Asthenia: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Asthenia ( "impotence"), asthenic syndrome, asthenic condition, asthenic reaction, neuropsychiatric weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome - all this means a painful condition that is manifested by increased fatigue and exhaustion of nervous processes with extreme mood instability, weak self-control, impatience, restlessness, sleep disturbance, lack of ability for prolonged mental and physical stress and concentration of attention, intolerance of loud sounds, bright withETA, pungent smells.


Causes, Symptoms and Signs of

Asthenia occurs in adults and children, in the elderly. In patients, irritative weakness is observed in parallel, expressed by increased excitability and rapidly impending exhaustion, affective lability with a predominance of low mood with features of capriciousness and displeasure, and also tearfulness.

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Asthenic conditions develop due to overwork, overstrain of the central nervous system, with insufficient rest. They contribute to their development of non-observance of the rules of work and rest, irregular sleep, poor nutrition. The main symptoms of are: rapid fatigue, irritability, discomfort in the heart, palpitations, poor sleep, weakness.

Often the first signs of an asthenic syndrome are the following signs: impatience, a combination of increased fatigue with a constant desire for activity( even during rest periods).

In severe cases, patients are passive, indifferent to everything, they may have insomnia or, conversely, increased drowsiness, vegetative disorders.

Treatment of asthenia: general recommendations

In the treatment of asthenic conditions it is very important to establish the right way of life, to create a calm environment at home and at work. To develop a certain biorhythm of the body, we must go to bed at the same time. It is necessary to exclude spices from the diet. Mandatory for patients are morning exercises, water procedures( by the way, they are the main medical factor).

It is very important not to harm the body with tobacco, drunkenness and laziness.

Treatment of asthenia with folk remedies at home

In folk medicine there are always suitable home remedies to treat and cure asthenic conditions, most importantly remember that a doctor's consultation will help you be informed about the proper treatment of asthenia and get rid of the main diseases in which asthenia canbe only a symptom. Do not forget that it is possible for an adult to be a medicine, a child may not be suitable. Consultation of a pediatrician for a child will not be superfluous!

Recipes and tips

Aralia Manchu. It is established that the alcoholic tincture of the roots of aralia exerts an exciting effect on the body, increases the motor activity, awakens with a sleep caused by the intake of barbiturates( a group of hypnotics), it stimulates the work of the heart muscle.

Tincture : is prepared on 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5.Insist 14 days in a warm place, strain. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day for a month.

Tea, tea bush. The main effect of tea on the body is stimulating. As research has shown, tea, unlike coffee, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction( contained in tea theophylline dilates the blood vessels of the heart).Strong tea can be used as a first aid for poisoning, which causes suppression of the central nervous system, breathing and weakening of the heart activity.

Especially useful is green tea. Preparation: 100 g of dry green tea, pour 2 liters of water, insist 30 minutes, then cook for one hour, stirring occasionally. Rest the tea after filtering again with a liter of water and cook for 40 minutes, after which the broth strain. Both filtrates are poured into one bowl and sterilized in a water bath. After that, the ready-made drink can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months. Cooked broth take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. Children are given 1 teaspoon of 2 once a day, adolescents - 1 dessert spoon 2-3 times a day. Coffee, coffee tree. Coffee has a stimulating effect on the body. The actual beginning of coffee is caffeine. It stimulates the work of the central nervous system and especially affects the cortex of the brain. In doses corresponding to 1-2 cups of coffee, caffeine causes faster and more clear associations, relieves fatigue and drowsiness. When you use coffee ideas become clearer, the thought flows more easily and quickly. Sharpness increases sharply.

In the laboratory of I.P.Pavlova has been shown that caffeine increases the efficiency of the brain and all parts of the central nervous system, improves heart function, relieves muscle fatigue.

However, excessive coffee consumption is dangerous. It increases the excitability of the body, when taken in the evening hours causes insomnia. Abuse of coffee can lead to hypertension, myocardial infarction, which is proved by the work of many scientists.

Coffee is contraindicated in patients with chronic heart failure, hypertensive patients, patients suffering from angina pectoris and heart defects.

The exciting effect of coffee is somewhat reduced if it is mixed with milk.

In the treatment of asthenic conditions, adaptogenic plants are also used, such as eleutherococcus, leuzea, golden root, ginseng and some others.

Treatment of asthenia with medical means and preparations

Since asthenia often arises as a result of somatic diseases, including infectious, various intoxications, brain diseases( syphilis of the brain, progressive paralysis, arteriosclerosis), the treatment basically consists in eliminating the cause that caused asthenicsyndrome, as well as in the use of restorative drugs( glucose, vitamins, Strychnine, iron preparations).

Also used for treatment are sedatives: Trioxazine, Aminazine, Meprobamate in usual doses.

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