Shoots in the ear: what to do, what to treat at home

Shooting ear pain can be observed in every person at any age - the child and the adult. It brings the same suffering to children and adults, like toothache. The appearance of shooting pain in the right or left ear indicates the development of an acute inflammatory process in the middle section. Shooting pain can give behind an ear in a head, an eyebrow, a jaw, a temple. The process of inflammation of the middle ear, as a rule, is one-sided.

Strongly shoots in the ear on the left or right side after:

  1. of a transferred, ill-treated acute respiratory disease( ARI), acute respiratory viral infection( ARVI);
  2. angina( acute tonsillitis);
  3. inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, frontal sinuses( sinusitis, frontalitis);
  4. rhinitis( runny nose),
  5. against a cold with a strong cold;
  6. after bathing with immersion with a head under water or diving: when the pressure in the middle ear changes;
  7. traumatic injury of the eardrum.

Treatment should be started immediately, so as not to start the inflammatory process.

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Be sure to consult an otolaryngologist. If this is not possible:

  • for adults - therapist;
  • for children is a pediatrician.

Today we will consider what can be done and what to treat at home, if it shoots heavily in the ear, how to help a child or an adult person.


Why shoots in the ear: the main causes of

Sinusitis: inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

Accompanied by symptoms:

  1. runny nose, nasal congestion;
  2. sleep disturbance;
  3. burning in the nose, in the area near the eyes;
  4. shooting acute pain in the ears;
  5. sensation of ear congestion;
  6. nasal;
  7. increased body temperature;
  8. loss of appetite, fast fatigue, lethargy.

Sinusitis is acute and chronic. For treatment at home, the most effective methods and methods of treatment are:

  1. inhalations with boiling water and essential oils: inhalation of vapors is carried out through a paper bundle in the form of a funnel;
  2. wash the nose with a soda solution, in proportion to 1 glass of water 1 teaspoon baking soda.

In chronic sinusitis, it should be treated with vasoconstrictive drugs, in fact it is a symptomatic therapy that removes the secondary effects of the common cold. Such treatment is possible not more than 3 days.

Otitis: inflammation of the inner( middle) ear .

Its development is provoked by pathogenic microflora and viruses that are introduced into the inner ear with an incorrect strong nose.

Symptoms of otitis media:

  1. sharp pain in the ear;
  2. sensation of lumbago in the ears;
  3. blood separation, pussy from the auricle;
  4. partial hearing loss;
  5. nausea;
  6. earmold.

In the treatment of acute otitis, a cotton swab moistened in boric alcohol is placed in the diseased ear.

When otitis is accompanied by fever, purulent secretions, then it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor, for it can become very bad. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and pain medications.

Treating purulent otitis alone at home is extremely undesirable, you need a medication. Because the focus of infection through purulent tissue melting can get into the brain.

Eustachiitis: inflammation of the Eustachian tube.

Often, eustachiitis is a complication of chronic sinusitis. He has such peculiar symptoms:

  1. acute perception of his voice;
  2. sensation of rustling and knocking in the ear;
  3. partial hearing loss;
  4. sensation of flow of fluid in the ear canal.

At home, medications containing phenylephrine are used to treat eustachitis. In parallel, the appointment of UHF therapy and MB-therapy.

Frontite - acute inflammation of the frontal paranasal sinus. It develops as a result of influenza, adenovirus infections or ARI.

The frontier is difficult if it is compared with other forms of sinusitis.

Symptoms of the frontitis:

  1. purulent discharge from the nose and ears;
  2. increased body temperature;
  3. edema of the face;
  4. severe headache and ear pain;
  5. pain in the eyes;
  6. change the color of the eyelids.

One of the options for treating the front of the house is ointment naphthyzine. She is lubricated by the nasal cavity, and her nose is dripping with naphthyzine. The patient is recommended to comply with bed rest, take paracetamol to normalize body temperature.

Know that the pain in the ears with frontins appears as a complication of the disease, if there is pain - go to the doctor.

Sphenoiditis is an inflammation of the wedge-shaped paranasal sinus. Parallel to earache, it sometimes causes a general increase in body temperature, a large amount of discharge from the nose.

Treat it with the necessary frequent flushing of the nose with antibacterial agents. These procedures are carried out in the ENT office of the polyclinic, because a person himself can not fully flush the whole of the nasal passages.

Labyrinititis is a disease of the inner ear, provoked by viral infections: influenza, measles, mumps, chicken pox.

Treatment of labyrinititis( especially children) is better than proven medication, because with complication it causes severe consequences.

Adults can take auxiliary procedures during treatment: applying warm compresses to the sick ear.

Shoots in the ear: causes of a different kind of

Along with the main ear-nose-throat diseases, shooting in the ear can for reasons:

Ships after a walk in the wind , accompanied by symptoms:

  1. headaches;
  2. tinnitus;
  3. increased body temperature.

To eliminate shooting pains in the ear, drip 2-3 drops of boric alcohol 3% in the sore ear, apply a warming compress( even just put a palm on the auricle).If after a couple of days the pain does not subside - contact a doctor.

Shoots in the ear due to tooth decay .Usually the pain is of a pulsating nature, intensifying when pressed. The source of pain is the caries of the extreme posterior teeth, the teeth of "wisdom."

To quickly relieve pain at home, prepare a solution: 1 teaspoon of soda, 4 drops of iodine, 200 ml.water. Mix everything and rinse your teeth three times a day. Will help to remove acute dental and ear pain.

Neuritis of the facial nerve ( trigeminal) can lead to firing in the ears, red face and pain during chewing.

For these symptoms, consult a neurologist. It is recommended not to take hot, sweet food, hot tea or coffee.

Sore throat can be complicated by otitis media of the middle ear, the appearance of purulent discharge from the throat and ears. Do not allow such complications, and when they appear, immediately contact the therapist, pediatrician, otolaryngologist.

Shoots in the ear: non-medical reasons

It happens that a person starts to shoot in the ear for no apparent reason. Provoke symptom:

Flight in the plane .The difference in atmospheric pressure of the Eustachian tube, which leads to pain in the ears.

To remove earaches and discomfort during the flight, do one of the following:

  1. more often yawn;
  2. eat food during the flight;
  3. swallow more often;
  4. drip vasoconstrictor drops in the nose.

After bathing , you may get a sharp pain, noises in your ears. To eliminate them, it is recommended that you lie on your side, wait until the poured water flows out of your ear. You can also jump, tilting your head to the side and putting your hand to your ear.

Do not use cotton buds, they remove the protective layer of the skin( and it is wet from bathing), which can lead to bacterial diseases of the auricle.

Pinching the nerve inside the ear .With a strong nervous strain, the nerve can become stuck. Special treatment is not required, since the strangulated nerve can recover independently, but with severe pain, drop a couple drops into each ear of the essential oil of the tea tree. For some time, do not eat hot and spicy food.

Locking of the auricle .It is possible when the ears are rarely cleaned. A person can even lose hearing in part, it can happen if the ears are not cleaned out in time. Thus the person can lose hearing partially, hear a noise and a strong ringing in ears.

Dampen the cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide, shove it in your ear for 2-3 hours. The gray cork will soften, will separate from the ear canal and it can be removed.

Shoots in the ear: what to do at home, than to treat

As you already understood, it is very important to find out the true cause of the lumbago in the ear.

At home, if shooting in the ear, you can use folk recipes:

Recipe from geranium:

  1. stretch 2 leaves of geranium;
  2. put them in a sore ear, leaving for 2 hours;
  3. then, replacing the sheet with a new one, repeat the procedure every 2 hours until the pain subsides.

Recipe from onion:

  1. take a piece of onion, chop it;
  2. wrap in gauze and put in a sore ear;
  3. leave overnight;
  4. If the pain does not pass, repeat the procedure again.

Recipe from salt:

  1. dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in one glass of water - 200 ml.;
  2. wait for the solution to cool slightly, then drop one drop into the sore ear.

Recipe from almond oil ( can be replaced with tea tree oil, lavender oil or essential oil of sage):

  1. slightly heat the oil;
  2. bury it in a sore ear( 2 drops are enough);
  3. repeat the procedure 2 times a day for 3 days.

Tool from balm:

  1. take 20 grams of dried lemon bald leaves and infuse them in one glass of ethyl alcohol 7 to 10 days in a dark place;
  2. soak in the tincture of a cotton swab and put it in a sore ear;
  3. leave for 10-15 minutes( but not longer, so as not to cause a burn).

Tool of oil:

  1. heat sunflower oil;
  2. soak a cotton swab in it, put it in a sore ear;
  3. leave it so for half an hour.

from horseradish ( with purulent discharge from the ears effectively):

  1. clean and chop the horseradish;
  2. press the juice;
  3. , drip two drops into the diseased ear.

Horseradish juice is a powerful antimicrobial agent that can eliminate inflammation in the middle ear.

Shoots in the ear: what to do at home, to prevent complications

To avoid complications, take preventive measures:

  1. in sneezing alternately clamp each nostril;
  2. do not swim in dirty water;
  3. , be careful not to get foreign objects( pea, beads, insects, glass, small parts) in the ear of a small child;
  4. when bathing small children, do not allow water to enter their ears;
  5. should be treated in a timely manner for diseases that lead to complications of pain in the ears( cold, flu, sinusitis, tonsillitis).

If the earache worries a small child, do so:

  • Inspect the ear and spout for foreign bodies.
  • Rinse the baby's nose with salt water.
  • Inject it into the nose with vasoconstrictive drops for children.
  • Give inside an anesthetic syrup( Nurofen).
  • Make a warm compress from the salt in the pan, wrapped in a kerchief.

What children can not do at home if shot in the ear:

  1. , do not drip alcohol into the child's ear and other irritants that can damage the skin and cause a burn;
  2. alone do not give the baby antibiotics and other medications( without the appointment of a pediatrician).

In general, do not risk yourself to treat a strong shooting pain in the ear at home especially in the child. Address to ENT-doctor - an otolaryngologist, a doctor-therapist or pediatrician. If there is no such possibility - use the above-described recipes and means.

What else to do, how and how to treat shooting pain in the ear of the house

On the other hand, do not rely very much on some folk remedies for treating the ears, you can use high-quality chemist's drugs.

Some other methods of ear treatment

  1. Carefully clean the ear cavity.
  2. Take the preparations " Otynum " or " Otypaks ".They are used to dissolve earwax. You can also use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Drip anything out of the available three drops into the ear canal. Lie on the healthy side for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the sulfur with the ear wax.

Repeat the procedure several times.

You can drip into the ear boric acid( it perfectly warms and relieves pain and lumbago in the ear), "menovazine", tincture of calendula( claws) or motherwort.

This will help to warm up the auditory motion, soften sulfur deposits and ease the discomfort and pain.

Camphor oil has a warming effect. It is possible to insert tampons impregnated with them in the auricle and the beginning of the auditory passage. Alternatively, drop three drops of camphor into your ear and cover your ear canal with a cotton disc.

Yes, be sure everything that drips in your ear, warm up.

Hot heaters are extremely undesirable, if there is purulent inflammation of the middle ear, you can "earn" very serious complications with a breakthrough of pus in the brain - the result is an abscess of the brain, meningitis.

Clean the nasal passages, regularly drip the vasoconstrictors for the nasal passages. This will help remove the swelling of the mucous membranes, prevent blockage of the Eustachian tube.

The nose must be blown! !!Drops of "Naphtizin", "Nazol", "Galazolin" are suitable for this.

Begin to take good antibiotics a wide range of antibacterial effects. If the body can not cope with the infection, it needs help. Strictly adhere to the instructions for the use of medicines, observe the dose and regimen of the drug. Examples of antibiotics: "Amoxiclav", "Azithromycin", "Ciprolet", "Cefotaxime", "Ceftriaxone".

To relieve pain apply analgin, ketorol, ibuprofen. A good analgesic effect is provided by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( Diclofenac, Mefenamic Acid, Orthofen, Indomethacin).

To eliminate puffiness, prevent and eliminate allergies, use antihistamines: diazolin, ketotifen, loratadine.

Keep your ear warm - put on a scarf, hat or make a cotton-gauze dressing.

If the pain in the ear does not pass, even increases, it means that pus has formed in the tympanum. To soften the eardrum, pouring in the ear of a warm soda solution several times. As a rule, the remedy helps. Purulent contents break through the membrane and flow outward. Do not be afraid - the pain will pass away, the membrane will heal. It is impossible that the pus formed penetrated deep inside and caused complications.

I strongly recommend that you visit a doctor-otolaryngologist.

A few simple tips so that you do not shoot in the ear:

  1. Tempered.
  2. Dress on the weather.
  3. Avoid overcooling and drafts.
  4. Perform preventive examinations.

What to do if the water gets into the ear when diving in the ear

It happens that when immersed in water, the water that has gotten in no way can completely drain out of the ears after the bathing is completed. Water needs to be removed, because the inflammatory process can develop.

How to get rid of water in your ear:

  1. Professional swimmers are advised to tilt their heads to one side and shake them. Use the method carefully, so as not to damage the cervical spine.
  2. The second option: hold your mouth and nose up, exhale. Then the pressure in the membranes will change and you can hear the "clap" in the ear. At this time, tilt your head and shake it lightly. It's good to have a rubber syringe. Insert it gently into the edge of the auricle and suck out the water. This method is useful if this happened to your child.

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ENT clinic Doctors Zaitsev VM- three components of success:

  1. ENT professionalism. Great experience in large ENT research institutes, Moscow ENT hospitals and in outpatient ENT practice. A clear understanding of the problem of the patient's ENT and the conduct of adequate and effective treatment.
  2. Affordable prices for ENT treatment, compared to both large network clinics and not large medical centers. In our clinic, the price for treatment is not a maximum that the patient can pay, but from real technical, temporary and medical costs for treatment.
  3. Convenient location ENT clinic, in the heart of Moscow, on the inner side of the Garden Ring between the metro Dobryninskaya and Paveletskaya, 4 minutes walk from the metro station: Paveletskaya( roundabout).

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  1. First: you need a doctor! We call the doctor at home.
  2. While the doctor is going: bury in the spout a child vasoconstricting drops.
  3. Next, we give children an anesthetic: paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  4. That's all! In the ear do not drip, wait for the doctor.

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