Sore mouth ulcers in a child and an adult: treatment at home

If a child or an adult has oral mucosa inflammation and small but very painful sores appear( aphthae, erosions), then most likely it is stomatitis.

Stomatitis is a general term for oral diseases in the form of a protective reaction of the body's immune system to certain stimuli. Sores in the mouth are quite common and are successfully treated at home.

Contents of the article:
  • Possible causes
  • Characteristic symptoms of stomatitis
  • General recommendations
  • How to treat folk remedies?

Possible causes

  • Bacterial, viral or fungal infection .Microorganisms located on the surface of the mucous membrane, refer to the conditionally-pathogenic( inactive).When immunity weakens due to lack of vitamins or various diseases, they become more active, which leads to the formation of sores in the mouth.
  • Incorrect or unbalanced power supply .With a lack of vitamin B, iron, magnesium and other trace elements, the probability of developing stomatitis increases.
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  • Injuries to the oral cavity ( chemical, mechanical and thermal).Sometimes stomatitis appears as a response to any damage. Here we mean a cheek bite, a scratch on the edge of the crown or a splinter of the tooth, traumatizing with nuts, breadcrumbs or other solid food, an acid burn.
  • Low quality of dentures or their incorrect installation. Excessive oral hygiene .Too frequent use of toothpaste, which contains certain substances that contribute to a decrease in salivation and consequent dewatering of the oral cavity. Therefore, its vulnerability to the action of stimuli and acids is increased, and microtrauma may appear.
  • Insufficient compliance with general hygiene rules .
  • Bad habits of - excessive drinking and smoking.
  • The use of diuretics and medications, having an effect on the reduction of salivation.

Often, stomatitis is a consequence of the presence of a certain disease in the patient, for example:

  • , frequently occurring stomatitis on further examination can cause the presence of malignant formations of the neck, pharynx, nose;
  • may cause stomatitis after irradiation and chemotherapy procedures;
  • gastrointestinal diseases( colitis, gastritis), the presence of parasites in the body can cause the appearance of sores in the mouth;
  • after dehydration, prolonged fever, diarrhea, vomiting, significant loss of blood may also appear sores;
  • in people with HIV and AIDS;
  • during pregnancy, menopause, in the presence of hormonal diseases and disruptions;
  • in the presence of diseases of metabolic disorders( diabetes mellitus);
  • in people with bronchial asthma who use certain hormones in inhalers;
  • the presence of anemia( decreased hemoglobin).How to increase hemoglobin with the help of folk remedies, read in this article.

Symptoms of stomatitis

In the initial stage of the disease, the symptoms of stomatitis are characterized by a slight reddening of the lesion. Then around the inflamed focus there is swelling with pain and burning. The result is a round or oval sore with a red halo around it. Its edges are even, in the center appears a white thin film.

In addition, a person may experience increased salivation and a characteristic odor from the mouth. There are cases when the sores in the mouth are so painful that they interfere with the usual chewing food. It is also possible the appearance of bleeding gums and an increase in body temperature to 39 ° C with an increase in lymph nodes.

The most common place for the formation of sores in the mouth is the inner side of the lips, cheeks, soft palate and amygdala, less often the tongue or area below it.

General recommendations

Treatment of ulcers in the oral cavity must necessarily be complex to quickly and effectively eliminate pain, discomfort, to avoid further progression of the disease and its transition to a chronic stage. In order to cure it faster, it is important to ensure the following rules and recommendations:

  • Compliance with the diet( balanced and rational nutrition with the exception of acute, salty, too hard, sour, very cold or hot food).
  • Use of anesthetics and analgesics in cases of severe sore soreness( lidocaine, hexoral tabs, anesthesin).
  • Rinse the mouth, treat the affected area with antiseptic ointments, gels, sprays( such as holisal, kamistad, kametone, inhalipt, hexoral, vinyl-gel).
  • Application of antiviral, antifungal and antiallergic agents( ointment nystatin, tavegil, aciclovir, suprastin).
  • Use of drugs that promote rapid healing of the mucous membrane( solcoseryl, vinylin or Shestikovich balm, sea buckthorn oil).
  • Admission of vitamin complexes and immunomodulators.
  • Compliance with the rules of oral hygiene.

In case of severe injury, fever and the inability to tolerate pain, always consult a dentist or therapist.

Effective treatment of purulent wounds at home with the best folk remedies.

How can I get rid of myopaths using home remedies? Read in this article.

How to drink a decoction of oats for the treatment of the pancreas?http: // narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/napitki/ oves-dlya-podzheludochnoj.html

How to cure folk remedies?

  • Infusion of chamomile .One teaspoon of chamomile flowers is steamed by a glass of boiling water. Cooled infusion strain through gauze and add to it a teaspoon of honey. Rinse your mouth four times a day after eating.
  • Broth from burdock root .Grind the burdock root to the volume of two tablespoons. Pour 400 ml of boiling water and cook for about forty minutes. Put a tablespoon of chicory. Let it brew for about an hour, drain and rinse twice a day after eating.
  • Rinse with soda and salt .In 200 ml of warm water, stir well one teaspoon of soda( 5 g) and two tablespoons of salt( preferably sea).Rinse twice a day.
  • Milk garlic ointment .Take three medium-sized garlic cloves, chop as much as possible, passing through the press. In the resulting gruel, pour a tablespoon of sour milk or curdled milk. Treat the affected area with ointment up to three times a day.
  • Ointment from aloe .Stem aloe finely chopped and pour one teaspoon of olive oil. Thoroughly mix and lubricate the sores twice a day.
  • Carrot juice from sores in the mouth .Carrot juice of fresh pressing is mixed with warm water in equal parts. Rinse four times a day.
  • Onion broth .Grind the middle bulb and pour ¼ cup of water, boil and cool to room temperature. To treat sores, you need to keep the resulting broth in your mouth.
  • A mixture of protein and honey .Take 1 tablespoon of honey, sunflower oil( preferably unrefined), novocain ampoule and chicken protein mix well. For treatment, keep the mixture in your mouth for ten minutes to eight times a day.

Traditional methods of treatment are more effectively applied in parallel with traditional, prescribed by a doctor. Do not engage in self-medication and self-diagnosis when you have ulcers in your mouth. Improper treatment can lead to prolonged recovery and worsening of the patient's condition.