Symptoms of acute heart failure, how to help with an attack and what are the symptoms before dying

Acute heart failure( OCH) is an emergency condition that develops with a sharp violation of the pumping function of the heart.

Acute myocardial dysfunction leads to circulatory disorders in the large and small circles, as the pathological condition progresses, multi-organ failure develops, that is, a gradual failure of all organs and systems occurs.

Acute congestive heart failure can develop as a complication of cardiac diseases, sometimes occurs suddenly, without obvious preconditions for a catastrophe. Next, you will learn what are the signs of acute heart failure and symptoms before dying.


  • 1 Causes of
    • 1 Causes of
      • 1 Causes of
        • 1 Causes of
        • 2 Harbinger of OSD
        • 3 Displays of
        • 4 First aid of
        • 5 What happens when Ignore
        • 6 signals Death status
        • 7 Prevention of

Causes of

The developmental factors of OOS are conventionally divided into several groups:

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  • Organic myocardial damage;
  • Other cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Intrinsic diseases that do not directly affect the heart or blood vessels.

In the list of causes of acute heart failure, heart muscle lesions are leading, in particular, myocardial infarction, in which the death of muscle cells occurs. The larger the area of ​​the focus of necrosis, the higher the risk of developing AOS and heavier it. Myocardial infarction, burdened with OSH, - is one of the most dangerous conditions with a high probability of death of the patient.

To OSS can cause and inflammatory myocardial damage - myocarditis. A high risk of developing OSH is also present during cardiac operations of and in the application of life support systems.

Acute heart failure is one of the most threatening complications of many vascular and cardiac diseases. Among them:

  • Chronic heart failure;
  • Heart defects, congenital and acquired;
  • Arrhythmias leading to critical acceleration or slowing of the heart rate;
  • Hypertension;
  • Cardiomyopathy;
  • Cardiac tamponade;
  • Blood circulation disorders in the pulmonary circulation.
OCH often develops on the background of stroke, trauma or brain operations, as a complication of infectious diseases, as well as due to severe or chronic intoxication. The likelihood of impaired myocardial function increases with certain endocrine diseases and kidney damage.

Accordingly, people at risk of developing OOS include those who have a history of:

  • Heart and vascular disease;
  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Abuse of alcohol, tobacco, narcotic substances, harmful working conditions;
  • Elderly.

Harbinger OSN

Acute heart failure can develop suddenly. In some cases, OOS and sudden coronary death are the first manifestations of asymptomatic ischemic heart disease.

Approximately 75% of DOS cases 10 to 14 days before the disaster show alarming symptoms, which are often perceived as temporary minor deterioration. It can be:

  • Increased fatigue;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances, mainly tachycardia;
  • General weakness;
  • Deterioration of operability;
  • Shortness of breath.
Dizziness, movement coordination disorders are possible.

Manifestations of

By localization of lesion, OSS can be right ventricular, left ventricular or total. When the functions of the right ventricle are violated, symptoms that indicate stagnation in the large circulation range predominate:

  • Isolation of sticky cold sweat;
  • Acrocyanosis, less often - yellowish skin tone;
  • Swelling of the jugular veins;
  • Shortness of breath, not associated with physical exertion, as the condition progresses, passing into choking;
  • Sinus tachycardia, lowering of blood pressure, filiform pulse;
  • Liver enlargement, tenderness in the right hypochondrium;
  • Swelling of the lower extremities;
  • Ascites( effusion of fluid in the abdominal cavity).

In left ventricular acute heart failure, progressive congestion develops in a small circle of circulation and manifests itself by the following symptoms:

  • Dyspnoea short of breath;
  • Pale;
  • Severe weakness;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Cough with foamy pinkish sputum;
  • Bullying rales in the lungs.
In the prone position the patient's condition worsens, the patient tries to sit, dropping his legs to the floor. The condition of DOS is accompanied by fear of death.

There are several stages in the development of DOS.The appearance of precursors in time coincides with the initial or latent stage. There is a decrease in performance, after physical or emotional stress, dyspnea and / or tachycardia develop. At rest the heart functions normally and the symptoms disappear.

The second stage is characterized by a pronounced circulatory insufficiency in both circles. In sub-stage A there is a marked pallor and cyanosis in the most remote parts of the body. Usually, first of all cyanosis develops on the tips of the toes, then the hands.

Signs of stagnant phenomena, in particular wet wheezing in the lungs, the patient suffers from a dry cough, possibly hemoptysis.

On the legs there are swelling, the liver somewhat increases in size .Symptoms that indicate the stagnation of blood, are increasing in the evening and in the morning they are extinguished completely or partially.

Cardiac arrhythmias and shortness of breath appear during exercise.

In sub-stage B, the patient is troubled by aching pain behind the sternum, tachycardia and shortness of breath are not associated with physical or emotional stress. The patient is pale, cyanosis seizes not only the fingertips, but also the ears, nose, extends to the nasolabial triangle. Swelling of the legs does not pass after a night rest, it extends to the lower part of the body.

Fluids build up in the pleural and abdominal cavities. Due to the stagnation of blood in the portal system, the liver is greatly enlarged and compacted, pain is felt in the right upper quadrant. Disorders of the excretion of fluid from the tissues lead to severe oliguria - inadequate excretion of urine.

The third stage, it is the same as the dystrophic or terminal .Insufficiency of blood circulation leads to multi-organ failure, which is accompanied by increasing irreversible changes in the affected organs.

Diffusive pneumosclerosis develops, cirrhosis, congestive kidney syndrome. There is a failure of vital organs. Treatment at the dystrophic stage is ineffective, death is inevitable.

First aid

When the first symptoms that indicate heart failure appear:

  • Sit the victim in a comfortable position, with a raised back;
  • Provide access to fresh air, unfasten or remove the tight-fitting items of the wardrobe;
  • If possible - put your hands and feet in hot water;
  • Call an "ambulance", detailing the symptoms;
  • Measure the pressure, if lowered, give a tablet of nitroglycerin;
  • After 15-20 minutes from the moment of the onset of an attack, put a tourniquet on the thigh, the position of the tourniquet is changed at an interval of 20-40 mi;
  • In the event of cardiac arrest, you should begin to do artificial respiration, indirect cardiac massage( if there are execution skills).
  • While the victim is conscious, you need to talk and calm him.

Arriving at the place of emergency doctors should stabilize the patient's condition. For this, the following is performed:

  • Oxygenotherapy;
  • Elimination of bronchospasm;
  • Pain relief;
  • Pressure stabilization;
  • Increasing the effectiveness of breathing;
  • Prophylaxis of thrombotic complications;
  • Elimination of edema.
All these actions are the competence of qualified medical personnel, specific preparations are selected individually depending on the patient's condition.

What happens when you ignore

signals If you do not pay attention to threatening symptoms, the pathological condition progresses quickly. The fatal stage of a DOS can occur in a matter of hours or even minutes.

The more time passes since the appearance of the first symptoms, the less likely the patient to survive.

Death condition

No one is immune from sudden death due to cardiac arrest. Approximately in 25% of cases it occurs without the obvious prerequisites of , the patient does not feel anything. In all other cases, the so-called prodromal symptoms or precursors manifest themselves, the appearance of which coincides in time with the latent stage of the development of DOS.

What are the symptoms before death in acute cardiovascular failure? In half of the cases, before the death, there is an attack of acute pain in the region of the heart, tachycardia.

Ventricular fibrillation develops, pre-fainting condition, severe weakness of .Then comes a loss of consciousness.

Immediately before death, tonic muscle contractions begin, the breathing becomes frequent and heavy, gradually slows down, becomes convulsive and stops after 3 minutes from the moment of the onset of ventricular fibrillation.

Skin sharply turns pale, becomes cold to the touch, acquires a grayish shade. The patient's pupils dilate, and the pulse on the carotid arteries stops feeling.


Prophylaxis of OSS is especially important for people at risk. Persons suffering from cardiac diseases need to undergo preventive examinations twice a year from a cardiologist and follow the doctor's instructions.

Many patients receive lifelong maintenance therapy.

It is very important to lead an active lifestyle , exercise should cause a feeling of pleasant fatigue.

If possible, eliminate emotional overexertion.

It is necessary to completely revise the diet, to refuse fried, too spicy, fatty and salty, alcohol and tobacco in any form. More detailed recommendations regarding the diet can only be given by the attending physician, based on the characteristics of the transferred diseases and the general condition of the patient.

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