How to prolong a person's life: known ways to prolong life

A careless attitude to life takes away not only health, but, ultimately, life itself. Any person is fully capable of acquiring the qualities of a reasonable and conscious attitude to life, taking responsibility for their thoughts and actions.

Let's take a few moments:

  1. What we think directly has a huge impact on what we do and what happens in our lives. Positive attitudes to life add real years.
  2. Psychological factors stimulate the functioning of the immune system, prevent dangerous diseases, reduce the likelihood of accidents.
  3. Supporting the health of the body and the brain through exercise, rational nutrition and creative creative thinking, we will obtain a high quality of life.
  4. A clear goal for continuous self-improvement is able to sustain life even under the most difficult conditions, it can be a decisive factor in achieving a long, successful life.

The problem of prolonging life is inextricably interwoven with how to avoid rapid aging. Consider the known ways how to extend a person's life.

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Known ways to prolong the life of a person

Relatively recently, scientists from the University Hospital of Geneva identified 13 main ways to prolong life. It is interesting that scientists are reinterpreting what was previously accepted as an axiom - they refute previously held views on what prolongs life and what is shortened.

Solar hormone .A survey published in the Journal of the American Journal of Epidemiology shows that women who on average took sun baths at least three hours a day were less likely to suffer from breast and bowel cancer than those who spent less than an hour a day in the sun less than an hour a day.

The fact is that vitamin D cells of the body are translated into a hormone that has anti-cancer properties. As for men, they were 16% less likely to have had strokes and heart attacks. Healing nitrates .Nitrates are no longer considered to be extremely harmful to the body by substances that threaten the formation of tumors. Scientists from Wake Forest University found that the substance nitrosamine, which enters the digestive tract with the intake of nitrates, improves the intake of oxygen.

So it is quite possible to use it to combat senile dementia and prevent disturbances in the circulatory system. And the scientific group of the Food Standards Board of Great Britain has proved: organic products grown without the use of fertilizers are not more useful than conventional ones.

To the bottom of the .According to a study of employees at Harvard University, 15-30 grams of alcohol a day have a positive impact on the health of women over 50 years.

The leading sober lifestyle health was 30% worse. And the amateur drink a little bit less often there is diabetes, heart attacks and stroke. If a man drinks a glass of wine a day, he can expect to live five years longer than his non-drinking counterparts.

Do not sleep - you will get tired .Professor Loughborough University and employee of the Center for the Study of Sleep Jim Horn believe that trying to force themselves to sleep for 8 hours a day, as doctors recommend, can eventually lead to chronic fatigue.

The need for an eight-hour sleep is a myth, Horn says. In fact, we sleep when the body needs rest, just as we eat when hungry. Therefore, if you wake up in the middle of the night, do not be nervous, it's better to read the book until you are again overcome by a nap.

By the way, scientists from the University of California, San Diego have proven that the optimal time of sleep is 5-6 hours.

To bathe or not to swim ?Most people take a shower too often, and hot water and a hard soap deprive the skin of the fats they need. The skin becomes dry, its protective functions are reduced.

This conclusion was reached in the London clinic Cranley. The same goes for cleaning your teeth. Stomatologist Phil Stemmer from the London center "Healthy Breath" does not advise rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth, so as not to wash off the protective fluoride coating, which is applied with toothpaste. Also, do not grasp the brush immediately after eating, as the food for a short time softens the tooth enamel.

Health for health .Dutch scientists from Duke University found that people who overcome depression have better health, a stable psyche, and they have a longer life expectancy.

They better adapt to new realities and are able to avoid dangers. And at New York University they found that depression often pushes us to positive changes in life.

Life in chocolate .Chocolate, the excessive consumption of which threatens to end for a sweet tooth obesity or diabetes, can still bring the body and a lot of benefits.

A group of scientists from Cambridge University analyzed the data of more than 100 thousand patients and found out that those who eat two or more chocolate bars a week are less likely to join the ranks of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases by 37% less.

Chocolate reduces the likelihood of a stroke by 29% and helps to reduce pressure. But it is not yet clear what kind of substance in this product improves the work of the brain and heart.

Operation of vitaminization .The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle analyzed the diet of 162,000 Americans and found that multivitamins do not reduce the risk of developing the most common cancers and do not affect heart disease.

So swallowing supplements does not make sense. It is enough just to adhere to a healthy diet, and the excess of vitamins, soluble in water, is still excreted from the body. Vitamins, which dissolve in fats, can settle in the liver, which causes side effects.

Running on the site .A study of scientists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine( New York) dethroned the view that a healthy lifestyle affects life expectancy.

They examined 500 people who lived to be a hundred years old, who smoke and drink no less than young people, and concluded: this lifestyle is not of primary importance for health. But the recruitment of their DNA successfully countered the damage from unhealthy habits and the harmful effects of the environment.

We started using .The British Medical Journal published an article stating that the council to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day to prevent kidney disease and obesity is "complete nonsense".On the contrary, excessive use of liquid in some cases can cause kidney disease, and because of the lowering of the salt level in the body, cerebral edema is possible.

Scientists also could not confirm the theory that water suppresses appetite and thus helps to lose weight. Previously it was believed that if you drink cool water - no higher than 22 degrees, then the body will heat it to body temperature and consume calories, which means - lose weight.

Deeply inhaled the .Hookah is not inferior to the harmfulness of cigarettes. This conclusion was reached in the British Anti-Smoking Center.

Water does not filter out harmful chemicals of tobacco smoke, besides, smoke and heavy metals are kept in the smoke of the hookah, so that even those who do not smoke in a hookah bar and breathe with air in one smoker get a considerable dose of chemicals.

Next - better .It used to be that man reached the peak of evolution. However, scientists Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending, who participated in the international project "Human Genome" and studied more than 2 thousand samples of genetic material of Africans and 200 - Europeans, found that the pace of evolution continues to accelerate. This is due to sharp cultural changes and the further migration of the population to cities.

How to prolong life at home: the

methods "Read upside down" .Put before your brain non-trivial tasks, solve crosswords, learn poetry.

Studies conducted in the UK, have proved: among people of mental labor, the mortality rate is lower. .. 4 times!

Add tomatoes to sandwiches. If you introduce a few tomatoes in your daily diet, the risk of cardiovascular disease will drop by as much as 30%, as they are rich in potassium.

Do not quarrel with the family. Try to communicate regularly with relatives.

According to experts from the Harvard Medical School, staying close to blood relatives normalizes the pressure, and. .. helps fight bad habits.

Marry .As Italian studies have shown, lasting for 20 years, married men live 3 years longer than bachelors.

Get rid of the alarm clock. Especially if he calls loudly, as well as from a teapot with a whistle, a timer and other sharp violators of silence.

According to Japanese studies, a sudden loud sound increases the risk of heart attack in people with high blood pressure.

Eat bread crusts .They contain 8 times more anti-cancer antioxidant pronilizina than in the whole loaf.

Ignore the public opinion of .According to the research of German scientists, you will live longer, if you do not worry about what others think about you.

For bold psychologists recommend such an extreme exercise: in the transport loudly repeat the name of the stops after the driver. At first you will be embarrassed, and then you will learn not to pay attention to the reaction of others.

Start a pet with the .As the experiments of scientists from different countries prove, the owners of dogs and cats are less stressed, besides, they have lower blood pressure. Like the chocolate. According to a study by the Harvard School of Health, people who consume chocolate in moderation live longer than those who love sweets.

The pure chocolate contains chemicals polyphenols, which prevent the development of cancer and heart disease.

Learn .Start learning the language, master the game on a musical instrument. Many long-livers who crossed the 100-year threshold say that they owe this new passion that simply. .. distracted them from the thoughts of death.

Listen to the classical music of .As studies from Oxford University have shown, Beethoven, for example, lowers blood pressure and relaxes muscles.

Be friends with the sun .If you avoid its rays to protect against skin cancer, do not forget to take vitamin D.

It reduces the risk of diabetes and helps fight depression, which is known to trigger the mechanisms of many deadly diseases.

Do the dances .According to French scientists, the most useful dance for long life is salsa. Strengthens the spine, develops the lungs, even helps to get rid of asthma.


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Source: http: // 13-sposobov-prodlit-zhizn-i-soveti-uchenih