Mastitis: treatment, symptoms, how to treat mastitis in the home

Mastitis , or breast - inflammation of the breast, is often observed in a nursing mother, and more often in primiparous women. Sometimes mastitis occurs in adolescent girls during puberty - juvenile mastitis. In old age, mastitis can develop in women who do not comply with hygiene rules and regulations.

Let's talk about the causes, symptoms and possible treatment of mastitis at home. Home treatment for mastitis can occur in uncomplicated cases.


Causes and symptoms of

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Drug mastitis is almost always pyogenic microbes. Through the dull skin of the nipple, cracks, scratches, abrasions, microbes through the lymph vessels penetrate the breast tissue and cause inflammation. Penetrating into the mammary gland, microbes roll milk in the outlet ducts, clogging them. Formed small ulcers or phlegmon, which can connect to one large abscess.

The main complaints of patients - on pain in the chest, especially when feeding, high fever. Chest blushes, swells, becomes tense and painful. The intensity of pain constantly rises, the patient does not feel rest neither day nor night. Pain reaches the armpit, the general condition worsens. With the formation of an abscess, treatment is only prompt.

How to treat mastitis: general recommendations

At the first signs of beginning mastitis, the breasts should be immediately tied up and gently lubricated with ichthyol ointment twice a day( but not rubbed!).On the sore spot, you can put a rag soaked in alcohol, as it dries, wet it again. The child can not be applied to such a breast, milk must be decanted and poured. Feed the baby only healthy breasts. Before decanting, sore breasts should be cleaned with vodka or alcohol, decant and put an alcohol compress again.

If the first symptoms of an abscess appeared, then it is necessary to put on this place not an alcohol compress, but a warming agent from 2% hydrogen peroxide. If the child's boil can not be fed even a healthy breast, all the milk should be decanted and poured.

Treatment of mastitis at home with folk remedies

When hardened on the chest, tie grated carrots or mashed potatoes from of bean flour with soapy water .

With an abscess on the chest, tie the baked onion with linseed oil or with honey or steamed in wine wine berries .

If a woman feels that her chest is hardening or inflammation occurs, compresses with a very hot infusion of chamomile or semi-boiled, tolerably hot barley in a soft tissue bag should be applied.

With the onset of inflammation, apply to the chest crushed leaves of the swans - raw or boiled.

belladonna .Leaves are applied externally with infiltrates, suppurations of the breast. Tincture of belladonna take internally 25-30 drops three times a day( two tablespoons of leaves per 100 g of alcohol or vodka, insist 10 days). PLANT IS POURANT!

Cleaner .Use a decoction or infusion of celandine, both inside the tablespoon 3-4 times a day, and for compresses.

For acceleration maturing abscess, folk medicine advises the following tools:

20 g shredded leaves walnut pour 100 g of vegetable oil, insist in a sealed container for 1 week. Ingredients boil 5 minutes, strain through multi-layer gauze, then boil again in a water bath for 30 minutes, then put 20 g of wax in a hot bath and mix until cooled. Apply ointment on the abscess under the bandage.

Apply to raw raw grated potato and change it as it dries.

Two parts of raw onion, one part of rubbed soap. Mix well and crush the mixture. Apply on the plaster to the sore spot.

Open the aloe leaf, put it on a sore spot and bandage it. Change after 7-8 hours. It draws pus well and promotes maturation of the abscess.

Pour 1 teaspoon of raw buckwheat groats, put on gauze and attach to an abscess. Promotes healing, well draws pus. Beans horse .When the mammary gland hardens to the sore spot, bind the smear from the bean flour, mixed with finely chopped pieces of laundry soap.

One tablespoon of dry nettle flowers of a deaf ( clear cloth) pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 40 minutes, strain. Drink half the glass 3 times daily before meals as a blood cleanser.

Treatment of mastitis: procedures, antibiotics, surgery

In the serous phase, attention should be paid to preventing milk stagnation in the gland.

Be sure to feed the baby and this breast or express milk breast pump. With the help of a bandage, scarf or bra, you must give the iron a horizontal position.

When the temperature rises to 37 ° C and above - sulfonamides( Norsulfazole 1.0 3-4 times a day), antibiotics intramuscularly.

In the phase of acute infiltration, in addition to the prescribed treatment, quartz, solux, UHF, penicillin-novocaine blockade( 200 ml of 0.5% solution of Novocaine and 300,000 units of penicillin are injected into the retromammary space using a syringe and a long needle).

With abscessed mastitis - surgical treatment.

If the patient has entered a hospital in serious condition, the operation should be carried out immediately.

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Mastitis: what to do?

One of them is the difficult situations that a nursing mother may encounter - the stagnation of milk in the chest, which leads to such diseases as lactostasis and mastitis.

Lactostasis is the stasis of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands. Overflowing them with milk causes a feeling of swelling of the chest, it becomes hard, hot and painful to the touch. Pain or discomfort is aggravated during or after feeding. In some cases, lactostasis is local, local in nature, when only a part of the breast is engorged, a painful knot is probed in it, the skin above it may be red. The feeling of breastfeeding mother with lactostasis is usually within the normal range, the temperature does not usually rise, rarely rising to 38 degrees, but the fever lasts no more than a day.

Most often lactostasis occurs in the first days and weeks after delivery, when milk is formed in large quantities, and the child eats a little and has not yet learned how to suck effectively. In some cases lactostasis can develop into mastitis.

What can we do in this situation and can we do without medical assistance? Our expert, Violetta Kozheva, a member of AKEV and a breastfeeding consultant, prepared a short but very useful video.

Mastitis in nursing mother: children's doctor

Breastfeeding is a natural and joyful process for both mother and baby. But everything can change literally in one day. There is a mastitis. From compaction, heaviness in the chest to severe purulent infection and surgical intervention. .. How can this be prevented? What should alert a nursing mother? And who can help her? See answers from children's doctor Olga Kadrash and breastfeeding expert Natalya Navrodskaya.

Treatment of mastitis with folk remedies

At the first signs of mastitis, a good way will be treated with folk remedies. Traditional medicine has a lot of experience in this problem. Even in neglected cases, do not immediately fall under the knife. Study carefully our recipes. This treatment has been used for centuries by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

Lactostasis - breast milk stasis: what to do?

Lactostasis - stagnant milk in the ducts of the mammary glands.

Causes of

  1. Insufficient emptying of the mammary glands, due to improper application of the baby, as a result, not all pectoral lobes are emptied.
  2. Narrow mammary ducts. Excessive production of breast milk by the mammary gland - hyperlactation.
  3. A tight bra, sleep on the belly.
  4. Incomplete emptying of the breast due to sagging of the lower part of the breast.
  5. Irregular and insufficient emptying of the chest.

Symptoms of

  1. Painful sensations in the mammary gland.
  2. You can feel the seals( dense lumps) in your chest in some places.

Methods of elimination

  1. Apply the baby more often to a sick chest, not forgetting about a healthy half.
  2. Before applying, apply dry heat to the chest to facilitate the release of milk.
  3. Regular breast massage with soft and smooth movements from the periphery to the center. Do not crush fabrics.

Mastitis in a nursing mother: treatment at home

Source: Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.