Temperature in an adult or a child, how to reduce at home

When the cold weather is outdoors, it rains, the humidity in the surrounding air is increased - it's easy to catch a cold. The temperature starts to rise, the head and throat hurt. At an elevated temperature, any of us have activity dropping, and feeling bad.

How to reduce the temperature in adults or children with colds at home? Of course, you need to contact a doctor - a therapist or pediatrician. Nevertheless, let's find out how to knock down the temperature on our own, when the cause is well known to us and it is not dangerous for further deterioration of health.

All the details described below should be agreed with your doctor! After all, the increase in temperature is the result of the struggle of the organism directed, ultimately, to the benefit of recovery and bringing the body to a normal state.

Yes, the material of this article with the editorial is taken from the blog of Irina Zaitseva. A link to the site you will see at the end of the publication.


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High temperature and mechanism for its increase

Elevated body temperature is a protective reaction of the body to the introduction of pathogenicstimuli. Body temperature rises when the body begins to fight disease-causing microbes. Thus, it creates conditions that hinder the development and reproduction of harmful bacteria.

Remember that you should not lower the temperature to 38.5 degrees. When on the thermometer you see the figures above this figure, then you have to lower it.

Why does it get bad at high temperature?

At temperatures above 39 degrees, almost all known bacteria and viruses are killed. By killing, they pollute our bodies, and intoxication begins. However, he fights, and the temperature shows it.

Why is it dangerous to knock down a small temperature?

If you knock down the temperature at 37 degrees, immunity will weaken and eventually can not cope even with a mild cold without tablets. If you do not tolerate the temperature above 36.8 degrees, try to brew brewed tea with currants, chamomile, dog rose or cranberry mors.

High temperature in an adult, how to reduce?

What to do and take if the fever has risen. First you need to determine the type of hyperthermia - fever is 2 types: "red" fever and "white" fever.

  1. With "red" fever, the skin of a person becomes pink, and the hands and feet are warm and moist. The pulse also increases.
  2. With "white" fever, the skin is pale, and the feet and hands are cold and dry. Sometimes there is chills and shortness of breath.

"Red" fever, how to reduce( knock) the temperature?

If you or your loved ones have identified a "red" fever, then the temperature should be knocked down with cool compresses and wipes with cool water. If after 20-30 minutes the temperature does not decrease, it also remains high, then use antipyretic agents further. You can use tablets, syrups, candles.

"White" fever, how to reduce( knock) the temperature?

But with a "white" fever, antipyretic drugs will not help much. In this case, on the contrary, you need to warm up. To do this, use a hot water bottle, drink a lot of hot liquid. The skin should turn pink and become warm. If this does not happen and the temperature continues to grow, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

How to reduce the heat of medicines to adults and children at home? Drugs for temperature

For adults .Here are the doctors' advice on how to lower the temperature with medications. Of course, the easiest way is to drink an antipyretic. And we often use this. At any age, Paracetamol should be preferred. It is better than multicomponent drugs, such as Coldrex, Teraflu.

You can also choose Ibuklin, it is usually well tolerated and well reduces the temperature. Adults often prefer tablets.

For children .As for antipyretic for children, there are candles, syrups and tablets.

Candles are usually put to kids, they are very effective, although they only last forty minutes. And this form of the drug is very suitable for those children who do not like to drink syrups, as well as with nausea.

Syrups and tablets give older children. It is necessary to carefully study the composition of the syrup, because because of various flavors and chemical additives, the child may begin an allergy.

A doctor prescribes the dosing of antipyretic drugs to both adults and children.

Children should not be given Aspirin, Analgin, Antiprin .

These drugs have side effects. Yes, actually, adults should not take them. They can cause a stomach ulcer and spasm of the bronchi. Therefore, it is better to choose children's Paracetamol, Panadol, Ibuprofen, Efferalgan.

If you are an opponent of medications or in your medicine cabinet there was no antipyretic, you can try to bring down the temperature without medication.

How to lower the temperature without medication at home?

  1. Baths .Periodically drop your legs into a basin with cool water. You can even take a bath with lukewarm water.
  2. Liquid .At high temperature, the body quickly loses fluid. Therefore, you should definitely drink compote, not strong tea, fruit drinks, mineral and plain water. You can drink in small portions, but often. It is very good to give cranberry juice.
  3. Compressors .Apply cool compresses to your forehead. You can also apply them to the legs, neck, armpits, wrists. These recommendations can be given only if you have a "red" fever. See above.
  4. Ice .Crushed ice wrap in a bag and put to the forehead, under the knees and underarms, to the groin area. Do this for five minutes, then take a break for fifteen minutes and repeat again. With ice, one must be very careful. Do not use it in case of a "white" fever.
  5. Wrapping the .You can wrap the whole body with a wet sheet. The wrap is also allowed only with a "red" fever.
  6. The food should be light, but nutritious. The body should receive the necessary substances, but should not be too heavily loaded. If you do not feel like eating, you can just drink more.
  7. Cool .Make sure that the room was cool air, no more than twenty degrees. To do this, ventilate the room more often.
  8. Mode .It is important to lie in bed, limit movement. Clothes should be made of natural, light, cotton.
  9. Sleep .And a very important dream. The more you sleep, the faster the body will cope with the disease. For a good sleep it is necessary to create comfortable conditions: to keep silence, draw curtains, so that it's dusk, turn off the TV.Probably everyone knows that sleep is always the best medicine. If after sleep you have drunk, you must change your underwear.

These were general recommendations. Now some tips are more practical.

Heat, what should I do?

Alcohol so that it can burn. The best wipes. Very effectively help to bring down the temperature. Wipe your feet, stomach and back. You can do the procedure every three hours. Remember, previously used rubbing with a solution of table vinegar, but now they are not used, because in the form of skin wiping, vinegar is toxic to the kidneys of ( author's note).

Drink tea with brewed linden flowers .Apply as a diaphoretic.

Raspberries helps to cope with the heat. Well and dry raspberry to make, and tea with a raspberry jam to have a drink. Only we remember that after such tea drinking it is necessary to lie down and just to sleep. And again I repeat that if you are sweating after sleep, you must change your underwear.

A decoction of peppermint will also help. Pour the mint with boiling water and cook for three minutes. Then cool and, moistening the napkins, apply them to the places where the large arteries are located. Such places are whiskey, inguinal region, elbows folds.

Infusion of from , of and Cambridge chamomile. Mix on a teaspoon of each ingredient, pour boiling water and leave for an hour. Then drink during the day in small sips.

Oats .It is necessary to take about 50 g of oats and pour a liter of boiling water. Insist for about three hours and drink like tea. This drink will not only lower the temperature, but also expel the infection from the body. Recipes with oats for health can be found in my article Oats. Beneficial features. Treatment of

When fever, citrus fruits are useful. You can eat more oranges, grapefruits and tangerines( of course, if you do not have allergies on them).Berry currants, cherries and raspberries are also useful.

How to knock down the temperature during pregnancy

Pregnancy and breastfeeding should be strictly considered when the temperature is low.

Pregnant women should not take antipyretic, can not be rubbed with vinegar. But you can wipe yourself with water, do cool compresses and drink a lot. But citrus do not need to be abused, and this applies to both pregnant and lactating women.

Breastfeeding mother can be wiped off with a very weak vinegar solution. Drinking should not cause an allergy in a toddler who is breastfed. Therefore, you should select the liquid carefully.

And, of course, all recommendations for pregnant women should be given by a doctor. You should consult your doctor, because it's about your health and your baby's health.

And now we'll talk how to bring down the temperature of the child.

High temperature in a child, how to reduce at home

Usually, children easily tolerate a rise in temperature. It happens that at 39 degrees, the child behaves normally. However, there are also such children who at 37.5 degrees already feel bad, then you must take action.

Doctors recommend not to lower the temperature to 39 degrees, if the child tolerates it relatively well.

Do not allow such a high temperature for children:

  1. Child of the first two months of life,
  2. Child who had seizures in response to temperature,
  3. Children with chronic diseases( pulmonary and cardiovascular).

These children need to reduce the temperature, approaching 38 degrees.

Doctor EO Komarovsky: how and when to reduce the temperature in children

What should I look for if the child has a fever?

What should parents know after all? It is necessary to focus not on the body temperature, but on the behavior of the child. Many children play, even skip the apartment at a temperature of 39 degrees. Also, probably, a picture familiar to many. Especially the kids. Pay attention to the behavior of the child. If he has warm skin, wet palms, they behave quite adequately, in this case we lower the body temperature of the child we are only physically:

  1. Remove excess blouse,
  2. Ventilate the room,
  3. Wipe with a damp cloth.

But if the kid has a pale appearance, his palms are cold, he is capricious, does not want to not drink, not to eat, then, of course, we need adults here. Take all measures. And it can be at a temperature and much lower, up to 38 degrees.

If the child feels a chill, wrap it, put a heating pad at his feet. But when the child is hot, start holding cooling measures.

Like adults, children can make cool compresses .But if the child is not yet six months old, compresses can be applied only to the wrists and ankles.

Wiping .The child must be undressed and wipe the body with a damp cloth. First, feet and hands, then hands and feet, stomach, chest and back. Above I have recipes for rubbing with vinegar.

Useful frequent drink .In addition to the usual liquid, you can prepare special infusions. For example, infusion of raspberries. To make it, you have to pour boiling water over the raspberry sprigs and insist half an hour. Then give the baby to drink in small sips. Teas from linden, oregano, and marigold are good. For their preparation, pour the flowers with boiling water and insist 30-60 minutes. You should drink as often as possible, but gradually. Honey also helps if the child does not have allergies. A spoon of honey can be added to the mors or tea. Be sure to make the briar infusion. This drink not only fights the temperature, but also saturates the body with vitamin C. It is necessary for colds. The hips should be poured with boiling water in a thermos bottle and left for two or three hours. Then drink 100 ml. Drinks should be warm, but not hot, otherwise they will raise the temperature.

Enema of the .The child can make an enema from the decoction of chamomile. Brew three tablespoons of chamomile flowers, leave for fifteen minutes. Then cool, strain, then the amount of liquid that remains, bring to 200 ml with boiled water. Add sunflower oil and make an enema. This enema is also an anti-inflammatory drug.

Best of all - restrict the child in motion .The best thing for him now is bed rest. You can read to him a fairy tale or play games that you can play lying down.

Source: the light version of the article by Irina Zaitseva's Blog located at: http: //irinazaytseva.ru/ kak-snizit-temperaturu-u-vzroslogo-i-u-rebenka-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html

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