Milk with borzhomi from a cough

How does Borjomi help cough?

How does Borjomi help cough?

In the treatment of cough, the mineral water of Borjomi can help. Due to the alkaline composition, it is able to moisten and soothe the mucous, eliminating irritations in the throat. To strengthen the healing effect, folk medicine advises drinking Borjomi with milk.

"Borjomi" with a cough

Traditional medicine recommends using Borjomi with a dry cough. Mineral waters on alkaline basis soothe the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, promote the production of sputum. It is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand, since cough can be a symptom of such a serious disease as tuberculosis. It is necessary to realize that folk methods of treatment are just auxiliary measures, which in no way will replace the basic therapy.

When coughing, it is useful to use Borjomi without gases and milk. Mineral water must be poured into a small container and wait until the gases come out. To accelerate the process from time to time, stir the liquid. After that, the water should be slightly heated to a temperature of 30 - 32oC. It is better to use a water bath. Do not put mineral water in the microwave, because water can lose useful substances.

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Milk must be boiled, cooled to 50oC, and then mixed with Borjomi in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is consumed 1/3 cup before meals three times a day. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add honey to it in a small amount. With acute pain in the throat, the presence of a feeling of dryness in the mixture add a little cocoa butter or butter. "Borjomi" can be replaced with another alkaline mineral water or simply add a small amount of baking soda (5 mg per 1 cup) to warm milk.

Benefits and harms of "Borjomi" with milk

Taking "Borjomi" with milk, you can reduce the intensity of coughing attacks and improve the processes of sputum discharge, facilitating the condition. Mineral water allows you to create an alkaline environment in which the pathogenic microflora is killed. Thus, the reception of a warm mineral water accelerates the healing process. "Borjomi" with milk can be used for inhalation. To prepare the liquid, the same proportions are used - mineral water with milk 1 to 1. A warm drink should be poured into the inhaler and breathed for 5-7 minutes several times a day.

It should be borne in mind that mineral water with milk when ingested can cause indigestion. In young children, this remedy can be used only after consulting a doctor. Mineral water is contraindicated in diseases of the lungs, accompanied by an increase in temperature, with violations of cardiac activity. It is undesirable to use it for diabetes, migraine, gout and arthritis.

Tell me the recipe for cough with Borjomi



• A strong cough is well treated with ordinary milk. Drink hot milk with alkaline mineral water (1/2 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of Borjomi) or honey (1 teaspoon of honey for a glass of hot milk). And kids are best to add figs to warm milk. See also the recipes from a strong cough.

Marina Olekhnovich

Warm milk with Borjomi.

Marusya Mohnatkina



LEMON to pass through a meat grinder, mix with honey and drink for 1 hour. l. 4-5 times a day;
MIX IN EQUAL PARTS Rye, oats, barley, add a little chicory and peeled bitter almonds. Pour hot melted milk and drink instead of coffee.
Steamed fig fruits are used in folk medicine as a remedy for coughing, for throat rinses with laryngitis, pharyngitis, angina, pulmonary tuberculosis.
To small children it is recommended to drink broth of a fig in milk.
Milk and mineral water: drink hot milk with alkaline mineral water (half a glass of milk and half a glass of Borjomi) or with honey (ch. a spoonful of honey to a glass of milk).


Maybe you can use my recommendations
The inflammatory processes in the lungs include bronchitis and pneumonia, tracheitis. To get rid of inflammatory processes it is necessary, first of all, to stimulate immunity both antimicrobial and antiviral. The more pronounced inflammation processes, the more intense the massage (rubbing of hands, feet, tapping the head up to 5-8-10 times a day). At a high temperature, pay special attention to rubbing the legs, hands up to 5-8 times a day.
Local effect in the projection of the lungs from the front: intensively rub the chest with the palm 2-3-5 times a day, tap on the sternum in the projection of the trachea and lungs. Coughing so immediately and knock for 1-2 minutes, massage the point of bronchitis (third-fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum by 1-2 centimeters). Local impact in the projection of the lungs from the back: a back massage in the projection of the lungs (grinding, kneading, vibrations in the form of tapping with the ribs of the palms). Independently, a back massage, you can do about the door jamb. Vibrations are performed by a rolling pin with a rubber extruder ring on it. In a painful, hysterical, painful cough, carry out an intensive action on the point of bronchitis, tapping the sternum with the fist and projection of the lungs in front and behind, tapping the blade with the scapula.
It is important, during the massage of the chest, to identify painful areas in the projection of the lungs and to act on them day in and day out until painfulness disappears in them. Recovery comes in two to three days.

We get rid of the pain in the throat, once and for all.
Pain in the pharynx, larynx appear during inflammatory processes (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis). To get rid of these phenomena, it is required to stimulate the immune system, that is, rub the palm with the base - the wrist and the forearm, the outer the region, up to the elbow inclusive, and the legs - the rise of the foot and the shin, from all sides, up to the knee inclusive, three to eight times a day. Legs can rub your foot on the leg. Local effect: tear the skin over the larynx and rub the crease between the toes especially painful places. Find on the surface of the cartilage of the larynx painful points and press them with the fingernail of the index finger. Also, the nail of the index finger to press and hold for 3-5 seconds the soreness and on the front surface of the cervical spine. Especially effective is the pressure on those places, when exposed to which arrows of pain (painful irradiation), the point of which just reaches your glands or inflamed mucous. That is, it reaches exactly the pain that bothers you. Try to press on this pain, to cause the arrow and to hold this arrow of pain within 3-5 seconds, change the place of touch and again press and hold. That's how to handle all parts of the neck and especially painful places. With the right massage, you can get rid of the pain in the throat for two to three hours, in some cases even for 10-20 minutes. The sore throat either does not develop or ends within three hours. Success to all.

Milk with burgers from cough: a recipe with mineral water

Everyone knows how many beneficial properties mineral water has. To date, there are many varieties of the drink, which are extracted from curative sources.

Milk and Borjomi from cough are a proven and effective remedy known for centuries.

This recipe from the arsenal of alternative medicine perfectly reduces the symptoms of bronchitis and other diseases of the human respiratory system.

"Borjomi" from a cough with milk: medicinal qualities of a drink

"Borjomi" is mineral water, which differs from analogues with a special alkaline composition. Thanks to its properties, "Borjomi" when coughing, moisturizes the respiratory tract well, eliminating the causes of coughing attacks, namely, throat irritation.

Milk, especially in hot form, in folk medicine is always used for different types of cough. Especially the product helps with dry cough, as pain in the throat decreases.

Milk with "Borjomi" from cough is a remedy that gives the following curative effects:

  • improves the process of spitting and dilution of sputum,
  • effectively eliminates spasms,
  • warms up and calms the throat,
  • makes the cough more effective.

What is the recipe for traditional medicine?

The most famous recipe for making alkaline drink:

  1. a glass of milk,
  2. a glass of mineral water "Borjomi"
  3. butter or honey to taste, but not more than a small spoon.
milk with borzoiBefore mixing the ingredients, the mineral water must be freed from the gas and have room temperature.

Milk should be boiled and cooled to 50 degrees, then add water. This is an ideal treatment, especially if you add a spoonful of natural honey or small pieces of butter.

It is oil that softens the throat and removes the feeling of tightness. Traditional healers also recommend adding a little cocoa butter to the drink.

Thus, a unique drink with healing properties is created.

In turn, natural honey significantly improves the taste of this drink. The result is an original and useful drink.

Benefits of medicinal drink for children

Borjomi from a cough.Doctors often recommend this drink to children for the treatment of throat and sputum. For children, the recipe is the same as for adults: the gas is released from the water, heated to room temperature and mixed with hot milk, while the proportions should be equal.

Traditional medicine indicates the usefulness of inhalations with such a combination of components. A warm drink can be poured into the inhaler and allowed to breathe no more than 8 minutes.

Steam inhalations for coughing procedures can be done several times a day.

Tips for use

Before using a remedy, you should consult your doctor. If he approved the use of folk remedies, it is possible to treat the following diseases:

  • tracheitis,
  • bronchitis,
  • coughing and others.

To achieve a pronounced positive effect in a short time, you must strictly observe the proportions of all components. Best if they are equal. "Borjomi" when coughing with milk is best taken several times a day in the amount of a third of the glass. The remedy is used before meals.

Keep the drink should not be long. Otherwise, it will lose its useful properties. Traditional medicine recommends making a fresh portion of the drug immediately before its use. By the way, when you cough, there is another recipe, which, though not tasteful, is milk with a cough onion.

Such a drink is an effective remedy that is used both in folk medicine and in official medicine. However, it is always necessary to remember that self-treatment can lead to a negative result. Before using alkaline drink, it is important to undergo a medical examination.

"Borjomi" with milk from a cough: the recipe and a feature of preparation of a medical drink

Probably everyone is aware of the usefulness of the mineral water. There are several types of drink, which is extracted from various healing sources. Quite an effective remedy is the combination of mineral water "Borjomi" with milk - from cough is a great tool! This prescription of alternative medicine perfectly softens the symptoms of bronchitis and other similar diseases.

Borzhomi with milk from a cough

"Borjomi" with milk: medicinal properties of the drink

"Borjomi" differs from other mineral waters with its alkaline composition, which perfectly moistens the mucous respiratory tract and eliminates the causes of coughing attacks (irritation and feeling of perspiration in the throat).

Milk, especially hot, in alternative medicine has long been used in the treatment of dry cough to reduce sore throat.

The combination of these two drinks above creates an incredible curative effect:

  • contributes to the process of sputum discharge;
  • perfectly relieves spasms;
  • calms and warms up the throat;
  • improves the cough.

"Borjomi" with milk from a cough: the prescription of alternative medicine

The method for preparing the above alkaline drink is as follows:

  • 1 cup of milk;
  • 1 glass of "Borjomi";
  • honey or butter if necessary (not more than 1 teaspoon).

Important: before mixing drinks, release the gas from the mineral water and set it aside so that it warms to room temperature.

borzhomi with milk from a cough recipe

Milk boil, cool to 50 oC, and then mix Borjomi with milk. Cough is an ideal remedy, especially if you add a spoonful of honey or a few small pieces of butter. It is the latter ingredient that perfectly soothes the sore throat and removes the feeling of tightness. Some folk healers recommend adding cocoa butter to this "cocktail". It turns out an original to taste, but at the same time, a therapeutic drink. Honey, in turn, also helps to soften the specific taste of this drink.

"Borjomi" with milk from cough for children

The healing properties of this drink are very often used in pediatrics. Small patients are also shown taking Borjomi with milk from a cough. Children prepare the medicine the same way as adults: first they release gas from mineral water, then heat it to room temperature and mix it with hot milk in equal proportions.

Alternative medicine indicates the usefulness of inhalations with the above "cocktail". A warm drink is poured into the inhaler and allowed to breathe for a child no more than 7 minutes. Inhalation is allowed several times a day.

Recommendations for the use of "Borjomi" with milk

Borzhomi with milk from a cough for children

Before using this drink as a panacea for cough, bronchitis, tracheitis and other diseases of this type, it is necessary to consult a doctor, especially if you plan on giving a drink to children.

For a positive quick effect, you must strictly observe the ratio of its components - equal proportions of milk and Borjomi. From cough and other similar diseases, the above agent is taken several times a day on a third of the glass on an empty stomach.

This drink is not stored for long. That this medicine does not lose its useful properties, a fresh portion of the drug alternative medicine advises to prepare immediately before each reception.

"Borjomi" with milk from cough is a very effective remedy, which is often used both in official medicine and in folk medicine. But in any situation, one must remember that self-medication does not always lead to the desired result. Therefore, before using the above alkaline drink as a therapeutic drink, it is necessary to have an examination with a doctor.

Someone tried milk with a burger from a cough. Does it help?


Dr. L

From a cough - it is unlikely, but vomiting - for sure.
Better tablets from a cough or some kind of licorice root to brew.


Yes, it helps. The most important thing is to find a real Borjomi! That's the problem!


It helps!! ! Tasty and nice!! ! True!


If you are a big girl, drink a tablet of terpin code with plenty of water... From an unproductive cough will deliver at once! If to the small child, yes, it is better your prescription. But, still separately: Borjomi, or in general, any hydrocarbonate mineral water (you can drink soda at the tip of a tea spoon at the krai), separately for leaching of sputum. A milk, with honey, you can butter with butter (within reasonable limits!), Hot - for the power of energy support of the body - (glucose, protein, fats - in almost quickly digestible forms).


When I'm sick, I always get treated this way. Very tasty, only with Borjomi now problem

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