Pneumonia without symptoms and signs in children: without fever and cough, how to recognize

Recently, atypical - asymptomatic course of pneumonia, occurs more often. And although in most cases an atypical form of pneumonia is diagnosed in adults between the ages of 22 and 40 and in old age, nevertheless, children are also susceptible to the disease due to some of the reasons that we will consider in this publication.

Pneumonia without symptoms and characteristic signs of pneumonia in children is less common because of the characteristics of the immune status, the physiological characteristics of the respiratory system and much more.

But adults can be asymptomatic, without cough and temperature, may suffer from pneumonia due to unsanitary living conditions, alcohol abuse, uncontrolled treatment with antibacterial agents. By the way, the last fact brings in the sad statistics of the last 10 years. After all, antibiotics can be bought freely in a pharmacy and applied them in any cases, when in principle it would be possible to do without them. Microbes get used to medicines and adapt, forming stable strains of pathogenic microflora.

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Remember that acute respiratory-viral diseases are useless to treat with antibiotics! Antibacterial agents can not suppress microbial flora - bacteria! We need antiviral drugs! Better use them, the harm will be much less!

Do not suppress, but develop your natural immune defenses!

Always seek medical help if you have a cough, dyspnea, general weakness. Only in this way can complications and death from the latent form of pneumonia be avoided.

It is possible to prevent lethality with the latent form of pneumonia only in this way.


Why there is pneumonia without symptoms in a child: without cough and temperature, the causes of

It is well known that sometimes children get pneumonia( pneumonia) in an acute form without any special symptoms and symptoms. In general, no one is immune to this form of pathology, regardless of age and social status.

Recently, the rate for the production of new synthetic antibiotics and their active use for any "sneeze" has led to the fact that known pathogens of pneumonia constantly mutate, producing their own antidotes from medications.

In the final analysis, some factors can be identified:

  1. a change in the structure of the immune response to the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms;
  2. adaptation of pathogens to known forms of antibiotics;
  3. psychological control of the symptoms of the disease;
  4. decreased overall adaptive ability against a background of chronic fatigue;
  5. respiratory insufficiency and abnormal development of pulmonary tissue;
  6. alcoholism and tobacco smoking in parents and adolescents.

Remember: an increase in body temperature and a cough reflex are manifestations of the active work of the immune system. By increasing the temperature of the body, the body struggles with the pathogenic microbial flora and viruses, and coughing the body, throws all the unnecessary from the lungs, cleanses the bronchi and lung tissue.

Under the influence of antibacterial drugs, the immune response of the body changes( it has no experience of fighting this type of mycobacteria), at the same time, they produce more stable forms of bacteria that do not give a typical clinical picture of classical inflammation of the lungs.

Therefore, asymptomatic pneumonia without cough and temperature is determined by the characteristic pathological changes on radiographic images, in bacterial analysis and the study of the vital volume of the lungs.

Pneumonia without symptoms: no cough and fever, what are the signs?

Forms of pneumonia without symptoms can manifest as a complex of toxic manifestations with muscle weakness, autonomic disorders, external skin rash and with a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood( hypoxemia).

Asymptomatic pneumonia without coughing often occurs at the initial stage, in the resolution phase the cough reflex nevertheless appears. Quite without cough syndrome, this disease is extremely rare and is quite dangerous in terms of the formation of a pulmonary abscess.

Pneumonia without temperature is a common phenomenon against a background of decreased immunity. The body itself does not fight the pathogen. The cough reflex can have a reflex character as a result of irritation of the pleura with an inflammatory focus.

Suppressing cough reflex with antitussive drugs - containing codeine - is dangerous for health. Do not do this without the recommendation of the attending physician, because the absence of the possibility of sputum evasion creates the conditions for secondary attachment of pathogenic microflora and worsening of the state of the sick organism.

On the background of treatment of acute bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs without temperature and cough often develops. Constantly ingested anti-inflammatory drugs and antitussive drugs suppress the protective natural functions of the body. Therefore, the clinical picture of the disease becomes not characteristic and makes the diagnosis more timely and appropriate.

Keep in mind that when a cough and general weakness after a cold is stored for 15 or more days, contact a doctor immediately.

How to recognize pneumonia without symptoms?

The concept of atypical asymptomatic pneumonia is purely conditional! Symptoms of pneumonia all the same are, but uncharacteristic for one pneumonia, so to speak - not specific!

Pay attention to the general condition of the patient - a child or an adult, his vitality and complaints. Among the typical signs, the following symptoms can be alarming:

  1. is an uncharacteristic coloring of the skin of the face, neck and chest( pallor, cyanotic shade appears, sometimes a feverish bright color may appear on the cheeks);
  2. lack of adaptability of the organism to any load - even insignificant physical labor causes a strong decline in strength;
  3. permanent weakness and drowsiness, after sleep there is no relief and there is no feeling of freshness;
  4. shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air during calm walking;
  5. increased heart rate to 80 - 90 beats per minute;
  6. periodic discomfort in the chest area at the site of the lesion.

On a visual examination, it is found that the chest does not move uniformly from different directions. The half in which the inflammatory process develops may be behind. May be observed intercostal spaces( mostly in individuals with asthenic lean physique).

In children, mobility, activity and curiosity can be deeply suppressed in cases of pneumonia without fever and cough. The constant drowsy condition of the baby should alert parents and force them to seek medical help.

To specify the diagnosis, a number of laboratory examinations are prescribed.

A detailed general blood test is scheduled, showing an increase in the number of white blood cells and the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation.

Fluorography or an overview of the lungs in several projections is also prescribed.

It is important to conduct a bacteriological analysis of expectorated sputum, if there is no cough, mucus from the throat and pharyngeal membranes is taken. Thus, it is possible to identify a potential pathogen and test its sensitivity to antibacterial agents.

In difficult cases, a bronchoscopy is performed with the fence of the material of the lung tissue.

Treatment: methods of therapy according to modern standards

Pneumonia without symptoms, without cough and temperature, is found mainly in persons with weakened immune system. Therefore, the methods of therapy necessarily include the use of arsenal of immune-stimulating agents. It can be special preparations, "Immunal", "Amiksin", "Tincture of Echinacea" and others.

Vitaminotherapy is also used in combination with microelements( zinc, selenium, iodine).In accordance with modern standards, antibiotics are prescribed from the first day of pathology diagnostics. These are preparations of a wide spectrum of action: "Amoxicillin", "Sumamed", "Ciprofloxacin", "Ampioks" and others. As the sensitivity of the pathogenic microbial flora is clarified to antibiotics, antibiotic therapy is adjusted.

The use of bronchodilator and mucolytic agents to ensure the timely withdrawal of sputum is shown. The remaining methods of therapy are symptomatic.

Remember, do not talk about treating pneumonia at home! She is treated in a hospital of a therapeutic or pulmonological profile!

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Source of publication: editorial of the article by the author of the therapist Nechaeva GI from the site http: // pnevmoniya-bez-simptomov /

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