Causes of mucous secretions in women

Different allocation in women is always present, they can be different in appearance, smell and consistency. Depending on these characteristics, you can say whether they are normal or indicate the onset of the disease. What can mucus discharge tell women like snot? It is worthwhile to consider in which case they are the norm, when one should be on the alert and consult a doctor - a gynecologist.

  • Mucous discharge: what does this mean?
  • With menopause
  • Allocations during pregnancy
  • Brown selection
  • Mucous - blood
  • Muco-purulent
  • How to treat?
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First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that different discharge from the vagina should always be, their absence is also not a sign of a woman's health. Usually they consist of the cells of the vaginal epithelium, the transudate, the secret of various glands of the organs of the reproductive system. The smell and color they give the presence of microflora, which is present even in absolutely healthy women.

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The amount, odor, color of the secretions can constantly change, they depend on many factors. First of all from the day of the menstrual cycle, the presence or absence of stimulation. The acidity of excretions also depends on the day of the cycle, it is usually increased at the beginning and decreases to ovulation.

Therefore, a different secret should always be present, it speaks about the healthy state of the reproductive system. However, if its amount, odor, color suddenly change, with different symptoms such as itching or burning, menstrual irregularities, it may be a symptom of infection or some other disease.

Mucous discharge: what does this mean?

Normally, mucus discharge is always, they depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle. At the very beginning, immediately after menstruation, they are usually present in small amounts, fairly clear, do not have a pronounced odor. By the middle of the cycle, their number increases, they become abundant and dense.

By the end of the cycle, their quantity reaches the maximum volume, there may be a weakly expressed curd, sour-milk smell due to the activity of the microflora of the vagina. After menstruation, they again become more transparent and scarce. The color of the discharge is usually white, on the underwear can acquire a yellowish tinge.

Important!Sour-milk smell is the norm for vaginal discharge at some phases of the cycle, but if it becomes harsh and unpleasant, it can talk about some kind of disease.

In general, if there is any doubt, determine the normality of the secret present by the following criteria:

  • the amount - up to four milliliters per day, such an amount can form a stain on linen or a liner with a diameter of up to five centimeters;
  • consistency - thick, can be slightly stretching;
  • shade - from completely transparent to slightly whitish, whitish-yellow;
  • structure - homogeneous, can resemble sour cream;
  • odor - odorless, or it can be slightly sour-milk, not unpleasant;
  • itching or burning, there are no other signs of discomfort.

It is also possible to cope with normal secretions with the help of a usual daily gasket. If their number increases so much that one gasket is not enough, it is no longer capable of removing an unpleasant odor, this may be a sign of the disease.

With menopause

During the menopause, there are fewer discharges, they become less variable with time. The main thing for the onset of menopause is a cautious attitude to the appearance of blood in secretions, as it can speak of severe pathology. Especially if the menstruation is kind of like stopped.

Important!If you have an unpleasant odor or an unhealthy shade, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Allocations during pregnancy

The secret from the vagina does not disappear anywhere during pregnancy, but its characteristics usually vary and depend on the period of gestation. Abnormalities and the appearance of other symptoms usually indicate a possible infection or other problems, in which you must always consult a doctor.

In general, discharge during pregnancy becomes more, in the beginning they are usually transparent, are released in large volumes. The increase in their number is the absolute norm and is connected with the inflow of blood to the organs of the small pelvis when the child is born. In the first three months - 12 weeks of pregnancy allocation is usually quite thick, with a sour-milk smell.

With time, from the fourth month to 37 weeks, the discharge becomes more fluid, transparent, and their number increases. They can acquire a yellowish tinge, but they never come with an unpleasant odor, it is important to remember this.

Important!During pregnancy, the mucous membranes become more susceptible to external influences of a different nature, to infect or to affect the microflora using gaskets becomes easier.

If blood appears in the discharge during the child's birth, they acquire an unhealthy, different from the white or yellow, hue, unpleasant odor, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Because it can talk about getting an infection or developing a severe pathology in the fetus.

After giving birth, the secret from the vagina can gradually return to the normal state, which was before the child began to bear. It is worth remembering that menstruation does not return immediately. In this case it is important that there are no other unhealthy symptoms, itching or burning.

Brown selection

Any allocation, except for usual whitish or transparent, necessarily should guard. Brown discharge is not normal in any case, when they occur, you should consult a doctor. The most common causes of brown secret include:

  1. Endometritis is an inflammatory process of the uterine tissues. In this case, there is also a pronounced unpleasant odor, brown mucus usually occurs in the middle of the cycle.
  2. Endometriosis is the proliferation of endometrial cells that lining the uterus. In this case, the discharge can be brown or with an admixture of blood, there are no painful sensations.

In pregnancy, this symptom can talk about a serious pathology or the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy, which often requires urgent medical intervention.

However, when taking hormonal contraceptives, brown discharge can be a variant of the norm. They can come the first few months after the beginning of the reception, then disappear. If they do not go anywhere during the third month, you should change the drug.

Mucous - blood

Normally, blood allocation can occur only on time menstruation, they can have clots, the shade of blood can be from fairly bright to very dark. On average, menstruation lasts from three to seven days, its duration can be influenced by hormonal drugs. Between menstruation normal intervals are always the same.

If the admixture of blood in the secretions occurs between the periods, accompanied by painful sensations, it is worthwhile to be on the alert. It can talk about various neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system, various injuries and other serious violations.


Green mucus secretions, yellow, other shades and consistencies containing pus, usually have a sharp unpleasant odor, are heterogeneous, they may have clots. Allocations containing pus are always an unhealthy sign.

Important!Purulent discharge is usually accompanied by itching, burning, unpleasant sensations during sexual contact, the appearance of rashes and reddening of the mucosa.

The main cause of pus in the vaginal secretion is various bacterial infections that can be transmitted sexually, be carried from dirty hands and with a lack of personal hygiene. There are a lot of different infections, the activity of most bacteria causes a strong unpleasant smell, which is often compared to fish.

When pus appears, you need to pay more attention to personal hygiene and limit sexual contact before and during treatment. These rules are extremely important for infectious diseases.

Such a symptomatology can cause thrush, caused by disturbances in the natural microflora. It can occur when taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs, after contact with the sexual partner, with eating disorders and endocrine diseases.

How to treat?

Normal healthy excretions should not bother, it is enough just to maintain the necessary level of personal hygiene. It should be washed twice a day with ordinary water, every day to change linen, it is desirable that it was made of natural fabrics. If you have to use daily pads, it is advisable to choose without different flavors and fragrances, as they can provoke disturbances in the microflora.

If the discharge increases in volume, acquires an unhealthy shade or smell, you need to contact the doctor - gynecologist as soon as possible. Treatment will depend on the disease, which triggered the change in secret. The main thing - do not delay with the appeal to a specialist, some diseases can be extremely dangerous, they lead to infertility and may even threaten the health of a woman.