How to cure psoriasis forever at home: recipes

Psoriasis refers to complex diseases, in which rashes and scales appear. It is accompanied by a severe itch and a feeling of constant tightness of the skin. Getting rid of scaly lichen is difficult, because the disease immediately develops into a chronic form. Therefore, the question of how to cure psoriasis permanently at home is very relevant.

  • How does the disease manifest itself
  • Effective methods of treatment
  • The most effective drugs
  • Traditional medicine in the fight against psoriasis
  • Flax-seed
  • Herbal Remedy for Psoriasis
  • Lavr the ordinary
  • Plune
  • Birch mushroom
  • Ointments for psoriasis
  • Propolis
  • Birch buds
  • Chaga
  • Healing baths
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How does the disease manifest itself

The most common manifestation of psoriasis on the skin, affects knee-elbow folds. In this case the rashes are located symmetrically. Often accumulates psoriasis on the head, the disease spreads to the scalp.

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Symptoms of the disease:

  • Plaques in the form of raised rounded thickenings on the skin, covered with scales, have a bright red or pink color;
  • deteriorates the condition of the nail plates - dimples appear, the nail acquires a yellowish tint, can separate from the nail bed;
  • the skin becomes very dry, flakes, bleeding occurs.

The cause of the appearance of psoriasis is a violation of the functions of the epidermis, in which the skin tries to rejuvenate in a few days (instead of the prescribed month). New, unformed cells go outside, which spoils the appearance and condition of the whole organism.

The disease is accompanied by intolerable itching, which is especially worse at night. Therefore, all those suffering from the disease are interested in whether it is possible to cure psoriasis forever at home.

Important!Psoriasis is considered a rare disease, it affects no more than 8% of the total population. In the initial stage, psoriasis can be quickly cured.

Effective methods of treatment

Treatment of scaly lichen is a complex therapy, which is selected strictly individually.

The choice of therapeutic tactics is influenced by:

  • form and stage of the disease;
  • degree of spread of rashes;
  • sex, age of the patient;
  • presence of concomitant diseases;
  • allergic reactions to those or other medications.

To get rid of psoriasis, use external medicines based on salicylic acid, sulfur, urea, dithranol, dexapanthenol. These agents weaken the inflammatory manifestations of the disease, reduce peeling.

All patients need constant exposure to ultraviolet light. More time to spend in the sun. In winter, visit the solarium - once a month is enough. In medicine, ultraviolet treatment is called photochemotherapy. The goal of treatment is to stop excess cell division.

Spa therapy is the most pleasant method of treating psoriasis. The best sanatoria are in Israel, Matsesta and Pyatigorsk.

The most effective drugs

Medicinal products are designed to suppress inflammatory foci.

For initial therapy, local nonhormonal drugs are used:

  • ointment salicylic - removes cornified cells, the skin becomes healthy, soft and smooth. The agent should be used once a day, until the keratinized areas are completely eliminated;
  • ointment naphthalanic - reduces the area of ​​psoriasis, eliminates itching, pain syndrome. Therapy consists of 15 procedures a duration of every 20 minutes;
  • ointment sulfuric - refers to mild disinfectants, promotes softening of white coating. Apply the medication several times a day for three weeks.

One of the most effective drugs is methotrexate, it reduces the rate of cell division. Once a week, an injection of the drug is required. Treatment lasts for two months.

Important!Cyclospreen A, tigason - is prescribed in small doses, it has an effect on immunity.

Good results in the treatment helps to achieve a cream of plant origin acrylic. It eliminates rashes, pigmented spots, normalizes the processes of metabolism in skin cells. Treatment is long - 3-4 months. The cream should be kept on affected areas for 6 hours, then rinse with cool water.

Calcipotriol - cream promotes the restoration of the structure of inflamed skin. Use it can not be longer than two months. Treat the skin twice during the day.

Mikanol refers to creams of non-hormonal origin, slows down the rate of cell division, soothes itching. Apply it should be half an hour before the evening shower.

Important!Psoriasis is not a contagious disease. The disease can not be infected from touch, through common objects of use.

Traditional medicine in the fight against psoriasis

In addition to medicines prescribed by a doctor who treats psoriasis, you can use folk remedies. Healers recommend starting treatment from the inside with the help of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.


This broth cleanses the body of toxins, reduces the intensity of the disease.

  1. Before going to bed, fill 15 grams of flax seeds in a thermos bottle, pour 230 ml of steep boiling water.
  2. In the evening, take activated charcoal (2 tablets).
  3. Before breakfast, drink all the infusion, and eat the seeds.

Herbal Remedy for Psoriasis


  • the root of elecampane is 15 g;
  • the root of aira is 18 g;
  • St. John's Wort - 22 g;
  • celandine - 7 g.

Mix the mixture with boiling water (450 ml), insist for three hours. Pre-filtered broth take 110 ml 2 times throughout the day.

Lavr the ordinary

This spice effectively helps to eliminate the manifestation of psoriasis.

How to cook a broth:

  1. Grind 20 grams of laurel leaves into crumbs.
  2. Pour the powder 540 ml of boiling water.
  3. Hold the mixture on low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Filter after complete cooling.

The received medicine should be taken during the day in three equal portions.

Important!You can not use laurel for treatment in the presence of kidney and heart failure, pregnant women.


Spores of plants help to cleanse the body, strengthen protective functions.

  1. In a liter of water, fill in 60 grams of raw materials. The mixture should be put on minimum fire - it should not boil. An hour later, the medicine is ready. It should be cooled and filtered.
  2. During remission, it is enough to take 15 ml 4 times a day. In the acute stage of the disease, the broth should be drunk every hour.

Birch mushroom

Chaga contains active substances that normalize the skin.

  1. At night, pour 100 g of tea with a liter of hot water.
  2. In the morning chaga chop with a blender.
  3. Heat the infusion to 50 degrees, pour the mush from the birch mushroom.
  4. Leave the medicine for three days.

The filtered liquid should be consumed three times a day for 100 ml.

Ointments for psoriasis

For effective treatment it is necessary to use ointments from psoriasis on the skin.

A simple but effective method of treatment is the use of linseed oil. It should be slightly heated, applied to the affected areas. The procedure should be repeated 3 times a day.


Wizards recommend getting rid of plaques using propolis based ointment.

  1. Grind 15 g of the product, add 300 grams of home-made butter.
  2. Protopit in a water bath before boiling. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, filter.

Propolis treatment of psoriasis
Ointment rub in the affected area. After use, clean in the refrigerator.

Birch buds

Fresh birch buds (120 g) to grind. Add 200 g of tar, 50 g of ash.

Mix to homogeneity. To put on the inflamed places, to cover with parchment, to fix a compress with the help of a plaster.


Birch fungus is used not only for broths. On its basis, you can prepare a useful ointment.


  • Powder from chaga - 130 g;
  • birch tar - 30 ml;
  • crumb from laundry soap - 25 g;
  • pharmacy bile - 20 ml;
  • chicken yolks - 3 pieces;
  • melted goose fat - 200 g;
  • soda - 5 g.

Fat a little warm, add the powder of birch mushroom and tar, mix. Soap crumb, bile and yolks pound, add soda. Combine both mixtures, create a homogeneous mass. Ointment is well absorbed, it should be applied in the evening.

Healing baths

Water treatment procedures are very useful during seasonal exacerbations of the disease. To wash with psoriasis follows usual economic, tar or sulfur soap without additives and aromatizers.

  1. Collect 100 g of stems of succession and celandine, brew 3, 5 liters of water.
  2. In the broth, dissolve 50 g of sea salt. Leave the mixture for an hour, then pour into warm water.
  3. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. After taking a bath, the body should dry naturally.

For baths, you can use blue clay (50 g) in combination with sea salt (500 g). The procedure makes the inflamed skin softer.

Bath with potato starch is needed during the period of exacerbation of the disease. One procedure will require 500 g of starch, which must first be diluted with cold water.

Important!The main reason for the appearance of psoriasis is the genetic factor. Most of the patients have relatives or friends suffering from this ailment.

When treating psoriasis, it is necessary to maintain faith in a successful outcome of therapy, to love yourself. And then getting rid of the disease will come much faster.

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