Arthritis: treatment, how to treat and cure at home with folk remedies

Hello dear readers! In this article, we will consider a large topic on arthritis and polyarthritis, what it is, learn general recommendations for their prevention and treatment. The most important thing is that there are effective tips and recipes, how and what to treat and cure arthritis at home with folk remedies, at the end of the article you will find medications, pills and medications for the treatment of joint diseases.

Arthritis and polyarthritis is a large group of joint diseases of an infectious or dystrophic nature. In some diseases, arthritis can be the main manifestation of the disease, with others - one of its symptoms. Arthritis is a very common disease, which is often the cause of temporary disability or stagnant, in which it is possible to register for a disability group.


Causes, Types and Symptoms of

Distinguishes arthritis is infectious, dystrophic( associated with metabolic disorders in the body), traumatic, and arthritis, which are symptoms of other diseases. Among the of the polyarthritis of infectious origin, rheumatic polyarthritis is most common.

Rheumatic polyarthritis

It is characterized by acute pain in one to three joints, their swelling, sometimes reddening of the skin, a sharp or significant painful restriction of the mobility of the inflamed joints, a rapid and significant increase in temperature. In rheumatic polyarthritis, large and medium joints of the extremities( knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder, etc.) are most often symmetrically affected.

Smaller joints of brushes, spine, brushes suffer much less often.

Rheumatic polyarthritis is characterized by volatility, ie, a relatively rapid subsidence of the inflammatory process in some and its development in other joints, as well as the benign nature of the course of arthritis: the inflammation ends without clinically detectable residual phenomena( adhesions, stiffness) and without osteoporosis of the articular parts of the bone, than this arthritis differs for the better from infectious nonspecific polyarthritis.

Infectious nonspecific polyarthritis

The frequency is significantly inferior to rheumatic polyarthritis, and in severity it significantly exceeds not only it, but all other forms of arthritis.

The causes of this disease are not known exactly. Currently, scientists consider infectious nonspecific polyarthritis as an infectious-allergic disease. It is very likely that one of the reasons for its development is chronic nasopharyngeal adenovirus infection.

Infectious nonspecific polyarthritis usually affects people aged 20 to 40 years, women are more likely than men. The disease begins acutely with a sharp rise in temperature to 39-40 ° C and the appearance of pain in the affected joints. Joints swell, increase, deform, painful during movement and palpation, the skin above them has a fever. Symmetrical joints are more often affected: wrist, metacarpophalangeal, ankle, knee. In the area of ​​affected joints muscle atrophy develops very rapidly, and it progresses with repeated exacerbations of the disease. In some patients on the extensor surface of the forearm, more often in the region of the elbow and on the front outer surface of the shin, subcutaneous nodules the size of a pea or beans appear, dense to the touch, insensitive and slow-moving.

In untreated acute nonspecific polyarthritis, it becomes subacute. With this form in the joints, residual effects are observed in the form of a small swelling and deformation, more clearly defined when comparing healthy and diseased limbs. Patients complain of a slight soreness and slight restriction of mobility in the affected joints. Very characteristic is the morning stiffness of movements, which first passes in one to two hours, and with the progression of the disease is delayed until dinner or even until evening.

The process is always exacerbated by colds, due to overwork and weakening of the body's immune forces. It often involves new joints. The second attack progresses, as a rule, rather sluggishly, but leads to more significant deformities and impaired function of the joints.

Traumatic arthritis

This disease occurs when a repeated mechanical microtrauma( work with a jackhammer, drill, etc.).Traumatic dystrophic arthritis is manifested by stiffness, awkward movements, blunt pains in the joints, muscles and peripheral nerves more in the morning hours or at the end of a day's work. Traumatic arthritis is usually not accompanied by changes in the joints, only when the joint moves in it there is a crunch. Sometimes bursitis, tendovaginitis may develop, but there is never ankylosis and contractures( movement restrictions in the joint).

Acute purulent arthritis

This is a very serious disease, with a high mortality rate. It develops due to the penetration of microorganisms into the joint cavity with cut, chopped and stab wounds, crushing injuries and gunshot wounds, sometimes as a result of injuries of the surrounding joints of soft tissues, when infected, the purulent process can pass to the capsule of the joint and spread to its internal( synovial) membrane.

For acute purulent inflammation of the joints are characterized by an acute onset of the disease, more and more intensifying pain, becoming unbearable during movements, and high fever. The patient tends to give the joint a semi-bent position, in which the joint cavity increases, and the accumulation of fluid gives less pain.

Complications of acute purulent arthritis develop when the purulent-necrotic process spreads onto the cartilaginous plate and the spongy substance of the articular ends of the bones, resulting in purulent osteoarthritis. In this case, purulent melting of the joint capsule may occur. Pus penetrates into soft tissues with the formation of phlegmon, which, as a rule, leads to sepsis and death.

Treatment of acute purulent arthritis can be therapeutic and surgical. In the first case, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, sulfonamide preparations and medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory properties are used. Simultaneously, general treatment is carried out aimed at increasing the body's defenses and suppressing the infection that breaks into the total blood flow. The affected joint, and sometimes the entire limb, should be in a plaster bandage. If there is no improvement, it is recommended that the joint be washed with antibiotics.

If the therapeutic treatment is ineffective, doctors will go on to complete amputation of the joint.

A very important moment in the prevention of acute purulent arthritis is the initial treatment of the wound with penetrating joint trauma: at least a primitive skin toilet around the wound, iodine lubrication, sterile bandage application and simple immobilization.

Treatment of arthritis: general treatment recommendations

Physiotherapy for arthritis

Therapeutic exercise is an indispensable component of complex treatment of arthritis in subacute and chronic periods. It contributes to the restoration of impaired function of the joints, has a general restorative effect. In the subacute period, active exercises are performed, first in the prone position, and then sitting and standing, along the main axes of movements in the joints. Physical development of joints is combined with respiratory exercises with gradually increasing load.

Of particular importance is therapeutic exercise in the treatment of chronic arthritis. Used gymnastics with the involvement of all joints in exercise. When the joints of the upper extremities are affected, the exercises are performed in a prone position, sitting and standing;when the joints of the lower limbs are affected - in the supine and sitting position;standing train the supporting function of the feet. Exercises can be active( with the use of various devices, sports equipment) and passive. Exercises on mechano-therapeutic devices are used as auxiliary ones. We recommend self-employment of patients for training affected joints up to 4-6 times a day for up to 7-10 minutes. It is advisable to conduct exercise therapy in combination with balneological and mud therapy.

Among the necessary for arthritis and polyarthritis are isometric exercises, in which the length of the muscles remains unchanged, and swimming. They stimulate the flow of blood to the joints and strengthen the muscles adjacent to them, without overloading the joint.

Various physiotherapeutic procedures( treatment with heat, cold, diathermy, ultrasound) are successfully used by naturopathic physicians, physiotherapists and chiropractors to restore the motor function of the joints and relieve pain in arthritis. But physiotherapy has a positive effect only with regular application. Scientists came to the conclusion that the beneficial effect of physiotherapy is that it helps to restore the necessary level of moisture in the joint capsule, which facilitates the release of degradation products and the assimilation of nutrients.

Medicinal baths for arthritis and polyarthritis.

Bath with herb of a highlander. 300 g of herrman's mountain herb pour 5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for two hours and pour into the tub. Bath temperature 38 ° C.Duration - 20 minutes. The course of treatment should take 12-15 baths every other day.

Coniferous baths. For 500 ml of water - 300 g of needles. Bring to a boil, set aside. Allow to stand for 4 hours in a warm place, strain and pour into a bath. Baths are taken every other day. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes, the number of procedures is 12-15.

Baths from grass sorb. 300 g of herbs pour 5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 3-4 hours in a warm place and pour into a bath with water. The bath temperature is 35-36 ° C.The number of procedures is 10-15.The bath time is 20 minutes.

Baths with sage and chamomile. Take 200 g of chamomile flowers and 200 g of sage leaves. Mixture pour 5 liters of steep boiling water, let it brew for two hours. Pour into the tub. The bath lasts 20 minutes, the temperature is 38 ° C.The course of treatment - 15 baths. Take the procedure every other day.

Baths from shoots of a fern. 300 g of fresh shoots of fern fill with 5 liters of boiling water. Allow to stand for 4 hours, pour into a bath with a water temperature of 36-37 ° C.The number of procedures is 15, the bath time is 20 minutes.

Baths with oat straw( for hands or feet). 200 grams of oat straw boil in 5 liters of boiling water for 30 minutes. After cooling to 38-4 ° C, use for foot baths. Procedures do in a day. On the course of 10-12 baths.

Nutrition for arthritis and arthrosis

When treating all forms of arthritis and polyarthritis, you need to follow a certain diet. The big benefit is brought to the patients by berries rich in flavonoids, such as cherries, blueberries, blackberries. An important role is played by food products containing sulfur compounds( garlic, onions, Brussels sprouts and cabbage).It was established that in patients suffering from joint diseases, a reduced concentration of sulfur compounds is observed in the body. When a patient with a medicine or food is injected with sulfur, his condition improves significantly.

Many diets have now been proposed for patients with arthritis or polyarthritis. The most famous is the diet of Ph. D. Norman Childers. It is based on his personal experience. Childers ruled out all the plants of the Solanaceae family from his diet and found that this simple restriction cured him of osteoarthritis. The scientist put forward the theory that arthritis, as well as a variety of other joint diseases, can develop in particularly susceptible people as a result of prolonged consumption of small doses of alkaloids in food contained in potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and tobacco. Alkaloids inhibit the natural growth of articular cartilage and promote inflammatory joint degeneration.

To confirm his theory, Childers conducted an experiment on 5000 volunteers with arthritis who agreed to exclude from the diet all products from the Solanaceae family. Within a month, more than 70 percent of patients reported improvement in general condition.

Scientists have found that the inclusion in food of some food additives significantly improves the condition of patients with joint diseases. These additives include: cartilage extracts, sea cucumber, mussels, shark cartilage, vitamins C, E, B3( or nicotinamide), B5, B6, zinc, boron and copper.

How to treat and cure arthritis at home with folk remedies

Traditional medicine has a large arsenal of home remedies, formulas, tips and recipes for curing arthritis and polyarthritis.

Preparations for external use

Prepare formulation 1 :

  1. camphor - 3 g;
  2. olive oil - 150 ml;
  3. turpentine - 150 ml;
  4. alcohol 70% - 150 ml.

All stir. Apply for grinding with arthritic pain.

Prepare formulation 2:

  1. vodka 40% - 100 ml;
  2. bee honey - 150 g;
  3. black radish juice - 200 ml;
  4. salt, cooked - 15 g.

All mix and rub into diseased joints.

Tincture of birch bud , prepare on 96% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5.Insist 7 days. Apply in the form of compresses, rubbing with arthritis, neuralgic pain, rheumatism, radiculitis.

Dried chestnut flowers. Prepare the tincture for alcohol( 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liter of vodka, insist 7 days).Use as rubbing with neuralgic pain.

For arthritis rub the area of ​​the affected joint with chemotherapy drugs from pine resin( liniment turpentine complex).

Tincture of chibibuhi on vodka( 2 teaspoons per 100 g) is rubbed with radiculitis, joint pain.

Clover red. Inefficiently fill the clover with a half-liter bottle and fill it with vodka. Insist 10 days in a warm and dark place. Strain. Use for compresses and rubbing in diseases of the joints. Tincture well removes joint pain.

Mullein( bear's eye). 50 g of flowers insist for two weeks in 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. Use as an external anesthetic for arthritis.

Eucalyptus oil - used as rubbing in diseases of joints, with radiculitis and rheumatism( drugstore).

Osokor ( poplar black).Infusion of kidneys or oil on its basis is used for gout, arthritis, rheumatism, myositis, to relieve itching. The oil is prepared as follows: mix one part of the kidneys with five parts of vegetable oil, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, insist 15 days in a warm place( shaking daily) and strain.

Alder. In acute rheumatism, arthritis, gout, arthritic pain, the following folk remedy is advised: the patient is put on a thick layer of alder leaves, top is covered with the same layer and wrapped with a blanket for 30-40 minutes. The patient sweats very much. This method is also used for colds.

Lilac. Ointment from lilac flowers is treated with articular and headaches, it is used for rheumatism, polyarthritis, gout. To obtain the ointment, fresh lilac inflorescences should be thoroughly rubbed with the same amount of butter.

Propolis. Inflammable joints can be cured by applying a rag to the sore spots, which the beekeepers place in the hive for the winter. Bees cover it with propolis. Radiculitis, neuralgia, articular rheumatism are treated in the same way.

Take equal( 200 g) glycerin, bile medical, ammonia, honey and iodine. Mix. Compress apply to sick joints for a day.

In 100 g alcohol dissolve 50 g camphor and 50 g mustard powder. Separately whisk 100 g of egg white and combine both compounds. Rub in sore spots with rheumatic pains and arthritis.

Kashitsa from radish, turnips, from horseradish roots is used for rubbing, compresses.

For rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis and polyarthritis, skin diseases, scrofula and rickets in children, as well as with constantly cold hands or feet, they make baths from the decoction of oat straw at the rate of 40 g straw per 1 liter of water.

Vinegar. Pour a linen towel in a weak solution of vinegar( for 500 ml of water 1 tablespoon of vinegar), squeeze out slightly and wrap this patient with a towel. Top with a woolen shawl. Compress for 3 to 8 hours. Then wash everything off.

( In her book "Health Alphabet" Lyudmila Kim notes that if such compresses are applied to the forehead for two weeks at night, the patients get rid of snoring.)

Mustard. It is applied externally in the form of mustard plasters.

Flax seeds. Warm up dry flax seeds in bags for the night apply to the painful areas with radiculitis or osteochondrosis.

Treatment enemas from chamomile, sage or watch is useful once a week to make patients with disrupted metabolism and with all metabolic diseases of the joints. Such enemas are good for obese people for weight reduction.

Wormwood is bitter. One tablespoon of dry shredded herbs pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Apply for compresses.

Fir oil. Fir oil must be rubbed into pre-warmed( using compresses from a warm sea salt or hot bath) joints. After rubbing the compress of salt should be repeated, but, putting salt on the joint, place a compress paper under it. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures.

Fir oil also works well with radiculitis, myositis, plexitis and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

For arthritis, rub the affected areas with the following composition:

  1. camphor oil - 1 tbsp.a spoon;
  2. alcohol ant - 4 tbsp.spoons;
  3. alcoholic tincture of bleached - 2 tbsp.spoons;
  4. alcoholic tincture of chestnut fruit - 3 tbsp.spoons.

Take in the equal parts of burdock roots, heather grass, nettle, ledum, tartar and cranberry leaves. Prepare the broth( 300 g of the ground mixture pour 5 liters of water, boil 10 minutes, strain).Pour into the tub. Baths take in a day - 10 procedures.

Patients with all forms of arthritis are advised to sleep on mattresses stuffed with fresh leaves of fern. With this method of treatment, the most severe forms of arthritis, gout, articular rheumatism, salt deposits are cured within two to three months.

"Tibet Bath". Dig a hole depth of 60-70 cm and burn in it birch firewood. For the remaining coals, the wood is placed twice. After burning wood on the remaining coals put the old animal bones and wait for them to burn. After the burning of bones on the coals put raw logs( not to catch fire) and from above a thick layer of tree branches of any coniferous rocks. On the branches plant the patient and steam out until the patient and the healer have enough patience. Then the patient is well wrapped and placed in a warm bed for 1.5-2 hours. Then massage.

Medicinal herbal preparations for oral use

Purity is great. The herb celandine is used to treat arthritis and polyarthritis.1 teaspoon of dry herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Observe the dosage exactly, since the celandine is toxic.

Birch buds. 5 g birch buds pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 3 minutes, let it brew in a warm place for 1 hour, strain. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day after meals.

Beans. 20 g of bean pods chop, pour 1 liter of water and boil on low heat for 40 minutes. Cool, strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day.

1 a tablespoon of fresh nettles pour a glass of boiling water. Boil three minutes and eat with the grass. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day.

Simultaneously with the intake of nettle inside, make warming compresses from the tincture of Kalgan( 6 tubers per 500 ml of vodka).Insist 30 days. Starry average( mocrice).1 a tablespoon of herbs brew 1 cup of boiling water. Allow to stand for 3-4 hours in a warm place, strain. Take 50 g 3-4 times a day for gout and arthritis.

Portulac of the garden.1 a tablespoon of fresh herbs filled with a glass of cold water. Boil 10 minutes after boiling. Let it brew in a warm place for 2 hours, strain. Take 2 tbsp.spoons 3-4 times a day with arthritis.

Cherry fruits with milk are used in the treatment of arthritis.

Berries of gooseberry in any amount are useful for arthritis and arthritis.

Corn stigmas. 2 teaspoons stewed pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Cowberry. 2 teaspoons of cranberry leaves pour a glass of water, boil for 5-7 minutes. Cool, strain and drink constantly throughout the day. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Bay leaf. Broth of bay leaves treats arthritis, tendovaginitis( inflammation of articular bags), sciatica. Cook the broth as follows: 1 tablespoon of bay leaf brew 400 ml of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes on low heat. Insist in the thermos for 8 hours and take one third of the glass three times a day for 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 18-21 days.

Drugs mistletoe white is prescribed inside with diseases of the joints, nervous diseases, neuralgic pains( sciatica, sciatica, polyarthritis, spondylitis).

Pharmaceutical preparation is flushed with ( concentrated leaf extract), take 0.2 g 3 times a day. You can also drink 10% alcohol tincture of 30 drops 3 times a day.

Water infusion or broth 40 g of young twigs of mistletoe with leaves or berries in 1 liter of water drink on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Spring primrose. Herb infusion. 2 tablespoons chopped herbs pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

Fresh grass can be used in salads, okroshke.

For arthritis and polyarthritis, drink a decoction of 20 g gentian root per 1 liter of water. Take one third of the glass three times a day. The broth quickly deteriorates, so they prepare it only for two days, then replace it with a new one.

Apple cider vinegar. For polyartrites and arthritis, apple cider vinegar, take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. In this case, vinegar is diluted with water and add honey( two teaspoons of vinegar - 200 ml of water and two teaspoons of honey).

The herb is fragrant. Herb herb is used as an "expelling disease" remedy for rheumatism, arthritis, gout. Prepare the infusion of herbs: 50 grams per liter of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

In case of rickets, scrofula, arthritis, gout, 3 tablespoons of herb insist in a thermos in 1 liter of boiling water overnight, boil 10 minutes in the morning and drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Dandelion officinalis. Decoction of herbs and roots. 1 tablespoon of dry powdered raw material pour a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, let it brew for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.

Fresh dandelion grass can be used as an external agent for compresses.

Infusion of herb ham( saxifrage). 3 tablespoons dry herbs pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

The piles are creeping. Four tablespoons of dry finely chopped rhizome roots pour 1 liter of water, boil until the volume decreases to one-fourth. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Thyme creeping. 3 tablespoons of chopped herbs pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. Nettle Stinging Nettle

. 1 tablespoon of dry ground nettle pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Spring primrose. 15 g of dry ground grass, pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day. Fresh grass can be used in the first and second dishes.

Black currant. Brew and drink as tea( 15 g of dry leaves per glass of boiling water) 3-4 times a day.

Anchor( poplar black). Infusion and tincture of black poplar are taken with arthritis, polyarthritis, radiculitis. Preparation of infusion: 2 teaspoons of dry shredded buds, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take one third of the glass 3 times a day.

Tincture: 100 grams of vodka for two spoons of kidney. Insist 7 days. Take 20 drops 3 times a day.

Local infusion of kidneys or kidney oil is used as rubbing in radiculitis, gout, rheumatism.

The sequence is three-parted. 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

For external use: 15 g grass for a glass of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour, use for compresses. St. John's wort St. John's wort. 1 tablespoon of dry ground grass fill with a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Infusion can be applied externally.

Chamomile pharmacy. 2 tablespoons of dry inflorescences, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain. Take 50 ml 3 times a day. Infusion can be applied externally. Ledum is a swamp. 1 teaspoon of chopped leaves and young shoots of Ledum, pour 300 ml of water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. For external use, take 4 teaspoons for 300 ml of boiling water. Bring to the boil, infuse for 1 hour.

The mug is big. Two tablespoons of dried ground roots, pour 300 ml of water, boil 20 minutes, infuse for 1 hour. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. Fresh burdock leaves are used externally, as well as when preparing salads, soups, okroshki.

Medical preparations, tablets and medicines for the treatment of arthritis

Rubbing. Pharmaceutic preparations

Kapsin Kapsitrin
camphor ointment Menovazin
Ant alcohol Bishofit
Efkamon liniment Naftalgin
Turpentine ointment indomethacin ointment
butanedioic ointment Camphor oil
pepper, camphor liniment tincture cayenne pepper
Nikofleks liniment( Hungary) OintmentSilva( Baltic States)

paraffin paraffin
paraffin paraffin Ozokerite
Bile medical Bishofite
Goose fat Alcohol-vodka
Camphor oil Infusion of lime and chamomile

There are many species and varieties of arthritis and polyarthritis, so this chapter will only treat the most common of them.

Schemes for the treatment of arthritis

Infectious nonspecific polyarthritis

In the treatment of this group of polyarthritis, the main components of the treatment are:

  1. detection and treatment of focal infection;
  2. effect on the general reactivity of the body;
  3. effect on the inflammatory process in the joints;
  4. functional motor therapy.

In the acute phase, patients need inpatient treatment with maximum sparing of the affected joints( tires, longet, plaster bandage).

The effect on the overall reactivity of the body and on the allergic inflammatory process is carried out by taking the following drugs: Acetylsalicylic acid ( 0.5 g three times a day), Butadione ( 0.25 three times a day).Assigned also, Pirabutol , Reopyrin and Butapirin ( daily dose of 1 g).

In the absence of a therapeutic effect, steroid preparations are added to the treatment: Prednisone , Prednisolone in tablets 5 mg( 3-5 times daily), Triamsinolone - 4 mg( 3-5 times daily), Dexamethasone - 0, 5 mg( 3-5 times per day).

When the active inflammatory process stops, gradually reduce the dose of steroid drugs( for example, half the tablets every 5 days), which prevents the appearance of withdrawal syndrome.

In addition to the above drugs, patients are prescribed ascorbic acid( 0.5-0.8 g per day), diphenhydramine - overnight.

When the inflammatory process in any joint is delayed, intraarticular administration of hydrocortisone acetate( 40-60 mg for large, 25-50 mg for medium and 15-30 for small joints) is recommended.

Currently, the treatment of infectious arthritis with quinoline derivatives( Delagil, Rezohinon, Chlorochil, etc.) is becoming increasingly widespread.

With an isolated application, they are prescribed in a dose of 0.25 once a day after dinner. This method of treatment is especially shown in subacute and chronic processes. The medicine is cumulated and therefore the effect comes with a great delay - 4-8 weeks after the start of treatment.

After removal of acute phenomena, you can start physiotherapeutic treatment: UHF, hydrogen sulphide baths, ozocerite, paraffin, mud therapy.

Arthritis traumatic

The occurrence of this arthritis is associated with unfavorable working conditions, frequent injuries, hypothermia.

Treatment: elimination of unfavorable working and living conditions, paraffin applications( 40-60 minutes), mud applications - 20-30 minutes, muscle massage. A special place in the treatment of traumatic arthritis is sanatorium-and-spa treatment in Pyatigorsk, Sochi, Sernovodsk.

Arthritis metabolic

During the exacerbation, complete rest, 1-2 days of hunger and plenty of drinking are recommended, as well as the use of hormonal drugs( ACTH 20 units twice a day, Cortisone 50 mg 6 times per day, butadione 0.15 g 4-5 times a day for 3 days).

In the period of remission, an antipodal diet: the exclusion of products rich in purine bases( fried fish and meat, liver, brains, kidneys, sorrel, radish, beans, peas, spinach).See the treatment for gout.

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