Autism: the types, causes, signs, symptoms and treatment of childhood and adult autism


What is it, the main symptoms of Autism

- is a type of congenital disorders in the main manifestations of which laid the difficulties the child in his attempts to communicate with others. The symptoms of autism are also expressed in the inability to express their own emotions and in the inability to understand them in relation to other people, which is accompanied by difficulties in speaking and, in some cases, a decrease in intellectual abilities.

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A characteristic disorder for this disease occurs due to the inability of well-coordinated work of various parts of the brain. Most people who are diagnosed with autism will always have problems related to the organization of adequate relationships with surrounding people.

However, the diagnosis of autism within the early stage of its manifestation in the patient, as well as subsequent treatment allows more and more people to gradually realize their own potential. See the video at the beginning of the publication about what autism is.

Causes of

The disease tends to occur in a certain type of family, on the basis of which there is speculation about a possible inheritance of autism. At the moment, the issue of identifying specific genes responsible for the inheritance of this disease is being studied.

The society has the assumption that vaccination of children can lead to autism, in particular, it is used in vaccines against mumps, rubella and measles. However, there is no confirmation of this fact, which was checked in the framework of some studies. Moreover, it is extremely important that all the required types of vaccinations be made to the child.

How is it manifested?

Symptoms of this disease, as we have already noted, are manifested in children( this is a congenital disease) at the age of up to three years. As a rule, parents begin to notice that the child is somewhat behind in development, which is manifested in his inability to speak and behave the way it is typical for children at his age.

It is possible and a development option, in which the child still begins to speak at the age of his peers, but over time, the acquired skills are gradually lost.

The child lags behind in development, and often does not say anything at all, this may give the impression of his deafness. When checking the hearing, the absence of such a deviation is confirmed.

Also in the case of autism, the patient uses redundant repetition, concerning a certain model of behavior, games and interests. For example, it can be a repetition of the rocking of the body or an inexplicable attachment to some objects.

Special disorder causes the need to change the usual routine in this case.

Behavior of patients

It should be noted that "typical" behavior in patients with autism does not exist, and therefore the generalization and creation of a unified image of the patient for all cases is impossible. People with autism can behave differently, which determines the specific form of this disease in each of the cases. Also parents of patients with autism of children distinguish such a feature of them as avoidance of visual contact, as well as preferring games alone.

Intellectual development, which to a certain extent has been altered due to autism, for this reason, corresponds in most cases to indicators below the average.

Often, in adolescence, children become depressed by experiencing it, especially if their intelligence is defined as average or above average. Also, some children during this period face manifestations in the form of seizures, in particular, epileptic.

Recall that epilepsy is such a disorder in the work of the nervous system, in which there is an abnormal and extremely intense cerebral electrical activity, which leads to the very seizure. Epilepsy can develop as a result of brain damage, infections or tumors, however, for the most part, there are no reasons, as such. Often, patients with this condition "outgrow", after which the seizures no longer appear. In other cases, control over seizures is possible, which is done by using special medications. If drug treatment does not determine an effective outcome for the patient, then surgery can be applied already.

Prevalence of pathology

Returning to the question of who is more susceptible to autism, we note first of all statistics, which indicates that out of 1000 children per child this diagnosis is necessary, and this is a general figure, which unfortunately, can vary and within large limits.

Probable is that hereditary transmission of the disease occurs within specific families. In addition, if a married couple has one child suffering from the disease in question, then the second child is also likely to suffer from autism. If one parent is sick with this disease, the risk, accordingly, also increases.

Additionally, we note that the risk of developing autism is four times higher for boys than for girls.

It is well known that there is no connection of autism with a misunderstanding or with a bad relationship in the family, that is, neither the child's parents nor he himself is responsible for the onset of the disease. In addition to the lack of such a link and the connection with the vaccine, the connection with food is also refuted, therefore, an incorrect diet can not be the cause of the occurrence of autism.

It is assumed that the most likely are combined factors of influence, in which genetic factors and factors of unfavorable external influence are combined( infectious diseases in pregnancy, toxic effects in pregnancy, birth complications).

Autism is a type of psychological disorder of a general type, it is also defined as an autistic disorder. Symptoms that characterize autism can be confused with various types of existing psychological disorders, for example, there is often a coincidence of autism and Asperger syndrome. The diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome is made when there are common features with autism, but in the absence of generality with the criteria inherent in autism. In addition, other diseases can be similar to autism.

To date, as a result of ongoing research can be argued that the detection of autism occurs much more often than it was before. For example, before some children were diagnosed as "demented", now, in the case of actual deviations, the diagnosis is defined as "autism".

Autism: Symptoms and Signs

Given the difference in the manifestations of the disease in patients, each case of this disease is unique. Despite this, certain generalizing features still exist, due to what and we can assume the relevance of autism.

Depending on the age of the symptoms of this disease manifested in their own way, because it makes sense to stay at each age category separately. In particular, we consider early autism and its symptoms, childhood autism and its symptoms, as well as autism in adults whose symptoms are also characterized by their own characteristics. However, before this, consider the common signs of this disease, they manifest themselves in several main areas.

Social interaction, relationships

The symptoms of autism are as follows:

  1. Serious type of problems regarding non-verbal communication. For example, it can be related to the habit of looking into the eyes, taking a certain position of the body or facial expression.
  2. Lack of ability to develop friendly relations with peers. Lack of interest for sharing with other people their hobbies, pleasures or achievements. Lack of empathy. With autism it is difficult to understand what other people feel, whatever it is.

Communication: verbal and non-verbal

The symptoms of autism are reduced in this case to the following:

  1. A sick child learns to talk much later, or even does not acquire this skill. So, about 40% of autistic patients do not talk at all.
  2. It is difficult for a patient to start a conversation. With autism, it is also difficult to continue with the beginning already taken place.
  3. Speech is used stereotypically, with repetitions. People with autism often enough and repeat with a single phrase( which is defined as echolalia).
  4. Difficulties in understanding the interlocutors. For example, patients with autism may not understand that the person they are talking with uses humor in their conversation.

Limited interests in games and in general in the activities of

In this regard, the symptoms of autism are manifested in the following:

  1. At times, a strange concentration of the patient on individual details. For example, small children with autism often focus their attention on the details of the toy, not on it completely( for example, they are not interested in the machine itself, but only in its wheels).
  2. Passion in certain topics. For example, adults( like, in fact, older children) can be addicted to video games, license plate numbers or card games.
  3. Stereotype thinking. For example, clapping, rocking the body.
  4. An urgent need for a certain mode and a monotonous activity. For example, in autism, a child can eat bread only before eating a salad and not vice versa. Also, for example, he can insist that the walk entail following only a strictly fixed route.

Most people with autism have symptoms that are similar to attention deficit combined with hyperactivity. In addition, about 10% of autistic people have some gift, as well as abilities in certain areas. As the latter can act, for example, the ability to draw, memorize lists, it can also be musical abilities.

Often, patients with autism also have an unusual sensory perception. For example, a light touch for them can be painful, while a strong squeeze is soothing. In some cases, pain is not felt at all. It is not excluded the presence of unusual hobbies, special preferences( including in food).

About 70% of autistic people also have problems with sleep.

Pediatric autism: symptoms before the age of 2

In most cases, the manifestations of the disease are observed in children during the first year of their life. There may be characteristic differences in the behavior of a sick child from the behavior of peers. The following symptoms are also noted:

No. Manifestations of autism in children under the age of two years
1 A child with autism does not look at the face of the parents, in their eyes;
2 There is no attachment to the mother. So, the child does not cry like other children, when she goes somewhere, he does not smile at her and does not reach for the pens;
3 The child seldom smiles;
4 There is a delay in the development of speech. So, by 12 months the child does not walk, does not use simple words to the age of 16 months, to the age of 24 months does not reproduce simple phrases;
5 The aggressiveness of the child with regard to other children is noted, he does not seek to communicate with them and to common games;
6 A sick child prefers playing only one toy( or a separate part of it), there is no interest in other toys;
7 There may be inadequate response of a child to irritants, for others minor( light, muffled sounds, etc.), in addition he may be afraid because of them.

Meanwhile, it is important to note that such symptoms are not at all exceptional indicators of the relevance of autism, although they require some concern. Therefore, the child's avoidance of society, his silence, immersion in himself - all these manifestations must be discussed with the pediatrician.

Symptoms of child autism at the age of 2 to 11 years

Children with autism at this age are also experiencing the actual for the previous period of symptoms. The child does not respond to his own name, does not look into the eyes, likes to be alone, there is no interest in other children.

Other characteristic symptoms of the disease are also noted:

No. Additional manifestations of autism in the child
1 The child knows only a few words, can not talk at all.
2 Probably constant repetition of the same word by the child, he does not support the conversation.
3 Perhaps, again, the repetition of the same type of actions( peculiar rituals), with a change in the familiar environment for himself, there is great concern.
4 Basically, most children with autism with great effort acquire skills, for them new, at school age they do not have the ability to read or write.
5 Some children develop interest in a certain type of activity, for example, to mathematics, to music, to drawing.

Autism after 11 years of age: symptoms

By the age of 11-12 years, children with autism tend to learn the basic skills needed to communicate with others around them, however, in this case, loneliness is the most preferable for them, there is no need for communication.

During sexual development, a child is more difficult than other teenagers. There is the possibility of aggression arising in relation to the environment, there are often depressions, anxiety disorders, epileptic seizures.

Autism in adults

In adults, signs of autism manifest themselves depending on how severe the disease generally is.

Among the main symptoms can be identified:

No. Manifestations of adult autistics
1 Lack of gesture, mimicry.
2 Lack of understanding of the basic rules accepted in communication. An autist can look too closely into his eyes or, conversely, avoid eye contact with an interlocutor. He may be too close to, or, conversely, excessively distanced, too quiet to talk or, conversely, do it too loudly.
3 Lack of autistic awareness of the characteristics of their behavior( that it can cause harm or hurt it).
4 Lack of understanding of emotions, feelings, intentions of other people.
5 The ability to build a friendly or romantic relationship is almost impossible.
6 Difficulties in referring to someone( first).
7 Vulnerability of vocabulary, frequent repetition of the same phrases, words.
8 The lack of intonation in speech, the similarity of the speech characteristics of an autist with the speech of a robot.
9 Calm and confidence in the familiar and routine environment, excessive experience due to changes in it and in life in general.
10 The presence of serious affection for certain objects, habits, places. Great fright at changes.

The course of autism in mild form indicates the possibility of a person at 20-25 years of age to live separately from parents, in a certain independence. In particular, such an opportunity is opened in the case of sufficient development of the autistic mental abilities and formed skills of communication with the environment. Partial independence is noted in every third case.

The more severe course of the disease requires constant supervision of patient autism with others, especially if it does not know how to speak and its intelligence is defined below the average.

How to diagnose the pathology of

Presence of an alarming symptomatology requires an appeal to the attending physician, after which, as a rule, a medical commission is collected.

It includes the attending physician, psychologist / psychiatrist, neurologist, as well as other specialists. In addition, the commission may include parents, educators or teachers of the child - the information on their part allows you to more accurately determine the state of the child based on the availability of different points of observation of the listed individuals.

Diagnosis of autism determines the need to identify important features that distinguish this disease from diseases such as cerebral palsy and genetic diseases, accompanied with mental retardation and other pathological conditions.

Autism: treatment

There are no methods of treatment of this disease, therefore it is impossible to say anything about the full recovery of a child or an adult. Meanwhile, there are a number of techniques with whose help people with autism can not only live independently, but also communicate with their surroundings.

It is noteworthy that the earlier parents were able to identify autism in a child, and the earlier, respectively, treatment began with existing techniques, the better for him the subsequent prognosis, the higher his chances for a full life in society.

It is noteworthy that some parents of patients with autism in children adhere to the idea that a diet with autism can favorably affect the main symptoms of autism. The basis for this is the assumption that the intestines of patients with autism are not able to assimilate proteins such as gluten and casein. As a result, with the exclusion of products with these proteins, the child is alleged to be cured of autism. Scientists denied this idea, pointing to the normal digestion of patients with autism, on the basis of which a gluten-free diet will not give such children anything, respectively, without leading to either an improvement in the condition or a cure.

It should be borne in mind that often in childhood, there is remission of the disease, due to which the withdrawal of autism as a diagnosis with the attribution of it to autism spectrum disorders. Often this happens, again, with the use of intensive therapy.

In general, at the moment, it is not possible to specify exact figures in the definition of recovery. Unselected samples of information on children with cure for this disorder have indicators on this score within 3-25%.In case of symptoms similar to those of autism, it is necessary to consult a district pediatrician.

Autism - Dr. Komarovsky's School - Inter-Video

Inter TV channel.

The problem of autism all over the world is becoming more and more relevant every year, but in our country for some reason persistently hushed up. By what signs and at what age can you diagnose autism in a child. To whom to address, and most importantly, how to behave to parents? Let's deal with Dr. Komarovsky.

Comments and comments from readers

Maria Ivanovna : "My daughter is an autistic, although the diagnosis has not been formally put officially - the doctor is right, the doctors said that she would outgrow and she simply had problems in neurology, she spoke badly, lallism. And that unsociable and there is a small gesture, isolation is from nervous overwork.

I was diagnosed only by the doctor of Kharkiv Central Hospital №5, then there was a children's department. Yes, yes, the truth, the saving of a child is the work of the mother. She herself noticed the deviations, she sounded the alarm, she read the literature herself, she was engaged in, she searched for a specialist for a year.

Now my daughter is 13 years old, her features are practically not shown in anything. Pleases the penchant for drawing from two years. Figures are mind-blowing, geometric and abstract, but the colors, the combination of everything - it really is a cosmos!

Over time, went to art school, many awards and letters. Moms and dads - autism can be defeated, the child can be withdrawn from his alien world into ours. Only patience is patience and patience again! Yes, I still need to buy my sedatives - otherwise my mother can turn herself into a neurotic woman in time. Good luck everyone! Let the children do not get sick!

Eugene : "I myself can not understand whether I am an autistic or I'm a closed creative person, but I did not undergo autism screening, my classmates believe that I am an autistic. But I want to tell you if you are an autistic never fall into despair and do not consider yourself unnecessary to be yourself and do not pay attention to anyone. Thank you for reading this. "

Olga : "Unfortunately, and our daughter noticed signs of autism in 2 years. We went to the psychiatrist, confirmed everything. And he said, running on the diet of BGBK and without glutamate sodium( contained in 95% of processed foods) + a lot to do at home and with specialists. Now she is 3.5.Practically does not differ from peers. Of course, there are problems with speech and a little bit of behavior. But we continue to work hard and hope to correct everything to school. "

Natalia : "Autism is not only a problem in communication. This is a complex problem. My son was diagnosed with Autism - here it's called Autism Spectrum Disorder. He is 3 years old. The diagnosis was set at 2.5 years. He slept very badly before 2 years, woke up in the middle of the night and screamed, wandered around the house, it was hard for him to fall asleep. They have problems with sleeping, eating, very picky, as Komarovsky said, they only eat one. My only eat crackers and breakfast cereals, nothing more does not just want to try, but even touch "

Dmitry :" Thank you very much for the transfer about autism. My inner personal pain of my mother, who has two girls with atypical autism, found moral support in the person of Dr. Komarovsky, and that's not enough. Thank you very much! "

Elena :" I looked with pleasure. The right thing says, especially about how in 2 years it's calmed that boys talk late start. But he did not say that the first diagnosis that the surrounding and even the doctors put to autistic children is "What an ill-bred kid".I now recommend that anyone who complains about ZRR should look at the child better. "

Publication source: http: // 168-autizm-simptomy

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