Alcoholism: treatment without the knowledge and consent of the patient

Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge and consent of the patient often begins when the alcoholic disease has already become neglected and firmly nested in the body of a drinking person. The instructions, persuasions and exhortations of the alcoholic by his family or neighbors become ineffective and useless.

Pictures are presented from a presentation on this topic, which you can download at the end of this page. And also information material for the preparation of the report for a conversation, an essay, a lecture and an abstract.

The patient with alcoholism does everything in defiance of what he is asked for, to what he needs from what his social environment convinces him.

"Saving" Idea


Treatment without knowledge and / or without consent?

The strategy of such a struggle with alcoholism brings some comforting illusions to co-dependent alcoholics people. But everything is so simple, as it is said in the videos advertising "unimaginable" miracle cures in the form of drops, powder, pills and other anti-alcohol "weapons."

Two situations

1. The situation in which the treatment of a patient with alcoholism is carried out without his knowledge, includes an alcoholic who is treated does not want , because the "logical" because of the developed alcohol anosognosia does not consider itself sick. His behavior causes great concern to others and worries them. The family is going through both for themselves and for him. The patient does not take anyone seriously, does not listen to anyone, but imposes his point of view and suppresses his members of his social environment with his own, perhaps imperious character.

Two situations

But the launched sore problem is something to solve, that's what households decide to treat the alcoholic without his knowledge of in this treatment. Responsibility in this is not small and one can not rely solely on a cloudless way out of the current crisis. This treatment can have very severe, and most importantly unpredictable side effects.

2. The situation when the treatment of alcoholism is carried out without the patient's consent is somewhat different, if his attitude to treatment is uncritical and the character is more pliable. Here, nobody asks the patient, his relatives drag him to any center treatment of alcoholism or to the nearest narcological office. Note that the empty consent for the treatment does not contain the energy of the actual desire to quit drinking.

Fast and. .. qualitatively? ?

Difficult step!

Now a lot of different advertisements, where they promote anti-alcohol drugs, which( from the submission in advertising) can simply be added to the drink or food. Only pay money.

Advertising shows the need, that is, the problem and its supposedly simple solution. But in fact, treating alcoholism without consent and knowing the patient is not an easy step. It is necessary to hide something from a close person, mix "magic potions" and give it to food or drink. All the same - it's a "deal" with your conscience, this is the lack of transparency and sincerity in the relationship. Hasty decisions overlook the ethical side of the issue.

And, once here, by doing something secretly from a loved one, even with noble intentions, subsequent covert actions become even easier. Something can break in the psyche and imperceptibly the fine line between truth and lies will be overcome, and then several other goals may appear. So inadvertently you can poison the "patient".

The author there is something melet!

With good intentions - the road to hell is paved?

About what I tell you this, you will think! Please, do not forget that the road to hell is well paved with good intentions. Selecting the "drug", remember that your "patient" can "tear down the roof."

Strength is not the main thing

Do not do anything without consulting an expert in the field of narcology - a doctor as a narcologist and psychiatrist. As a rule, the most effective antialcoholic drugs are always incompatible with the intake of alcohol. And the more pronounced their incompatibility and violent painful reactions, the more effective the remedy!

In the treatment of alcoholism, there should always be a comprehensive thought-out approach, based on medical examination and prognosis of the patient's condition, rather than treatment from the words of others - non-professionals.

He who has ears, let him hear!

Be careful, considerate!

It should be understood, because if a patient suspects that something is added to his food, without his consent, he can apply to law enforcement agencies and, under the prosecutor's check, will be right, and "benefactor" - punished. Then, that one patient helped, another can do harm or, at best, not have the expected effect. Also, when anonymous treatment of a patient with alcoholism without his knowledge is necessary to take into account not only physical dependence, but also psychological.


Therefore, try once again to convince the patient of alcoholism that he began to be treated consciously and voluntarily.

Another, observation - alcohol anosognosia, or the lack of consciousness of his illness is not only in the alcoholic, but also in his loved ones. This state is called co-dependency. Sometimes the relatives themselves do not recognize the presence of alcoholism in their loved one, despite the already obvious and far-reaching symptoms and signs of alcoholism.

Official medicine

Treatment of alcoholism: official means

For the treatment of alcoholism in official medicine, the following remedies are used:

  • Relieving the hangover syndrome( acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol ).
  • Drugs that reduce craving for alcohol( " Proproten-100 ", but only under the supervision of an expert in narcology).
  • Drugs causing alcohol intolerance( " Teturam ", " Colem ", " Lidevin ", " Esperal ", " Tetlong-250 ", etc., again - only under medical supervision).

In folk medicine there are alternative methods and techniques.

Folk recipes

Treatment of alcoholism: folk recipes and remedies

For the treatment of alcoholism without the consent and knowledge of the patient on the Internet, you can find some recipes.



Similar mushroom to taste on mushroom. We need a fresh light mushroom. The mushroom is cut finely, on low heat, it is dried in a pan with constant stirring. Dried pieces of grind and give the patient for food. If a patient with alcoholism takes alcohol after this, then there will be an unpleasant reaction that can scare him and turn him away from further alcohol intake: his face becomes red, thirst and vomiting, diarrhea, body temperature rises. Apply with caution 10 days, two grams of powder every other day. Do not hurt, as the fungus is toxic.



It is thyme creeping .15 grams of thyme pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and 10 minutes are kept in a water bath. Filter. Dilute with boiled water to 0.5 liters. Store in the refrigerator for 2 days. Give the patient 50 ml each.several times a day. In the case of drinking alcohol, he develops severe vomiting and nausea. However, pay attention to the contraindications for taking thyme: stomach, pancreas, etc.

Bay Leaf

Bay Leaf

The root and several laurel leaves insist 10 days in a dark place on vodka. It is believed that the inside of a glass of tincture causes a strong aversion to alcohol. Sometimes add to the above described finely chopped root love.

Red pepper

Red pepper

For cooking tincture take 20 gr.ground red pepper, pour half a liter of 60% ethyl alcohol, insist in a dark place in a tightly closed container for 10 days. Tincture is filtered. The patient is added a few drops of tincture in alcoholic beverages, which causes nausea, headache and aversion to alcohol.

Mixture of herbs

Mixture of herbs

4 spoons of thyme creeping, 1 spoonful of wormwood and 1 tablespoon of goldfish shredded and poured a glass of boiling water. Wrap up, insist. After 2 hours, the infusion is ready. Take 1 tablespoon before meals several times a day. The course of treatment up to 3 months.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Purified glass of seeds is grinded on a coffee grinder and poured with vodka. Insist 10 days. The inside of the infusion causes vomiting and diarrhea.

Root of sorrel

Root of sorrel

A tablespoon of sorrel sorrel root is poured into 200 ml.boiling water. On low heat, they are pressed for 5 minutes in a closed container. Insist 2 hours, wrapped. Patient for 1 tbsp.spoon is given a decoction 6 times during the day in cases of drinking.


Natural honey

Bee honey should be consumed as often as possible in food for a patient susceptible to alcoholism. This will help fill the lack of trace elements and other nutrients in the body, which will soothe the patient and reduce cravings for alcohol.


As you have already understood, folk recipes, as well as drugs used in official medicine, are only means and can not be an end in themselves. What helped one, the other can not help and even hurt.

I do not recommend using any means of alcoholism from Internet pages, magazines and books unless your patient is under the supervision of a narcologist, a therapist.

It is necessary to take into account the patient's condition, the composition of the medication, predict the medicinal effect and possible side effects. And be ready to provide timely and adequate first aid in case of force majeure circumstances. And this is not always easy to achieve even for professional specialists in the field of therapy and narcology.

Good luck and good luck! Take care of yourself and your loved ones! And remember that

The issue of treating patients with alcoholism without their knowledge and consent includes many controversial points. Firstly, it is the ethical aspect of the "secret treatment".Secondly, the mere withdrawal of money from the population by the pharmaceutical industry and the network of pharmacy institutions.

Download presentation

Here you can download the presentation in. pptx format on this topic for the preparation of the report and conducting preventive conversations, lectures in the school and in the collectives of organizations, institutions and enterprises.

Material for reports to interviews, essays, lectures and lectures on the topic

. I present to you information material in the form of an article in docx format for self-preparation of a report, conversation, abstract or lecture on the ethical issue and approach to the treatment of alcoholism without the consent and consent of the patient. You can download the article here: Abstract about the treatment of alcoholism without the consent and knowledge of the patient.

Abstract: "The ethics of the approach to the treatment of a patient with alcoholism without his knowledge and consent"

To treat a person without his consent, or even without his consent, the question is very controversial, perhaps even dangerous. Before doing this, you first need to feel the whole burden of responsibility for this decision and carefully weigh everything.

Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient is a psychological situation, which is the imposition of an outsider's motivation for someone alcoholic in order to "tie" with it. The drinker does not even suspect that they want to "cure" him. This happens with such patients of the narcological profile, who have an unbearable character and something, including positive things, impose on them a very big problem.

The situation is serious because poor relatives are forced to take a difficult step, that is, an attempt to mix some "magic potion" or drugs from alcoholism in water or food to the person they are trying to cure. For some, this step is easy, someone is not easy.

From the attention of people falls the ethical side of this situation. Because. ..

Once, by secretly doing something from a person, even with a good purpose and intentions, the next action becomes even easier to do.

All this imperceptibly passes a thin line between truth and lies and, in the future, may pursue somewhat different goals. Helping patients with alcoholism, of course, it is necessary to provide, but everything needs to be thought out and correctly.

Dangerous fallacies

You can, of course, object. Tell me about the torment that brings a drunken drunken man. Who absolutely does not want to be treated, and, by nature, a dictator. I, of course, understand you perfectly, because I know the same situations that you are talking about. But there are other ways out of difficult situations, believe me.

Let's talk here about something else, postponing the ethical side of this treatment. When the relatives of the drinker come to see a narcologist( at best), it is natural, they ask him about how and what to cure of drunkenness and alcoholism of a person close to them. If, however, the narcologist's answer does not satisfy them, because the doctor suggests sending the patient to him personally at the reception and says another bunch, in their view of unnecessary and uncomfortable things, these unhappy and compassionate people go on - read, learn, ask in pharmacies medicationsfrom alcoholism. But the disease is serious! All actions must coincide with the recommendations of real professionals, not random walkers!

And here, just, a very interesting moment, which almost does not cause any unrest - the possible adverse side effects of this, we will say - anonymous from the relatives of treatment against alcoholism. After all, the narcologist is not in vain interested in any issues of a therapeutic nature, well, for example, what state of health the patient has at the moment, how old is he, and what patients have diseases and disorders of a somatic and psychogenic nature.

Consequences of

After all, this kind of sick people are not going to change their habitual alcoholic lifestyle. Alcohol inevitably and on a regular basis continues to enter the body on any far-fetched occasion. And you to him also add preparations from an alcoholism in vodka and other. The consequences are unpredictable.

You know that in China, acupuncture therapists have such a saying that going out with a needle to a biologically active point is similar to going out with bare hands to a tiger. I will not explain for a long time why they say so, but believe me on the floor as a specialist who used to be engaged in acupuncture. The Chinese are exactly speaking. And, when we try this way, to mix a drug from alcoholism in drinking and eating to a sick person without his consent, and the patient's knowledge, something similar happens, like a Chinese who goes bare-headed to a tiger.

We come to the full unpredictability of the mental and physical status of the patient!

The consequences of such treatment for alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient can be catastrophic. After all, you hide the fact of treatment, the patient has not given permission for this. The patient does not know that he is given secret substances from alcoholism and continues to drink. Consequences - one drinker has a hypertensive crisis, another has a heart attack, a third has a roof. And if he, for example, works with a service weapon, you will be aware that there were cases from practice when a traffic policeman, with a Kalashnikov assault rifle at the ready, blocked traffic for his entire shift as traffic police. It turned out that his wife and mother-in-law had added an antabuse, or teturam, to him at breakfast. As a result, we have - the "roof" pulled down and the car plug. But that's all, at best.

Situations like this one are worse. This is a twilight state of consciousness. But we will not talk about this now.

In the end, on the home of the healers, the "patient" can simply file an application with the court or the prosecutor's office.

How to be and what to do?

Try to convince a person who is abusing alcohol to stop self-poisoning with alcohol breakdown products, let him stop drinking alcohol, tell him about the prospects of a healthy lifestyle.

Consider a slightly different situation

In the treatment of alcoholism without the consent of the patient - the patient knows perfectly well that he will be treated and his consent to that no one asks. Just so decided to close people. As a rule, this situation of treatment of alcoholism without the consent of the patient happens in those families where patients with alcoholism do not occupy any role - that is, not the bosses in the family, and so, the weak-willed "vegetables" and "fruits."

Usually they are people of melancholic temperament, they drink alcohol secretly, make all sorts of excuses, lazy ones. But, so to speak, having some kind of "donkey" stubbornness. They are taken by the handle and dragged to the narcologist. They give a "solemn" oath that they will not drink. But, that's just, their words are empty, like a roll of toilet paper.

This situation is somewhat simpler. The patient is aware of all events. Just talk, just a little bit. True, the conscience of relatives is clear, the ethical side of the issue is not so acute as in the treatment without knowledge. The patient is warned about the side effects of drugs against alcoholism. The court will not file.

Attempts to persuade

Again, we must try to convince our patient of the need for treatment, transition to a sober lifestyle. Try to educate in him a sense of duty and responsibility and to yourself and others. It's like a little child being brought up.

You need to make one attempt, another, a third. And for the fourth time, go to more radical measures, for example, releasing the patient to all "four sides".But often, I feel sorry for him. To which the patient always counts and thereby enjoys that no one dares to throw him, like a little child. And, almost constantly, our cunning besenok turns out to be right also with his former interests and the same way of life. Try, once a miracle, in the end, it must happen.