- When does the problem arise in everyday life?
- Major acute and chronic causes
- Inflammatory diseases
- The role of toxic agents
- What causes industrial poisoning?
- Other causes
- Related videos
Acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases have local and common manifestations. When the stomach is aching and the head is spinning, the condition should be alarming, since it can be a source of dangerous disorders.
Abdominal pain is a manifestation of spasmodic contraction or stretching of the muscular layer of hollow organs, an increase or edema of the liver parenchyma, spleen, kidneys, the presence of adhesions and a ligamentous apparatus.
But the accompanying dizziness indicates a complicated mechanism of damage: brain cells respond to the intake of toxic substances into the bloodstream, the fall of vascular tone and arterial pressure, and insufficient nutrition. Why this happens when digestion is disturbed, we will try to find out.
When does the problem arise in everyday life?
In everyday life, we have to perform many activities that are not associated with special coercion or the likelihood of the disease. However, they can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, nausea and dizziness. These signs are individual.
- on combination with the expression of emotions( joy, fear);
- increased physical activity;
- smoking and drinking alcohol;
- effect of prolonged sun exposure;
- motion sickness in vehicles, in an airplane;
- lack of glucose in the diet due to the use of special diets;
- allergic manifestations;
- the onset of menstruation in women( premenstrual syndrome).

To prevent motion sickness half an hour before take-off, it is necessary to take a prophylactic drug
Major acute and chronic causes
Dizziness and weakness can cause both acute and chronic forms of illness. In the case of acute diseases, the most common cause is a sudden severe pain( a shock condition) with a perforated ulcer of the stomach, an attack of appendicitis, pancreatitis, biliary and nephrolithiasis, gastrointestinal bleeding, infringement of the hernia.
Severe pain syndrome causes spasm of cerebral vessels, cells react to hypoxia( deficiency) of oxygen. Clinical manifestations are developing rapidly. First, a person complains of sudden, sometimes "dagger" pain:
- with a perforated ulcer in epigastrium;
- in pancreatitis shingles;
- in the case of renal colic - in the waist and lateral part of the abdomen;
- acute cholecystitis and cholelithiasis give pain in the hypochondrium to the right with irradiation in the scapula, collarbone.
In women, sudden pains are caused by hemorrhage in the ovaries, tearing and torsion of the cyst, an ectopic pregnancy with overgrowth and violation of the integrity of the fallopian tube. At the same time, the lower abdomen hurts and the head turns.
People react differently to pain: some have a high pain threshold and are able to endure for a long time, others develop a collapoid state until they lose consciousness. Patients pale, lips become cyanotic, a sticky cold sweat appears on the skin, blood pressure drops.
During an attack of appendicitis usually complain of nausea, there is vomiting. When bleeding from the stomach, there is an abundant admixture of blood in the vomit masses, diarrhea with the release of tarry black stool( melena) is possible. Sudden pain in the abdomen of a pregnant woman speaks of the beginning of rejection of the fetus, premature labor.

Dizziness and falling blood pressure caused by bleeding from the placenta, adversely affect the condition of the mother and child's body
Prolonged course of the disease is accompanied by exacerbations. The defeat of the digestive system causes a failure of assimilation, absorption of necessary substances, the synthesis of proteins and vitamins, energy production, and the removal of toxins. Therefore, in patients with chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, enterocolitis, Crohn's disease, every exacerbation is more and more difficult.
Dizziness is considered a sign of a brain nutritional disorder. Chronic failure of the liver and kidneys necessarily leads to the stage of encephalopathy. Patients become irritable, apathetic, lose memory, complain of appetite, headache, they are always nauseated.
Inflammatory diseases
Dizziness is promoted by intense inflammation in the digestive organs. Even without severe pain, it breaks the protection of its own tissues and "releases" pathological microorganisms into the bloodstream, leading to sepsis. Such a course is possible with appendicitis, pseudomembranous colitis, peritonitis, subhepatic and intrahepatic abscess, viral hepatitis and gastritis.
The patient's condition is all the more difficult the more germs get into the blood. Some pathogens are capable of producing their toxin, which has a local effect and poisons the brain( Klebsiella with pseudomembranous colitis).

When peritonitis, abscesses spread along the peritoneum
The patient's temperature rises sharply, chills appear, and consciousness becomes clouded. Cramps are possible. When the nerve endings are destroyed, the pain decreases, but this only indicates a transition to the gangrene stage. How pronounced inflammatory process doctors are judged by blood tests.
The role of toxic agents
Abdominal pain and dizziness cause:
- food poisoning by low-quality products;
- toxins and poisons that get into the diet( mushrooms, botulinum toxins);
- viruses.
Clinical manifestations begin several hours after the use of a dangerous product. They differ at once by multiple defeat of family members, a holiday company, children's collectives. Overdosing of medicines can also be considered as an example of poisoning the body.
Food poisoning
The product that caused the poisoning may be meat, milk, fish, cottage cheese, sausages, "yesterday's" salad. The cause of poisoning is usually associated with an attempt to use, products purchased with a cheaper regular price, products with a completed shelf life, violation of the rules of cooking and storage.
pathogenic species of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Clostridia become pathogens. Patients are observed: vomiting of eaten food, pain in epigastrium and around the navel, dizziness and headaches, diarrhea, "darkening" in the eyes, fever, chillness of hands and feet;

Dizziness and weakness in food poisoning last for about two weeks after recovery
Gastric lavage, copious drinking, intake of enterosorbents( activated charcoal, Enterosgel) help to remove pathological microorganisms and their decay products. It is not recommended to take funds that stop diarrhea. In severe cases, during dehydration, severe intoxication, the fluid is administered intravenously.
The disease is considered toxic-infectious with a predominant lesion of the nervous system. The causative agent( from the genus Clostridium) lives in the soil. Seven varieties were studied. Typically, the formation of a dispute. A person becomes infected with products contaminated by the earth, through unwashed hands, eating insufficiently digested meat of domestic animals.
Less often a dusty route of infection is possible. The toxin releases gas. We see it when there is a violation of the shape of the bomb cans with canned food.
When ingested, it is not destroyed by hydrochloric acid. Quickly absorbed into the blood. It affects the nerve pathways of transmission of motor impulses from the brain and spinal cord. In this case, the sensitive fibers do not change.
Most of all, the respiratory muscles of the chest are affected. Their inaction contributes to the impossibility of independent breathing on the background of complete consciousness, dizziness. Therapy requires the immediate introduction of anti-butulinic serum( with repeats per course), detoxification by washing with a stomach probe and cleansing enemas, anti-inflammatory drugs, B vitamins.
Viral gastroenteritis
Viral diseases( acute respiratory viral infection, influenza) are often accompanied by abdominal pain and diarrhea with an admixture of blood. This is a variant of the course of viral and rotavirus infection. In recent years, increasing importance is given to viral hepatitis caused by herpes.
Signs of "gastric" influenza are those that appeared against the background of general intoxication, headaches, dizziness in epigastric pain, diarrhea. They are often accompanied by vomiting.
For treatment you need abundant drink, sparing diet, taking Interferon and immunomodulators, vitamins, bed rest for at least five days.
Overdose of drugs
The poisoning with medicines is less noticeable, thus, one can call the negative effect of drugs on the human body. Acquiring treatment in the pharmacy, you need to learn about side effects and contraindications.
For an example, we cite the possibility of poisoning with ascorbic acid, which many consider particularly useful in the winter-spring period. Ascorbic acid is one of the components of vitamin C. It is necessary for a variety of biochemical processes. Since it is not synthesized on its own, it must come with food.
But this does not mean that it should be taken completely uncontrollably. The instructions clearly describe the dose for children and adults. Overdosing occurs:
- when used concomitantly with fruits rich in vitamin;
- excess dosage;
- weakening of the body's defense after infectious diseases;
- pregnancy.
Signs are severe dizziness, vomiting, epigastric pain. It is important that no one thinks about the overdose and people continue to take even more. The poisoning is removed several days after the drug was discontinued. Toxic symptoms of poisoning accompany women's use of contraceptives, taking drugs for suicide( barbiturates, analgesics, sedatives).
What causes industrial poisoning?
Poisoning with industrial poisons containing mercury, lead, arsenic, cobalt, copper is of particular importance. The appearance of human complaints for abdominal pain, unstable stools, dizziness requires clarification of occupational hazards, compliance with protective measures.
To the principles of therapy of acute poisoning include measures:
- to stop the absorption of a poisonous substance;
- inactivation( inactivation) of an already absorbed dose;
- accelerated elimination;
- neutralization action;
- providing symptomatic relief.

The universal agent is able to form substances with urine that are excreted in urine and feces
In addition to washing the stomach and intestines, the administration of antidotes is used:
- Unithiol - against poisoning with salts of mercury, bismuth, arsenic;
- sodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid with calcium - when exposed to lead, cadmium, zinc, cobalt, chromium, iron;
- Deferoxamine - for neutralizing iron salts;
- sodium thiosulfate - effective against arsenic, lead, mercury, cyanides;
- sodium nitrite and amilnitrite - introduced for the neutralization of cyanide salts.
A detailed antidote scheme has physicians toxicologists. In severe cases, when poisoning leads to impaired renal function, hemodialysis is used.
Other causes of
When examining a patient with complaints of abdominal pain and dizziness the doctor should think:
- on concomitant pathology, for example, in elderly patients with hypertension with gastritis, blood pressure rises, brain nutrition worsens;
- physiological manifestations of the onset of pregnancy;
- hormonal changes in menopause and endocrine diseases;
- of anemia, iron deficiency and vitamin B12 deficiency with folic acid;
- probability of tumor metastasis from the abdominal organs to the brain.
The combination of dizziness with abdominal pain does not arise from simple causes. Symptoms rarely pass on their own. You can not tolerate or be treated with herbal tinctures. It is necessary to pass the examination and follow the doctor's recommendations.