Signs and symptoms of appendicitis in women

Appendix is ​​a rudimentary part of the digestive system, its functions in the body have not yet been fully studied. Features of the structure often lead to the emergence of an inflammatory process in the appendix, which causes the development of acute appendicitis. What are the main signs of appendicitis in women? How does the pathology manifest during pregnancy, in old age?

  • The main signs of inflammation of appendicitis
  • Signs during pregnancy
  • Chronic appendicitis
  • Appendicitis in elderly women
  • Complications
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The main signs of inflammation of appendicitis

The appendix is ​​more often inflamed in women than in men - this is due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the body. Some experts believe that the hormonal changes that accompany the menstrual cycle increase the likelihood of inflammation of the process. Which side is appendicitis in women? Almost always, with rare exceptions, the appendix is ​​located on the right side. Sometimes the process is located near the liver.

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In the female body, the organs of the genitourinary system are in close contact with the stomach and intestines - an inflammatory process in one of the organs provokes the development of pathologies in neighboring organs.

How to determine appendicitis:

  • painful syndrome in the right hypochondrium with a shift to the lower abdomen, with tension, coughing, it intensifies;
  • sometimes there are problems with walking due to the fact that the pain is strongly in the leg - this symptom is one of the most obvious symptoms, almost always indicates an inflammation of the appendix;
  • strained, hard abdomen - when pressed, the arm bounces;
  • nausea, vomiting, which does not bring relief;
  • increase in temperature - with the appendix the readings reach 38 degrees, sometimes stop at the subfebrile mark;
  • moist tongue with a touch of white;
  • lack of appetite, strong weakness.

What kind of pain is typical for an inflammation of the appendix? At the initial stage, unpleasant sensations are pulling, pressing character - not always pain syndrome occurs in the right side. Can be given to the left abdomen, concentrating around the navel.

Gradually, the pain becomes acute, concentrating in the area of ​​the appendage. Pain syndrome can be permanent or paroxysmal.

Important!Symptoms of female appendicitis are not always typical - pain in the lower abdomen may indicate inflammation in the uterus, ovaries, other organs. On external manifestations it is impossible to distinguish the inflammation of the appendix from the torsion of the cyst, the rupture of the ovary.

With appendicitis, there is always severe nausea and vomiting, which is not typical of most gynecological diseases. But strong inflammatory processes can also manifest themselves with a sharp stomach, vomiting, other signs of intoxication. Therefore, one should not do self-diagnosis, take pain medication - you need to call an ambulance, lie down, wait for doctors to come. Any inflammation can cause peritonitis and other severe consequences.

How much can you go with it? To tighten with appendicitis it is impossible - if the pain does not pass within 6 hours, amplifies at position on the right side, it is necessary to urgently cause an ambulance.

Signs during pregnancy

The appendix is ​​often inflamed in pregnant women - the uterus increases in size, begins to press and displace internal organs, the blood supply deteriorates. How does the pain syndrome manifest in expectant mothers? Pain occurs in the upper abdomen, under the ribs on one or both sides.

Diagnosing appendicitis in a future mother is difficult - all organs are shifting, it is difficult to clearly understand where it hurts. Symptoms of pregnancy can be mild, the woman often ignores their manifestation. An acute abdomen can testify not to inflammation of the process, but about the tone of the uterus, the beginning of labor.

Nausea and vomiting are common manifestations of toxicosis, seldom does the future mother connect them with the inflammation of the appendage. With inflammation of the appendix in pregnant women, vomiting is often accompanied by shortness of breath.

Important!Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy is not always pathological. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by displacement of the center of gravity, stretching of muscles, pressure and movement of the baby. But you should not rely on intuition, the final cause of painful sensations can be established only by the doctor.

To distinguish appendicitis from gynecological pathologies, it is necessary to know how the stomach aches during the disease. With inflammation of the appendage the pain always gives to other parts of the body - the lower back, the perineum, when the right knee is pulled to the stomach, the pain syndrome becomes worse.

Removal of appendicitis during pregnancy does not apply to indications for caesarean section, a woman can easily give birth on her own. In America, I practice the removal of the appendix to babies right after delivery - the laparoscopic method is used for the operation, which significantly shortens the rehabilitation period.

Chronic appendicitis

Chronic inflammation of the appendage is a rare pathology that occurs when there is an acute history of the disease in an anamnesis.

Signs of chronic inflammation of the appendix:

  • the inflammatory process is of a sluggish character - painful, sometimes severe attacks occur in the right side;
  • pain spreads to the iliac region, can concentrate around the navel, give in the leg, lumbar region;
  • unpleasant sensations strengthen with bowel movement, coughing;
  • frequent constipation, upset of the chair;
  • may begin to disturb the menstrual cycle;
  • After sexual intercourse or during it, spasms may occur.

In women, chronic appendicitis can cause unpleasant sensations in the vagina and ovaries during menstruation and pregnancy.

Important!It is strictly forbidden to make warming compresses if you suspect appendicitis, take painkillers and antispasmodics.

Appendicitis in elderly women

For a long time physicians believed that appendicitis does not occur in women of advanced age. But now this opinion is recognized as erroneous. Inflammation of the process in elderly people is of an atypical nature, which makes diagnosis difficult, often women turn for help late.

The main feature of appendicitis in adulthood is a decreased reactivity of the organism, rapid development of the inflammatory process. At the initial stage, the temperature does not increase, the pain syndrome manifests itself poorly.

Signs of appendicitis in women in old age:

  • pain spreads throughout the abdominal cavity, it is difficult to determine exactly where the main focus is;
  • intestinal motility is disrupted, constipation occurs;
  • the mucous in the mouth dries up;
  • the muscles of the anterior wall of the peritoneum are partially atrophied due to the accumulation of fat in this area.

In the elderly, the destructive form of the inflammatory process often develops. This is due to a violation of metabolic processes, a violation of the integrity of the walls of the appendage, a weakening of the protective functions of the body.

Important!The first signs of appendicitis in women occur suddenly, more often in the evening and at night.


Removal of appendicitis is a routine operation, with a timely call to the doctor, negative consequences are rare.

Possible complications:

  • adhesive processes - cause severe pain, can cause infertility, intestinal obstruction;
  • abscesses - pus accumulates in the abdominal cavity, the temperature rises above 38 degrees, the fever begins;
  • pylephlebitis - an acute inflammatory process of the portal vein, which develops due to its clogging with infected blood clots, the pathology develops rapidly and ends with a fatal outcome.

Infiltration - around the appendix occurs the formation of connective tissue cells, intestinal loops, parts of the omentum, in this case, removal of the process is impossible. Assign antibacterial therapy, make drainage.

Peritonitis is the most common complication when untimely referral to a doctor. In the peritoneum, a strong inflammatory process begins, the blood becomes infected, it ends with a fatal outcome.

To prevent the inflammation of the appendix is ​​difficult - too many reasons can cause the disease. Specific prevention consists in proper nutrition, drinking regime, timely treatment of diseases of the digestive tract. Provoke appendicitis can helminthic infestations, frequent constipation, abortion.