Hypertrophy of the left atrium - the main features and methods of diagnosis

Hypertrophy of one of the chambers of the heart is an alarming sign, which indicates the presence of any disease. It is a pathological increase in the heart muscle - the myocardium. Most often this deviation is exposed to its left half.

With a problem such as left atrial hypertrophy, many are confronted. How does this state arise and what treatment does it require?


  • 1 Normal dimensions
  • 2 Reasons for increasing
  • 3 Symptoms on ECG
  • 4 Diagnosis
  • 5 Diseases symptomatic of which it can be
  • 6 Additional studies for diagnosis
  • 7 Tactics of therapy
    • 7.1 Treatment of obesity
    • 7.2 Elimination of hypertension
    • 7.3 Rid of stenosis or insufficiency of the valve

Normal dimensions

The arterial blood passes through the left atrium and left ventricle, therefore they are called the arterial heart. By the same principle , the right atrium and right ventricle bear the names of the venous heart .

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By the pulmonary veins, that is, the veins that go from the lungs, oxygen-enriched blood enters the left atrium. From it, it goes to the left ventricle, and then dissociates into the body, providing oxygen to all its organs and systems. Then, in the upper vena cava , venous blood enters the right atrium, and from it into the right ventricle , which sends it into the lungs.

Normally, the left atrium:

  • has a wall thickness in the central part of the order of 1.5-2 mm;
  • has a cavity volume of 110-130 cm3.

Reasons for an increase in

Hypertrophy of this chamber develops when it for a long time undergoes an increased load of .As a result, the myocardium of the left atrium increases. This is necessary so that he can cope with his work.

At the same time, the atrium walls thicken, its mass increases, and the volume of the cavity decreases.

Symptoms on the

ECG When hypertrophy of the left atrium, characteristic changes in the shape of the P tooth appear on the electrocardiogram. As a result of the increase in this part of the heart muscle, the vector of its excitation increases, the excitation lasts longer.

As a result, on the ECG the second( right) part of the P wave, reflecting the character of the left atrial excitation, is increased in amplitude , as a result it becomes larger than the first part, which remains unchanged. Also, the second part is enlarged in width, which as a result exceeds 0.10 sec.

Diagnosis of

According to the ECG, a cardiologist can diagnose, prescribe further examinations and treatment. However, he will necessarily compare the results of the study with the patient's complaints. Hypertrophy of the myocardium of the right atrium leads to such problems as:

  • chest pain;
  • arrhythmia;
  • shortness of breath;
  • dizziness;
  • syncope;
  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue.
Additional tests will allow you to more accurately assess the condition of the heart and learn the nature of the changes. As a result, the doctor will be able to prescribe the most effective therapy.

Diseases, the symptom of which it can be

To diseases that cause an increased burden on this part of the heart, are:

  • hypertension( hypertension, hypertension);
  • obesity;
  • stenosis of the mitral or aortic valve;
  • deficiency of the mitral or aortic valve
  • cardiomyopathy.

In hypertension, which usually develops in adulthood and old age, the arterial heart experiences great resistance when pumping blood through the body. As a result, hypertrophy occurs. High blood pressure, as a rule, affects those who live with a constant high level of stress and often experience strong emotional experiences.

In case of obesity, it is more difficult to supply the body with arterial blood. Overweight people of all ages are affected today, including boys and girls, and even children.

Valve inadequacy is a deviation in which it stops working normally. In this case, valves that provide normal blood flow, can not close until the end of , as a result, blood circulation is disrupted.

For example, if a mitral valve is deficient, a part of the blood from the left ventricle goes back to the atrium, while in the norm all of it should go to the aorta and then spread out through the body.

Stenosis is the pathological narrowing of the holes of the , through which blood flows from one chamber to another. The result of both these deviations is the same - an increased load on the left atrium.

Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the myocardium, in which the heart muscle changes structurally and functionally in the absence of hypertension, arterial and valve pathologies. This is a serious illness in which two-thirds of the patients die within five years, but it is rare.

Additional studies for diagnosis of

In addition to ECG hypertrophy can be identified:

  • when listening to a stethoscope( auscultation);
  • by ultrasound;
  • for chest x-ray.

Most often, a suspicion of pathological changes in the heart muscle occurs primarily when listening to the therapist, when the patient turns to him about pain and discomfort in the chest.

The doctor conducts listening to the tones( short, sharp sounds accompanying the work of the myocardium) and the noises( long sounds) of .The appearance of the latter is a consequence of any problems and serves as an indication for ECG.

In turn, changes in the electrocardiogram are an indication for conducting an ultrasound study - EchoCG .This is a very simple and sufficiently informative method of diagnosis, which will allow you to accurately determine the wall thickness of each camera.

Chest X-ray also allows you to determine the size of the heart and each of its departments. However, the main method of research in cardiology, which is shown with changes in the ECG, is ultrasound.

Tactics of therapy

In order to eliminate hypertrophy, it is necessary to cure the problem in the body that caused it.

Treatment of obesity

Getting rid of obesity is a small problem. The main condition is the will of the patient, who must change his habits and lifestyle. In order for to normalize weight, :

  • needs to change the diet: to abandon high-calorie foods and products with a high glycemic index, such as fatty foods and sweets;
  • regular physical loads:
As a result, the amount of calories consumed will be less than the amount consumed. The body will be forced to burn fat, and extra pounds will start to go away.

In most cases, the changes in diet and sport help to bring the mass back to normal .If this does not happen, then there is a problem in the body that causes obesity. It may be, for example, a hormonal disorder. In this case, you will need to diagnose the disease and treat it.

Elimination of hypertension

Hypertension is treated with antihypertensive drugs .They can be appointed by a therapist or cardiologist. Regular physical activity also helps to normalize the pressure. It is also important to get rid of stress and reduce the level of emotional experiences.

If hypertension is a consequence of a disease - for example, kidney disease - you need to treat it.

Elimination of stenosis or insufficiency of the

valve Valve defects are only removed surgically. However, this is by no means always the case - the majority of patients with these pathologies show supportive therapy , which allows to relieve the cardiac muscle.

It can include:

  • cardiac glycosides;
  • beta-blockers;
  • anticoagulants;
  • antiplatelet agents;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antirheumatic drugs;
  • diuretics.
If hypertrophy was diagnosed at an early stage, all necessary examinations were carried out, predictions are usually favorable. In the event that the diagnosis was correctly and correctly prescribed treatment, harm from this deviation can be avoided or reduced to a minimum.

Removing the cause of a pathological enlargement of the myocardium may take a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth the - because if successful, the patient can live a full life without fear for the condition of such an important organ as the heart.

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