Temperature without signs of a cold, what are the causes, symptoms, possible treatment, where to go

Here, put the thermometer armpit, wait for 3-5 to 10 minutes. The column of the thermometer rises above the mark at + 37 degrees. All, we state the fact: "I have a temperature".Although this is not entirely correct, as in the norm of certain indicators of the thermal state in our body are always there. Another thing, the above-mentioned common phrase implies that the temperature index exceeds the norm.

What is the normal temperature for a healthy person?

Body temperature in a healthy state can vary within a day from +35.5 degrees to +37.4.It should be borne in mind that the norm of +36.5 can be obtained solely when measuring body temperature in the armpit. When the temperature is measured in the mouth, on the scale we will see +37 degrees, when measured in the ear or rectally - all +37.5.

Therefore, the temperature of +37.2 without signs of a cold, and especially +37 without a cold, sneezing, coughing, body aches and other cold symptoms, usually do not cause much concern.

Along with this, any increase in body temperature, including temperature without cold symptoms, means the mobilization of the defenses of the body with the formation of a response to the invasion of infections that can lead to the development of a disease.

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In medicine, the fact of growth of temperature indicators to +38 is a manifestation of the organism's struggle with infection, the beginning of the development of protective antibodies, phagocytes - cells of the immune system and interferon.


Temperature without cold symptoms, possible causes

If the fever without colds lasts long enough, a person feels ill, it significantly increases the burden on the heart and lungs, increases energy consumption and the need for tissues in oxygen and nutrition.

A good doctor can alleviate the condition and help the patient recover.

Why does the temperature increase without cold symptoms?

A fever or fever is observed in almost all acute infectious diseases, as well as during the exacerbation of certain chronic diseases.

And in the absence of catarrhal symptoms, doctors can determine the cause of high body temperature of a patient by isolating the pathogen either directly from a local foci of infection or from the blood.

It is much more difficult to determine the cause of the temperature without signs of a cold, if the disease has arisen due to exposure to the organism of opportunistic microbes( bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma) - against a background of decreasing general or local immunity.

Then it is necessary to conduct a detailed laboratory study of not only blood, but also urine, bile, phlegm and mucus.

In clinical practice, cases of persistent - for three or more weeks - a fever without signs of a cold or any other symptoms( with a score above +38) is called a fever of unknown origin.

To the most "simple" case of temperature in + 39 degrees without symptoms of cold( of course, in terms of diagnosis) include the appearance of her after a trip to hot foreign lands( especially in Africa and Asia), where he was bitten by a mosquito infected with parasites like Plasmodium.

That is, in addition to souvenirs from the journey a person brings malaria. The first sign of this dangerous disease is fever, which is accompanied by headache, chills and vomiting. According to WHO, every year around the world, malaria from 350 million to 500 million people.

Causes of temperature without signs of cold can be associated with such diseases as:

  1. inflammatory diseases of bacterial origin: endocarditis, pyelonephritis, osteomyelitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, andexitis, sinusitis, meningitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages, sepsis;
  2. infectious diseases: tuberculosis, typhus and recurrent typhoid, brucellosis, Lyme disease, HIV infection;
  3. diseases of viral, parasitic or fungal etiology: malaria, infectious mononucleosis, candidiasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis;
  4. oncological diseases: leukemia, lymphoma, tumors of the lungs or bronchi, kidneys, liver, stomach( with and without metastases);
  5. systemic inflammation, including autoimmune nature: polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic polymyalgia, allergic vasculitis, nodular periarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn's disease;
  6. endocrine diseases: thyrotoxicosis.

The increase in temperature indicators can be caused by changes in the hormonal sphere. For example, during a normal menstrual cycle, women often have a temperature of + 37-37.2 without signs of colds. In addition, unexpected sudden temperature increases are reported by women with early menopause.

Asymptomatic fever without cold, so-called subfebrile fever, often accompanies anemia - a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. Emotional stress, that is, the release of a high volume of adrenaline into the blood, is also capable of raising body temperature and causing adrenaline hyperthermia.

As specialists note, a sudden jump in temperature can be caused by taking medications, including antibiotics, sulfonamides, barbiturates, anesthetics, psychostimulants, antidepressants, salicylates, and some diuretics.

In fairly rare cases, the causes of temperature without symptoms of colds lie in the diseases of the hypothalamus itself.

Temperature without cold symptoms: fever or hyperthermia?

The regulation of human body temperature( body thermoregulation) occurs at the reflex level, and the hypothalamus, which belongs to the parts of the intermediate brain, is responsible for it.

The function of the hypothalamus also includes the control of the work of our entire endocrine and autonomic nervous system, and it contains the centers regulating body temperature, hunger and thirst, the cycle of sleep and wakefulness, and many other important physiological and psychosomatic processes.

In the rise in body temperature involved special protein substances - pyrogens. They are primary( exogenous, that is, external - in the form of toxins of bacteria and microbes) and secondary( endogenous, that is, internal, produced by the body itself).

If a disease occurs, the primary pyrogens force our cells to produce secondary pyrogen, which transmits the impulses to the thermoreceptors of the hypothalamus. And the latter, in turn, begins to correct the body's temperature homeostasis in order to mobilize its protective functions. And while the hypothalamus does not adjust the disturbed balance between heat formation( which rises) and heat emission( which decreases), a person suffers from fever.

The temperature without signs of cold also happens with hyperthermia, when the hypothalamus does not participate in its increase: it simply did not receive a signal to start protecting the body from infection. Such an increase in temperature is due to a disruption in the heat transfer process, for example, with significant physical exertion or as a result of a general overheating of the person in hot weather - a heat stroke.

To whom to contact?

The phenomenon considered by us relates to general diseases, so it is necessary to apply to a sick person first to the local doctor-therapist. He will carry out an examination, listen to the patient's complaints, prescribe tests-total blood and urine.

Well, there, according to the situation and need, or immediately appoint a treatment, if the case is determined, or appoint additional methods of research and advice of other specialists.

Treatment of temperature without signs of cold

So, we recall that the treatment of temperature without signs of cold should start with finding out the true cause of this problem. And for this you should consult a doctor.

Only a qualified doctor( and, often, not one) will be able to answer the question, where did you get the fever without signs of a cold, and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

If the detected disease appears to be infectious-inflammatory, antibiotics will be prescribed. And, for example, with lesions of fungal etiology prescribe polyene antibiotics, drugs of the triazole group and a number of other medication medications.

In general, as you understand, some drugs are needed to treat arthritis, others are needed to treat thyrotoxicosis or, say, syphilis. With an increase in temperature without signs of a cold, when this single symptom combined so different diseases, only an experienced doctor can determine which medicines should be taken in each specific case.

So, for detoxification, that is to reduce the level of toxins in the blood, resort to intravenous drip injection of special solutions, but exclusively in the clinic.

Therefore, curing a fever without signs of a cold is not just a fever-reducing pill like paracetamol or aspirin. Any doctor will tell you that with the diagnosis not yet established, the use of antipyretic drugs can not only prevent the identification of the cause of the disease, but also aggravate its course.

So the temperature without signs of a cold is really a serious cause for concern, contact the therapist without delaying the visit. Look

useful video of Dr. Komarovsky School: "The temperature of the child and nothing more»:

Eugene O. says that fever, sore throat, stuffy nose - the situation is unpleasant, but it is quite normal. But there are cases when the temperature is, but nothing more, no "familiar" accompanying symptoms, no - how to be?

With this problem on the television transmission to Komarovsky came to the reception director Andrei Nalivaiko with his family. It's clear, doctor Komarovsky, will help understand this situation, and also answer in the studio on numerous questions about the "incomprehensible" temperature.

Source: Editorial publication medical examiner Portnov Alexei Alexandrovich in the specialty "Medicine" from the portal http: //ilive.com.ua/health/ temperatura-bez-priznakov-prostudy-sereznyy-povod-dlya-bespokoystva_112997i16108.html

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