Order "On the appointment of responsible persons on holidays and weekends"

In cases when the activity of any institution, organization or enterprise, due to the nature of its work, can not be stopped for the period of holidays and days off, then for its uninterrupted and continuous operation, it is necessary to approve and carry out, on the basis of the main activity, an order"On the appointment of a responsible duty officer on holidays" or "On the appointment of responsible persons on holidays and weekends", to which the schedule for the enterprise approved by this order should be attachedascribed by date and list of responsible persons-specialists on holidays on duty.

This may be required in organizations and not with a round-the-clock operating mode, but as additional measures for antiterrorist protection and prevention of emergencies. Of course, sometimes it happens that work can go beyond the job description of a doctor, specialist, service or be within their limits.

Sample order of appointment for the example of the medical organization

Let's consider an example:

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State budgetary health care institution "Name of the central district hospital", settlement / city Name

ORDER of December 23, 2016 No. 000

"On the appointment of responsible persons of the State Reserves Agency"»On holidays and weekends from 01.12.2016 to 08.01.2017»

The preamble to the order can be stated as follows:

In order to promptly resolve issues related to the organization and delivery of medical care at the weekendfrom December 31, 2016 to January 08, 2012 to the population The name of the municipal district, as well as the management of the unit of the Central Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the event of emergency situations,


  1. Organize round-the-clock duty at home for the employees of the administration of the city of Bashkortostan "
  2. "responsible duty on duty at the home of the staff of the administration of the SBU "Name of the CRH"

This is the list of persons responsible( note by the author)

  • 12.2016, from 8:00 to 8:00 on 02/01/2017 -Surname First name Middle name. Contact phone( 8-904-000-00-00);
  • 01/01/2017, 03.01.2017 from 8:00 to 8:00 - Deputy Chief Medical Officer for MDP - Surname First name Middle name. Contact phone( 8-904-410-00-00);
  • in 2016 from 8:00 to 8:00 on January 2, 2017 - the chief doctor of the state health care institution "CRH Name" Last Name First name Middle name. Contact phone( 8-904-000-00-00);
  • 2017 from 8:00 to 8:00 on 03/01/2017 - Deputy Chief Medical Officer for SID - Surname, First Name and Patronymic. Contact phone( 8-904-000-00-71);
  • 2017 from 8:00 to 8:00 hours Jan 05, 2017 - Chief Medical Officer of the State TB Service "Name of CRH" Last Name First Name. Contact phone( 8-904-000-00-00);
  • 2017 from 8:00 to 08:00 hours 08/01/2017 - Deputy Chief Medical Officer for SID - Surname, First Name and Patronymic. Contact phone( 8-904-000-00-71).

And further on the dates of the two of them can be alternated consecutively by dates from December 31, 2016 to January 8, 2017. You can register the two paragraphs above, but specify all the dates of the shifts. Although, maybe they do not need to watch all the holidays( author's note)

  1. To appoint the duty administrator on the CRH - on-call doctors:
  • 12.2016 from 8:00 to 8:00 hours 01/01/2017 - Surgeon Last Name First name Middle name. Contact phone( 8-927-000-00-00);
  • 01.2016 from 8:00 to 8:00 hours 02/01/2017 - Radiologist Surname First name Middle name. Contact phone( 8-927-000-00-00);
  • 01.2017 from 8:00 to 8:00 hours 03/01/2017 - the therapist of the precinct Surname Name Patronymic. Contact phone( 8-902-650-00-00);
  • 01.2017 from 8:00 to 8:00 hours 04/01/2017 - Oncologist Surname First name Middle name. Contact phone( 8-902-000-00-00);
  • 01.2017 from 8:00 to 8:00 hours 05/01/2017 - anesthesiologist Surname First name Middle name. Contact phone( 8-000-00-00-14);
  • 01.2017 from 8:00 to 8:00 hours 06/01/2017 - Radiologist Surname First name Middle name. Contact phone( 8-927-000-00-00);
  • 01.2017 from 8:00 to 8:00 hours 07/01/2017 - Surgeon Last Name First name Middle name. Contact phone( 8-927-000-00-00);
  • 01.2015 from 8:00 to 8:00 hours 08/01/2015 - the therapist of the precinct Surname Name Patronymic. Contact phone( 8-902-650-00-00).

3.1.Ensure strict implementation of the regulatory and instructive documents of the Ministry of Health of the Volgograd region on security and anti-terrorist protection of medical institutions.

3.2.Ensure strict implementation of the notification scheme and the transfer of operational information in the event of emergencies in the prescribed manner:

  • doctor on duty;
  • on-duty administrator on CRH;
  • the operative on duty of the State Unitary Enterprise "TTSMK VO": the phone is 8-8442-36-24-34( round the clock), the fax is 8-8442-32-95-38.

3.3.In the event of an emergency, ensure unimpeded access to the territory and office premises of the employees of the territorial administration of the GUVD and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

3.4.Ensure the observance of the curative-protective regime in the Central District Hospital, exclude the presence of unknown vehicles and unauthorized persons in the territory at an unknown time.

  1. To Worker on Civil Defense Name, Initials to organize interaction with territorial bodies of internal affairs, in accordance with the developed scheme of interaction and communication of the SBU "CRHD Name" with law enforcement agencies, rescue and municipal services in case of threat and possible commission of a terrorist act( Appendix No. 1)
  2. .safety precautions( TB) - Surname I. About:

5.1.Brief the attendants on duty from December 31, 2016 to January 08, 2017, doctors, nurses, paramedics, medical attendants of the CRH with the registration of the relevant statements.

5.2.Ensure the maximum reduction in the number of inbound entries to the territory, entrances to the premises, ensure their protection of sealing and monitoring of functioning basements and attics.

5.3. To ensure control over the work of middle and junior medical personnel in order to comply with fire safety rules;control of the condition and availability of units by means of fire extinguishing, their completeness and efficiency, the availability and reliability of emergency evacuation schemes, the state of accessibility of emergency exits and evacuation routes in case of fire.

6. Tractor Surname IO, together with a TB engineer Surname IO

6.1.To check the integrity of life support systems, paying special attention to the state of the oxygen economy.

6.2.Ensure the readiness of object formations to act in abnormal situations.

7. I control the execution of the order.

Chief physician Initials, Name

Sample schedule of employees on the example of social security organization

Every year, pursuant to fire safety requirements, the Committee for Social Protection of Population of the Volgograd Region issues an order "On Fire Safety Measures in the Autumn-Winter Period", for example, for 2016 - 2017No. 1386 of October 21, 2016

The main order of

  • I will give an example of the preamble of this order( may be useful for drawing up a local normative act for your enterprise)

In execution of Federal Law and dated December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety", Volgograd Region Law of April 28, 2006 No. 1220-OD "On Fire Safety", Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No.390 "On fire prevention", the order of the committee for ensuring the safety of the population of the Volgograd region from October 10, 2016 No. 196 "On fire safety measures in the autumn-winter period from November 1, 2016 to March 29, 2017," and for the purposesprevent fires, increase the level of(hereinafter referred to as the institution) subordinated to the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Volgograd Region( hereinafter referred to as the Committee), to prevent the death and injury of people in fires during the autumn-winter period from November 1, 2016 to March 29, 2017, I order:

  1. To the Executivesinstitutions:

a) take exhaustive measures to bring the facilities of the institutions into proper fire prevention condition, eliminate violations of fire safety requirements that create a threat of fire and withoutbout their dangers people;until November 15, 2016:

No. Telephone No. Position Duty time Signature
December 31, 2016.
1 Surname First Name Middle Name

Phone: 8-000-000-00-00

Director 8:30 - 12:30
2 Surname First Name Middle Name

Phone: 8-000-000-00-00

Deputy Director 12:30 -16:30
January 01, 2017.
1 Surname First Name Middle Name

Telephone: 8-000-000-00-00

Social Work Specialist 8:30 - 12:30
2 Surname First Name Middle Name

Phone: 8-000-000-00-00

Psychologist 12:30 - 16:30
January 02, 2017.
1 Last Name First Name Middle Name

Telephone: 8-000-000-00-00

Social Work Specialist 8:30 - 12:30
2 Surname First Name Middle Name

Phone: 8-000-000-00-00

Psychologist 12:30 - 16:30
January 03, 2017.
1 Surname First Name Middle Name

Telephone: 8-000-000-00-00

Legal Advisor 8:30 - 12:30
2 Surname First Name Middle Name

Telephone: 8-000-000-00-00

Engineer for TJF 12:30- 16:30
January 04, 2017.
1 Surname First Name Middle Name

Phone: 8-000-000-00-00

Chief Accountant 8:30 - 12:30
2 Surname First Name Middle Name

Phone: 8-000-000-00-00

Engineer 12:30 -16:30
January 05, 2017.
1 Surname First Name Middle Name

Telephone: 8-000-000-00-00

Head of Department 8:30 - 12:30
2 Surname First Name Middle Name

Phone: 8-000-000-00-00

Psychologist 12:30 -16:30
January 06, 2017.
1 Last Name First Name Middle Name

Telephone: 8-000-000-00-00

Social Work Specialist 8:30 - 12:30
2 Surname First Name Middle Name

Phone: 8-000-000-00-00

Head of Department 12: 30 - 16:30
January 07, 2017.
1 Surname First Name Middle Name

Telephone: 8-000-000-00-00

Head of Department 8:30 - 12:30
2 Last Name First Name Middle Name

Phone: 8-000-000-00-00

Social Work Specialist 12: 30 - 16:30
January 08, 2017.
1 Last Name First Name Middle Name

Telephone: 8-000-000-00-00

Family Service Specialist 8:30 - 12:30
2 Surname First Name Middle Name

Phone: 8-000-000-00-00

Accountant 12:30 - 16:30

b) to conduct additional briefings with employees of institutions on compliance with fire safety requirements and actions in the event of fires at sites, conduct training to develop plans for the evacuation of people and property from buildings in the event of fires;C) organize a conversation with the recipients of social services to prevent fires, including those resulting from smoking outside the designated areas and children's prank with fire;D) organize fire safety briefings with persons on social care at home;

e) coordinate with the territorial bodies of state fire supervision the conduct of events with a massive stay of people associated with the New Year holidays;

f) strengthen the fire protection of institutions in the autumn and winter period 2016/2017, paying special attention to:

- the technical condition and performance of fire alarm systems and systems, personal protective equipment, primary fire extinguishing means, internal fire water supply;

- the state of electrical equipment, electrical wiring, and lightning protection;

- the state of fire hydrants with mandatory equipment indicating their location;

- the proper maintenance of wells with fire hydrants and entrances to them, timely cleaning of the wells from snow and debris;

- correspondence of evacuation routes, attics, balconies, cellars, pits, technical floors, fire safety standards and regulations;

-condition of roads, driveways and entrances to buildings and structures, warehouses, external fire ladders, their maintenance free for passage and access of fire equipment;

- the maintenance of fire breaks between buildings, the prevention in them of parking of vehicles, storage of materials, equipment;

- the prevention of incineration of waste and packaging on the territory of institutions;

- permanent monitoring of the organization and equipment of smoking places for personnel and customers. G) during the festive events related to New Year's holidays, draw up schedules of duty and arrange for the duty of the responsible persons in the institutions of .The approved schedules of duty are to be sent to the Committee by December 20, 2016.

  1. Heads of departments and departments of the Committee of supervising institutions:

a) to organize control over the state of fire safety in institutions and timely elimination of violations of fire safety requirements;B) ensure that a monthly report on the work performed to execute the order is sent to the Material Security Department by the following dates: by November 18, 2016, December 20, 2016, January 15, 2017, February 20, 2017, March 20, 2017;

  1. Control over the execution of the order is assigned to the first deputy chairman of the committee Surname IO

Sample sample schedule can be downloaded here - sample-schedule-duty-employees-2017

Procurement( template) schedule duty - tabular version: No. п / п, ФИОand the phone number, position, date, time of the watch, the signature of


Director of the SCU "ASON"

______________________ IO Surname

"____" _________2016.

SCHEDULE of employees of the state treasury( budgetary)sociumservice ceiling elements of the population "from December 31, 2016 on January 8, 2017

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