From this article you will learn: how to treat stroke( ischemic and hemorrhagic).How to properly provide first aid to a person who has had a stroke - and also to himself.
Contents of the article:
- First aid for stroke( to an outsider and to oneself)
- Actions of an ambulance team
- Treatment of an ischemic stroke
- Treatment of a hemorrhagic stroke
- Treatment of a stroke in the recovery period
Treatment of a stroke of any kind consists of three stages:
- first emergency treatment;
- emergency therapy in the hospital( aimed at preserving vital functions);
- treatment of neurological consequences in the recovery period.
The stroke itself can not be cured directly, however, timely assistance and compliance with the prescriptions of the doctor can significantly improve the quality of life during the post-stroke period and avoid the occurrence of a repeated violation.
The neurologist is engaged in stroke. In eliminating the consequences of a stroke, doctors of other specialties often take part: a neurosurgeon, a surgeon, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a physiotherapist.

Before starting the treatment of a stroke, the doctor determines its appearance - ischemic or hemorrhagic - since each of them requires its own approach. Only qualified specialists can provide qualified assistance and only if the patient is in the hospital. After the person is discharged from the hospital, the treatment does not stop, but continues in a rehabilitation center and at home.
On how quickly a person who has suffered a stroke will get to the hospital, the effectiveness of treatment depends. The maximum time that can be waited to maintain the possibility of cell recovery is two to three hours. If assistance is provided later, irreversible changes occur in the brain, which can not be eliminated. Therefore, if you suspect a stroke, it is important immediately to call an ambulance, without waiting for the symptoms of the stroke to go by itself.
First aid for stroke before the arrival of
physicians If a stroke happened to an unauthorized person
First you need to call an ambulance, and then the following:
- to prevent cerebral edema, put the person in such a way that the upper part of the trunk is raised by 30-45degrees;
- provide him with peace and quiet, do not try to question or learn anything;
- ensure the influx of fresh air;if possible, turn on the air conditioner or fan;
- unfasten or loosen clothes( tie, belt, buttons);
- the head should be turned to the side, the mouth should be cleaned of mucus if necessary;
- between the teeth should be inserted a folded piece of tissue( in case of seizures);
- on the forehead, on the temples, on the back of the head can be applied ice compress.
A cardiac arrest situation may occur. Then it will be necessary to carry out resuscitation: inhale the person's air in the mouth with clamped nasal passages, and then make a few pressure on the chest in the heart. If you have a device for measuring blood pressure at hand, then before the arrival of emergency doctors, you should measure and record its readings, as well as the heart rate. These data will need to be provided upon the arrival of the team.
If the stroke happened to you personally
If the stroke occurred in your person, then as far as possible( if consciousness is saved), you should try to call a doctor or ask someone to do it. In the case when speech is lost or the side of the body grows numb, you need to try to attract attention to yourself by any means.
Actions of the ambulance team
Already on the way to the hospital, ambulance doctors:
- puts the patient in a supine position with an elevated upper torso;
- to maintain the heart and lungs use oxygen inhalation( if necessary, use artificial ventilation);
- gives the patient medicines that restore blood pressure( dibazol and others);
- intravenously injects special drugs - osmotic diuretics - to prevent the appearance of brain edema;
- uses anticonvulsants.
Depending on the condition of the patient, it is determined in the intensive care unit or in the intensive care unit of the department of neurology.
Treatment of ischemic stroke( in hospital - after hospitalization)
The treatment that a person receives in the hospital is mainly aimed at:
- preventing recurrent stroke;
- resolution of thrombus, which caused blockage of the artery;
- prevention of complications( necrosis of brain areas).
For this, intravenous and intramuscular administration of medications, tablets are used.
Also carry out activities that contribute to the elimination of clogging of the vessel:
- Reperfusion therapy. It can prevent damage to the brain substance or reduce the amount of damage, and also minimize the severity of neurological disorders. For the use of a medicinal substance called "recombinant tissue plasminogen activator".
- Introduction of a substance that dissolves a thrombus. It is performed under the control of X-ray angiography by inserting a catheter and contrast medium into the blood system. After finding the place of blockage of the vessel, fibrinolytic is injected - a drug substance that dissolves the thrombus.

It happens that the symptoms of a stroke disappear upon the arrival of an ambulance. This is possible when the thrombus has dissolved itself;this is called microinsult( ischemic attack).However, even in this case, one should not refuse hospitalization, since in the near future( approximately two days) the possibility of a recurrent stroke of greater intensity remains. Therefore, it is required to take preventive measures in the form of a specific treatment.
A thrombus can dissolve not only with a micro stroke, but also in case of more severe blockage of the artery, but this will happen only after a few days. By this time, damage to the brain tissues will become irreversible.
Drugs for Ischemic Stroke
The main drug that is used in ischemic stroke is the tissue plasminogen activator, or thrombolytic agent that dissolves the thrombus. To this group include: streptokinase, urokinase, anistrastase, alteplase. Thrombolytics are effective in the first hours after blockage of the vessel. They have numerous side effects, including hemorrhagic stroke, and contraindications, therefore they are used in the following cases:
- if the manifestations of a stroke persist at the time of admission to the hospital;
- the diagnosis of "ischemic stroke" is confirmed by CT or MRI data;
- took less than three hours;
- if until such time such conditions did not arise;
- during the previous two weeks there were no surgical interventions;
- if the upper and lower pressures are less than 185/110, respectively;
- at normal levels of sugar and blood coagulability.

. In case of impossibility of using thrombolytics or absence of thrombolytics in the institution, use other medications: antiaggregants and anticoagulants.
Group of drugs | Description |
Antiaggregants: acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, dipyridamole and others. | The active agents of these agents prevent platelet aggregation and the formation of additional blood clots, which serves as a prophylaxis for a second stroke. |
Anticoagulants: xarelto, warfarin, heparin. | Prevents formation and growth of blood clots. This group of drugs has many contraindications and side effects, so their use should be under the supervision of a doctor with periodic blood tests. |

Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke( after hospitalization)
Hemorrhagic stroke is a rupture of the blood vessel and cerebral hemorrhage. The task of the doctors is to stop the bleeding. To do this, a number of drugs are used:
- To normalize blood pressure, use drugs that lower it( enalapril) or increase( dopamine) - depending on the situation.
- To prevent arrhythmia, the patient is given atenolol and other beta-blockers.
- In case of an increase in body temperature, paracetamol is indicated.
- Antibiotic therapy is used to prevent the development of infectious diseases of the lungs and others.
- Saline solutions are used to maintain the balance of salts in the body.
- To reduce the area of brain damage and eliminate the lack of oxygen, the introduction of albumins( blood proteins) and other measures.
- If necessary, prescribe sedatives, anticonvulsants and antiemetics.

In addition to the listed activities, the conservative treatment of hemorrhagic stroke includes the appointment of drugs - neuroprotectors. These medicines:
- improve blood flow;
- normalizes metabolic processes in the brain;
- promote the restoration of damaged areas of the nervous tissue;
- provides nutrition to the structures of the brain.
Surgical treatment of hemorrhagic stroke
In the case of extensive hemorrhage in the cerebral hemisphere or in the ventricles, which is accompanied by cerebral edema and leads to significant hypoxia, surgical intervention is indicated. As a rule, he is appointed after a preliminary examination, taking into account the clinical manifestations and severity of the condition. In urgent order to save the patient's life, the operation is indicated with the loss of a very large volume of blood and a rapid increase in intracranial pressure.
Treatment of stroke during the recovery period
After the vital functions of the body are restored and the danger to life is over, they begin correction of neurological disorders. This stage can take place both in the conditions of the rehabilitation center and at home.
After a stroke, speech functions, motor, sensitivity are most often affected. There may be problems with memory, coordination of movement, thinking. Depending on the degree of lesion of nerve cells, treatment during this period can lead to a complete restoration of lost functions or not give a result at all.
In the recovery period use:
- physical therapy - electrophoresis, UHF, magnetotherapy, darsonvalization and other methods;
- massage( general and( or) local - depends on the degree of violations);
- acupuncture( the choice of points affected depends on neurological disorders);
- therapeutic exercise( a set of exercises is selected individually in each case and depends on the severity of brain damage);
- respiratory gymnastics( promotes ventilation of lungs and saturation of tissues with oxygen);
- speech therapy sessions - speech rehabilitation with the help of special exercises, individual in each case;
- work with a psychologist - create a positive attitude( depends on the psychological state of the patient).
With full bed rest, daily prophylaxis of stagnant phenomena in the lungs, legs, measures to prevent the formation of pressure sores. Drugs stimulating the immune system, angioprotectors( protecting and strengthening vessels), as well as phlebotonics( agents that increase the tone of the veins) are shown from medications.
Folk methods of stroke treatment
In the complex of therapeutic measures for stroke can include folk remedies. Strengthening blood vessels and heart, increasing immunity, restoring nerve conduction is facilitated by the following herbal preparations and mixtures.
Ingredients and preparation of | How to drink |
Take 40 g of marjin root, 30 grams of red ashberry fruit, licorice root, elecampane root, and dry mandarin peel. Add 20 grams of burdock root, chicory( grass), root of angelica, sweet-smelling herb. Mix everything thoroughly. For the night brew two tablespoons of the mixture in 500 ml of boiling water. | You need to drink this infusion three times a day for 50 ml for 3-4 months after a stroke. |
Take in equal amounts lemons and sugar. Fruit chop through a meat grinder, mix with sugar. | Take one teaspoon of the mixture every day after awakening. If you add a clove of garlic to it, the effect on the vessels will increase. |
Mix 1 kg of honey, crushed cranberries and onions. Add 500 g of crushed lemons( with skin).Insist 2 weeks, | Take a tablespoon after sleeping and overnight. |
Mix the crushed needles of pine and rose hips in a ratio of 5: 2( tablespoons).Bring to a boil in one liter of water. Leave for 10-12 hours( overnight) to allow the mixture to infuse. | Begin to take the infusion in the morning, in small portions, distributing it for the whole day. |

A comprehensive approach helps to quickly repair disorders and damage to nervous tissue after a stroke. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the treatment of neurological disorders can last for years. However, it should not be stopped: perseverance and the belief in recovery are sure to help you get on your feet and live a full life. Be healthy!