Effective treatment of corn in the home

Those who have calluses on their feet, not by hearsay, know how much trouble they can deliver. Thus the person feels constant pains and discomfort at walking.

But if on the fingers or toes of the feet, the corn corns are formed, then this is an even bigger problem and getting rid of it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

With its appearance, the core corn resembles its usual "fellow".But, if you look closely at it, you can see some difference, namely - a very deep root, which is also called the core.

Corn is a small, coarse, thickening of the skin, usually round in shape, which slightly rises above the surface of the skin.

Why is this rather strange education going on? Doctors unanimously assert that this is primarily associated with a dermatotropic virus, which somehow penetrates the skin on the soles of the feet. The cause may be a foreign object.

As a response to the above stimuli, the process of rapid cell division takes place, in the area that was affected. Just do not discount the fact that corns have a viral or fungal origin.

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In the end, you can see the neoplasm in the form of a thick layer of keratinized tissues. The upper thickening of the callus is similar to the "cap", but inside there is a rod that goes deep into the lower layers of the skin by its root. Corn may appear alone, but it is possible that several corns can appear at once.

If you are not a professional guitarist or weightlifter, then unnecessary "armor" in the form of core calluses on your hands you certainly do not need.

It may seem strange to you, but in rare cases, calluses may even be useful in some way, that is, play a certain protective function.

This applies to weightlifters. At them hands are subject to constant friction, and callouses in this case are some barrier for the prevention of more serious damages.

This case, of course, is, most likely, an exception to the general rules. Because the rest of the townsfolk are unlikely to be very happy about the appearance of cores in their corners.

Article content:
  • Reason for
  • General recommendations
  • How to remove core corn folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention measures

The cause of

Corns with the stem can appear not only in an adult, this pathology often occurs in children. In most cases, they appear on the big toe or sole, less often on the heel, on the little finger or on the interphalangeal joints from the outside. The appearance of them on the palms is also possible.

  • The reason for this can be the frequent use of hand tools or sporting equipment.
  • Very often this kind of calluses is formed in women who prefer high-heeled walking. If you are a fan of narrow shoes, or shoes that do not fit you in size - do not be surprised if you find yourself in the core calluses. When wearing uncomfortable shoes, the pressure on the front of the foot is much increased, and this contributes to the formation of calluses.
  • Sometimes a growing corn may appear as a consequence of a normal blister.
  • Damage of a mechanical type, such as: splinters, shallow cuts, minor injuries that result in an infection or small foreign body under the skin.
  • The herpes virus can lead to the development of core corn.
  • To grow into a core can be a common corn. In the presence of a mechanical stimulus, it is able to launch its roots deeply into the skin.
  • On the foot, the corn callus can be formed if the person walks barefoot for a long time on a terrain contaminated by microbes and even if the gait is incorrect.

At the initial stage of the formation of the corn callus, a person is usually worried about constant itching and discomfort. At the second stage, it becomes difficult to move, the gait changes due to the inconvenience of wearing shoes.

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General recommendations of

It is worthwhile to know that it is much easier to get core corn than to get rid of it. The removal process can not consist solely in cutting off the upper bonnet head. This will not give the desired result. If you approach the problem correctly, then you can still cope with it.

At home, you can try to get rid of the boring problem with soda tubs .The duration of the procedure should be at least 30 - 40 minutes. A longer time to keep your feet in a soda bath is not recommended. Do not use a pumice stone for grinding the feet.

If the procedure is done every day for 8 to 10 days, the pathological neoplasm can fall out on its own. But, this will happen only if the root of the callus is not deep. Otherwise, you can not do without the help of a specialist who will pick up an effective method of removing the corn callus.

The most effective way to remove corns is special medical procedures. If the new growth is not large, and the root has not yet had time to grow deeply, then they get rid of it by drilling. What is the procedure? The doctor takes the cutters of a suitable diameter and drills the corn, without damaging the healthy tissues.

Treatment of corns with a stem can be done with the help of specially designed patches, ointments or gels, which include salicylic acid .This ingredient is able to dissolve rough skin.

Before applying a patch on the callus, the skin should be clean and thoroughly steamed. The plaster should not be removed for 2 - 3 days. It is unacceptable to get it to the areas of healthy skin.

An optimal treatment for corns on the foot is treated with a laser. In this case, the probability of relapse is reduced to a minimum.

If treatment is otherwise expected, care should be taken to ensure that the affected area is treated with the utmost care. This is necessary in order to avoid infection.

After removal of calluses by surgical procedure, it is necessary to try to limit the load on the area that was affected. Also after the procedure, it is necessary to treat the surface with antiseptic agents until complete recovery.

How to remove corn folk remedies?

So, how to get rid of core corns:

  • You can try to get rid of the corn call using aloe leaf .To do this, you need to wash the sheet, cut it in half and put the flesh on the corn for the whole night. In the morning, the natoptysh must soften and then it will be possible to remove it from the root.
  • Cleaner .For the treatment of calluses use the juice of this plant. This method will help only if the root does not have time to delve deeply into the layers of the skin. Before applying celandine juice to the affected area, you need to protect the healthy skin around the callus.
  • If the root of the corn is shallow, will help juice or a slurry of garlic or onion .Before applying the medicine, the callus should be well roasted. Then fix the dressing with a fixative bandage. There are enough 10 - 15 procedures for the corn to fall off together with the root.
  • It is possible to remove the cores, , by steaming the legs in a weak solution of limestone , for 10 to 12 days.
  • If you become the owner of core corn, you can try to get rid of it using lotion from prune .First of all, you need to get a bone out of it and steam it out in hot milk. While it is not cold, it is applied to the steamed corn, as soon as the prunes cool, it is changed to warm. Thus, the procedure is repeated for 40 to 50 minutes.
  • Compress of honey ( 1 teaspoon), tea tree oil( 10 - 15 drops) and grated radish( 1 teaspoon).All the ingredients are mixed and applied to the affected area. Healthy skin, around the corn, cover with an applicator. From above we put a warm, warming bandage. In the morning remove the bandage and clean the corn. The procedure is repeated several times until the corn disappears completely.
  • Onion husks .We prepare a compress from dry onion husks and table vinegar. The mixture should be infused for at least 2 weeks. Then on the steamed corn, greased with petroleum jelly or softening cream, apply a remedy and leave it for the whole night. So repeat until the calluses are gone with the root.

What is not recommended?

In no case should mechanical interference without complete softening of the callus.

If the natoptysh is very deep, the callus should not be removed at home, the root may partially remain and the corn soon reappear in the same place.

The corn stem can not be removed with pumice stone.

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Prevention measures

  • If you notice that you often have corns, it may be necessary to seek advice from an orthopedist in order tohe ruled out orthopedic problems. Sometimes it happens that special insoles will help to get rid of the problem with calluses.
  • The main measure for the prevention of coronary callosities is compliance with personal hygiene measures.
  • Shoes and socks should always be clean and dry.
  • In public baths and saunas you can not walk barefoot, you should only visit such public places in rubber shoes.
  • You can not wear or even measure someone else's shoes.
  • Do not wear a long time close shoes and shoes with high heels.
  • Regularly remove layers of skin that have become cornified.
  • In the summer wear light, breathable sandals.
  • Keep your feet dry. Periodically moisturize it with softening creams.
  • In your diet include a large number of foods rich in vitamin A.

Do not forget that any disease is easier to prevent than treat. This also applies to corns.

Treatment of calluses always bring to an end.

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