Diseases of the liver and pancreas

  • Functions of the liver and pancreas
  • Reasons for the development of the pathology
  • Possible diseases and their symptoms
  • Symptoms of liver pathology
  • Symptoms of pancreatic disease
  • Treatment of liver and pancreatic diseases
  • Related videos

The pathologies of the liver and pancreas have similar symptoms. Another feature that signs of the disease do not manifest immediately, and sometimes patients believe that this is the usual indigestion of the stomach. Diseases of the biliary tract, pancreas and liver are interrelated with each other and are considered concomitant diseases.

This means that with the pathology of one of these organs, the work of the other two changes. Timely formulation of the correct diagnosis does not allow the disease to progress and reduces the risk of complications. Therefore it is necessary to know what symptoms of liver and pancreas disease and how they are eliminated.

Functions of the liver and pancreas

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Along with food in the digestive tract can penetrate substances that adversely affect the internal organs. In addition, the body itself produces toxins, for example, as a result of the life of putrefactive bacteria. The liver is a kind of filter that cleans all blood from toxins, bacteria, excess hormones and mediators, vitamins.

If the liver stops working, almost immediately death occurs as a result of poisoning. The liver not only performs a protective function, it also controls the sugar content in the blood, is a depot for storing vitamins, trace elements, synthesizes hormones and enzymes, participates in the process of hematopoiesis and digestion.

The liver retains function even if 10% of normal

tissue remains. The pancreas produces enzymes necessary for the cleavage of proteins and carbohydrates( trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, alpha-amylase), and also synthesizes hormones, normalizes protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Iron produces pancreatic juice, which contains enzymes necessary for the cleavage of substances and their subsequent absorption into the blood. The composition of the pancreatic juice varies depending on the incoming food.

Causes of the development of the pathology

There are liver and pancreatic diseases due to the following unfavorable factors:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • unbalanced power;
  • administration of drugs that have a negative effect on the excretory and digestive system;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • physiological and anatomical features inherited;
  • presence of infection.

Together with the blood, toxins and bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract enter the liver. The task of the organ to remove potentially harmful or useless compounds from the bloodstream. For this, chemical reactions occur that make the toxic substance less toxic or completely harmless.

For example, ethyl alcohol is converted to acetic acid, and acetone to urea. When medicamental treatment, the use of large amounts of alcohol or harmful products, the liver experiences severe overload, which can lead to a decrease in the barrier function of the gland and the admission of dangerous compounds into the bloodstream.

With prolonged intensive exercise, the liver stops performing its functions

Possible diseases and their symptoms

The most common diseases that lead to liver dysfunction:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatosis;
  • stenosis;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • neoplasm.

If the pancreas is broken, the following diseases can occur:

  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • neoplasm.

Of course, liver and pancreatic diseases are much more, we indicated only those that occur more often than others. With the disease of these glands there is a similar symptomatology.

Often the following signs of pathology are observed in patients:

  • body temperature increase;
  • vomiting, nausea, lack of appetite, sudden weight loss;
  • indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation( occurs as a result of a lack of enzymes);
  • appears pain in the left side under the rib. It can be mild or intense, occurs periodically or is constantly present. Sometimes she gives to the area of ​​the scapula or heart;
  • with palpation of the diseased organ pain is most often intensified, the doctor may notice a change in the size of the liver or pancreas;
  • the hormonal background is broken( the given symptom is more often shown at men at "beer" cirrhosis);
  • there is a change in the color of the feces, mucus appears in them.

The liver and pancreatic disease clinic is similar to

These symptoms indicate a violation of the liver and pancreas, but there are also symptoms that indicate a certain pathology, for example, discoloration of the skin and sclera( bilirubin is not excreted from the body but penetrates the blood)bitter taste in the mouth and on the lips, the appearance of itching and rash( disturbed bile excretory function).

There is a puffiness, a change in the heart rhythm, weakness, excessive fatigue( a sign of intoxication), a change in the color of urine( indicates inflammation of the liver), a change in blood pressure, a venous figure appeared on the abdomen( "asterisks" indicate liver damage, occur with cirrhosis)appearance in the language of the plaque( white or brown), cracks.

Signs of liver disease in women

With liver disease, aching pain occurs in the region of the right hypochondrium, lower back, left scapula. In some pathologies, for example, liver failure or cirrhosis, the pain syndrome occurs when the liver has already been severely damaged and significantly increased in size.

Lesion of the liver can be diffuse or focal. With diffuse lesions, the whole organ is inflamed, this is typical for hepatitis, steatosis, cholangitis, cirrhosis, ulcers. About focal lesions say, if the organ appeared neoplasms.

In pancreatic disease, pain, as a rule, is stitching, irradiating in the lower back, the left scapula. Discomfort is especially felt after overeating, eating fatty foods, carbonated or alcoholic drinks. Symptom of the pathology of the gland is a change in the color of the feces, they become gray.

Symptoms of liver pathology

Hepatitis develops as a result of inflammation of the liver due to a viral infection or exposure to toxins( alcohol, medications, parasites).There are seven types of viral hepatitis, the most common are A, B, C. Inflammation manifests itself with jaundice( not always), hyperthermia, chills, weakness, body aches.

At the initial stage of the disease symptoms are similar to the flu. With proper treatment, the acute form of hepatitis most often does not leave any consequences. Chronic hepatitis occurs independently, for example, with constant intoxication with alcohol, or as a result of improper treatment of acute forms.

In chronic hepatitis, gland cells are replaced with connective tissue.

Cirrhosis is a chronic inflammation of the liver, in which normal tissue is replaced by a fibrous tissue. It can develop against the background of hepatitis, malaria, syphilis, circulatory disorders. Symptoms of the disease: weakness, hyperthermia, joint pain, flatulence, asthenia, weight loss.

A person does not tolerate fatty foods and alcohol. External signs( white nails, poor scalp, thick fingers) do not appear in all patients. The disease develops within 2-5 years and in the absence of therapy, a fatal outcome occurs.

Chronic hepatitis can flow into cirrhosis

Hepatosis is characterized by impaired metabolic processes in the liver cells. Fatty hepatosis is called steatosis( gland cells accumulate fat).This process is reversible with timely treatment.

In the early stages, the disease does not manifest itself, as the cells deform the organ function is disrupted. The patient complains of pain, nausea, weakness, decreased immunity, itching, rash, yellowing of the skin.

Parasites break down the liver. The most common lamblia. They penetrate into the gland from the intestine. Symptoms are similar to an intestinal disorder( diarrhea, bloating, rumbling, lack of appetite).There is also a white coating on the tongue, bad breath, frequent eructations, weakness, rapid heart rate.

Symptoms of pancreatic pathology

If the enzymes of the pancreas are activated not in the duodenum but in itself, then they speak of the development of pancreatitis. This disease occurs as a result of inflammation of the pancreatic tissue.

There is a pathology due to unbalanced nutrition, sedentary lifestyle and genetic predisposition. In acute course, the patient complains of intense shingles, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, fever, increased sweating.

If the pancreas synthesizes an insufficient amount of insulin, then diabetes is diagnosed. His symptoms are diverse and related not only to digestion. The patient is constantly thirsty and hungry, eyesight deteriorates, there are problems with potency, tissue regeneration is broken, which leads to a long healing of wounds.

To confirm the diagnosis, the blood glucose level is checked.

When diabetes is required to limit the consumption of sugar

Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease in which the glands of external secretion are affected. Changes in the tissue can be in the lungs, pancreas, liver. When the disease on the glands are formed areas of fibrous tissue, and in the outflow ducts normal tissue is replaced by cystic tissue.

This leads to dystrophic changes, bile congestion and cirrhosis of the liver. Signs of the disease: leanness, chronic diarrhea, wheezing, wheezing, thickening of fingers, prolapse of rectum.

See also:
Pancreas analysis
Biliary pancreatitis - what is it?

Treatment of liver and pancreas diseases

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient must undergo a series of studies. Only after receiving their results, the doctor will be able to determine the pathology and prescribe adequate treatment. Diagnosis depends on the pathology, includes a biochemical study of urine, blood( reveals ALT, AST, bilirubin, sugar), ultrasound, fluoroscopy, if necessary, make a liver biopsy.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, doctors must prescribe a diet to the patient, which will provide the patient with a functional rest. If the disease has progressed quite strongly, fasting is prescribed for several days. In emergency cases, the patient is hospitalized.

Depending on the manifestation of the disease, the patient must adhere to a strict diet for up to six months. Even after the onset of remission patients are advised to exclude from the menu alcohol, fatty, spicy, salty foods, refrain from carbonated drinks and confectionery. If this advice is disregarded, the disease may become worse.

If the breasts of the glands are to be strictly observed, the

diet is recommended 4-5 times a day, but in small portions. Food should be steamed or cooked, baked. It is necessary to limit the use of salt and exclude from the menu products that cause bloating( cabbage, grapes, pears).Recommended dietary table number 5.

In addition to diet, the patient is prescribed medication that can eliminate the root cause of the disease and help the body restore its normal function. With exacerbations of the disease, drug therapy is suspended, and treatment is to reduce the burden on the diseased organ. In emergency cases, the patient receives food only intravenously.

During remission, enzyme preparations are prescribed, which help improve digestion and metabolism. Therapy implies the use of hepatoprotectors. These drugs restore the outflow of bile, lower cholesterol levels, strengthen immunity, and release free radicals. Often physicians are appointed Karsil, Essentiale Forte, Ursofalk, Phosphogliv.

To eliminate the pain syndrome use drugs that remove spasms( No-shpa or Papaverin), recover the excretory function of the pancreas will help Mezim or Creon. With diabetes of the first type, insulin is prescribed, with the second type of glucose-lowering drugs.

Treatment of the liver and pancreas with medicines is allowed only under the supervision of a specialist. With further medical therapy of any pathology, the treating doctor should be informed that there are problems with the liver so that the doctor prescribes tablets that act on the body less toxic.

As an addition to the main treatment, folk medicine recipes can be used that will help maintain liver function, reduce the inflammatory process and speed up digestion.

To heal the liver, folk healers recommend making decoctions and infusions from leaves of sage, wild rose berries, oregano grass. The function of the pancreas will improve mint, chamomile flowers, immortelle grass, dill, hawthorn.

With liver, bile duct and pancreas pathologies, the same symptoms occur, which the patient himself can be confused with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are also specific symptoms indicating a breach of the glands, but they do not appear in all patients and not at the first signs of the disease. For example, if there is pain in the liver, often the patients begin to find out if they have yellowing of the skin and sclera, but this symptom does not always appear.

Therefore, to find out the exact cause of the ailment, you need to see a doctor. Only after carrying out necessary analyzes and researches the doctor will understand, that became the reason of a pain and disturbance of digestion.

To cure most diseases of the liver and pancreas, it is possible with strict observance of all the doctor's recommendations. At a minimum, modern medicine can slow the course of the disease and improve the patient's quality of life.

Treat pathology takes a long time, and then you need to stick to a diet for life. Prevention of diseases is in proper nutrition, moderate consumption of alcohol, a healthy lifestyle. When forced intake of potent drugs is recommended to conduct and maintenance therapy of the liver.