Burdock is famous for its unusual spiny fruit, which clings to clothes and causes a lot of problems.
This plant is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other substances useful to the human body.
Burdock is used in official and folk medicine for the preparation of medicines that can cure serious diseases, including diabetes and oncology.
- General information
- Chemical composition
- Healing properties
- Dosage forms
- Contraindications
- Cooking recipes
- Conclusion
General information
This is a herbaceous two-year-old plant from the family of Compositae.
Agrimony is unpretentious with respect to soils and natural conditions, therefore it is widespread everywhere.
The plant has a straight, thick stalk with villi, reaching a height of up to 1.5 m.
The leaves are broad and spreading:
- from above are green, from below grayish pale.
In the first year of life a straight rod-like root is formed, and in the second year - the stem itself.
Flowering occurs from June to August-September, depending on climatic conditions.
Fruits are spherical, covered with tenacious villi, due to which, the plant is transferred and sown at great distances.
After the "harvest" the burdock dies.
Chemical composition
The value represents, first of all, a powerful root in which the main useful substances are concentrated, but the leaves and fruits are also used for the preparation of medicines.
And what do you know about the symptoms and treatment of folic acid from thyroid goiter? Read about the disease in a useful article.
On the medicinal properties and contraindications of tincture of peppermint read on this page.
Specifically, the chemical composition determines the useful qualities of the plant. The burdock contains:
- inulin( the main element that regulates the course of metabolic processes);
- bardan oil( improves the ability of the skin, antiseptic and antiseboric remedy);
- tannins( improve the function of the stomach, liver);
- vitamins A, B, C, P, E;
- salicylic and stearic acid;
- stigmasterone and sitosterone;
- palmitic acid;
- proteins;
- essential oils;
- minerals( iron, zinc, manganese, copper, tin, boron, strontium.)
Healing properties
All the parts of the plant possess different healing properties:
- root,
- leaves,
- stem,
- flowers and fruits.
Found that cookedon their basis, medications are used to treat and prevent the following diseases:
- GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT( gastritis, ulcer, duodenal disease, pancreatitis),
- of the liver and gallbladder( dyskinesia( about treatment with folk remedies here), cholecystitis, gepatit, fermentation disorder)
- of the genitourinary system
- rickets in children
- metabolism
- gout
- migraines and headaches
- treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus( the benefits of flax seeds are written in this article)
- detoxification and antipyretic drugsinfectious diseases and fever;
- treatment of hemorrhoids;
- preventive maintenance of oncological diseases( about application of a root of a burdock read on this page);
- poisoning with toxins and the effects of alcohol poisoning( how activated charcoal is written here);
- joint disease( arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis and others);
- strengthening of skin and hair.
Dosage forms
Preparation of medicines based on burdock is available at home and does not present any difficulties.
Do you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications of cuff grass? Read the recommendations of traditional medicine by clicking on the link.
About the benefits and harm of green tea for weight loss is written here.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ zelyonyj-luk.html written for the use of green onions for health.
The most widespread are:
- decoctions,
- infusions,
- ointments,
- juice and burdock oil.
Most often, they are used to relieve pain, to heal wounds and to remove foci of inflammation.
Leaves: are used entirely and in the cut form.
Treat external inflammation and disinfect wounds.
Juice has:
- choleretic( how to make blind tumescent read in this material),
- antibacterial,
- diuretic,
- antiseptic and antidiabetic effect.
Improves bowel and liver function, regulates metabolism, normalizes blood composition.
Used for treating wounds with burns and cuts. Strengthens hair and skin when rubbing. Prepare the juice by squeezing out the fresh leaves passed through the meat grinder.
Prepare from the leaves, seeds and roots of the plant.
The raw material is poured with vodka or alcohol and insists in a cool place without access to direct sun rays and a temperature of about 18-20 ° C.
The solution is then filtered, removing insoluble particles.
Duration of infusion by the principle:
- the longer, the higher the efficiency.
Used for indoor and outdoor use.
There are several cooking options, but the principle is the same:
- any parts are poured with water and boiled over low heat.
After filter and wait for the cooling.
Is taken internally with:
- diabetes mellitus,
- rickets,
- kidney diseases( can one take leaves of cranberries during pregnancy) and liver,
- bladder disorders and for the prevention of cancer.
Compresses, baths and lotions - are used to treat skin ailments and joint diseases.
Finely chopped plant parts are mixed with sunflower oil or fat.
Dried for a long time or evaporated on low heat.
For external use only with burns, cuts, small wounds, hemorrhoids, skin diseases.
In cosmetology, rub in the hair before the washing procedure, to strengthen the roots and eliminate brittleness.
In general, beneficially affects the condition of any treated body part.
Burdock oil.
There is still no specific information about the creator of this miracle drug, it has been known for centuries.
Oil is prepared from roots and has the maximum amount of nutrients, superior to other agents based on burdock.
In the times of the USSR, root-based oil was officially recognized as the only means for treating skin and head skin disorders.
It strengthens hair( use and harm of caraway oil), eliminates dandruff, accelerates growth, relieves itching and dryness, restores the structure of the hair and slows hair loss.
Women used this remedy for reconstitution after dyeing and waving. It can be used for the face and other parts of the body.
The skin rejuvenates and acquires a healthy appearance, wrinkles are smoothed.
In medicine, oil was used to accelerate the healing process of wounds.
For preparation, the collected roots are washed and rubbed on a kitchen grater.
Then pour in sunflower oil and insist in a dark place throughout the day.
After this, cook on low heat for 15 minutes, filter and place in a glass storage container.
Rub the product into the hair and scalp, slowly, massaging. Then wrapped with a towel or with polyethylene for 1 hour, and then washed off.
In oil contains a complex of substances necessary for the health of hair and skin: chlorophyll, phytosterone, carotenoids, vitamin K and others.
Additionally, bee propolis is added( reviews on application with milk), enhancing effect.
There are no contraindications to use, even to pregnant and lactating mothers. There are cases of individual intolerance of the components of the drugs.
However, it is necessary to take into account the possible consequences of excessive use, as active substances, with their excess, overload the excretory system and provoke a disorganization of the body, everything should be in moderation.
Recipes for cooking
There are a lot of recipes and all of them can not be listed.
Select the main most popular and tested.
- Juice from leaves of .
150-250 g of green fresh leaves are passed through a meat grinder and spread on gauze, and then squeezed.
Take a few minutes before eating one tablespoon, three times a day for a week.
Then skip a week and repeat the course again.
Treats liver problems. - Juice from roots and honey .
It will take 150-250 g of roots and 50-60 g of honey.
Roots are ground on a blender or meat grinder and squeeze the juice with gauze.
Mix the juice with honey and put in a dark place for a month.
After this, the product is filtered through gauze and take on a tablespoon three times daily before meals for a week.
Used to treat the liver and intestinal diseases. - Seed infusion .
It will take 50 grams of seeds( spines) and 500 ml of water.
Seeds are placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water.
Insist for 1 day, and then filter.
Take 100 ml after meals 3-4 times a day.
The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
Accepted for diseases of the stomach and intestines( damage to the colonic mucosa, colitis, gastritis, etc.). -
Decoction of the roots .
A tablespoon of finely chopped roots is poured with 500 ml of boiled water and boiled for 12-15 minutes.
After filter and take in a cold form on a tablespoon before meals for the treatment and prevention of stomach diseases.
Is a laxative and antipyretic agent. - Spirituous infusion of seeds .
100 g "thorns" pour 500 ml of 70% alcohol.
The container is uncorked and placed in a dark place for 3-4 weeks.
After that, filter and take one teaspoon before meals three times a day.
It is used for intestinal peristalsis. The course of treatment is 1 month. - Ointment from leaves and roots for the treatment of burns .
You will need: 5-6 leaves, 2-3 tablespoons finely chopped roots, 50-60 g of butter, 500 ml of water.
All ingredients( except butter) are mixed and poured with water.
Cook for 10 minutes after boiling.
Then the liquid is drained, filtering through gauze.
The remaining mass is mixed with oil and ground.
The product helps with burns.
Apply to damaged areas for 30 minutes 7-8 times a day.
Eliminates pain and promotes the healing process. - Soup .
You will need:- 300 grams of leaves, 80 g of onions( onion), 200 g of potato tubers, 40 grams of rice, 40 grams of fat, salt and spices to taste.
Firstly, rice and potatoes are cooked, for 10-15 minutes before cooking put the chopped onions and leaves of thistle.
Useful and nutritious dish. Improves digestion and appetite.
- 300 grams of leaves, 80 g of onions( onion), 200 g of potato tubers, 40 grams of rice, 40 grams of fat, salt and spices to taste.
Burdock is an amazing and useful plant recognized as official and popular medicine.
It contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals important for the human body.
Watch a video about folk recipes and medicinal properties of burdock.