Why does the child get very tired in the car, nauseous: what to do

Sometimes parents, traveling on transport, taking children on a trip, are asked the question: " Why their child strongly rocks in the machine and vomits . What should I do with ? ".The state of motion sickness in medicine is called 1) "seasickness", or 2) "kinetosis", which is observed not only in children, but also in adults with poorly developed vestibular apparatus, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, or simply - with unaccustomed to travel - driving on the road.

Rocking can:

  1. on the road in any mode of transport: car, bus, plane, train, ship, boat( especially in the back seat, without good windows for viewing and accessing fresh air);
  2. can ride can ride on swings, carousels, attractions associated with the rotation in place and its own movement around its axis( try at home to turn as "top").

I quote interesting arguments: kinetosis, or motion sickness may not be a disease as such, but a protective physiological reaction of the body in children, with insufficient development of the coordination system of the vestibular apparatus, motion sickness can be a normal reaction to rolling. Conjugated nausea, vomiting is the result of irritation of the central nervous system by incoming impulses from the vestibular apparatus.

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Why the child is heavily rocking in transport: the reasons for

Especially strongly in transport, children are crawling in 2 years, girls more often than boys. From the age of two years to 10 years, the vestibular apparatus and nerve pathways are formed. Therefore, with ten years of seasick attacks usually fade. But some adults, despite the maturity of coordination, the vestibular apparatus still tolerate pitching badly.

It is interesting that some children suffer only one type of transport, another child can not tolerate any form of transport, even swings and carousels. Signs of seasickness can manifest in the child and at 1 year, 2 years.

Kinetosis can appear as an independent state - the result of motion sickness in the car, etc. Still, parents should pay attention that motion sickness can be a symptom of the disease, you need to see a doctor:

  1. sinusitis, sinusitis, frontalitis, - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses( doctor-Otorhinolaryngologist),
  2. of hearing disorders( ENT),
  3. of the nervous system diseases( neurologist),
  4. with stomach, intestine( therapist, gastroenterologist),
  5. of cardiovascular diseases( therapist, cardiologist).

Drugs from motion sickness should be recommended by a doctor( pediatrician) - self-medication can lead to complications. Not all medicines are allowed for young children.

What happens in the body in children with motion sickness?

A lot of conflicting information comes through the senses of the child when going to the brain. Eyes say that you are standing on the deck, in the cabin, in the car seat without moving, and the vestibular apparatus signals a change in the position of the body in space. The connections between the cerebral cortex and its subcortex are not yet developed, just like the coordination system, the children's brain of the child is not able to completely reduce the incoming information data from the senses, there is irritation, failure, re-adjustment of internal organs and systems.

Adult compares information from past experience and newly arrived, understands how to react properly, because it swayed rarely. Children under 2 years of age also rarely sweat due to the fact that they have not yet formed the notion of space-time communication, the brain perceives disparate pictures of the world. The vestibular apparatus of babies up to 2 years old is also weakly developed.

Sensation: Symptoms, signs, manifestations of kinetosis in children

The mass of impulses entering the brain from the vestibular apparatus irritates many organs and their systems in the child. When motion sickness develops three types of response: emotional, vegetative, muscular. Consider:

  1. In the emotional type of response, a sense of fear, panic, especially on the contrary, is manifested: rapture, euphoria, inadequate behavior situations.
  2. In the vegetative type: redness, severe pallor of the skin in children, sweating, the appearance of nausea with vomiting, drooling, fainting, impaired consciousness.
  3. Muscular contraction may appear in the muscle response type: rocking, gait unsteadiness, loss of sense of balance.

These types of responses rarely appear isolated from each other, they are combined, so children react differently to motion sickness.

A number of clinical forms of the disease are distinguished: nerve, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular:

  1. The nervous form manifests itself in the predominance of dizziness in children, headache, general weakness and lethargy.
  2. Gastrointestinal form appears: nausea, vomiting, stool( diarrhea), taste disorders, unpleasant taste in the mouth, abdominal pain, excessive acute sensitivity to odors.
  3. Cardiovascular form is manifested by increased heart rate( sometimes - slowing of the heart rhythm), increased blood pressure, a violation of the rhythm of the heart. There is a violation of the nature of the pulse: as the attack increases, it becomes less frequent, the child yawns, there is a shallow breathing, then the pressure drops sharply down to a faint.

What to do: how to help a child with motion sickness

  1. The first thing to do is not to panic!
  2. Calm the child and provide access to cool fresh air.
  3. If possible: stop the car( when driving on your own car), go out onto the road, wait, walk a little.
  4. If this is a public transport ride: find a place where less shakes.
  5. Ask your child to breathe more often and deeply: a nausea will become less or stop.
  6. It's good to remove citrus nausea: let the baby suck an orange, tangerine, lemon slice or lemon or put a lemon crust on your cheek. Use what is at hand: sour fruit, peach, sour sweetie, slice of a green apple.
  7. Advise the child to look at a fixed object, or on his finger, the toe of the shoe. If there is no vomiting, but the child complains that nausea and dizziness, give him a means of motion sickness on the advice of a doctor.
  8. Keep cellophane bags, non-carbonated water, wet wipes odorless to wipe your face and hands.
  9. The child can suddenly snatch.

Drugs for motion sickness for children

Many pharmacies for motion sickness can not be applied until 10-12 years. The appointment of the medicine, its dose and the way of application is carried out by a pediatrician, a neurologist.

Usually, medications for motion sickness are taken internally in advance, 30 to 60 minutes before the trip. Medications reduce the excitability of the vestibular apparatus, this prevents nausea, dizziness and vomiting. As a rule, doctors recommend the use of drugs for a long trip, with poor transportability, but not for prevention, because any product may have side effects.

All means to help with motion sickness in the car, transport, are divided into several groups.

  1. The main group - special preparations , suppressing the symptoms of motion sickness. The main mechanism of action is the penetration into the nervous system to suppress the arrival of impulses from the vestibular apparatus. So the feeling of faintness is prevented, its consequences are nausea and vomiting. For children from 1 year, the drug DRAMIN is used, the child is prescribed , KINEDRIL from the age of 2 years. These pharmaceuticals have a large list of side effects: thirst, dry mouth;influence on vision, blood pressure level, increased heart rate, sedation. These drugs last half an hour or an hour after ingestion.
  2. Other group - homeopathic remedies : KOKKULIN ( for children from 3 years old), VERTIGOCHEL ( from 2 years old), AVIA-SEA ( from 2 years).The basic principle of action: "like we treat like".In large doses, the substances that make up the drugs themselves cause the symptoms of motion sickness, but their small doses help the body cope with the malaise. The advantage of such drugs is that they have virtually no contraindications, few side effects, can not be used only with increased individual sensitivity to the drug components and allergies in the child. For small children, the products are released in the form of drops, caramels, granules, which is convenient. The drug is taken 30 minutes before the trip.
  3. Doctors can prescribe anti-allergic( antihistamines), sedatives, antiemetics drugs. The choice of drugs is carried out by a doctor, depends on the severity of manifestations of kinetosis. All drugs reduce the excitability of the nervous system, reduce the symptoms of seasickness. Unfortunately, they have a fairly large list of side effects: retardation, lethargy, drowsiness, dry mouth. Although, if a child tears in any trip on transport, these medications can help ease the condition on the road. The dose, the way of using the medicine will be prescribed by the doctor, according to the instructions for use and based on his experience.

Folk remedies for motion sickness at home for adults and children

There are folk ways, means and recipes that help to ease a child's motion sickness.

  1. Effective nausea and vomiting for motion sickness - ginger . Cut into small plates and dissolve on the way. If the child does not like his taste, replace it with ginger biscuits, candy. You can drink ginger tea on the way, infusion.
  2. Some children respond positively to essential oils: mint, chamomile .Pour a few drops of mint or chamomile oil on a handkerchief or napkin, let's breathe in the baby.
  3. Against motion sickness helps infusion of oats, spinach juice .The recipe is simple: 1 tablespoon of oats pour a glass of boiling water, pour for 30-40 minutes, strain. Juice from fresh washed spinach is prepared with a juicer. In advance before the trip for three or four days, start giving the baby these juices by one quarter cup 2 times a day.
  4. On the road as a drink, use mineral water without gas or sour juice - drink in small sips.
  5. Often wipe the face and hands of children with a damp cloth, towel, make a wet bandage on the forehead. Wear loose clothes without tight bands and straps, a shirt with a wide collar.
  6. If the child has malaise, put him on his lap, talk to him on interesting topics to him. Children are well distracted from unpleasant feelings and thoughts.
  7. The best means of motion sickness is sleep.
  8. You can not eat or starve before a trip. Recommended light snack 1 hour before the road light meals: a piece of boiled fish, yogurt, cottage cheese. It is not recommended to take soda, milk and, if the child is rocking, do not eat in his presence.
  9. After stopping for a snack on the road, you need to walk a little.

Where better to sit when rocking: recommendations

A place for the child in transport, think in advance, if possible: on the ship - the cabin is closer to the center of the ship;on the bus - in front of the road, closer to the opening windows.

Less sway on the seat next to the driver, but children under 12 years of travel in these places are prohibited. Children up to this age must be in car seats. Fixing the child in the car seat reduces the symptoms of motion sickness. The best place for a car seat is the center of the rear seat: the child pays less attention to the side windows, often changing pictures, in the car seat is easier to fall asleep.

Train before long journeys. Take the child with you often on short trips to get used to the movement. Car interior carefully ventilated, do not close tightly in the warm season of the window, do not turn on the stove at full strength in winter. Do not use air fresheners with a pungent smell, do not smoke in the car, where the child is. Drive the car without sudden accelerations, turns, braking.

How to train the vestibular apparatus: exercises

Regularly train the child at home for the development of the vestibular apparatus.

Simple exercises are recommended:

  1. jiggling on the gymnastic ball,
  2. wearing and rocking on the hands,
  3. child's rotation, spinning and flipping.

A child over 1.5-2 years old can be taught:

  1. to skate from side to side "sausage",
  2. walk along the curb, a log,
  3. swing it on a swing, roll on carousels,
  4. teach you to swim, jump on an inflatable mattress.

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Why the child is rocking in the car: what to do?

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