Heart rate, running rules

From this article you will learn: what should be the pulse when running. Types of possible cross-training, ways to determine the optimal pulse during running.

Content of the article:

  • Run for stabilizing the pulse in a calm state
  • Running for weight loss
  • Running for medium and long distances
  • Rules for running trainings
  • Methods for measuring heart rate while running

Increased pulse during jogging, on the treadmill, cross country and walkingon the spot - absolutely normal.

There are 4 ways to determine the boundary values ​​of the cardiac mode( including during running):

  1. By age.
  2. According to the standards of Ball State University.
  3. According to Moeshberger.
  4. According to Miller.

Maximum possible heart rate when running:

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Method Male Female
By age Heart rate = 220 - age Heart rate max = 226 - age
Ball State University Heart rate max = 214 -( 0.8 * age) Heart rate max= 209 -( 0,9 * age)
Moeshberger Heart rate max = 206.3 -( 0.711 * age)
Miller Heart rate max = 217 -( 0.85 * age)

The counting methods are somewhat different and do not completely take into account the levelbody fitness, the presence of excess weight or lack of muscle mass and other indicators of the stateof the runner. Therefore, these methods give averaged indicators.

For a simplified determination of the heart rate during running, you can use the calculation by age, multiplying it by a factor corresponding to the level of exercise and fitness of the organism.

It is worthwhile to control the frequency of cardiac contraction, so that pulsation does not exceed 200 beats per minute or more.

If during the training the indicators exceed the permissible values, consultation of a cardiologist and a physiotherapy specialist is necessary to select the optimum load, drug treatment.

Run for stabilizing the pulse in a calm state

Some people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system at rest have a higher pulse. When you apply any load( carrying small loads, climbing the stairs - absolutely normal activities in everyday life) the indicator can dramatically increase to 150-190 beats per minute and even exceed the value of 220 strokes.

These people are recommended to conduct training aimed at strengthening the heart muscle and stabilizing the rhythm:

  • Scandinavian walking with sticks;
  • easy walks;
  • workout on the treadmill;
  • jogging.

The main purpose of such training is a low-dosage low dose for training the body to respond adequately to changes in physical activity "at home".As a result of such training, the heart rate at rest decreases by 15-20 beats per minute, which is often enough. When carrying out such exercises, usually prescribed by a physician-physiotherapist, the heartbeat is monitored both in the process and immediately after the end of the session.

Running for weight loss

Basically, people who want to lose weight, begin to visit various fitness clubs and are engaged there on the treadmills. For beginners, a small track speed is set, as the training speeds increase, plus the angle of the platform is automatically changed to simulate a climb uphill.

Exactly the same workouts are recommended for people who want to reduce their pulse in a calm state.

The ripple frequency is one of the main parameters that the fitness instructor sets to achieve the maximum result from training. When working on a treadmill, these restrictions should not be exceeded.

There are treadmills that know how to automatically control the ripple frequency and, if necessary, adjust the speed of the belt and the inclination of the track so that the readings do not exceed the preset values.

You can also run in the open air. It is important to monitor the mode of the heart - even during light jogs.

To achieve the maximum result for the acceleration of metabolism and weight loss, the pulse during running should be within 60-70% of the maximum allowable value.

Running on medium and long distances

Before proceeding to the crosses, you need to train the body, muscles, and the heart, so that it has a certain level of endurance.

Race for medium and long distances assumes some average rhythm of pulsation, which for an insufficiently trained body should not exceed 70-80% of the maximum number of strokes.

As training and increasing endurance pulse during the race can reach 80-90% of the maximum.

When performing this type of cross-country exercise, it is also necessary to monitor the heart rate. It can be measured both with the help of special devices( wristbands) and manually.

Rules for running training

The heart does not like the "drag racing" mode - short sharp intense loads. It is not recommended, and sometimes it is forbidden to immediately load the body with extreme loads.

Before you begin running exercises, regardless of whether it's jogging, exercising on a simulator or running at a marathon distance, perform warm-up exercises. Warm-up will accelerate the rhythm of the heart a little, saturate the body with oxygen, will start the process of decomposition of lactic acid. Performing several introductory exercises on the shoulder girdle, squats and running on the spot will avoid the stage of oxygen starvation of the organs of the body and do not require a sharp increase in the number of cardiac contractions.

Also it is not necessary to stop after running exercises. The body needs a certain period for transition to a normal state. Otherwise, the rapid pulse may provoke an excess of blood supply to the stunted muscles, which can provoke dizziness, rupture of the superficial blood vessels, or even faint.

Methods for measuring heart rate while running

Pulse can be monitored "in automatic" or "in manual" mode.

When running on a treadmill - you can control the ripple frequency with the built-in track function( if it is - it is enough to put your hands on the handrails).

If the classes take place in open space, when running, the pulse is usually measured by a standard manual method, applying fingers to the wrist or neck, or using wristlets.

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