How quickly to cure abrasion on the knee?

Abrasions are traumas that a person encounters in the process of their vital activity. There is not a single person who has not faced such a situation at least once. Abrasion is a deformation of the integrity of the upper layer of the skin. Traumatized skin is covered with small drops of lymph and blood. In such situations, you should react immediately. Therefore, when there is an abrasion on the knee, a quick treatment should be given to a person. Most often bruises of this kind affect children and athletes, but ordinary adults can not pass it by.

  • Appearance of abrasion
  • First aid for the appearance of wound
  • Stages of healing of abrasions
  • Treatment of abrasions on the knee
  • Severe cases
  • Folk remedies for abrasions
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Appearance of abrasion

This injury is a static damage to the surface of the skin as a result of a blunt impact of the object, but most often - falls. Only the surface layer of the skin is affected. A wound that has arisen due to a bruise may bleed or become inflamed, so it should be treated urgently.

Symptoms of a wound can be acute pain, burning, bleeding. The degree of manifestation of these characteristics directly depends on the depth of the abrasion. If the knee is not severely damaged, then the treatment can be carried out at home. It will pass quickly and easily. But when the abrasion on the knee is festering, or the blood can not be stopped, in this case it is necessary to see a specialist and emergency medical care.

First aid for the appearance of wound

How to treat an abrasion on the knee of a child or an adult? First of all, you need to thoroughly wash the wound with soap. This will help to eliminate not only visible pollution, but also eliminate microbes. After this, it is necessary to treat the abrasion on the knee abundantly with hydrogen peroxide, can be replaced with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Disinfected wound should be lubricated with iodine or green, then apply a sterile bandage and fix it. After 3 - 5 days, the bandage can be removed. If she does not move away from the wound, it should not be torn off. Other ways to get rid of it also is not worth it. You just need to wait a couple more days, together with the dried up crust, the bandage will disappear.

It is important to know!With an increase in body temperature after the formation of a wound, it is required to consult a specialist! It can be caused by the appearance of an inflammatory process.

Stages of healing of abrasions

In order to cure an affected knee on the knee, one must understand how it develops and transforms:

  1. Inflammatory stage. The body reacts immediately to the appearance of abrasion, thereby beginning to fight. First of all, a thrombus is formed, which stops profuse bleeding. The fight against microbes during this period is characterized by inflammation, there is swelling and pain. This stage lasts no more than 1 week. After the time has elapsed, the wound is filled with connective tissue.
  2. The stage of proliferation. Its duration can be up to 1 month. The wound is dynamically filled with a connective tissue, a young scar is formed, usually of a reddish color.
  3. Scar formation. This process can take about a year. Everything depends on the depth of the lesion. The young scar starts to turn pale, filled with epithelial tissue. At the end of time, the final scar is formed.

Important!The degree of abrasion depends on how much the young scar heals!

Treatment of abrasions on the knee

In modern times, the most common methods of treatment - sprays to eliminate wounds. But not less popular are various ointments. All the same, what ointment to smear the wound can be selected from this list:

  • Bepanten - contributes to the recovery of light abrasions, helps to remove the inflammatory process;
  • Rescuer - a cream based on natural ingredients, removes infection in wounds;
  • Eplan - heals wounds in the shortest time, relieves pain and inflammation, that's how to anesthetize abrasion can be quite easy;
  • Kontraktubeks - helps to prevent the formation of gross scars, restores connective tissue.

There are many other ointments and creams that treat abrasions on the knees of adults. So to choose what to anoint the wound is from what. The abrasions on the knees of children are fruitful due to such drugs.

Severe cases

There was a strong abrasion on the knee, what should I do? There are cases when treatment at home is not enough, namely:

  • the blood flowing out of the wound can not be stopped;
  • The surface around the abrasion was red, swollen and hot to the touch;
  • the wound began to fester;
  • body temperature increased;
  • The dirt got into the wet wound.

Important to remember!In these cases, an urgent examination of the doctor is required! This will help prevent serious consequences.

Folk remedies for abrasions

Traditional medicine offers many ways how to quickly cure a wound. If the abrasion on the knee is suppurating, then the funds from natural ingredients are what should be used. All components can be found in your refrigerator or purchased at a pharmacy at a symbolic cost, if it concerns medicinal herbs.

Aloe vera

This plant has bactericidal properties, so it is indispensable in the treatment of abrasions. To do this, it is sufficient to cut one sheet, with the inner side attached to the affected area. Do this procedure should be 3 times a day. Aloe vera will also be an excellent analgesic.


For treatment in this way, it is necessary to treat the affected area with honey and apply a sterile bandage, fixing it on the knee. First, you will feel discomfort - the wound causes burning. But gradually it goes away. This remedy is suitable for those who have a scratch on their knees.

Arable land

It will take 10 g of this medicinal plant, pour it with 100 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour, then wash the abrasion with the resulting decoction with a cotton swab.


It is necessary to grind the boar up to the state of mashed potatoes. Make compresses with the help of the obtained mash 3 times a day until complete healing.


It will take 1 tbsp. l. wormwood, which should be filled with 1 glass of hot water. Simmer for 5 minutes. Allow to cool and use as a lotion.

An Apple

Take 1 raw apple, grate it or roll it through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is used as a compress 2 times a day.


It will take 2 hours. l. crushed marigold flowers, mix with 50 g unsalted butter, carefully grate. Use as an ointment 3 times a day. This medicine must be stored in the refrigerator.


You will need the roots of dandelion, which should be dried. Using a coffee grinder or a blender, grind them to the consistency of the powder. The resulting product abundantly sprinkle a fresh abrasion. This method accelerates wound healing without crusting.

You can choose any medicine, given individual intolerance to certain ingredients. In such ways, you can treat not only the wound on the knee, but also the abrasion under the knee, on the hand, face.

To avoid complications in the formation of abrasions, it is necessary to make vaccinations in a timely manner. It makes the human body immune to infections and inflammatory processes. Also, you should protect your child from bruising and provide immediate first aid when they appear.