Alcoholism in questions and answers


What is alcohol?

"Alcohol" is translated from Latin as "alcohol".Although, it should be clarified that alcohol can be of different types: methyl, ethyl isopropyl and the like. But, under the concept of "alcohol", in the literature on alcoholism and on the pages of this site, it means ethanol, or - ethyl alcohol. It is his excessive consumption that is the reason for the development of alcoholism. All sold alcoholic beverages, pharmacy medicinal tinctures contain ethanol in one or another percentage.

The essence of alcoholism

Alcoholism is an abnormal attraction to alcohol. The essence of alcoholism is this. No matter what we say, the painful manifestations of alcoholism, they all rely on the addiction to alcohol that has arisen in the course of abusing it.

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The central problem of an alcoholic is that he can not live normally and honor himself without alcohol. His psychology and motivational sphere radically changes for the worse for the alcoholic and his relatives.

What is household drunkenness?

Domestic drunkenness is a product of social traditions, consisting in drinking alcoholic beverages for some reason. This is a tribute to traditions. As the phrase "In Russia all the fun in drinking is."People in one way or another formed an unhealthy and harmful habit of any feast to spend with drinking alcohol. Domestic drunkenness also engenders alcoholism in some people who drink alcohol.

ICD - 10 - alcoholism?

In the medical classification of diseases of the tenth revision, alcoholism is not singled out as a separate group. Alcohol is equated to psychotropic psychoactive substances. To such as codeine, nicotine, morphine and so on. Alcoholism, in ICD-10, is called alcohol abuse, which harms human health and causes self-destructive behavior. The duration of alcohol abuse should be at least 30 days or a second occurrence of abuse for at least 12 months.

The term alcoholism

The term is used to refer to the fact of a disease characterized by a painful predilection for alcohol containing beverages. The definition is used in narcology, psychiatry and in general in medical practice, as well as for writing scientific articles and books.

What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism consider the fact of illness in a particular individual. Excessive and constant ingestion of alcohol can not be considered normal. Drinking individuals have a deviant behavior, an adequate reflection in their own mind of their own direction of thinking, true motivation, actions is violated.

Theory of alcoholism

Any theory is designed to find and justify the causes of the occurrence of a particular phenomenon. The theory of alcoholism is not an exception. Many scientists put forth various versions of the causes of alcoholism, the internal physiological processes occurring under it. All this is aimed at objectifying the problem of alcoholism and finding ways to treat it and overcome it, as well as prevention. In my opinion, every argument must be taken into account, since this problem is acute.

Predisposition to alcoholism

At the present time, some factors have been found - external and internal, to an increased likelihood of the development of ethanol dependence in any individual. External unfavorable conditions for the formation of alcoholism:

  1. disadvantaged social environment in which a person is brought up;
  2. availability of alcohol;
  3. increased stress;
  4. alcohol advertising and so on.

Internal vulnerability factors for alcoholic illness:

  1. age;
  2. floor;
  3. physical state of health;
  4. suggestibility;
  5. state of mind;
  6. is a loss of value in life;
  7. infantile;
  8. psycho-emotional stability and so on.

The pathogenesis of alcoholism

Until now, no one can unequivocally answer about the nature of the emergence of the addiction syndrome. Of the existing theories of pathogenesis, the concept of alcoholism can not be fully explained by any one.

Our body itself produces psychoactive substances - according to the type of opium. There are even techniques for increasing their number in order to improve well-being, mood, vitality. Even ordinary intense exercise for 10 to 15 minutes, followed by relaxation, leads to an increase in the number of natural endorphins.

When using alcohol stimulates the pleasure center, the development of its bioactive substances is suppressed, because - substances come from outside, even artificial - the body does not break its head about this. Gradually, the mechanism of producing natural hormones is atrophied. There comes a dependence on alcohol.

Thus, the regular use of a substance that activates the psyche, of any chemical structure and origin, leads to the fact that this substance becomes a habitual component of the metabolism.

Theory of the pathogenesis of alcoholism by Anokhin IP

The appearance of alcohol in the blood begins to intensively produce noradrenaline. So accumulates norepinephrine and its derivatives in the hypothalamus. Alcohol stops flowing into the blood, and norepinephrine is redundant, and can not leave the body. Appear symptoms of withdrawal syndrome.

Physiology of alcoholism

Small doses of alcohol are toned up to a certain point, excitation goes into hyperactivity. With the continuation of alcohol intake, the processes of nervous and motor excitement begin to change to the opposite - inhibition. So to say the sedative effect. Movement drunk man clumsy, speech inarticulate, when taking a comfortable pose, he easily falls asleep.

How does alcoholism begin?

It begins with socio-psychological programming from childhood. Which is carried out through the surrounding social environment through "cultural" traditions to celebrate "special" dates: birthdays, weddings, holidays, sad dates and stuff with alcoholic beverages.

The child, especially in adolescence, seeks to look like adults. One of the means of this "similarity" is the use of alcohol. So in the perception of a person himself looks like an adult among his peers - "on a par with adults."And then, the rest passes like a rolled road. A psychological dependence on alcohol is formed, and then a physiological one.

How to avoid alcoholism?

Promoting a positive alternative to sobriety in return for a way of life in which there is alcohol, will initially cut off the evil roots. But for this it is necessary to radically rebuild the world, drink traditions to exclude. While this is unrealistic. Then conduct primary prevention of alcoholism in kindergartens, schools, technical schools, universities.

The main emphasis should be made on cultivating a positive image, which a person unconsciously begins to copy. The image of a strong self, sober, beautiful, all-conquering. A positive hero in films, on the stage must attract his righteous way of life without bad habits.

"With whom you lead. .." - the drinking environment has a huge impact on each individual member. A drinker who wants to get involved with this needs to change the situation, the environment, and break the connection with the past.

Any of us need to define our mission, to reveal our dormant talents, abilities. You need to find a genius in yourself. In any person, everything is represented and given by Nature to achieve success.

Make a discovery: a life without alcohol is surprisingly interesting, joyful, promising. Find yourself!