Cataract: causes, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies without surgery

Cataract eye is a disease, the main symptom of which is clouding of the lens. Symptoms of : with pronounced clouding of the lens, the pupil area becomes grayish or almost white, the visual acuity gradually drops to zero. In advanced cases of clouding of the lens, the patient can only distinguish between day and night.

Causes of cataracts: mechanical lens damage, especially associated with a violation of the integrity of its capsules, lead to a turbidity of its substance;metabolic disorders;occupational diseases and other causes. Factors such as ultraviolet and infrared radiation, radiation - all this contributes to the development of cataracts at any age. Most often, cataract develops in old age. In the tissues of the lens with age, areas of grayish-white opacities are formed, which, merging with each other, lead to an increase in the common zone of turbidity. In the lens there is a disturbance of the equilibrium of water, soluble and insoluble protein compounds, the metabolism at the cellular level is disrupted, which leads to the development of this disease.

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In this article we will talk about the treatment of cataracts at home with medical medicines without surgery and about cataract treatment with folk remedies at home.


Cataract treatment

Medical medicines and drops for cataract treatment without surgery

By degree of coRevani distinguish initial, immature, and mature cataract overripe. Treatment of her most often operative, and if the patient has not damaged the retina and optic nerve, then after the operation of lens replacement, vision can become normal.

With immature cataracts - vitamin drops , drops of aloe ( 3 drops 3 times a day in the affected eye), Katachrom, Vitayodurol, Vitafakol, Vicine, Oftan-katachrom, Quinaks and several others.

For the conservative treatment of cataracts, so-called substitution therapy is widely used: substances with lack of which are associated with the development of cataracts are introduced into the body. Particularly widely used vitamins ( riboflavin, ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, potassium iodide , etc.).Their solutions are buried in the conjunctival sac.

  1. Nicotinic acid, which is a part of the drops, promotes the penetration of ascorbic acid into the anterior chamber of the eye. It is advisable to use these vitamins in a 2-5% solution of glucose, as it improves the nutrition of the lens.
  2. Other drugs used as a substitute for therapy should include preparations of Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Glutathione, Cysteine, etc.
  3. Cysteine ​​is used to treat not only the initial senile cataract, but also radiation, myopic, contusion and other cataracts.
  4. There is a known scheme of treatment with 5% Cysteine ​​solution 3-5 times a day for 20-40 days per course, with two or three courses throughout the year.
  5. The use of instillations of a 2% solution of Glutathione in combination with intramuscular injection of its 5% solution is described.
  6. Widely used in ophthalmic practice Cysteine ​​as one of the ingredients of complex eye drops Smirnov, Visein, Vitayoduro. In addition to Cysteine, these drops include: Glutathione, iodine salt, calcium chloride, ATP or its salt, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and other substances.

The treatment was performed in patients with the initial stage of senile( limited or widespread cortical as well as nuclear), radiation, myopic, contusion and other cataracts with an initial visual acuity of 0.5-0.6 and higher.

Drops of Smirnov are digested 2-3 times a day for 4-5 months, and then several more months 1 time per day.

The is injected during the year daily 2 times a day, then 1 time per day( contraindicated for cup-shaped cataracts).

With the purpose of creating additional reserves in the synthesis of nucleic acids of the lens, the use of Methyluracil has been studied. He was prescribed to patients with cortical, nuclear and cup-like cataracts of 0.5( 3 times a day, three courses per year).Between the courses is a one-month break.

  1. Eye drops containing Methyluracil and Riboflavin, Insulin, ATP solution may also be used.
  2. There are studies that confirmed the feasibility of using a zinc microelement( as a 0.1% aqueous solution of zinc sulphate) to treat senile cataracts as a means of normalizing the protective function of the lens epithelium.

Currently, of the most well-known drugs used:

Vitaiodurol triphosphadenine ( manufactured in France) to 15 ml in a vial-dropper. Used to treat senile cataracts. Contraindicated in the use of posterolateral capsule cataracts. Use 2 drops 2-3 times a day.

Vitafakol ( manufactured in France).For 10 ml in a vial-dropper. The pharmacological action of this drug is aimed at correcting the energy metabolism disturbed in the cataract, in particular, the insufficient creation of energy in the lens fibers and the lens epithelium. Indications: loss of transparency of the lens. Dosage: 1-2 drops 2 times a day( morning and evening).

Oftan-katachrom ( manufactured by Santen, Finland), 10 ml bottles. The drug is a reddish transparent sterile solution, retained in a vial of polyethylene. Dosage: 1-2 drops 3 times a day.

Senkatalin ( manufactured in India using the technology of Japan).Tablets and thinner.1 tablet contains: sodium salt of carboxylic acid - 0.85 mg;catalin - 0.75 mg. The solvent is an isotonic buffer solution containing 0.02% methyl paraben and 0.01% propylparaben as a preservative. It has been established that katalin competitively suppresses the action of quinones. Experimental and clinical studies have proven that this drug inhibits the development of cataracts. Dose and route of administration: The tablet is dissolved in 15 ml of the solvent. This results in a bright yellow eye solution. The resulting solution is instilled in 1-2 drops 5 times a day.

Indications: senile and diabetic cataracts.

Quinaks .Eye drops 15 ml in a sterile bottle with a dropper. Pharmacological action: the preparation for the treatment of cataracts helps to protect the sulfhydryl groups of the lens from oxidation and resorption of opaque proteins of the lens of the eye. It has an activating effect on proteolytic enzymes contained in the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber of the eye.

Indications : senile cataract;traumatic cataract;congenital cataract;secondary cataract.

Contraindications : Hypersensitivity to components included in the preparation.

Specific instructions : The drug is intended for long-term therapy. Treatment is not recommended to be interrupted even in case of rapid improvement. The drug should be stored in a dark place, since it is possible to destroy the active substance in the light.

Modern technologies provide very high efficiency of operative treatment of cataract: vision is almost completely restored.

Folk cataract treatments without surgery at home.

Greens fir or pine .If you carefully examine the trunk of a tree, hold it by hand, then in some places you can feel the elasticity and elasticity of the cortical layer. Make an incision in this place - get the juice. This is gum. Dissolve it sea-buckthorn or sunflower oil 1: 4 and bury in the affected eye 1 drop once a day. There will be a burning sensation, but it is necessary to endure. The course of treatment is 1,5-2 months.

Potato sprouts from the cellar dry, insist on vodka( 1 tablespoon per 200 ml) and drink 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day, not only with cataracts, but with any deterioration of vision.

Treatment with grain sprouts gives a sharp improvement in vision( the technique is described in the section on the treatment of atherosclerosis, the publication "Sprouted wheat at home").

Marjin root .It is used in people in the treatment of cataracts.1 tablespoon chopped root pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Close the lid tightly and leave for 3 hours. After infusion, boil 5 minutes, strain, cool and drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Strong green tea drink without measure with cataracts and with any deterioration of vision.

Porphyry Ivanov recommended to treat cataract with bile still alive pike( in other sources - burbot ).1 drop bile bury in the affected eye at night. There will be a burning sensation, but it is necessary to endure. Bury in a day, 10 days. After a 10-day break, repeat the course of treatment.

Before starting cataract treatment, it is necessary to conduct a course of body cleansing from salts( according to the technique of rice - cone, given in the section " Purification of the body ").Only after a thorough cleansing can we expect a good effect from cataract treatment.

Extract of earthworm .Accumulate about a glass of red earthworms, rinse well and sprinkle a thin layer of salt or sugar. Place in a small fire for 15-20 minutes. Worms give the liquid that they filter out. Drip this liquid into the affected eye 1 drop 3 times a day for 1.5 months.

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. Source: NGNogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.