Kyphosis, what is it?


  • 1Kyphosis
    • 1.1Causes of development and classification of kyphosis
    • 1.2Functional kyphosis
    • 1.3Dorsal juvenile kyphosis (Sheyerman-Mau disease)
    • 1.4Paralytic kyphosis
    • 1.5Posttraumatic kyphosis
    • 1.6Degenerative kyphosis
    • 1.7General principles of kyphosis diagnosis
    • 1.8General principles of treatment of kyphosis
  • 2Kyphosis: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
    • 2.1The causes of kyphosis
    • 2.2Symptoms
    • 2.3What are the types and stages of kyphosis?
    • 2.4Complications
    • 2.5Diagnostics
    • 2.6Treatment of kyphosis
    • 2.7When surgical intervention is necessary
    • 2.8How to help yourself at home
    • 2.9Preventive measures
  • 3Kyphosis - curvature of the spine
  • 4Kyphosis: Causes, Symptoms, Forms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Exercises
    • 4.1Description of the disease
    • 4.2Causes of pathology development
    • 4.3Symptomatology of pathology
    • 4.4Diagnostic features
    • 4.5Types and degrees of the disease
    • 4.6Features of some types of disease
    • 4.7Possible complications
    • 4.8Traditional treatment of the disease
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.9Features of surgical intervention
    • 4.10Preventive measures
    • 4.11An approximate set of physical exercises


Kifosis refers to both the pathological and physiological curvature of the spine in an anteroposterior direction. Physiological kyphosis is defined in all people in the thoracic spine.

About pathology speak in those cases when the angle of bend is 45 or more degrees. Kyphosis can be observed both separately and in combination with scoliosis (curvature of the spine in the lateral plane).

The most common cause of development of pathological kyphosis are vertebral fractures.

Depending on the nature of the curvature, the kyphosis can be angular or arcuate.

Angular kyphosis usually occurs with tuberculosis of the spine, accompanied by the formation of a hump, shortening the trunk and bulging the chest forward.

With arched kyphosis, a smooth C-shaped deformation of the entire thoracic spine is observed.

Causes of development and classification of kyphosis

Kyphosis can arise due to intrauterine growth disorders, unfavorable heredity, injuries and operations on the spine, weakness of the back muscles with insufficient physical loads, etc.

In older people (especially women), kyphosis often develops due to pathological compression fractures of the thoracic vertebrae. The cause of these fractures is osteoporosis - a decrease in bone density.

Taking into account the cause of origin in orthopedics and traumatology, the following varieties of pathological kyphosis are distinguished:

  • functional kyphosis (stoop);
  • dorsal juvenile kyphosis (developed with Sheyerman-Mau disease);
  • congenital kyphosis;
  • paralytic kyphosis;
  • post-traumatic kyphosis;
  • degenerative kyphosis.

In addition, kyphosis can develop with some infectious and non-infectious diseases: spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew disease) and spine tumors. Very rarely, the cause of the pathological kyphosis is radiation therapy, conducted for the treatment of malignant neoplasms in childhood.

Taking into account the angle of curvature, a normal, strengthened (with an enlarged angle) and straightened (with a reduced angle) kyphosis are isolated.

The strengthened kyphosis, in turn, is divided into three degrees:

  • 1 degree, at which the angle of bend is 35 or less degrees.
  • 2 degree, at which the angle of curvature varies from 31 to 60 degrees.
  • 3 degree, at which the angle of bend is 60 or more degrees.

Excessive curvature of the thoracic region adversely affects both the anatomical structures of the vertebral column itself and the adjacent organs.

The volume of the chest and the capacity of the lungs with the maximum inspiration are reduced.

Insufficient intake of oxygen into the blood causes violations of the circulatory system and other systems.

The diaphragm presses more strongly on the abdominal cavity, because of what the normal work of the organs located there is broken, in particular, constipations develop.

Because of the redistribution of the load, the intervertebral discs suffer, there is an osteochondrosis.

With pronounced kyphosis, compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots is possible, accompanied by a loss or weakening of sensitivity, muscle weakness and disorders from the pelvic organs.

Functional kyphosis

Functional kyphosis is a manifestation of incorrect posture. It arises due to weak development of the back muscles or non-physiological position during study or work.

In some cases, this kyphosis is due to psychological factors (usually in adolescents who are shy of their growth).

The body seeks to compensate for the excessive bending of the thoracic spine to the back, so with this kyphosis often develops concomitant lumbar hyperlordosis (excessive flexure of the lumbar region forward).

Unlike other types of kyphosis, in this pathology, excessive curvature disappears when trying to straighten the back or laying on a hard flat surface. On the roentgenograms of any anomalies is not detected.

Treatment of functional kyphosis is conservative. The patient is taught to maintain the correct position during sitting, standing and walking. Specially designed exercise complexes (LFK) are assigned to strengthen the back muscles.

Wearing corsets is not shown.

Dorsal juvenile kyphosis (Sheyerman-Mau disease)

The reasons for the development of kyphosis are not fully understood, but it has been established that a certain role in its development is played by a hereditary predisposition.

It is assumed that kyphosis in this case arises either as a result of avascular necrosis (necrosis) of the closure plates (layers of hyaline cartilage between the vertebra and the intervertebral disc), or because of excessive growth of bone tissue in the bodies of the vertebrae.

There is also the assumption that kyphosis develops because of multiple micro vertebrae fractures due to osteoporosis.

The bodies of three or more thoracic vertebrae with Sheyerman-Mau disease deform, become wedge-shaped (on the lateral roentgenograms they look almost triangular). Because of the change in the shape of the vertebrae, kyphosis increases. Bending in the thoracic spine reaches 45-75 degrees.

In the early stages, patients, as a rule, do not make any complaints. As the kyphosis progresses and the curvature of the spine increases, pain appears in the affected area.

Because of the concomitant deformation of the chest, breathing becomes difficult with time. There may be a violation of cardiac activity. Neurological symptoms are usually absent.

The diagnosis of dorsal juvenile kyphosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, clinical and radiographic examination. In some cases, electroneuromyography and MRI of the spine are additionally performed.

Treatment is usually conservative. Massage is prescribed, physiotherapeutic procedures, exercise therapy and manual therapy, sometimes - wearing a corset.

Indication for surgery is a large angle of curvature (more than 75 degrees), persistent pain syndrome, as well as breathing and circulatory disorders.

Congenital kyphosis is a consequence of a violation of embryonic development.

Occurs when anomalies occur during the formation of the vertebrae, resulting in the formation of a butterfly or sphenoid vertebrae, posterior half-vertebra, micro vertebra, etc. Less common are violations of segmentation (separation) into individual vertebrae.

Possible as a "clean" kyphosis, in which the spine is curved only in the antero-posterior direction, and kyphoscoliosis, accompanied by curvature in the antero-posterior and lateral directions.

The top of the kyphotic curvature can be located at any level - from the cervicothoracic to the lumbar spine. Kifosis in this disease often has a progressive nature.

Often (approximately in 13% of cases) there is a combination of kyphosis as with other abnormalities of the vertebral canal (dermoid cysts, fibrous constrictions, dermal sinuses, abnormal spinal roots, etc.), and with developmental disorders of various organs and systems (urinary, cardiopulmonary, and also extremities, abdominal and thoracic walls).

Usually the curvature of the spine is accompanied by neurological disorders.

As additional methods of research, radiography (sight and sight images in various projections), CT, MRI is used. An x-ray contrast test of the spinal canal can be prescribed. A neurological examination is mandatory.

Conservative treatment of congenital kyphosis is ineffective. It is recommended operative intervention in childhood to eliminate pathological kyphosis, stabilize the spine and prevent its further deformation.

Paralytic kyphosis

Paralytic kyphosis is caused by diseases accompanied by paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the back (cerebral palsy, polio, etc.).

In cerebral palsy, there is an increase in thoracic kyphosis and an increase in its length (the bend extends to the upper lumbar region). Kyphosis can be combined with scoliosis.

Characteristic gradual progression of deformation. Treatment is usually conservative, complex, prolonged.

Diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, clinical and radiological research. According to the indications, patients are referred to CT and MRI.

Patients are prescribed massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, manual therapy.

The operation is indicated for severe pain syndrome and violations of the function of organs located in the chest.

Posttraumatic kyphosis

Fractures of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are the most frequent cause of development of kyphotic deformity (about 40% of all kyphoses).

The risk of kyphosis depends on the severity of the injury, violations of the musculoskeletal system (osteoporosis, weakness of the back muscles) and compliance with medical recommendations during treatment.

The basis for the diagnosis is the appropriate medical history, clinical and radiological signs of posttraumatic kyphosis.

In some cases, kyphosis is combined with neurologic disorders. Treatment is mainly surgical. In the presence of contraindications to surgery (elderly age, severe concomitant diseases, etc.) conservative therapy is carried out, wearing a corset is prescribed.

Degenerative kyphosis

Degenerative kyphosis occurs as a result of degenerative disorders (osteoporosis, osteochondrosis). It is more common in women of elderly and senile age.

Often combined with previous injuries (pathological compression fractures of vertebral bodies). Kifosis contributes to aggravation of degenerative changes in the spine and has a progressive nature.

Treatment is predominantly conservative.

General principles of kyphosis diagnosis

The diagnosis begins with a detailed interview and examination of the patient.

The doctor (the orthopedists are engaged in the treatment of kyphoses) studies the history of the disease development, specifies the features of the pain syndrome, draws attention to the absence or presence of neurological disorders.

Examination includes palpation of the back and neck, determination of muscle strength and skin sensitivity. The specialist examines tendon reflexes and conducts special tests to assess neurological status, performs auscultation of the heart and lungs.

An obligatory stage of the examination is the radiography of the spine, which can include both direct and lateral views and sighting radiographs in non-standard projections and with a specially selected patient position (for example, under stretching conditions spine).

For the detection of pathology from the soft tissue side, an MRI can be prescribed. To assess the pathological changes from the bone structures of the patient can be sent to a computer tomography.

General principles of treatment of kyphosis

Treatment of kyphosis is more often conservative, includes exercise therapy for strengthening the muscular corset of the back, massage and physiotherapy. Some patients are shown with manual therapy.

Wearing corsets is prescribed primarily to reduce the pain syndrome.

However, the constant use of corsets in most cases is not recommended, because in themselves they do not correct the posture and, besides, can cause weakening of the back muscles with subsequent aggravation kyphosis.

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Indication for surgical intervention is:

  • Persistent pain syndrome, which can not be eliminated by conservative methods.
  • Rapid progression of kyphosis, especially - accompanied by neurologic disorders, as well as violations of lung and heart function.
  • A cosmetic defect that significantly reduces the patient's quality of life and interferes with the performance of professional duties.

The purpose of the operation is, as far as possible, to correct the angle of the bend of the spine and to stop the progression of the deformity, and also to eliminate the compression of nerve trunks and to protect them from damage in the future.

Surgical operations on the spine are classified as complex, large-scale interventions and are conducted under general anesthesia only after a complete examination of the patient.

Sometimes, to achieve the desired result, several operations are required.

For the fixation of the spine different designs are used, made of inert metals (titanium, titanium nickelide). They do not cause rejection reactions and can be in the body without consequences for many years.

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Kyphosis: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Kyphosis (lat. kyphosis) is a disease in which deformity of the spine occurs (stoop).

It occurs both normal (physiological) and pathological.

During the illness, the thoracic spine is excessively curved in an arc, a bulge appears at the back called the hump.

The causes of kyphosis

The main reason for the appearance of kyphotic posture is a weak load on the muscles of the back. There is a decrease in their tone, this leads to a curvature of the spine.

This disease can also occur because of:

  • injuries;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • wrong intrauterine development (if it's a child).

There can be kyphosis of the spine after surgery, as well as in the elderly, because the density of bone tissue becomes smaller.

Additional factors of occurrence areparalysis of the musculature of the neck and infectious diseases. The first happens quite rarely, usually it occurs when a stroke of the brain. At this time the head constantly weighs, and in due course adapts to a new position.

And in the second case, kyphotic deformation occurs when the mycobacterium tuberculosis enters the body. There they begin to eat away the bones, leaving cavities in them, which leads to fractures.


kyphosis of the thoracic spine of kyphosis in adolescents in the lumbar spine

Kyphosis can be recognized visually. A person who has a deformity of the spine, hunched up sitting at the table and while walking.

To make it clearer, the stoop is the position of the body, in which the head is tilted slightly forward, the shoulders are lowered, the chest cage is sunken (see Fig. photo above).

If you do not take action, then it becomes permanent, and eventually a hump appears.

In kyphosis, the position of the human body resembles a question mark. This pathology negatively affects the well-being. For example, a person begins:

  • quickly get tired;
  • feels discomfort in the chest area;
  • there are pains in the upper half of the back;
  • fingers and toes numb;
  • it becomes difficult to keep the correct position of the body;
  • there is discomfort when breathing.

In connection with the fact that a person has kyphosis of the spine, chronic diseases of the heart, vessels, respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract appear.

What are the types and stages of kyphosis?

Kyphosis of the spine is divided into the following species, with respect to form:

  • Corner kyphosis. Outwardly it is reminiscent of a sharp hump, which protrudes upward with a peak.
  • Arc-shaped.It has the shape of an arc. It can be either short or long.
  • Physiological.This is the stage of development of the spine. This kind of kyphosis can be observed in the thoracic region until the age of seven or in the lumbar to puberty.

Also divide it according to the etiology:

  • Congenital.It is formed in the womb, at the stage of development. With it, the slopes of the body remain, but more often only in the sides. So in children with congenital kyphosis, there are problems with urination, if this is an extreme degree, then maybe even paralysis of the legs.
  • Hemolytic.This form appears in those people whose relatives also have this disease. Roughly speaking, it is inherited.
  • Youthful, it is also called Sheyerman-Mau disease.This form is most often observed in boys aged 14 to 16 years. The point to say why he appears doctors can not, but note that this can be affected by hereditary predisposition. During this period, the entire vertebra is affected, the anterior part of the vertebrae narrows and eventually they take the form of a wedge. At the early stage of Sherman Mau's disease, the symptoms are not clearly visible. Only with time there are pains and there is a curvature of the spine.
  • Senile.This type of vice versa is more often observed in women. It develops due to age-related changes in the spine, weakening of the muscles.
  • Compression.It is formed as a result of the injury. It could be an accident, an unsuccessful jump on your feet from a great height. During the illness, the height of the vertebrae in the anterior part decreases, which makes the stoop appear.
  • Postural.Occurs due to incorrectly formed posture and weak back muscles. Often found in adolescents, who spend most of the time at the desk stooping. At this stage, it is better not to leave the disease without attention, it is worth taking preventive measures. These include lying on a hard surface, hovering on a bar. If you do not take measures, the disease will continue to develop further.
  • Rachitic.It occurs in infants who suffer from rickets.
  • Degenerative.It occurs due to degenerative changes in the vertebrae and weakening of the spine muscles. The appearance of this disease contributes to rheumatoid arthritis and extra pounds.
  • Total.It affects the entire spine, converts it into an arc or letter "C". It is most common in children under one year old, and has serious pathological changes.
  • Tuberculosis.Tuberculous spondylitis breaks the vertebrae, which results in their contraction.
  • Paralytic.It appears as a result of damage to the nervous system, paralysis. Its causes are injuries, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and poliomyelitis.
  • Postoperative.Appears after the patient violates the measures to prevent re-kyphosis in the postoperative period.


Kyphosis of thoracic spine

The most common kyphosis of the thoracic spine. It affects 4 to 10 vertebrae.

The main signs include the numbness of the limbs, and when the disease progresses, then clearly visible violations in the internal organs.

The danger of thoracic kyphosis is that the thorax varies anatomically, its volume decreases, and this affects the supply of sufficient oxygen to all internal organs.

With an increase in the inclination of the spine, frequent development of colds, poor appetite, belching, urination disorders and frequent palpitations are observed in patients. The angle of inclination for the kyphosis of the thoracic spine varies from 15 to 30 degrees.

When the kyphosis hits the neck, a bend goes forward. It appears due to age-related changes, infections, trauma, herniation of the intervertebral disc or tumor.

A stoop appears in a person, begin to worry about headaches, dizziness, frequent pressure drops.

If you do not carry out treatment, you may experience difficulty in the work of the respiratory and heart. So a person begins to suffer from shortness of breath, arrhythmia.

It affects the kyphosis and lumbar spine. The cause of the onset is rickets, injuries, hernias, neoplasms. The signs of the disease include back pain, numbness of the legs, violations in the genital area, as well as incontinence of urine and feces.


Diagnosis begins with the examination and questioning of the patient. Treatment of kyphosis is performed by orthopedists. They study the history of the disease in detail, recognize the foci of pain, whether there is a neurological disorder.

During the examination, the specialist probes the back and neck, determines the strength of the muscles and the sensitivity of the skin. He also examines tendon reflexes, conducts tests to assess neurological status, performs auscultation of the heart and lungs.

The examination without radiography of the spine is not complete. It includes side, straight, in non-standard projections and in special poses.

To identify the pathology in soft tissues, an MRI is prescribed. And in order to understand whether there are changes in the bones, the patient is directed to computed tomography (CT).

Treatment of kyphosis

Often correct kyphotic deformity with the help of conservative treatment. This includes LFK in order to strengthen the muscular corset back, as well as massage and physiotherapy. Sometimes manual therapy is used.

To reduce the pain, wearing corsets is prescribed.

But in this case it is necessary to be cautious, since their constant application will not only correct the posture, but also weaken the muscles, which will exacerbate the situation.

When surgical intervention is necessary

Perform an operation in the following cases:

  • there are constant back pains, and they can not be eliminated by conservative methods.
  • the disease is rapidly progressing. There are neurological disorders, interruptions in the work of the heart and lungs.
  • kyphosis prevents a person from performing professional duties, the quality of life decreases.

During the operation, doctors try to correct the angle of the bend, and stop the development of the disease. Also, if possible, the compression of nerve trunks is eliminated, and their protection from damage in the future occurs.

This operation belongs to the complex category, and is performed only when the patient has been fully examined. It is conducted under general anesthesia. Since it is not always possible to achieve the required result immediately, several operations are often carried out.

To fix the spine in the desired position, designs made of inert metals are used. These include titanium and nickel titanium. They are not rejected by the body, and can stay in it for quite some time.

How to help yourself at home

If there is a serious stage of the disease, then it will not be possible to cure it at home, the only correct solution will be surgical intervention.

Even fully adjusting the kyphosis of a weak form to a child and an adult can be done by simply adjusting the situation a little. By the way, in children and adolescents, treatment is much easier. In order to align your back and strengthen your muscles, you should do special exercises at home:

  • Exercise 1:you need to rest your hands and chest in the wall and bend as much as possible. This position should be maintained for 3-4 minutes.
  • Exercise 2:standing with his back to the wall one hand should be thrown back above his head, and stand there for half a minute, then repeat the change of hand.
  • Exercise # 3:lying on your stomach make a deflection, hands at the same time at the chest level. Keep your head straight. Repeat the exercise several times, while holding the position for 20 seconds.
  • Exercise # 4:well help strengthen muscle torsion exercises in the bar. The duration of the last stand should be increased gradually for a few seconds.
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When treating the kyphosis of the thoracic spine, it is worth doing exercises using a gymnastic stick. Squat, pulling her behind her back and pressing her to the shoulder blades, make the slopes. Also see the video exercises above.

Preventive measures

To avoid the appearance of kyphosis, it is worth keeping an eye on the posture. You always have to sit straight, and choose smooth surfaces for this. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to sleep on an orthopedic mattress.

For work, choose the most convenient table and chair, which will be suitable for growth. If you spend a long time in a sitting position, then you need to do a little exercise every hour, or just walk around the office.

Try to avoid wearing a lot of extra pounds on yourself. Eat foods that are rich in vitamins and trace elements. Drink a day enough water.

This disease requires appropriate treatment. If a person begins to restore the spine at an early stage, then there is more chance of a positive result.

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Kyphosis - curvature of the spine

Kyphosis - C-shaped congenital or acquired curvature of the upper spine beyond its normal bending, resulting in the appearance of a hump.

Most often there is kyphosis of the thoracic spine, while cases of lumbar and cervical kyphosis are extremely rare.

Kyphosis is divided into physiological and pathological.

Physiological sacral and thoracic kyphosis are formed even in early childhood, whereas in adults the vertebral column bends are fixed. In elderly, as well as senile age, there is an increase in thoracic kyphosis.

The transition of physiological kyphosis to pathological occurs when its magnitude becomes more normal, or it manifests itself in an atypical place (for example, in the lumbar region spine).

In addition, pathological kyphosis is divided into fixed and non-fixed (functional). Non-fixed kyphosis occurs due to uncompensated visual deficit (nearsightedness), with sluggish posture, etc.

In the case of targeted treatment, these defects often pass without a trace. Various diseases of the musculoskeletal system lead to more permanent deformities.

Fixed kyphosis, in contrast to functional, in the horizontal position of the patient does not decrease and does not disappear.

Pathological kyphosis is divided into: congenital, due to some neuromuscular disease, osteochondropathic, kyphosis in systemic skeletal diseases and after the transferred inflammatory diseases

Kyphosis - the causes of development

The causes of kyphosis of the spine are different, on the basis of this, the following types of kyphosis will be distinguished:

→ The stoop (postural kyphosis of the thoracic region) is the easiest form of thoracic kyphosis, which most often occurs due to incorrect posture at a young age

→ Degenerative kyphosis is a more severe form of this disease, the cause of which is considered progressive osteochondrosis of the spine, which leads to a decrease in intervertebral clearance and dysfunction ligamentous apparatus. In the event that the degenerative kyphosis accompanies the pinching of the nerve endings of the spinal cord, the pathology is called compression kyphosis

Kyphosis of the spine is acquired, congenital, arising as a result of surgical intervention (postoperative kyphosis), or trauma (posttraumatic kyphosis). Congenital kyphosis of the spine arises both because of heredity, and because of an anomaly in the development of the vertebrae.

In addition, the following reasons for the development of kyphosis are noted: muscle weakness of the back, paralysis of the back, age-related changes in age, tuberculosis, rickets.

Clinical degrees of kyphosis:

→ Hypokyphosis - angle of curvature of the order of 15 °

→ Normokifose - angle of curvature from 15 to 50 °

→ Hyperkifosis - angle of curvature exceeds 50 °

Kyphosis is one of dangerous, and sometimes deadly diseases. From the outside it seems that in the stoop of man there is nothing special, and even more dangerous. Unfortunately, it is not.

In the spinal column of the person is located the spinal cord, from which practically all parts and parts of the human body are separated by nerve roots (bundles).

Kyphosis leads to their infringement, which is often expressed by progressive weakness in the lower limbs, up to the absolute impossibility of independent movement.

In addition, in the openings of the processes of the cervical vertebrae pass the blood supplying cerebellum, occipital lobes and the brain stem vertebral arteries, clamping which, with pronounced kyphosis, leads to impaired cerebral circulation and the development of a subsequent stroke, which often results in death sick

Kyphosis Symptoms

Kyphosis of the thoracic spine is manifested by posterior convexity, with a deviation angle of more than 45˚ and is detected by visual inspection of the patient.

If there is a convexity less than this value, the deviation is recognized as normal and the diagnosis is that the kyphosis of the thoracic spine is not exposed.

The thoracic kyphosis is manifested by characteristic painful muscular spasms of the back, which are observed in the region of kyphotic curvature.

Sometimes kyphosis of the thoracic spine can be added to this type of kyphosis (numbness and weakness in the limbs).

With a complicated form of thoracic kyphosis, there are violations of the heart, breathing and digestion.

In the absence of treatment, progressive kyphosis from a serious stoop goes into a hump, which not only cardinally changes the appearance human, but also significantly narrows the chest, the diaphragm then descends downwards, the mobility of the ribs decreases, and the respiratory movements strongly difficult. As a result of such anatomical changes in the chest, respiratory function is impaired, which in turn is very common leads to the development of stagnant phenomena in the lungs (breathing becomes difficult, cyanosis of the fingertips and lips appears) and to the respiratory insufficiency.

A person with a developed hump lives for a relatively short time, since his heart changes its original position and works much lower than its capabilities, and its weakened lungs are constantly exposed to various inflammatory processes. Due to all of the above, the patient dies from cardiovascular and respiratory failure.

With kyphosis in the initial stage, the deformity formed allows the patient to lead a sufficiently full life.

The person has periodic pain in the neck and back, as well as weakness in the lower extremities with a violation of their skin sensitivity.

In case of further progression of the curvature of the spine, to the above symptomatology the restriction of respiratory function of the lungs, incontinence of faeces and urine, as well as disorders of the sexual sphere.

Types of pathological kyphosis:

- Congenital kyphosis. This is caused by a genetic mutation and inherited defect in the development of vertebral bodies (anterior sections)

- Postural kyphosis. This type of curvature of the spine develops due to incorrect posture ("rounded back") and most often observed in adolescents, leaking together with excessive bending forward (lumbar hyperlordosis)

- Posttraumatic kyphosis. It develops as a result of spinal injuries with compression fractures of the vertebral bodies and squeezing the roots of the spinal cord

- Secondary kyphosis. This disorder develops against the background of any infectious (poliomyelitis, tuberculosis spondylitis) or systemic (Bechterew's disease, rickets, cerebral palsy, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma)

- Old (degenerative) kyphosis. This type of curvature is caused by dystrophic changes in the bodies of vertebrae and intervertebral discs, which are accompanied by the so-called "subsidence of the spine as well as the weakening of its ligamentous apparatus

- Sheyerman-Mau's disease. The cause of the development of this pathology has not been established to date.

It is known that this disease in the vast majority of cases develops in adolescents in the age range from thirteen to sixteen years and is manifested by thinning of the anterior part of the vertebral bodies approximately in the middle of the spinal column, which leads to a characteristic inclination forward in the thoracic department

Diagnosis of the disease

Even kyphosis in the initial stage can easily be suspected visually.

All that is needed is to ask the patient to lean forward and look closely from the spine, since it is with this position of the body, the presence of any curvature of the upper back can easily visually to reveal.

However, this method can only be considered a preliminary diagnosis. Finally, the degree of kyphosis is established exclusively by means of computed tomography and radiography.

In addition, a neurological examination is performed to determine the state of muscle reflexes and the absence or presence of skin sensitivity disorders. The lung function is studied by spirometry. To identify pathological changes in the nerve roots and spinal cord, an MRI

Kyphosis - treatment

Light forms, as well as postural kyphosis, are quite suitable for conservative treatment with manual therapy and physiotherapy exercises, Physiotherapy with kyphosis is mandatory in any case, tk. it allows you to reduce pain to a minimum, to correct the posture and strengthen the muscles back.

In the case of strong pain, the use of various groups of analgesics, more often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ketorol, etc.), which allow not only to get rid of obsessive pain, but also to reduce inflammatory lesion.

These medications are indicated to be taken as prescribed by the doctor on a daily basis, and not at times of painful attacks.

Among the most advanced methods of treatment of diseases of the spine is manual therapy.

With kyphosis, this type of treatment can give a positive result only at the initial stage, and only if the treatment is carried out by a properly trained specialist.

In case the patient is in the hands of an amateur, there is a great risk of getting a displacement of the vertebrae, which will lead to a number of serious complications. Manual influence on the problem part of the spine is carried out with a mandatory interval of two to three days.

With developing hyperkiphosis, the only method of treatment is surgical intervention, during which the defect is eliminated and Stabilization of the spinal column with special titanium plates, rods and screws, which are fixed by special methods on the bodies vertebrae. After a certain time, all foreign objects from the spine are removed. The effect achieved after surgery lasts for about five to six years

Prevention of kyphosis

Preventative measures for the development of kyphosis include simple rules aimed at eliminating the causes of this disease and include:

  1. - Regular exercise (for adults - fitness, for the elderly - morning exercises)
  2. - Children and adolescents with reduced visual acuity are required to wear contact lenses or glasses
  3. - If a person is predominantly sedentary, to maintain normal muscle tone, he is recommended to use at least 1 time per hour. to get up and perform the simplest gymnastic exercises
  4. - In case the child is slouching because of hampering his high growth, it is necessary to hold an explanatory conversation with him, or to apply for this to a child psychologist
  5. - It is important to know that the height of the chair and table must necessarily correspond to the height of the person. In case if you have to tilt while working, reading, or eating - you need a mandatory change of furniture

At the initial stage of kyphosis formation, special corsets are shown to prevent the progression of the disease, which ensures the correct position of the chin, shoulders and back.

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The duration of their daytime socks is determined by the doctor purely individually, based on the symptoms and degree of kyphosis.

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Kyphosis: Causes, Symptoms, Forms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Exercises

Violation of posture can lead to the development of many diseases that significantly impair the quality of life. Problems with the spine can provoke abnormal operation of the nervous system.

Kyphosis is one of the disorders of posture, which is characterized by the appearance of a hump on the back.

It is necessary to treat it, since pathology can provoke a decrease in the volume of the chest, and therefore, problems with respiratory organs.

Description of the disease

Kyphosis is a problem that is characterized by a strong curvature of the skeleton, in which a hump appears on the back. Most often the problem develops in the cervical and thoracic area, although it can be diagnosed in the lumbar spine.

Kyphosis is a pathology that is diagnosed if the angle of curvature exceeds 30 degrees.

The disease can appear already in adolescence (from 10 to 15 years), although it is often diagnosed in the elderly.

It should be noted that girls suffer less from this problem than boys.

Causes of pathology development

Kyphosis is a disease that can be provoked by such factors:

  • Systematic and permanent violation of posture (during sitting or standing). Do not constantly bend at the table. And this rule should be observed from early childhood.
  • Saddle, which appears with high growth.
  • Weakening of the back muscles, in which they are unable to maintain the normal position of the skeleton.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Pathological development of vertebral bodies. However, it can be congenital or acquired.
  • Polio. This serious childhood illness can leave a child with a disability for life.
  • Osteoporosis (excessive brittle bones).
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Spinal surgery.
  • Rickets. This disease causes systemic disorders of the body.
  • Injuries of muscles or spine.
  • Spondylitis (inflammation leading to destruction of the vertebrae).
  • Malignant lesions of the skeleton.
  • Tuberculosis of bones.

Symptomatology of pathology

Thoracic kyphosis of the spine or other types of lesion of the skeleton may manifest as follows:

  1. Too much hunchback or stoop.
  2. Increased fatigue, the inability to perform long-term work, being in the same position.
  3. Pain in the area of ​​curvature.
  4. Impossibility to exercise even small loads on the back.
  5. Numbness of the skin of the foot and back, as well as tingling in the limbs.
  6. Stiffness of movements.
  7. Kyphosis of the cervical region is characterized by the fact that the patient can not lift his head up.

Naturally, the presented disease causes disorganization of the work of other organs and systems, therefore it may have additional symptoms:

  • Frequent bronchitis and obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Pain in the heart of a aching character.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Pain in the right hypochondrium and abdomen.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Headache.

Diagnostic features

If you have kyphosis, treatment should be started immediately. Otherwise, the situation will rapidly deteriorate. Precisely to diagnose can only the doctor after a careful examination. The patient has to undergo such studies:

  1. Visual inspection. First, the doctor will ask you to stand up straight to determine how big the hump is. Next you will need to bend over. In this case, the specialist determines the curvature of the skeleton in the lateral projection.
  2. Radiography. It shows the condition of the spinal column, although it does not give complete information about the features of the pathology.
  3. Computed tomography and MRI. Here, specialists will be able to get all the necessary information on the form and extent of the disease, on how badly damaged the body of the vertebrae.

Based on the findings, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Types and degrees of the disease

It should be noted that pathology can have a different origin. It is on this basis distinguish the following types of kyphosis:

  • Paralytic.
  • Postoperative.
  • Functional.
  • Degenerative.
  • Rachitic.
  • The young dorsal.
  • Post-traumatic.
  • Congenital.
  • Age.

The degree of kyphosis is necessary to know in order to prescribe the treatment that will really give a positive effect. There are only four:

  1. The first. It is characterized by the smallest angle of curvature, which is 30-40 degrees.
  2. The second. Here the degree rises to 40-50 units.
  3. Third: 50-70 degrees.
  4. Fourth. It is characterized by the maximum level of curvature, in which the hump is seen very strongly, and the state of the skeleton is deplorable. The curvature is more than 70 degrees. In this case, traditional methods of treatment are rarely helpful. Most often at this stage, an operation is performed, which, unfortunately, can not always eliminate the consequences of the disease completely.

Features of some types of disease

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the main types of pathology. There are several of them:

  1. Kyphosis of the cervical spine. Treatment of this pathology is necessary, since without it a patient may have cerebral circulation. In the blood vessels, stagnation of blood occurs, and this is fraught with thrombus formation. The patient also has arterial hypertension, he is limited in movements with his head, suffers constant pain in his head. The presented type of pathology can develop even in newborns. The cause of this is birth trauma.
  2. Thoracic kyphosis. It is the most common. However, the diagnosis must be made correctly. The fact is that the presented disease can be confused with the kyphotic posture, which arises from the weakness of the muscular girdle. The back is hunching in this case, the shoulders are moving forward, the thorax seems hollow. During the progression of the disease, the patient develops a persistent muscular spasm. Further, there may be a decrease in the volume of the chest, there will be herniated vertebral bodies and their deformation.
  3. Lumbar kyphosis. It usually affects the 2 upper lumbar vertebrae. At the same time, the depreciation properties of the skeleton deteriorate.

Possible complications

If the pathology is not treated on time, it is fraught with serious consequences. Due to the development of kyphosis,

  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Ischemic heart disease at an early age.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Paralysis or paresis of the limb.
  • Secondary meningitis.

As you can see, the complications are serious and complicated for treatment, therefore, it is necessary to begin to correct the posture as soon as possible.

Traditional treatment of the disease

You have to fight with kyphosis. In the initial stages of the disease, such conservative methods can help:

  • Medications. To stop the pain and remove inflammation, you can use "Diclofenac". It would be superfluous to use chondroprotectors: Teraflex, Chondroitin.
  • Physiotherapy. It is carried out for partial restoration of posture. In addition, physical education makes it possible to reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, to tone the muscles and ligaments.
  • Manual therapy. Massage promotes relaxation of the dorsal muscles, relieves pain.
  • Physiotherapy treatment. This therapy allows you to restore blood circulation, reduces the intensity of pain, relieves fatigue.
  • Application of a restraining corset. Thanks to this product, the patient has the opportunity to partially correct the posture, align the spine. In addition, the corset reduces pain, since it reduces the burden on the back.

Features of surgical intervention

If the patient develops a curvature of the spine, the pain does not go away even when using conservative therapy, he is assigned a surgical operation.

For this purpose, specialists apply special rods, which are fixed on the spine and align it. In addition, there is a two-stage operation.

The first part of it involves the removal of the damaged or altered form of the vertebrae and the installation of implants. The skeleton in this case is fixed by a special metal construction.

A few years later, a second operation is performed. It is necessary to remove the metal framework (if implant has taken root).

Please note that after the operation the patient will have to undergo a course of rehabilitation, which can last long enough. At first, it is better to use the services of a professional rehabilitologist. In the future, you can do the exercises yourself at home.

Preventive measures

In order to avoid the development of problems with the back, you should follow such recommendations:

  • Observe the correct posture. If you have a sedentary job, try to change position more often.
  • Do not slouch while walking.
  • Strengthen the muscle belt with exercise.
  • Try to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Do not let spinal injuries or try to treat them on time.
  • If the kyphosis has only just begun to develop, rather consult the doctors. Treatment in the early stages will ensure a positive result.

An approximate set of physical exercises

Physical exercises with kyphosis help strengthen muscles, prevent rapid progression of pathology. They are performed not only for rehabilitation purposes, but also for prevention. The complex can contain such exercises:

  1. Straighten your shoulders and tilt your body so that it keeps parallel to the floor. Then straighten up again. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  2. From the supine position on the back, lift the legs (alternately) upwards. Repeat the action 10-15 times with each foot.
  3. Good on the posture of hovering on the bar until the appearance of pain.
  4. From the standing position, make the torso slopes to the sides. In each direction you need to bend 10-15 times.
  5. Lie on your stomach. Then spread your hands to the sides. It is advisable to use light dumbbells. Try to tear off the upper part of the body from the floor. Hold for a few seconds in this position and lie down on the floor. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

The presented complex is very effective in the fight against kyphosis. It should also be performed to prevent disease. Now you know all the information about such a disease as kyphosis.

Forms, causes, signs, symptoms and treatment are covered in the article. Please note that you need to consult a doctor with this pathology. Self-medication and folk methods here will not help.

A source: http://.ru/article/244615/kifozeto-kifoz-prichinyi-simptomyi-formyi-diagnostika-lechenie-i-uprajneniya