We treat quickly the flux of gums at home

Running a disease is extremely harmful and dangerous for the body, this is especially true for diseases of the oral cavity. Most of them sooner or later lead to flux, an extremely unpleasant inflammation, often leading to a complete tooth removal.

  • Flux on the gum: what is it?
  • Causes of the disease
  • Symptoms
  • How to treat flux on the gums at home
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Sage
  • Garlic
  • Tincture of calendula
  • Melissa
  • Salt and soda
  • If it is necessary to bring down the temperature
  • Medication
  • Antibiotics
  • Consequences and prevention of the disease
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Flux on the gum: what is it?

Flux or, more correctly, odontogenic periostitis - purulent inflammation under the periosteum, inside the gums. When the root of the tooth is inflamed, a purulent tumor forms beneath the gum. Her education is a sign that it's time to consult a doctor immediately. If you hesitate, you can eventually lose a tooth, and in the worst case - to earn a massive inflammation or even a blood infection.

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With neglected forms of caries, when the infection is already destroying the pulp, the pain subsides for a while. This stage is the most insidious and dangerous, because now the disease begins to develop secretly and at one point will manifest itself as the strongest inflammation, requiring urgent treatment.

Causes of the disease

The most common cause is caries. In time, non-continued treatment of this disease also provokes the appearance of a flux. For example, if you do not get a temporary seal on the basis of arsenic in time, it promotes the development of periostitis.

Important!Another flux occurs when mechanical injuries of the jaw and gums: strong bumps or bruises, other injuries.

Sometimes periostitis begins with an inflammation of the gingival pocket, the space between the tooth and the gum itself. Usually this is a result of inaccurate anesthesia or other, not cured in time, oral cavity diseases such as sore throat.


Symptoms of the flux are the same as in any severe purulent inflammation.

In the first place - the strongest pain when chewing or just touching a sick tooth. Under the tooth itself a tumor is formed, filled with pus, the nearest tissues swell.

With a flux usually lymph nodes, located in the region of the jaw and neck, become inflamed. If periostitis occurs on the upper jaw, the upper part of the face swells, in severe cases, the eye may swim. With periostitis of the lower jaw, the chin swells.

Often the body temperature rises, usually up to 38 degrees Celsius.

  1. With acute periostitis, infection spreads very quickly, capturing nearby tissues. If the pus eventually spills, it can be fatal.
  2. When the chronic form of the flux, the gum itself swells gradually, the inflammation develops slowly. But this is no less dangerous than acute periostitis.

Important!When these symptoms appear, you should get to the dentist as soon as possible. This is a doctor who treats the flux.

How to treat flux on the gums at home

It is impossible to cure periostitis at home, the very cause of inflammation can not be removed without the intervention of specialists. But to alleviate the symptoms and help the patient reach out to the dentist, if one can not turn to him at once, home and folk remedies are quite possible. In detail, how to treat flux on the gums at home, we already wrote.

As soon as there is an opportunity to be at the dentist, do not delay this.

Treatment with folk remedies

No folk remedy can be considered a full-fledged treatment, but most of them bring noticeable relief in acute pain. At home, you need to quickly treat the flux to prevent the possibility of complications.


Effective means for relieving pain in many diseases of the oral cavity - sage. This herb has disinfectant and analgesic properties. With periostitis, rinse the mouth with infusion from this plant. To make a brew, you need to brew a tablespoon of sage in a glass of hot water and let it brew for an hour.

In addition to rinsing, you can simply soak the cotton pad in the infusion of sage and attach it to the sick tooth. Sage kills pathogens and slows the spread of infection.

Important!It can be mixed with green tea or added to infusion salt.


Sometimes with dental diseases advise to make a compress of garlic. You just need to take and crush or pass through the meat grinder a couple of lobules and attach it to the sore spot until the unpleasant sensations become invisible.

However, many sources advise mixing garlic juice with vegetable oil or honey. Doing this is not recommended, these products do not show any useful properties in this situation.

Tincture of calendula

Rinse your mouth with a tincture of calendula on alcohol. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve one teaspoon of tincture in a glass of water. Calendula has anti-inflammatory properties, it is often used to treat boils and abscesses.


Based on lemon balm, you can also prepare an excellent rinse solution. Usually take 4 tablespoons for two cups of boiling water. Insist should be within four hours, carefully strain. Melissa kills germs and soothes inflamed tissues.

Salt and soda

Salt and soda have antibacterial properties. Both substances are suitable for the preparation of mouthwashes. 2-3 teaspoons of salt or soda should be diluted in a glass of warm boiled water.

Important!All these funds, although they relieve pain, but do not treat the main cause of the disease.

If it is necessary to bring down the temperature

Since periostitis causes temperature, sometimes it is important to knock it down. Although this is not recommended, it is easier to fight the infection with heat, sometimes it is necessary.

It is best to use cold compresses. It is enough just to wet a small piece of cloth that absorbs moisture well, with cold water and attach it to the forehead of the patient. Apply ice in its pure form should not be.

From the temperature will help decoction based on linden and mint. Herbs should be filled with hot water and cook for ten minutes. Then give half an hour to brew, drain. The broth should be drunk hot.

Wipe off alcohol or vinegar is not advised, many doctors have a negative opinion about these methods. It is believed that they on the contrary aggravate the situation.

Important!Lowering the temperature is necessary only in extreme cases, its decline can increase the inflammatory process and weaken the body, if not treat the problem itself.


Drug treatment follows after surgery and removal of the tumor. Although these funds can also help to stretch some time before visiting the dentist, if people's methods are not credible.

The essence of these drugs in antiseptic and antibacterial action.

  1. For rinsing the mouth, chlorhexedine, widely used in dentistry due to its powerful antimicrobial action, is suitable.
  2. To anesthetize and relieve swelling discharge Nimesil or Diazolin, they can significantly remove swelling and pain.
  3. After surgery, Diclofenac is recommended. This is a strong anesthetic drug, taking it long is harmful, it negatively affects the digestive system.
  4. Vinase Vishnevsky helps to excrete pus. This means on the basis of birch tar and castor oil literally draws pus.

Compress from the ointment should be kept in a sore spot for several hours. In addition, compresses can be done after the operation to prevent further inflammation.

After the operation, Levomikol is suitable, which provides regeneration of tissues and successful healing.


Flux is caused by infection, so antibiotics are prescribed for its treatment and prevention of an increase in the area of ​​inflammation. For example:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Lincomycin;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

Treat the flux with antibiotics alone should not be. Usually, before taking them, they take tests and consult a specialist. Their reception without surgery will be useless.

Antibiotics have many contraindications, their administration can damage the body's immunity in general. That's what it's worth remembering.

Important!Despite the abundance of funds for the removal of pain and inflammation, it is not necessary to delay with medical help. Over time, periostitis only intensifies.

Consequences and prevention of the disease

If the time does not begin to cure the flux, then phlegmon can appear - a diffuse purulent inflammation, which is dangerous for the patient's life. It is much easier to eliminate a small focus of infection than to restore a large area.

Folk and home remedies can not cure the disease itself. But they are effective for the removal of unpleasant symptoms, help to endure to the dentist, if you get to it immediately, as the tooth is inflamed, it is not possible.

Often, the human fear of doctors is much stronger than the fear of serious inflammation and the possibility of losing a couple of teeth or suffer much more seriously. Periostitis is a really dangerous disease, it is not worth hoping for the usual rinsing and taking painkillers.

The appearance of the flux and so says that the usual tooth decay was launched to an incredible degree, and further postpone urgent treatment is simply impossible.

To never fall into this situation, you must comply with all the rules of prevention. A timely visit to the dentist at least twice a year, careful oral hygiene, intake of calcium-containing products, a large amount of healthy food like fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet - all this will help to avoid such troubles like periostitis.

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