Rosemary medicinal or incense grass represents a perennial evergreen plant of the Yasnostkov family, in the form of a branching powerful shrub with needle-like leaves and a pleasant coniferous aroma, up to 2 meters high.
In the upper parts of the branches there are small light-blue, sometimes pinkish or white flowers, which have a large amount of nectar. The flowering period is March-May.
- collection, preparation, storage
- Rules
- growing chemical composition
- From what helps
- Applications
- Cosmetology
- Traditional medicine
- Nutritional
- Carefully, contraindications
thermophilic rosemary - the Mediterranean shrub, which occurs on dry slopes.
The plant does not tolerate cold.
Therefore, in Russia it is common only at home, in flower pots.
Useful properties of rosemary have been known since ancient times.
For medicinal purposes, usually, apply leaves and annual young shoots.
Collecting, stocking, storage
Healing raw materials can be obtained from cultural plantings.
The leaves are collected before flowering, dried, quickly and carefully, excluding temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius, in order to preserve the main active component of the plant parts - essential oil.
Rosemary in fresh form is stored in the package for no more than 30 days. In dried form, the plant can be stored for up to 6 months, in a container, with a tightly closed lid.
You can freeze the spice by placing the leaves of rosemary in sachets and placing them in the freezer.
And do you know how to get rid of parasites in the body at home? Folk ways are described in a useful article.
WHAT treats the root of the mug is written on this page.
Growth Rules
Rosemary is used as an ornamental plant that can be grown on balconies and gardens.
This will require a sprout or stalk of adult rosemary, late autumn they are placed in a container with water for root development.
After this, the plant is transplanted into the soil from peat or sand, providing access to sunlight and fresh air.
Watering a shrub requires a moderate, excessive amount of moisture can have a negative impact on its condition.
Remember! Rosemary does not tolerate colds and is able to die with small frosts.
Therefore, when the temperature is lowered, the plant is recommended to be transplanted into ordinary flower pots, and keep the bushes warm.
Chemical composition
Unique actions of rosemary are due to the following useful ingredients:
acid rosemary;
- carnosol;
- potassium;
- cellulose;
- calcium;
- vitamin A;
- folic acid;
- phytoncides;
- copper;
- iron;
- alkaloids;
- vitamin B6;
- rosemanol;
- vitamin C;
- ursolic acid;
- magnesium;
- manganese;
- tannins;
- flavonoids - luteolin and apigenin.
It should be noted that the plant has a high content of saturated fats.
What helps
The rich composition of an evergreen plant allows it to be used to prevent the appearance and elimination of various diseases and health problems:
- Has the soothing effect of - it helps to relax and improves mood.
For this, rosemary oil is inhaled, added to the bath, used during massage or applied orally 1-2 drops. - Improves the attention and memory of - rosemary is shown to students and school children with heavy mental stress.
- Possesses antioxidant effect - destroys pathogenic bacteria( staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, yeast fungi).
- Means based on the plant improve the cerebral circulation of , which is indispensable for people who have suffered a stroke.
- Infusion of leaves is useful for asthma , upper respiratory tract pathologies and colds.
- To get rid of the headaches , use infusions from the leaves or inhale the oil of the evergreen shrub.
- The plant has cholagogue ( a list of cholagogue grasses here) and a tonic effect.
- Helps in reducing vision of in children and adults.
- Has analgesic effect of for pain in the heart and intestinal colic.
- Rinses of the throat have a beneficial effect on inflammation of the pharynx and larynx.
- The plant is capable of to improve the digestion of and increase appetite.
- was shown in menstrual disorders of the in women.
- Rosemary is useful for for stomach diseases of and intestines.
- Ointment based on the component is used for dermatological problems, furuncles and long healing wounds.
- Rosemary based products are effective for gout, neuritis and neurological disorders.
- Rosemary is able to to raise the blood pressure of , to increase cardiac contractions.
- The plant has a positive effect on with thrombophlebitis, rheumatism and parotitis.
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Important! Thanks to its immunostimulating effect, rosemary is indispensable in the recovery period after severe illnesses and surgical interventions, with severe overfatigue and frequent stress.
In aromatic baths, rosemary, in a number of drops, significantly improves the concentration of attention in children, and also has a positive effect on vision.
During outbreaks of infectious diseases and influenza it is recommended to scatter plant oil in the room.
Such a measure helps to prevent infection of the surrounding environment, through the effective purification of air and the destruction of pathogens.
Fields of application
The plant can be used in cooking in the form of seasonings for food additives, in cosmetology and for the preparation of traditional medicine recipes that help with various pathologies.
In cosmetology, the plant is used to get rid of obesity and cellulite, to smooth the skin, rejuvenate the skin and improve blood circulation.
In addition, rosemary has antiseptic properties, which allows it to be used for wounds and acne.
In order to maintain and maintain the beauty of the skin and hair in cosmetology, many aids based on rosemary are known:
- For preparation of strengthening oil for hair, it is necessary to place fresh leaves of the plant in a container with almond oil for a period of 14 days.
After this time, it is recommended to apply oil to the roots of the hair.
It should be stored for about 10-15 minutes.
The course of strengthening the hair is 2 months, the procedures are performed 1-2 times a week. - To tighten and clean the pores, you need to prepare a decoction of shoots and leaves of rosemary, the resulting composition is frozen and rubbed with a face in the morning.
- To get rid of scars and scars on the skin, it is recommended to mix 4 drops of rosemary essential oil with 2 tablespoons of 6% apple cider vinegar in a small bottle of glass.
Use the product necessary for rubbing the affected areas 2 times during the day.
With deep scars and scars, you can perform applications with the mixture for 5 minutes.

Important! Caution should be used cosmetic products based on plants with sensitive and too dry skin of the face.
Traditional medicine
The effectiveness of the products based on the natural component - rosemary, is not refuted by medical personnel:
To eliminate swelling of the feet, should brew a small handful of rosemary leaves in boiled water.
Cool the resulting product and apply it to the legs wrapping, having previously dipped the towel in the healing broth.
For treatment of tonsillitis, sore throat and other pathologies of the throat, pour 1 cup of water 2 tablespoons of leaves of the plant. Next, the drug is infused, filtered and used to rinse the throat.
For rheumatism and radiculitis baths with the addition of rosemary will help. Leaves of the plant in the amount of 50 grams are recommended to boil in 1 liter of water, insist for 30 minutes, carefully strain and add to the bath with water.
For the prevention of throat diseases it is recommended to regularly consume 1 leaf of rosemary in fresh form.
In the case of nervous disorders and depression, a remedy prepared by taking 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort, dried rosemary, blueberry and melissa leaves mixed in equal proportions will help with 1 cup of boiled water.
The resulting medicinal mass should be infused for 30 minutes.
Drink as a soothing tasty tea.
For maximum effect, the dosages and rules for taking folk remedies from rosemary should be strictly followed.
Health food
The pleasant aroma of rosemary is preserved after cooking, which makes it popular when added to dishes made from lamb, pork, rabbit, veal.
Seasoning is used not only for roasted meat, but also for eggs, mushrooms and vegetables - courgettes, eggplants, tomatoes, peas, spinach, cauliflower, potatoes.
Add it in moderation due to sufficient aroma. To dilute the taste, rosemary is combined with honey, chili, thyme and marjoram.
Rosemary is widely distributed in the preparation of alcoholic cocktails as an ornament or additive, giving a subtle flavor to the drinks.
Rosemary is a good condiment for tomato soup. To give an unusual flavor to the shish kebab, springs of a fresh or dry plant should be thrown on the coals of a fire or a grill.
Important! In dishes flavored with bay leaves, marinades and fish dishes, it is not recommended to add rosemary.
It is recommended to store the fragrance additive in a dark, dry place, in a container with a tight lid.
With the addition of seasonings to meat, you can give the familiar dishes an exquisite taste.
With 2 branches of rosemary, remove the needles, chop them and add to 1 teaspoon of lemon peel.
The resulting mass should be mixed with 3 chopped cloves of garlic and 80 ml of vegetable oil.1 kg of chicken should be cut into small pieces, salt to taste, grease with a fragrant marinade and leave for 50-60 minutes.
Potatoes in quantity of 8 pieces should be cut into quarters. The chicken is laid out in a mold for baking skin up, vegetables are dipped in marinade from meat and laid out between chicken pieces.
If desired, you can pepper a little dish. Bake meat with potatoes is recommended at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius for a period of 40 minutes.
Caution contraindications
Like any plant, rosemary has certain contraindications to use:
- Susceptibility to convulsions.
- Epilepsy.
- Increased skin sensitivity of skin.
- Children under 3 years.
- Individual intolerance.
- Increased blood pressure.
- Pregnancy period.
Watch a video about the useful qualities of grass and essential oil from rosemary.