Itching in the intimate zone in women: treatment at home

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Itching in an intimate place for a woman is a piquant problem and there are many reasons for it to arise. Not always the cause is the presence of some sexual infections. Often itching arises from such elementary reasons as incorrectly selected underwear, means of intimate hygiene. In any situation, you need to know how to treat itching in the intimate zone in women at home.

  • Reasons and solutions
  • Itching in the intimate zone in pregnant women
  • Improper hygiene
  • Itching before menstruation
  • Itching during menstruation
  • Itchy nerves
  • Allergy
  • Taking medication
  • Flavored gaskets
  • Pubic lice
  • Rare change of gaskets, tampons
  • Problems with hormones
  • Thrush
  • Popular methods of folk remedies for treatment
  • Soda solution
  • Aloe vera
  • Solution of iodine and salt
  • Chamomile or marigold solutions
  • Decoction of basil
  • Yogurt
  • Treatment with medicines
  • Ointment
  • Pills
  • Itchy pruritus
  • Questions to the doctor
  • There was an itch and cracks in an intimal zone - treatment
  • What to do if itching at night
  • Redness and itching appeared
  • Itching in the intimate zone in women, the analyzes are good
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Important!The main treatment is chosen depending on what is the cause of the itching. There is no other approach, it is necessary not only to relieve the feeling of discomfort, but also to promote complete recovery.

Reasons and solutions

Itching in the intimate zone in pregnant women

During this period, the body of a woman is exposed to infections several times more, it becomes more susceptible. The reasons may be allergic dermatitis (use of daily linings with flavorings, the use of gels, soaps with various pronounced additives, poor-quality linen), are treated with special anti-allergic drugs.

  1. The presence of infections, diseases of the genitourinary tract also lead to the appearance of this kind of discomfort, Ampicillin, Nitroxoline is recommended.
  2. When candidiasis prescribe antifungal drugs that do not harm the course of pregnancy and baby.
  3. With herpes, a gynecologist prescribes antiviral tablets and ointments. Also, only a doctor should determine the course of treatment, and prescribe drugs for chlamydia and bacterial vaginosis.

Improper hygiene

The most common cause of discomfort in the intimate area. It is necessary to begin to comply with acceptable hygiene rules to cope with the problem. Wash woman should twice a day, if this is not possible, use wet wipes for intimate places. As soap, you need to use special products designed for intimate hygiene that do not cause allergies and do not disturb the natural microflora of the mucosa.

Itching before menstruation

This kind of symptom can be a warning about inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. In the period of monthly immunity becomes weaker, and blood allocation is a suitable medium for the reproduction of various microorganisms, with which the body can not cope, and therefore there are unpleasant sensations.

Itching during menstruation

It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the appearance of pruritus. If it is not only in intimate places, but also spreads throughout the body. Urgently it is necessary to hand over analyzes as it can testify to presence of a diabetes, problems with a liver. The usual factors can influence this: the synthetics you wear, narrow and impractical linen, daily pads, means of intimate hygiene. If the itching is accompanied by a burning sensation, then most likely, it is erosion. When bloating occurs during menstruation, it indicates intestinal diseases.

Itchy nerves

Such symptoms are manifested in disorders of the vegetative system. Treatment with psychotherapy is recommended. We need to protect ourselves from nervous situations, stress, drink sedatives, tranquilizers. Provide yourself with a good sleep. To give the opportunity to relax and get positive emotions.


Allergic reactions in an intimate place do not always occur on soap or shower gel. Often the cause of the allergy is the fabric from which the underwear is made. It is necessary to buy linen only from natural fabrics for every day.

Important!Once again, it is important to use special means to wash away intimate places for women. Hand soap or body gel is not suitable: they destroy the mucous membrane of the vagina, weakening the protective functions.

Taking medication

Various medications often have side effects such as itching between the legs. It is necessary to read the instruction, to make sure that such a side effect is possible and to replace the drug with a more suitable preparation.

During antibiotic therapy, the microflora of the intestine and the vagina are disrupted. After the passed course it is necessary to restore the flora. To do this, use complex treatment of lacto- and bifidobacteria (Linex, Yogurt), which drink on average 2 weeks and suppositories for topical application (Meratin Combi, Acilactum, Livarol, Clotrimazole).

Flavored gaskets

Strangely enough, but the use of gaskets for each day or during critical days can cause the described state. The impact of artificial colors on the delicate intimate skin is always stressful. In this situation, you need to replace hygienic supplies.

Pubic lice

Skin disease, which is not very common, but sometimes occurs. For this reason, you can forget about the treatment of itching at home. Mandatory hospitalization and treatment is required only under the supervision of specialists.

Rare change of gaskets, tampons

Change gaskets or tampons every two hours. Ideally, if before the change of funds it will be possible to further wash out.

Problems with hormones

During a life the status of a hormonal background of the woman constantly varies. It does not pass without a trace and affects the condition of the skin and hair, the mood, as well as intimate zones. Often, women feel burning sensation in the genital area during pregnancy, after childbirth or before menstruation. Ways to solve the problem should be sought together with gynecologists.


A disease that is extremely common and contagious. Treating the thrush you need medication, also syringing soda, chamomile-based baths, sage for intimate places.

Popular methods of folk remedies for treatment

Important!Before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to establish precisely the cause of the itching and to do it with the doctor. Many folk remedies are effective only to relieve itching, but do not cure.

Soda solution

One teaspoon of soda diluted in a liter of boiling water. Do syringing of the vagina in the morning and evening. It turns out to remove the itch, but not get rid of the causative agent of the described state.

Aloe vera

Aloe leaves are scrolled through a meat grinder and in a slurry soak cotton swabs. They are used after syringing to heal the vaginal mucosa. Insert the tampons at night.

Solution of iodine and salt

To prepare a solution for syringing, you can use a liter of boiled water, in which to add a small spoonful of salt and soda, add a dozen drops of iodine. Douching in the morning and evening. There will be a joint effect of substances on the mucous: disinfection, drying, washing out of fungi.

Chamomile or marigold solutions

It is necessary to take sedentary baths in infusions of herbs of chamomile or calendula. You can add sea salt to the bath. This remedy perfectly copes with itching. After the procedure, the genitals are well dried.

Decoction of basil

This remedy can be taken orally. Boil the basil for 20 minutes in a small amount of water. Drink four times a day for 100 ml. Basil has an excellent composition, which helps the body cope with all sorts of infections.


To restore the vaginal mucosa, you need to eat sour-milk products, which contain useful bacteria. It is also important to eat dairy products when taking antibiotics. In addition to yogurt, you can take various supplements, for example, lactobacillus or acidophilus.

Treatment with medicines

To treat itching in an intimate place, women can use not only folk remedies, but also medicines, which, with an integrated approach, cope well with the disease.


With a similar symptom associated with age-related changes, with menopause, kidney disease, diabetes, cholestasis, dermatitis, Boromentol is recommended.

  1. Nezulin has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.
  2. Anti-fungal and anti-allergic effect has Gystan.
  3. Relieves allergic symptoms ointment Fenistil.
  4. Of the hormonal ointments recommend: Hydrocartisone, Advantan, Beloderm.


Tablets are given on the basis of the cause that caused discomfort. With such diseases as:

  • fungal - recommended Flucanazole;
  • gardarnelle - Metronidazole;
  • herpes - Gerpevir, Acyclovir;
  • allergic reactions - Suprastin, Claritin;
  • Trichomoniasis - Trichopol.

Itchy pruritus

If the itching is caused by age-related changes, it is recommended to take tranquilizers, sedatives, drugs that help improve liver function, soften the skin with creams, it is necessary to take vitamins A and E. Ovestin candles are prescribed from the preparations.

There is another tip that will help prevent itching. Intimate linens always choose from natural fabrics that are able to breathe. In pants or pantyhose, which the girl wears constantly, a cotton gusset should be sewn. Wet swimsuit should always be changed to dry.

Questions to the doctor

There was an itch and cracks in an intimal zone - treatment

Answer:Microcracks can arise due to non-compliance with hygiene standards, so reconsider your hygiene means. The second reason is synthetic linen, change it for cotton, refuse thongs, bikini and tight clothes. If internal factors have contributed to this, taking medications, or a disease, then consult a doctor about taking other medications, get treatment. In such situations it is not recommended to engage in self-medication.

But if you can not immediately consult a doctor, use folk remedies. Prepare the infusion of calendula: 1 h. l. plant flowers in 70 ml of boiled water. The resulting mixture pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire, to make water less than 2 times. Dissolve the solution, cool and do the lotions and wipe the affected areas.

What to do if itching at night

Answer:Itching can occur at any time and for many reasons. Most often it aggravates during a night's sleep. To rid yourself of unpleasant sensations, freeze a bottle of water, and at night apply it when itching occurs. The bottle is pre-wrapped in 1-2 layers of cotton fabric.

Redness and itching appeared

Answer:Before eliminating such symptoms, it is necessary to identify the cause, and then treat: age (climax), nervous system disorders, diseases of internal organs (diabetes, thyroid, liver), sexually transmitted infections. Self-medication can lead to a deplorable result. You can alleviate the symptoms, dieting, exclude alcohol, wash out with a solution of furacilin, soda or a decoction of chamomile.

Itching in the intimate zone in women, the analyzes are good

Answer:When good analgesia appears, it is caused by external factors. Most likely, you do not fit the underwear that you wear. Melting should be the most common, out of cotton. Perhaps this was influenced by the use of hygiene products with flavors (gaskets, gels). Often occurs with the growth of new hairs.