Hemorrhagic cerebral stroke: signs and treatment

The very concept of " stroke " includes an acute disorder of the cerebral circulation that develops suddenly( the term comes from the Latin word " insulto ", which means "I jump, I attack").

Stroke occurs most often on the background of hypertension, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, as well as aneurysms or other anomalies of cerebral vessels.

In this publication we will consider the signs, symptoms and treatment of hemorrhagic stroke of the brain.


Types of

All cases of stroke can be divided into two types - hemorrhagic( cerebral hemorrhage under the shell) and ischemic( trmboz cerebral vascular, ischemic cerebral vascular softening and t. d.).In this article, we will talk more about the first type of stroke that is most often encountered in practice.

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Causes of

Hemorrhagic cerebral stroke develops most often as a result of increased vascular wall permeability. Here, the role of vasomotor disorders plays a role, which is promoted by sharp fluctuations-increases and decreases in blood pressure. In the area of ​​hemorrhage, a red softening spot is formed, and in the final stage - the cyst and scar tissue changes in the brain.

Hemorrhagic stroke can also be the result of an aneurysm rupture of the vessels of the base of the brain.

Signs and symptoms

Stroke usually develops suddenly and can lead to death of the patient in the first hours of its development. It occurs most often after the agitation and stresses that have been experienced, usually in the evening or in the afternoon. Sometimes, the so-called precursors of the stroke can occur in the form of a headache, dizziness, heaviness in the head.

In stroke, the patient suddenly falls, loses consciousness, develops a coma. Breathing is hoarse, loud, the pulse is tense, pressure is often increased. The face is purple or cyanotic-purple, vomiting is often observed. The view is indifferent, the "floating" pendulum movements of the eyeballs, sometimes the removal of the eyes towards the lesion focus. There may be an involuntary separation of urine and feces.

On the side opposite to the lesion, paralysis of one or both extremities is detected, the asymmetry of the face is revealed.

Depending on whether the right or left hemisphere of the brain has a hemorrhage, the right or left side will be paralyzed, that is, the stroke can be either right-sided or left-sided.

If you suspect a stroke, you should urgently call a sick doctor, an ambulance!

Before the arrival of the doctor, the patient should be conveniently placed on the bed, unbuttoned on his clothes, and given an influx of fresh air. To the patient does not suffocate with vomiting, tilt his face in any direction and lift. On the occipital and parietal region, it is necessary to put bubbles or hot water bottles with ice, and in the absence of it - at least wet towels, and at the feet - warmers or mustard plasters.

Treatment of hemorrhagic cerebral stroke: general recommendations

If the patient is able to swallow, you need to give him sedatives and drugs that lower blood pressure( if the patient is hypertensive).It is not recommended to transport a patient to a hospital without a doctor's opinion.

The first first aid for stroke

  1. If the patient has lost consciousness, he needs to turn on his side, unbutton the shirt collar, put something under his head, lay a napkin folded between his teeth several times and wipe away the foam from the mouth so that it does not get into the respiratory tract.
  2. Do not use ammonia( may cause respiratory arrest), transfer the patient.
  3. If a person does not feel a pulse, stopped the heart and stopped breathing, you should immediately carry out indirect heart massage and mouth-to-mouth respiration( five strokes of the palm to the sternum area - one inhalation, the other schemes - 15 pressure - 2 breaths).

Remember: emergency measures are particularly relevant in the first three to eight hours after a stroke, so try to do everything quickly.

Folk remedies at home

The old tried and tested means of healers and herbalists was to "throw blood" at the phenomena of a stroke. The veins on the hands or feet were pierced and waited for the black blood to come off. Bleeding usually greatly improved the patient's condition.

Of course, it was treated earlier, and now no one calls you to let the patient have blood, call an ambulance and give the patient first aid first-aid.

Traditional medicine advises with strokes some home remedies.

Wizards have long been recommended for stroke as an ambulance to put an ice pack on the head, the bubble being placed on the side opposite to the paralyzed side of the body( is logical - note of the author of the site ).

After the patient regains consciousness, he needs to give a laxative( Glauber's salt, herb or senna pills) and make an enema( I believe, first, before the enema and laxatives, doctor's examination and help is needed - note of the author of the site ).

After the end of acute events, with the development of paralysis , folk medicine advises the following treatment.

Cinnamon cinnamon ( roots, fruits).Outwardly, decoction of the roots is used for baths with paralysis and paresis. Baths do in a day. The course of treatment is 20-30 baths. The water temperature is 37-38 ° C.

In paralyzed limbs, it is useful to rub any volatile ointment several times a day( you can mix one part of alcohol with two parts of vegetable oil).Often, an ether, is used for this, but it must be remembered that the ether is easily ignited.

Peony dodging ( roots). 1 a teaspoon of dried roots chop, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist in the heat for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Spirituous tincture roots deviant peony( 1 teaspoon dried powdered roots pour 300 ml of vodka and insist in a warm place for 7 days).Strain and take 25 drops three times a day.

Crest white ( paralyzed herb).One tablespoon of chopped roots, pour 300 ml of vodka. Insist in a warm place for 7 days. Strain. Take 25 drops in the morning and evening with water after eating.

Cut on piece 2 medium sized and 2 orange, remove the bones and flow through the meat grinder. The mixture is mixed with two tablespoons of honey. Soak one day in a glass jar at room temperature, then refrigerate. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day with tea.

1 tablespoon chopped celandine , brew 1 cup of boiling water evenly for 15 minutes. Strain, take 2 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Peel half the lemon from skin, chop, pour 1 cup of the decoction of needles ( one tablespoon of needles, pour a glass of boiling water, pour 1 hour, strain) and take it on an empty stomach( one hour before meals or one hour after eating) for2-3 months.

On the patients who have suffered a stroke, sage works well. Combine the ingestion of sage infusion( 1 tablespoon into a glass of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour) inside with common sage baths( 300 g for 10 liters of water).In the bath, first pour cold water, then hot, then add the sage broth.

Beneficial effect on sick conifers.

The patient is given daily in the morning and in the evening a tooth of of medium sized and a teaspoon of honey.

Daily for breakfast, prepare the patient, who suffered a stroke, cereal sprouts. The method for preparing cereal sprouts is described on the page for wheat germs .

Bay oil. 30 g of bay leaf pour a glass of vegetable oil and insist, shaking daily, in a warm place for two months. Strain and bring to a boil. Daily rub in paralyzed places.

Make ointment from powder:

  1. of juniper needles( or fir, pine, spruce) - 1 piece;
  2. bay leaves - 6 pieces;
  3. of butter - 12 pieces.

Rub into paralyzed areas twice a day.

Alcohol tincture of chibibuhi or pimple ( the medical name "echinopsia") helps to cure paralysis.1 tablespoon of herbs, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and put in a warm place for 21 days. Strain. Drink 30 drops 3 times a day.

Black berries drink with tea or instead of tea.

Green tea. Correctly brewed green tea works well for patients who have suffered a stroke. When taking green tea, watch the pressure!

Mix 100 g of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, cumin and birch buds. One tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, add another 300 ml of water, bring to a boil. Drink warm in the morning for 20 minutes before meals and in the evening at 21:00 one glass with one teaspoon of honey. After taking the medicine, do not eat or drink anything. Drink daily until the mixture is over. Repeat the treatment in six months and a year.

Take any cardiac collection ( you can buy it from a pharmacy).Add to it 100 g of four cereal crops: oats, soy, buckwheat, millet( or any other).Then 2 tbsp.spoons of herbs: string, celandine, plantain, burdock root, chaga, immortelle yellow. All this is passed through a meat grinder and placed in a common container. Stir thoroughly. Pack the resulting mixture in half-liter bottles, so that they are filled by one-third, and the remaining two-thirds fill the bottles with sunflower or olive oil. Put in a warm place for two months. Daily shake well, avoiding the appearance of sediment. After two months, drain everything in one container and heat to a temperature of 60 ° C.Do not boil! After heating, pour again into bottles and put in a warm place for another month( shake daily).In three months from the beginning of preparation the medicine is ready. Rub it into the paralyzed limbs every other day. For the night, leave the medicine on the body. After twenty days of treatment - a break ten days, then another 10 rubbing. Again break 10 days. In the same way, spend a month and a half of the second and third cycles of treatment( with a monthly break).Take a break for six months and in the same order, spend two more courses of treatment.

After a stroke, the patient needs to be careful. You can not allow mental overwork. Alcohol, coffee, tea should be completely excluded from its diet. If possible, reduce the consumption of oil, meat and sugar.

Never forget about physical procedures( available to the patient) and sports.

Sumy tannin ( sumac is dyed).To treat a stroke, use fresh leaves.1 teaspoon of them, make a glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Pay attention and read page Bedsores in bedridden patients: how to treat and how to cure .

Treatment of strokes with medicines: drugs, drugs, medications

If blood pressure is increased in the treatment of stroke, then it should not be reduced if the systolic does not exceed 180 mm Hg.st, and a diastolic 100 mm Hg. Art.(so as not to aggravate brain ischemia).

Read the following tips and advice on what to consider and how to treat a stroke.

First Aid Emergency

In acute hemorrhagic cerebral stroke, not all medications that lower blood pressure, can be used. For example, a popular drug among patients and doctors-Nifedipine can not dissolve under the tongue, as this can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Typically, doctors in the treatment of acute stroke advise lowering blood pressure by a maximum of 20-25%.Beta-blocker Labetalol( intravenously), which dissolves well in fats and easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier, contributes to improvement of cerebral circulation, was more effective in acute stroke.

Subsequently, it is necessary to maintain blood pressure at the level required for the patient. If the systolic pressure becomes less than 80 mm Hg. Art.(critical level), there is a danger of damage to the blood supply to the brain, heart, kidneys. In this case, it is necessary to administer medications under the supervision of the doctor, normalizing blood pressure ( Dopmin, Epinephrine, corticosteroids).

If, in a stroke, the patient has convulsions, it is necessary to remove dangerous objects around the injuries and, if possible, try to insert something hard( preferably wooden) or folded dense tissue between teeth to avoid biting the tongue.


Intravenously injected with diazepam or another tranquilizer. In the absence of effect - sodium thiopental. Subsequently, anticonvulsants may be prescribed for a while.

If the established cause of the stroke is a thrombus( according to the research) and the disease has not been more than 3 hours since the beginning of the disease, it is possible to administer medications to dissolve the thrombus: Streptokinase, Plasminogen Tissue Activator( TAP), Alteplase. They promote the activation of plasminogen. Thrombolytics help to restore blood flow( reperfusion of the brain), due to which the cerebral and focal neurological manifestations disappear.

An effective thrombolytic is considered to be Alteplase, which is administered at a dose of 0.9 mg / kg body weight intravenously. The greatest effect is observed with small lesions of the brain. With severe impairment of consciousness, motor activity in paralyzed limbs, high blood pressure( over 190/100 mm Hg), peptic ulcer disease, bleeding tendency of various etymologies, lumbar puncture a week before, trauma, surgical intervention, previous strokeprescribe these drugs, as well as heparin can not.


Another area of ​​emergency care for patients with stroke is elimination of increased intracranial pressure due to brain edema. This is done using artificial breathing enhancement or hyperventilation, special diuretics( osmotic diuretics) and corticosteroids. The fastest increase in intracranial pressure is possible with the help of hyperventilation with a decrease in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide( C02) to a level of 26-27 mm Hg. Art.

Osmotic diuretic Mannitol is usually administered intravenously slowly( at least 20 minutes the initial dose).Repeated administration is possible in half the dosage in only 4-5 hours.

During the use of this drug, it is necessary to monitor the osmolality of the blood plasma. It should not be more than 320 my / l. Usually an osmotic diuretic is not used after 3-4 days. Many doctors use corticosteroids to treat cerebral edema in stroke patients, despite the fact that not all specialists recognize their effectiveness. Most often, Dexazone is prescribed for this purpose.

When hemorrhagic brain stroke is prescribed:

Coagulating, hypotensive and dehydrating agents:

  1. Coagulating preparations: Vikassol 15 mg - a solution of 1-2 ml is administered intramuscularly 1-2 times a day( or inside 15 mg twice a day);Calcium chloride or Calcium gluconate( 10% solution is used - 10 ml intramuscularly if blood viscosity is not increased);Rutin 0,02 2-3 times a day;ascorbic acid in injections or in tablets.
  2. Hypotensive : Dibazol 1% solution is administered subcutaneously daily for 1-2 ml;Eufillin - 0.24 g in 10 ml of 40% glucose solution intravenously;Serpentine.
  3. Dehydrating : Serum magnesia 25% - 10.0 intramuscularly;Chloride sodium 10% solution - 5 - 10 ml intravenously;Hypothiazide - 0.05 g 1-3 times a day;Novurit - 1 ml intramuscularly or intravenously;Mercucal - 1 ml intramuscularly, corticosteroids.

If necessary, use cardiac agents. In the first days after a stroke, anticoagulant therapy was shown( intravenous heparin 5000-100000 ME solution 4 times a day for 2-3 days( under daily blood clotting control), Fibrinolysin in combination with Heparin, Pelentan 0.3 g.

With psychomotor agitation - Chloral hydrate( in enemas), Aminazine,

Source: YNGorgov Official and folk medicine: The most detailed encyclopedia - M.: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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