds on the lips, the active substance in which acts atsiklovir. The same effect on the body has Zovirax, however, this drug is more expensive. Before applying these ointments, it is necessary to treat the skin lesions with an antiseptic. Specialists do not recommend the use of tablet forms of antiviral medication in cases where there are minor rashes on the lips. According to them, to take pills for colds on the lip is necessary when the virus struck a large area on the lips and around them, but more effective are Valtrex tablets, not Acyclovir or Zovirax.
  3. Panthenol Spray- a tool used in the quality of the auxiliary, because it accelerates the process of scarring and epithelialization of damaged skin areas.
  4. Doctor Mom.Despite the fact that this drug does not have antiviral effect, it still helps to stop the development of the virus at the stage of its formation. Apply it immediately after the appearance of redness on the lips.

Often specialists are prescribed for herpes lesions of the lips such ointments as Fenistil-pencivir, Gervirax, Valaciclovir, Troxevasin and many others.

All women worry about their appearance, but you can not use cosmetic means to disguise the rash. Such actions only aggravate the process of treatment, contributing to the spread of infection on the face.

Folk remedies

It is much more difficult to treat herpes on the lips of a small child than in adults, since The probability of drug ingestion into the oral cavity is excluded, which is very dangerous for organism. For this reason, when asked how to treat a cold on the lips of a child, even many doctors say that it is better to give preference to safe folk remedies. In folk medicine, many recipes for the treatment of this common and insidious disease are known. If the parents on the lips of their child found the first bubbles of herpes, you can use such available means:
  1. Essential oils. In the treatment of herpes in children and adults, tea tree oil, fir and almond oils are widely used. Begin to smear them with inflammation sites as soon as possible, carry out the procedure every 2-3 hours.
  2. Propolis. Used if there is no allergy to beekeeping products.
  3. Aloe and Kalanchoe juice. They can be mixed in the same amount or used individually, you just need to lubricate the bubbles with fresh juice. It will also benefit the use of lemon juice, but not all children can suffer a burning sensation when it is applied to blisters.
  4. Pharmaceutical camomile. A good antiseptic is a decoction of chamomile pharmacy, from which you need to make lotions on the affected areas of the skin. For preparation of the medicine it is necessary 1 second. l. plants pour a glass of boiling water, insist 25 minutes and lubricate the lips every 2 hours.
  5. Infusion of birch buds. In a glass of boiling water, brew 2 tablespoons of birch buds and wipe the damaged skin.
  6. Garlic. Grind the garlic to the state of gruel, squeeze out the juice and apply to the blisters.

Experts recommend the use of cold on the lips oksolinovuyu ointment as a treatment and prevention. It can be used for children, but it is important not to let it enter the body. In herpes should be used 3% oxolin ointment, it should be applied three times a daya thin layer on the mucous membranes of the lips. As a preventive measure oxolin ointment is applied in the presence of factors that cause the development of the disease.It is important to know in advance what to cure a cold on the lips, so that if a rash is found, immediately carry out therapeutic actions.


The child under his nose popped a big cold and under the lower lip, than to treat


Running on the waves

the fact that the doctor penned

Inna Timokhina

What for the diagnosis - "cold"? herpes or what?


acyclovir. ointment

Kora Luri

Well... for the beginning the diagnosis is accurate. T. e. visit to the doctor and follow his appointments. Another question is that a doctor can prescribe expensive medicines, but you can take a cheap analog. But it is better to ask the doctor immediately about the cost and learn about the possibility of replacement. A cold treat on the lips - acyclovir to help you.

Laura Lurie

Herpes on a large surface should be treated with pills and ointment Acyclovir. One ointment is not enough. But this is for adults. And it is better to show the child to the doctor, let him appoint.


anoint with tetracycline ointment helps to chase pogoet from all colds they usually happen on the lip in the nose

Sadykova Elena

mint or menthol toothpaste I smear both myself and my daughter. The earlier you start, the faster it will be


Address to the doctor! and do not listen to anyone



Where I am? Who am I?

this is only for the doctor. our daughter in, year, picked up herpes sore throat in the garden + herpes on her lip got out. we gave her aciclovir tablets + smeared wound with ointment aciclovir + drank antiviral (we are ideally helped by cytovir-3). all passed in 3 days
but that there was no relapse, it is necessary to hand over the blood to the herpes virus, and only then to undergo a course of treatment


The kamistad helps, and the children are harmless, no side effects.

Than to cure a cold on the lip ??



Cold on the lips, scientifically called herpes, is a very common supplement of various colds, viral diseases. From a cold on the lips, no one is immune, because the herpes virus is in the body of every person, another thing is that it manifests itself only in the case of a sharp weakening of immunity. It is then on the lips "pops" cold: itchy bubbles, which not only disgrace the face, but also cause unpleasant sensations. In this case, you need a remedy that will help cure a cold.

What will help quickly get rid of colds on the lip - folk remedies or medications? Let's talk about how to treat colds on the lips at home using folk remedies - these simple methods often give a more noticeable effect than treating the cold on the lips with medicines.
Herbs as a folk remedy for the treatment of colds on the lips

Consider the herbs that folk medicine uses to treat colds on the lips. And the first of these is mint. Lotion from the broth of mint allows you to quickly get rid of colds on the lips. Take 1 tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves on a glass of boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and cook in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Ready-made broth should be filtered, and then every hour to make lotions on the areas of cold on the lips with cotton swabs, soaked in a warm broth. If you have fresh mint leaves available, take 2 tablespoons of chopped leaves on a glass of water.

Ordinary chamomile helps to get rid of colds on the lips, and it is good both outwardly and for internal use. Make lotions from the infusion of chamomile and take the same infusion inside for the prompt elimination of inflammatory processes (1 tbsp. spoon 3 times during the day). Infusion is prepared this way: brew chamomile (1 tbsp. spoon of grass on a glass of boiling water), let it brew under the lid for 25 minutes, strain, mix with 1 tablespoon of 10% alcohol propolis infusion.

Everyone knows that raspberries are a wonderful folk remedy for colds. And ripples of raspberries, it turns out, help and from herpes. To clean a cold on the lips, wash the freshly cut branches of raspberries, chop them to the state of gruel and Lubricate the areas affected by the cold, leaving on the lips for half an hour, after which the gruel should be remove. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
Other folk remedies against colds on the lips

An equally effective folk remedy against cold on the lips is the infusion of birch buds. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs for 1 glass of alcohol (70%) or vodka, pour into a tightly closed dish and leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. Before use, the infusion should be filtered, and then lubricate them with bubbles on the lips.
Birch buds for treating colds on the lips can be used in another way. The popular way is: boil a glass of milk, pour into a tightly closed container with 1 tablespoon of herb and insist for about 20 minutes. Then the liquid should be drained, and the kidneys wrapped in gauze and apply to the cold on the lips. Remember, to achieve results, compress with the kidneys should be kept longer.

Excellent help to treat the common cold on the lip of certain essential oils. If the cold has not yet jumped, and the first itch is felt, essential oil of lemon balm will help. If the cold on the lips has already manifested itself, use fir oil, lubricating the affected area every two hours. A little can burn, but soon passes.

Known folk remedy for cold on the lips is an egg shell film. To get rid of the cold on the lips, it is carefully separated from the shell and applied to the lip in the cold zone, it dries up and promotes faster treatment of herpes.

Nastya Borodina

The devil! very quickly helps!!! Sulfur in the morning from the ear also helps! Some toothpaste smears!

Bear cub

Ointment such. it helps me overnight.


Acyclovir to smear and not touch it will pass day through 2.


Zaviraks-stunned tool, or put Levomekol - also works well, pulls all the rubbish.


I was at the beginning how I felt a small bump already knowing that it's a cold that I lubricate with a badge "asterisk" this balm burns it and everything is fine

Elena Smotrina

Acyclovir - quickly and inexpensively. Even if this minute, you can use toothpaste or a proven method - your own earwax, Chesh word checked on yourself. It helps.


Fenistil pencivir - ointment.

so that later you can not climb, take care of yourself, keep your feet warm, eat more foods containing vitamins - in general, strengthen immunity.

True, the herpes virus sits in our body and does not cure, if the body is not weakened - then it will not come out never, and in case of a cold (as in your example - your feet have chilled) or a decrease in immunity - herpes is like here on lips! (((I understand you, it's terrible.

You have left to finish the wound to the end, and in any case do not use hygienic lipstick and other means for the lips, because they carry the infection.

good luck to you!

Anton Tabensky

To me ointments never help or assist, already probably all have smeared. Usually, with herpes I drink a course of kagocel tablets (a course of five days). Vavka quickly heals, plus the virus itself is in the blood, not its external manifestations.

Night fairy

Yes - it's herpes. This is the first sign of low immunity, so that as soon as
This sore will pass (I recommend ointment acyclovir) to you, it is necessary to strengthen immunity. Drink a sufficient amount of water (-3 liters per day), eat full, eat enough vegetables and fruits (the optimal proportion:),
Drink a course of multivitamins and selenium. It would be nice to go in for sports in the fresh air. A full sleep also plays an important role in strengthening immunity!! Good luck, success and all the best!

Milan Sidorov

I smear acyclovir 1 day, in 4-5 days it will pass)))))

Alexander Veselov

Zoviraks probyval, helped quickly. Acyclovir smeared, it helps but slow, I shorter creep with Zovirax.

Angelica Grasmic

Iodine can not! And infagel always helps me. Also tried acyclovirku, slowly passes. Infagel, when applied, forms a film that does not rub off or stain clothing, in contrast to acyclovir. It is also not expensive. Zovirax did not try, or what I can not say about him.

Valentina Popova


[email protected]

I have many times over this life jumped out this cold and my mother advised me ointment acyclovir I do not know how you help me.

Dasha Zayakina

You can even smear Corvalol with drops, too, helps

Elvira Chernichka

ointment with an asterisk

Alisa Sherstneva

Fight with the cold first and strengthen immunity. Eat plenty of vitamins, walk in the fresh air. And the air in the apartment do not forget to "clean". To do this, a quartz lamp or barrier reef is suitable.

Herpes on the lips: signs, features of the manifestation and methods of treatment

Many people find on their lips a small rash in the form of pimples, which soon become crusted. Such a disease is called a cold on the lips, or herpes. There is a cold on the lips when you get into the body of the herpes simplex virus type 1.Typically, infection occurs when kissing, sneezing and coughing, common use of cutlery.

With lesions of the herpes virus, the infection can spread to the nasolabial triangle and to the nose. Specialists identify such factors that cause the development of herpes on the lips:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • colds, viral and bacterial infections;
  • nervous and physical overwork;
  • prolonged stressful situations;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy.

In the presence of at least one of these factors, there is a weakening of the immunity, resulting in the risk of colds on the lips.

How does the disease manifest itself?

It is accepted to distinguish 4 stages of the course of the herpes virus, which affected lips, each of which has its own symptomatology:
  1. "Tingle".When a virus enters the body in the area of ​​the lips, a sensation of tingling, itching, tingling and burning occurs. Redness of the affected lips is also noted.
  2. "Inflammation". On the surface of the lips begin to form bubbles, which gradually grow in size.
  3. "Expression".Vesicles, increasing in size, begin to burst, resulting in lymphatic fluid entering other areas of the face. It is for this period that the peak of the infectious person's infectiousness occurs.
  4. "Stripping".After the bubbles begin to burst, ulcers form in their place, which eventually become crusted. At this stage it is very important not to damage the crusts, and for their healing, you can use special healing and drying agents.

The entire period of the course of the disease - from the moment of appearance of the first symptoms to the disappearance of crusts, takes from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the state of the human immune system, compliance with the rules of behavior during treatment, as well as the effectiveness of the medicinal products used preparations.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Oral herpes can be diagnosed with the appearance of the first symptomatology, when the inflammatory process develops on the lips. In this case, you can conduct the diagnosis yourself, comparing the rashes on your lips with a photo on the Internet. If a person, for the first time, encounters a herpes simplex virus, he may not recognize the disease, then the diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. In the early stages of the formation of the inflammatory process, it is possible to diagnose only with the help of laboratory methods of investigation, since the disease does not externally manifest itself in any way.

Treatment of herpes on the lips is easy enough due to the presence of a number of special antiviral agents, but it is impossible to completely suppress the virus in the body. Such medications only depress the reproduction of the virus, and do not remove its DNA from the neurocytes.That is why the herpes simplex virus, once penetrated into the human body, will remain in it forever and will develop again if certain factors arise.

Use of medicines

Antiviral drugs are actively prescribed by doctors, because with their help you can suspend the multiplication of the virus, eliminating its main symptomatology. In most cases, the disease does not last long, but on the lips the ulcers do not heal so quickly, since it is not always possible to create favorable conditions for this. Accelerating the process of wound healing can help special antiviral ointments, for example, Acyclovir or other drugs containing this active ingredient.

In the treatment of facial herpes, or colds on the lips, such drugs are effective:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Valaciclovir;
  • Panavir;
  • Penciclovir;
  • Docosanol.

All these drugs can be bought without a doctor's prescription, but do not self-medicate, because only a specialist can choose the most suitable medicine for his patient.

Such antiviral drugs must be used regularly with observance of personal hygiene rules: apply cream, ointment or gel only with a clean cotton swab, and not with hands. Every time after handling the lesion, you should thoroughly wash your hands to prevent the spread of infection on other parts of the body.

It is also advisable to apply to the affected lips drugs designed to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and cells. Usually the active ingredient of such medicines is lysine - an indispensable amino acid, It is a plastic material for the epithelization of affected skin and mucous membranes shells. Ointments containing zinc have drying, healing and anti-inflammatory effects on the skin. Exactly this effect is characterized by aloe and calanchoe juice, propolis, which are used in the production of certain medicines against herpes. Such natural components are recommended for use in the treatment of colds on the lips of a child. Using them, you can still prepare folk remedies for a cold.

In the treatment of herpes simplex virus, regardless of the location of its localization, it is required to strengthen the protective forces of the body of a sick person. To this end, vitamin complexes are prescribed, natural immunostimulants - echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng.


Traditional medicine is known for a variety of drugs effective in the treatment of rashes on the lip associated with the spread of the herpes simplex virus. First of all, it is important to know that to accelerate the healing of ulcers on the face will help essential oils - sea buckthorn, fir, tea tree oil. The oil should be applied with a sterile cotton swab 2-3 times a day, carefully lubricating the diseased skin areas. Such actions will help to reduce the size of the rashes within one day of using such a product as essential oil. Particularly effective is tea tree oil, which exerts a range of actions on the affected skin:
  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • drying.

With sensitive skin of the face, any oil should be diluted with water before use.

Some people in the treatment of herpes begin to use sea salt, both externally and inward, in the case when the virus affects the oral cavity. If the rash is observed only on the lips, the salt should be applied to the vesicles, and if the oral cavity is affected, a solution of sea salt should be used during the preparation of the rinse solution.

No less effective is tea - black, green and white, which contains substances such as tannins, which have an antiviral effect on the body. In addition, tea leaves contain antioxidants that strengthen weakened immunity. Antiviral property is possessed by chamomile and mint tea. By choosing such a remedy for treating colds on the lips, you can make lotions, and also drink tea.

It is expedient for the disease to carry out such actions:

  • make cold compresses that will relieve pain, reduce swelling and itching;
  • apply pain medication for severe pain - acetaminophen, ibuprofen;
  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle - eat quality food, sleep more and walk in the fresh air.

Considering the fact that herpes is a viral infectious disease, adherence to the rules of personal hygiene and taking care of one's health will help to avoid its penetration into the body.


Herpes on the lip

The presence of the herpes virus in the human body can manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. A cold on the lip, which pops up from time to time in many people, is not just a cosmetic defect. It can not be squeezed out with fingers or hidden with a tonal cream. This sore testifies to the presence of more serious internal causes. Whatever it was, knowing the right approach, a person can quickly get rid of this problem. Let's examine this topic in more detail to learn how to defeat herpes!

What is a cold on the lips?

Painful wounds on the lip - nothing more than an external symptom of the presence in the body of the herpes virus. Such sores can appear on other mucous membranes. However, in most cases, the lips are affected. Once infected with the herpes virus, you will never get rid of it, because it penetrates into the cells at the genetic level. This does not mean that the acne on the face will appear constantly. Proper treatment helps to drown out the manifestations of herpes, but under the negative impact of external factors, he can always "wake up".

Symptoms and signs

On the skin of a man often there are all kinds of wounds, pimples and irritations. All of them are somewhat similar to each other, but not everyone knows exactly what the herpes looks like. Is it possible to distinguish manifestations of this virus from other cosmetic defects? Without a doubt, yes! The list below lists the symptoms and signs of herpes on the lip:

  • painful skin lesions on the lips, at the wings of the nose and on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • burning and itching on sores;
  • the appearance of groups of crowded vesicles on the affected areas of the skin;
  • ulcers in the places of bursting vesicles, covered with a thin crust;
  • in some cases, when a virus that has not declared itself for several years suddenly "wakes up there may be a slight general malaise, weakness and even hyperthermia (fever).

Causes of herpes on the lips

Herpes is a viral disease characterized by a recurring course, with periods of exacerbation / remission. After the course of treatment, the disease fades, but adverse effects from the environment can always cause another relapse. In most cases, new episodes of herpes break out if the following factors occur:

  • supercooling;
  • stressful state;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • menstruation;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • lack of nutritional elements in the body (often found in fans of hard diets);
  • cold;
  • bacterial infection.

Is it a cold?

Herpes simplex virus is freely transmitted by contact-household, airborne and sexual way. In addition, it is possible to infect the child from the mother when passing through the birth canal. The incubation period by average measures is 4 days. According to statistics, 90-95 out of 100 people are carriers of this disease. In the active phase, herpes on the lips is more contagious than during the remission. Experts argue that from people with obvious manifestations of HSV on the face is incredibly easy to get infected.

How to treat herpes at home

To combat the HSV-1 virus (the first type of herpes), as a rule, you do not have to attract specialists. Manifestations of this disease are easily overcome by their efforts, in everyday conditions. With the right systematic approach, the herpes virus recedes within a few days. For the fastest disposal of scars on the lips are widely used pharmaceuticals and folk remedies.


Choosing the right ointment for a cold on the lip, you can quickly eliminate cosmetic defects and forget about herpes for a long time. This category of pharmaceuticals has a huge number of drugs. The most effective of them are listed below:

  1. "Vivorax". An effective antiviral agent that eliminates existing skin lesions and prevents the appearance of new cosmetic defects. Gel "Vivorax" quickly spreads in the tissues and liquid media of the body, due to which almost instantaneous effect is provided.
  2. "Panavir-gel". Highly effective medication, which provides a quick effect of getting rid of colds on the face. Begin to smear your lips with this remedy every 6 hours, and the herpes will recede for two to three days.
  3. Acyclovir. Extremely effective remedy against cosmetic defects, manifested with exacerbation of HSV. The antiviral drug "Acyclovir" contributes to the fastest healing of wounds and blocks the development of new formations on the skin of the face.


Along with creams and gels, there are a number of medications in the form of tablets that help get rid of the external manifestations of the HSV virus from the inside. If you have signs of herpes, pay attention to the following medicines:

  1. Famvir. Highly effective antiviral agent. When ingested, the active substance of the drug is quickly converted to penciclovir, which is characterized by increased activity against herpes viruses. If you have a transparent vial on the lip, it should be urgently anointed with an antiviral ointment / cream and drink several "Famvir" tablets. The desired result will manifest itself within 24 hours.
  2. "Valtrex". An antiviral agent that is a complex L-valine ester of acyclovir. The drug has a powerful effect against herpes. For treatment of the HSV virus in adults, three times a day is recommended for 1 tablet at intervals of 6-7 hours for 7 days.
  3. Zovirax. Cheap drug, not inferior to other similar drugs in its effectiveness. "Zovirax" will help you effectively fight the herpes virus from the inside, without causing damage to the liver and the organs of the digestive tract.

Folk remedies for herpes

Experts of traditional medicine know as well as not how to get rid of colds on the lips. With grandmother's recipes you do not need to go to the pharmacy for ointments and drink tablets. All components necessary for the preparation of home remedies, are at hand at any mistress. Write down for yourself a few folk recipes to know how to fight back herpes:

  1. Tincture of echinacea. This recipe will help you forever forget about the problems with herpes. The method of preparing a traditional medicine for colds on the face is incredibly simple: take 200 ml of alcohol concentration of 70%, add 20 grams of dried Echinacea flowers and let it brew for 14 days. The remedy will not be ready as soon as you would like, however, waiting for this period, you will not leave herpes a single chance. As soon as the first pimple pops out on the lip, treat the face with a tincture of Echinacea. The process of skin damage will stop for several hours.
  2. Tincture of calendula. To prepare this remedy you will need crushed marigold flowers (7-8 grams). Pour them half a glass of vodka and insist 10 days. To combat herpes, treat the lips and face with a gauze swab soaked in the medicine, every 4-5 hours.
  3. Chamomile. Take 15 grams of dried crushed leaves, brew in boiling water and let it brew for 45-50 minutes. When the liquid cools, treat the lips with it. In addition, to combat herpes from the inside, you can drink this remedy in small portions.

Features of treatment of herpes

Pimples on the lips, indicating the exacerbation of herpes, can come out of a person at any age. If you face these situations systematically, try to understand what causes herpes to eliminate the underlying cause. As for cosmetic defects, the fight with them must begin immediately, otherwise the skin damage will spread throughout the face. The approach to the treatment of herpes on the face is chosen taking into account the age, general health and individual characteristics of the body.


Herpes in children is treated on the same principle as in adults. Only the dosage of drugs taken inside is different. As for the course of the disease, certain difficulties may arise with this. The child's body is not able to fully resist the virus, so complications often occur. If parents can not quickly cope with herpes on the face of the child, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, you will have to turn to specialists.

In pregnancy

A cold on the lip during pregnancy can occur due to an elementary exhaustion of the body and weakening of the immune system. These factors, because of which the virus "wakes up must be taken into account when choosing a treatment. Strongly active antiviral tablets and folk remedies intended for internal use during fetal gestation are strictly contraindicated. Pregnant women who want to cure herpes on the face will have to manage with creams, gels and make compresses with tinctures on herbs. Internal treatment of a cold on the face without the approval of a doctor is prohibited.

Which doctor treats herpes

If you are not sure about how to treat herpes, and therefore you want to seek help from a specialist - sign up for an appointment with a dermatologist. An experienced doctor will examine you and prescribe the correct course of treatment. To pass inspection and to hand over analyzes, most likely, it is not necessary. In addition, consult the future for the prevention of herpes on the face.

Video: how to quickly cure herpes on the lip

The video, which you will find below, details the most effective methods of treating herpes on the face at home. Video recording contains valuable advice from experienced professionals with photo-illustrations. The information that you will learn from this video will help you in a few days to cope with herpes on your face and protect yourself against repeated recurrences of the virus in the future.


Anna, 23 years old: I was interested for a long time about the question of how to cauterize herpes on the lips, but I realized that this should not be done at all. I found a folk prescription for tinctures on chamomile, prepared it and began to treat sores that did not bother the second week. In 5 days from a cold on the face there was no trace left. For the future I prepared a tincture of calendula. It will be ready in two weeks. If the virus returns, I can quickly cope with it.

Valentina, 29 years old: I never encountered a cold on my face, and for the last six months for some reason painful sores appeared several times. Than I just did not smear them. Only the "Famvir" ointment helped. I bought a package a week ago. Every day I smeared and sealed with adhesive tape. This morning I looked in the mirror and at last sighed with relief: not a single trace of a cold on my face!

Alla, 37 years old: All my life I am saved from colds on my face with tincture of Echinacea. No tablets, gels, ointments and other pharmaceutical products. Against sores in the mouth I use a special toothpaste. As soon as someone from the home has the slightest hint of herpes, I immediately take out my tincture and take care of everyone. I never got into trouble. Everything passes in 1-2 days.

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