Colitis of the intestine: symptoms and treatment in adults

Colitis is an inflammation of the intestine: the colon and the rectum.

The causes are diverse, colitis as a group of diseases occurs mainly in adults and elderly people. The inflammatory process that occurs in the parts of the colon causes a violation of the reverse absorption of water, which leads to the appearance of diarrhea( liquid stool);spasm or widening of the intestine, leads to a violation of the passage of stools throughout the entire length of the intestine. Then there are symptoms: bloating, abdominal pain of a different nature and position, constipation. There may be various pathological discharges with feces( mucus and the like).

Let's talk about the most common types of colitis, their symptoms and treatment in adults and the elderly with the help of folk and medical products, diet and procedures at home and in a hospital.


Symptoms and treatment of colitis in adults

Symptomsand treatment of colitis in adults

Colitis chronic

Chronic colitis is one of the most common diseases in middle-aged and elderly people. The cause of colitis are nutritional errors, endogenous and exogenous intoxications, microorganisms.

The main symptoms of the disease - pain in the intestines, discomfort, manifested by flatulence, constipation, diarrhea. Characterized by the syndrome of incomplete bowel evacuation, when the patient after the act of defecation there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the rectum. Desecration of defecation usually occurs in patients after eating or after a short time after eating.

Pain in this disease is more often localized in the lower abdomen or along the rectum, irradiate into the anus, especially at the time of defecation.

The basis for the treatment of chronic colitis is properly selected and regulated nutrition. Food should contain enough protein, vitamins, microelements and a very small amount of carbohydrates.

Colitis ulcerative

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a serious disease affecting equally often both women and men. The cause of ulcerative colitis has not yet been clarified, although many theories have been advanced.

In the initial stage of the disease, usually abdominal pain and a quickened stool with an admixture of bloody mucus or clean blood are noted, less often it begins as an acute dysentery with fever, bloody diarrhea, and tenesmus. Sometimes into the foreground are the phenomena of intoxication: pain in the joints, general weakness, poor health, fever. In most cases, there is a thinning, pale skin. In feces there is always blood and mucus.

In the treatment of colitis of any etiology, the deciding factor is the diet. If you take even the most healing herbs in the world and do not adhere to the right therapeutic diet - treatment will be ineffective.

The course of the disease is most often chronic, relapsing. The disease often gives complications: perforation of the intestines with the development of peritonitis, intestinal stenosis, thrombophlebitis, lesions of the pancreas, kidneys, myocardium.

Because of the constant loss of blood, patients are asthenic, depleted, suffering from anemia. The prognosis of the disease is unfavorable.

From the diet for all types of colitis, first of all bran, even in bread, should be ruled out, since they irritate the intestinal mucosa. Do not eat very hot and very cold food, drink plenty of liquids. Unnecessary use of raw vegetables. Do not eat foods that contain cellulose, so you need to scrape off the skin and the peel from the fruit. It is necessary to avoid fried foods, spices, coffee, all that irritates the intestinal mucosa.

The diet should contain all cereals( except bran), light and low-fat meat( chicken, lamb), all kinds of vegetables( without seeds, cooked), yoghurt, puddings, kefir and yogurt, stale bread.

Fats in food should be present in the minimum amount.

Laxatives from medical procedures should be excluded. If necessary 1-2 times a week, you can make an enema.

Folk remedies for the treatment of colitis at home

Brew in a glass of boiling water for 1 teaspoon of centipedes, chamomile and sage. Insist for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. With an improvement in the general condition, the intervals between doses should be lengthened.

Traditional medicine always recommends eating fresh cabbage juice, pumpkin, honey, tomatoes, watercress, mint, powder, fresh watermelon cake when eating colitis.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile flowers from a pharmacy. A tablespoon of flowers filled with a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take in a warm form 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

2 teaspoons blueberries brew in a glass of boiling water, infuse 2 hours, strain, sweeten. Take one-third of the glass 5-6 times a day.

5 g of flower baskets tansy infuse 2 hours in 300 ml of boiling water, strain. Take colitis and enteritis for 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Take white cabbage juice for half an hour before meals 4 times a day. Start with half a glass at the reception and within 3-4 weeks gradually increase the dose to 1 glass per reception.

Decoction of the roots of and of the roots of the groove of medicinal. A tablespoon of rhizomes and roots, chop, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes on low heat, insist 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5 times daily before meals.

Infusion of crusts of fresh watermelon. For 100 g fresh crushed crust - 400 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour. Take half a glass 5 times a day. You can take a powder of crust of watermelon 1 g( at the tip of the knife) 4-5 times a day.

10 g of dry herb St. John's wort brew in 200 ml of water. Boil 2-3 minutes, infuse for 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon every 4 hours after eating.

4 g cones of alder cook in 200 ml of water for 2 minutes, insist 2 hours, strain. Take one quarter cup 4 times daily before meals.

Infusion of leaves mint field. 2 tablespoons of leaves for 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain, drink half the glass 4 times a day.

Healer Ludmila Kim in the book "Hello, Vanga" recommends the following for the intestinal work:

a) before getting out of bed, you need to sharply inflate and lower your stomach 20-30 times, then massage your abdomen in a circular motion clockwise;

b) write in the air with both feet numbers from 0 to 10. If you can not immediately, you need to gradually complicate the exercise;

c) after doing the exercises you need to get up, to put your hands in the lock, put them on the top of your head. Rising on tiptoe, reach up and sink to the full foot. The same is done with turning to the right and left 10 times in each direction.

Before going to bed every day, do two enemas: the first cleansing of 3 glasses of clean water, and the second immediately after bowel emptying out of 1 cup of rice broth with the addition of 30 g lactose ( milk sugar).This compound should remain in the intestine all night. Lactose contributes to the escape of gases - this is a sign that the remedy is working.

After 5-7 days of treatment, despite the fact that all the symptoms of colitis disappear, still still within a week should continue to do enemas and maintain a diet. Then stop enema, but drink lactose 30 g twice a day for 10 days. Well, if it is possible to do warm sessile baths. If colitis is very neglected, then every two months, despite the improvement of the condition, you should again do enema with lactose within 7 days.

1 a tablespoon of dry leaves of plantain insist 2 hours in a glass of boiling water, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before eating.

2 teaspoons of blackberry leaf and 1 teaspoon of calendula flower marigold flower baskets insist 2 hours in a glass of boiled water, strain. Take 2 times a day for half an hour before meals.

For cleansing the bowels and facilitating its work, you need to make enemas from hot water with 1-2 tablespoons glycerin or lemon juice or apple 6% vinegar at 2,5 liters of water. The order of enemas is this: three days in a row 3 times every other day, 3 times in two days, and so on, until you stay once a week.

Very useful one day a week to starve completely.

Well relieves pain in the intestines following collection .

  1. St. John's wort - 100 g,
  2. peppermint - 400 g,
  3. wrinkle-100 g.

Mix everything.1 tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist

1 hour, strain. Take one third of the glass 3-4 times a day.

If you add 150 grams of any dry tea to the above collection, then we will get an excellent remedy for cleansing the kidneys and pancreas.

With cracks in the intestines, folk medicine advises sugar enemas ( tablespoon sugar per 500 ml of water).They also contribute to the cleansing of the intestines.

Treatment of colitis: funds, diet, drugs, medications

The main thing in the treatment of colitis is dietotherapy, on which recovery depends. In patients with severe colitis, treatment should begin with a 2-3-day fasting and bed rest. Then appoint a sparing diet( table number 4 or 4-a).

Table number 4 and 4-a .It is prescribed for diarrhea, acute enteritis and colitis, when there is a significant irritation of the intestinal mucosa. Food should be mechanically sparing, milk and eggs are excluded.

In the early days of the disease, liquid and semi-liquid foods are prescribed: weak tea, meat broth, mucous soups, jelly, blueberry or red wine jelly. Then add white breadcrumbs, butter, fresh cottage cheese, boiled meat in the form of steam cutlets, dumplings, meatballs, boiled lean fish, mashed porridges, steam pudding. Of vitamins, orange or lemon juice is preferable.

In acute colitis( catarrh of large intestines), apple days are prescribed( see "Modes of incomplete and partial fasting").In chronic colitis, mechanically sparing rubbed food is prescribed: vegetable and meat soups, cooked mashed vegetables and fruits, lean meat in the form of cutlets, mashed porridges, pasta, noodles, stale white bread, butter, fresh cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, eggs are only allowedin food.

The patient should be fed 4-5 times a day to avoid taking large amounts of food at a time. Cold foods and drinks should be avoided, as they increase peristalsis of the intestines. In chronic colitis without sharply expressed clinical phenomena, they gradually switch to a general rational table, with the exception of raw vegetables and fruits, as well as milk in its pure form.

If putrefactive or fermenting processes prevail in the intestine, then carbohydrates( up to 120 mg per day) are restricted in food, but not proteins.

A strict diet is prescribed for a short period of up to 7 days. Expansion of the diet is carried out gradually, as the general condition improves.

Along with the diet prescribe drug therapy and physiotherapy.

For abdominal pain, antispastic agents are shown( Belladonna, Platifillin, Besalol, No-shpa, Aprofen), warmers, diathermy, solux, paraffin and mud applications on the abdomen.

For constipation - oil enemas( from sunflower or olive oil to 150 ml).Inside give vaseline or olive oil for 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Frequent use of enemas in colitis should be avoided.

When diarrhea, flatulence shows drugs: Bismuth, Tannalbin, Carbolen.

Great importance is attached to the treatment of the nervous system. Patients are given sedatives and hypnotics, prescribe water procedures.

Compress is a medical dressing.

How to treat colitis

by folk methods Ulcerative colitis: treatment and prevention

Irritable bowel and ulcerative colitis - twin diseases

There are diseases, the first symptoms of which are similar, like twin brothers. But this does not mean that you need to treat them equally. In the next issue of the heading "About medicine", the presenters will tell how to distinguish irritable bowel syndrome from ulcerative colitis and how to properly treat both of these diseases.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

In video: clinical picture, epidemiology, endoscopy, clinic of ulcerative colitis( 5 min 50 sec)

Chronic colitis: treatment, clinic and diagnosis

This video presents a brief information about the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of chronic colitis.

Crohn's disease: chronic inflammation of the intestine

. Source: YNGorgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.