Urolithiasis: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, prevention

Urolithiasis of of the kidneys( MKB, renal stone disease ) in women and men - a disease associated with stone formation in the kidneys, ureters or bladder, is common in the basins of the Volga, Don, in the North Caucasus. Men are sick more often than women.

In medical practice, an abbreviation is used to shorten the name of the urolithiasis itself as an ICD.And in the medical classification of diseases of the tenth revision for urolithiasis there are codes( according to ICD-10): N20-N23.Where sub is denoted by code N20 - Stones of the kidney and ureter( excl. With hydronephrosis N13.2), N21 - Stones of the lower urinary tract( including: cystitis and urethritis), N22 - Stones of the urinary tract in diseases classified in othersrubrics and N23 - Renal colic, unspecified.

Today we will talk about the symptoms of urolithiasis, its causes, diagnosis and treatment( including home treatment), diet and nutrition issues in the ICD and how to treat the disease with folk remedies at home and with medications, medications.

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Causes of stone formation

The causes of urine and kidney stone disease have not been adequately studied. However, predisposing to stone formation include congenital and acquired changes in the urinary tract, disturbing the dynamics of urine and its stasis, neurogenic dyskinesia, urinary tract infections( pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.). The main role is played by metabolic, uric acid and purine, oxalic-acidic andphosphoric-calcium, sometimes called diathesis.

Dysfunction of the endocrine glands, especially the hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, causes the formation of stones in the urinary system. Hyperparathyroidism is characterized by hypercalcemia, hypercalcinuria, hyperphosphaturia.

Preconditions for the deposition of salts in the kidneys create hypervitaminosis of vitamin D and vitamin A hypovitaminosis: violations of the liver, gastrointestinal tract( hepatitis, gastritis, colitis).

Stone formation in the urinary tract is often accompanied by:

  1. diseases requiring long-term restriction of motor activity( para- and hemiparesis, extensive bone fractures, diseases of the osteoarticular system);
  2. hot and dry climate, when there is a significant loss of fluid and increased urine concentration;
  3. use of highly mineralized drinking water - the source of exogenous introduction of salt into the body, promotes the emergence of renal lythyase;
  4. hereditary predisposition in the origin of kidney stone disease.

How are stones formed in the kidneys, ureters, bladder

Stone formation is a complex physicochemical process. The basis is a violation of colloid balance in the tissues of the body and changes in the renal parenchyma. With insufficient concentration of protective colloids, an elementary cell is formed - the "micelle", which is the nucleus of the future stone. The material for the formation of the nucleus can be an amorphous precipitate, fibrin, a blood clot, cellular detritus, bacteria, any foreign bodies located in the urine.

Further precipitation of salts on the original core will depend on the concentration of the basic salt and other salts contained in the urine. The location of the stones does not always coincide with the place of their formation. Thus, ureteral stones are more often formed in the kidneys. According to the chemical composition, the stones can be homogeneous - oxalate, urate, phosphate, carbonate, cystine, xanthine, cholesterol and mixed.

In acid urine stones are found from uric acid salts - urate, in alkaline - phosphates. Oxalates can occur in both acidic and alkaline urine. The size of the stones varies from very small to the size of a large egg. Stones can be single and multiple. The presence of stones causes organic changes in the kidneys, depending on the duration of the stone in the kidney, its size, location, mobility and whether the stone is an obstacle to the passage of urine.

Symptoms and Diagnosis ICD

More often urolithiasis is observed in men and women aged 20-50 years. The main symptoms of nephrolithiasis( urinary stone withdrawal) are:

  1. pain( renal colic),
  2. hematuria,
  3. pyuria,
  4. spontaneous removal of stones with urine.

Pain in the lumbar region is caused by a violation of the normal passage of urine through the urinary tract, their intensity depends on the degree of disturbance of the outflow of urine. Large stones in the kidney( especially coral stones) cause blunt, dull pains and, on the contrary, small, small stones in the upper urinary tract often cause severe pain, the so-called renal colic.

Attack of renal colic: symptoms of

Renal colic is accompanied by typical, acute, sudden pain in the lumbar region with irradiation along the ureter and into the genitals. Pain is accompanied by frequent and painful urination, vomiting, nausea, flatulence and other reflex phenomena. The patient behaves restlessly, rushes. Pains are often so severe that they stop only after the introduction of drugs. The duration of an attack, as a rule, does not exceed a day.

Most often, renal colic is caused by the infringement of the stone in the ureter, which leads to a delay in the excretion of urine, pyeloectasia, an increase in the intrarenal pressure. The attack of colic may be accompanied by a decrease in the amount of urine released up to the anuria, which is of a reflex character. There is a fever of the wrong type.

In an objective study, pain in the lumbar region is determined, a positive symptom of Pasternatsky, a sharp pain in palpation of the kidneys and along the ureter. In urine, after or less often during an attack, a small amount of protein is detected, fresh red blood cells, white blood cells. In peripheral blood during an attack, leukocytosis may be observed with a shift to the left, an increase in ESR.

One of the signs of nephrolithiasis is the passage of stones with urine. Usually stones leave after an attack of renal colic. Hematuria occurs due to damage to the mucosa of the urinary tract and small capillaries in the submucosa. Smooth stones( phosphates) less injure the urinary tract and less often cause hematuria. Concrements with sharp edges( oxalates) often injure the mucous membrane and, therefore, often cause hematuria.

Hematuria as a symptom of nephrolithiasis is common, and the hematuria is less common than microhematuria. Macrogematuria is often observed at the end of an attack of renal colic or shortly after the end of it and is observed in 92% of patients with urolithiasis. The pyuria observed in a number of cases is due to the addition of the inflammatory process in the urinary tract and in the kidneys.

Asymptomatic nephrolithiasis is noted in approximately 13% of patients. In this case, there is usually no significant morphological changes in the kidneys, as well as pronounced pyelonephritis.

The course of nephrolithiasis is favorable in most cases. Sometimes after the departure of the stone disease for a long time does not recur. Complication of nephrolithiasis by infection significantly burdens the course of the disease, leads to a chronic course of the process, to the development of calculous pyelonephritis with pronounced pyuria, symptomatic hypertension, chronic renal insufficiency or hydropyonephrosis. Especially severe current with a tendency to massive bilateral stone formation with the outcome of renal failure is renal stone disease, caused by parathyroid adenoma with the phenomena of hyperparathyroidism. With bilateral nephrolithiasis and bilateral occlusion of ureteral stones, excretory anuria often occurs.

How to remove renal colic

For renal colic in the case of mild pain, you can restrict injection of 1 ml of a 2% solution of lantopone or morphine in combination with 1 ml of 0.1% solution of atropine, a simultaneous warm bath or a heating pad on the lumbar region.

Assign antispasmodics( no-spa, papaverine).With severe renal colic, as well as in cases where pain does not quickly disappear after the injection of opiates, it is necessary to use novocaine anesthesia of the spermatic cord or round uterine ligament.

Operation with stones: when do or not?

In cases of lack of effect from the above measures, endovezical manipulations are necessary - catheterization of the ureter or dissection of the ureteral mouth, if the stone is trapped in the intramural part of the ureter.

The indications for the operation are strong, often repeated attacks of renal colic, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, which complicated the kidney stone disease, when it is difficult to calculate the stone's departure;Large ureter stones and stones complicated by its structure;kidney blockage caused by a stone if the kidney function is not restored after a week;stones of the ureter that do not migrate for 3 months, stones of a single kidney;hematuria, which threatens the life of the patient.

Stones of the bladder are formed in the bladder itself or descend from the kidney and ureter and often spontaneously retire during urination. The prolonged occurrence of a stone in the bladder leads to a permanent trauma to the mucosa and the development of chronic cystitis.

Bladder stone is characterized by frequent urination during wakefulness and lack of desires during sleep, pains are irradiated to the glans penis, into the labia majora, into the region of the anus. When the stone is infringed in the neck of the bladder, there is a sudden cessation of urination accompanied by sharp pains.

In this regard, patients try to urinate sitting or lying on their sides. Tenesmus with urination can lead to prolapse of the rectum. Large stones are to be removed, mainly by a high section of the bladder.

Diagnosis of kidney stone disease: renal stone disease

The diagnosis of nephrolithiasis is based on history( colic) data, changes in urine( hematuria, pyuria), characteristic pain and their irradiation, urination disorders, urinary stones, and also on radiographic, ultrasound andinstrumental research. In typical cases, the diagnosis of renal colic is not difficult.

However, with right-sided colic and atypical flow it is necessary to differentiate it with acute appendicitis or acute cholecystitis. In these cases, the localization of pain, the absence of dysuric phenomena, changes in the urine, the symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum, which are absent in renal colic, helps. Great difficulties arise when it is necessary to differentiate the kidney stone disease with a kidney infarct.

It should be remembered that a renal infarction arises as a result of cardiovascular diseases, mainly atherosclerosis and rheumatic heart diseases, which occur with rhythm disturbances and heart failure.

In these cases, in spite of back pain and hematuria, dysuric phenomena are usually not observed, pain rarely reaches extreme intensity, as is the case with kidney stone disease.

The main method of recognition of urinary tract stones is X-ray diagnostics. With the help of survey images, it is possible to identify the majority of stones. However, soft uric acid or protein stones that do not retain X-rays do not give a shadow on the survey. For their detection, tomography, pneumopilography, excretory urography are used. Following the survey( regardless of the presence or absence on the roentgenogram of the shadow of the calculus), excretory urography is necessary to determine the functional capacity of the kidneys and urinary tract.

In cases where excretory urography does not give an idea of ​​the functional and anatomical changes in the kidney( calculous hydronephrosis, pionephrosis), retrograde pylography is used, isotope renography. With the help of urography it is possible to clarify the localization of the calculus( calyx, pelvis, ureter), to reveal the degree of functional disorders in the kidney and upper urinary tract, which is necessary for the correct choice of treatment.

Home treatment of urolithiasis in women and men

Home remedies, nutrition and diet for urolithiasis

Antibiotics, sulfonamide preparations, nitrofurans are prescribed for the control of urinary infection.

In some patients, stone formation in the kidneys is due to calcium exchange anomalies and is observed with hyperfunction of parathyroid glands, hypervitaminosis D, prolonged immobility of the body. Under these conditions, there are various violations of calcium metabolism. With adenoma of the parathyroid gland, it must be removed.

With urate diathesis, the amount of purine bases should be reduced in the diet. From the food excluded fried meat, brains, liver, meat broth.

Patients with urate stones are prescribed a milky-vegetable diet, as it, alkalinizing urine, lowers acidosis.

Oxalaturia recommends products that promote the excretion of the body of alkaline acid salts and alkalinizing urine.

When phosphate stones recommend acidic mineral waters of Kislovodsk, Truskavets, Zheleznovodsk, with uraturia - alkaline waters of Borzhomi, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Truskavets, with oxaluria - Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk;patients with kidney stones and ureters with acid reaction of urine - water Zheleznovodsk, Borzhomi, Truskavets, Essentuki, with an alkaline reaction - Truskavets, Zheleznovodsk.

Treatment tables for urolithiasis

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract are diverse, so the attending physician, knowing the individual characteristics of his patient and the presence of a disease, will appoint a suitable diet and treatment table for urolithiasis.

We now consider all types of therapeutic nutrition for kidney diseases.

Table № 6. It is prescribed for violations of protein metabolism, with gout. From the table number 6, foods rich in animal proteins are excluded. This is a milky-vegetable table. Patients are allowed milk, egg, flour and sweet dishes, all kinds of berries, fruits, greens and vegetables, except for legumes, sorrel, spinach and tomato. Soups are allowed dairy and vegetarian, meat and fish are given not every day and only in a cooked form. Just like at table number 5, all kinds of extractive and acute substances are prohibited: snacks, smoked products, pickles, canned food, sausages, and cheeses. Such patients are prescribed a copious drink.

Table number 6 is also used for pyelitis( inflammation of the renal pelvis).

Table No. 7. The seventh tables are designed for renal patients. Of these, table No. 7a is intended for the most severe treatment, it is prescribed for acute nephritis and nephrosis, as well as in far-reaching cases of chronic nephritis.

Animals exclude animals and some vegetable proteins, for example legumes, mushrooms;milk is severely restricted. The renal diet is achloride, i.e., salt-free;all food is prepared without salt, special saltless bread is baked, since 1 kg of black bread contains 8-16 g of salt.

All kinds of extractive liquids are prohibited. In addition to the liquid contained in food, it is allowed to drink no more than 200-400 ml. The patients are given all sorts of flour and sweet dishes, butter, berries, fruit, compotes, jelly, vegetarian and fruit soups, and from drinks - weak tea with cream or milk and fruit juices. You can give all kinds of vegetables, except for horseradish and spinach. If the achloride diet is prescribed for a long time, then on some days patients receive 1-4 grams of salt per day.

Table No. 7/6.Assigned with some improvement in the patient's condition, when acute events decrease. Drinking is permitted in larger quantities;give milk, allow the intake of proteins, first plant, and then, occasionally, animals in the form of meat and fish.

Table number 7. On the table number 7 pass after the table number 76;It is also used for chronic nephritis. It is allowed to slightly add food( 1-4 g), which is prepared without salt and a certain amount of salt is given to patients in their hands. In addition to what is permitted with diet No. 7a and 76, patients receiving table No. 7 are increased in the amount of drinking and protein products. Sometimes patients are given eggs, mostly egg yolks. Of course, these tables can not be provided to all patients with various renal dysfunction and various manifestations of the disease of this organ. When azotemia, with the accumulation of slags in the blood, with a decrease in the concentration function of the kidneys, patients should not be limited to drinking and should be sharply reduced and sometimes excluded from the diet of proteins. In such cases, they are given a plentiful drink - up to 2 liters and more liquid per day and 1-2 times a week or 2 days in a row appoint unloading days: sugar, milk, apple and vegetable.

In cases of nephrosis, when patients lose a lot of protein and develop hypoproteinemia, they need to be "loaded" with protein. The protein load approximately consists of 300 g of cottage cheese and 150 g of meat per day.

Stone in the kidneys, bladder: how to remove folk remedies

Using a complex of medicinal plants, you can ensure the normalization of metabolism. With urolithiasis, a number of phytopreparations are used with a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose.

Extract madder dyeing dry has spasmolytic diuretic effect, promotes loosening of stones containing calcium and magnesium phosphates. Assign 2-3 tablets( 0.25 grams) in 1/2 cup of warm water 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after 4-6 weeks.

Complex preparation olimetin promotes the escape of small stones, providing an antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Capsules contain 0.5 g of the drug. Take 2 capsules 3-5 times a day before meals( with heartburn after eating).After the departure of stones for preventive purposes, it is recommended to take 1 capsule per day. The drug is contraindicated in violation of urination, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, hepatitis, peptic ulcer.

Avisan contains a complex of substances from the fruits of the plant Ammi tooth. Has a pronounced spasmolytic effect on the smooth musculature of the ureters, reduces or relieves pain in patients with renal colic and promotes the advancement and removal of stones. Take 1-2 tablets( 0.05-0.1 g) 3-4 times a day after meals for 1-3 weeks. To facilitate removal of stones in the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system, the patient drinks 1.5-2 liters of water or liquid tea within 2-3 hours. This method is repeated after a few days.

Pinabine - 50% solution in peach oil of heavy fractions of essential oils obtained from pine needles or spruce. Has spasmolytic and bacteriostatic properties. Assign inside 5 drops 3 times a day on sugar 15-20 minutes before meals, the course of treatment 4-5 weeks. With colic, a single dose can be increased to 20 drops. Contraindicated in nephritis.

Cystenal , has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect. Assign inside 2-3 drops on sugar 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day( with heartburn - during and after meals).At an attack of a colic accept on Saccharum of 20 drops. Contraindicated in acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis with impaired renal function, gastric ulcer. In inflammatory processes in the urinary tract, in addition to the appointment of antibacterial agents, use decoction of herbs of field horsetail 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Contraindicated with glomerulonephritis.

Medicinal herbal remedies

Antiseptic, diuretic and antispasmodic action with concrements in the urinary tract is ensured by the appointment of herbal medicines:

  1. Grass horsetail field - 10 g;flowers tansy ordinary - 10 g;leaves cranberries - 20 g. Cook take 1 glass each morning during breakfast and in the evening.
  2. Nettle leaves - 5 g;rhizome aira - 5 g;leaves peppermint - 5 g;grass horsetail field - 15 g;flowers of elderberry black - 15 g;linden flowers - 15 g;fruits of juniper - 15 g;fruit of a dogrose - 15 g. Broth take on 1 glass in the morning during a breakfast and in the evening.
  3. Parsley fruits - 50 g;fruits of anise - 50 g;grass shepherd's bag - 15 g;fruits of juniper - 15 g;leaves bearberry - 15 g;root stalker - 15 g;root of the dandelion - 15 g. Decoction take 1 glass each morning and evening.

When collecting sand and stones, the following is recommended:

  1. Birch leaves - 20 g;root stalker - 20 g;fruits of juniper - 20 g;herb celandine - 20 g;grass gooseberry goose - 20 g. 4 tbsp.l.collect 1 liter of boiling water, wait until it cools, and drink immediately, trying to delay urination as long as possible. When urinating it is recommended to take a sedentary bath. Collection is contraindicated with glomerulonephritis.
  2. In the presence of oxalate stones appoint a collection: the root of the madder dyeing - 10 g;root stalker - 20 g;flaxseed - 40 g. Cook and take, as the previous infusion.

Stop renal colic and exert anti-inflammatory action:

  1. Leaves of bearberry - 10 g;herb mountaineer's herb - 10 g;herb hernia - 10 g;corn stigmas - 10 g. Infusion is taken by 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day 1 hour after eating.
  2. Herb celandine - 25 g;St. John's wort - 25 g;herb thyme creeping - 25 g. Infusion( 1 liter) is consumed immediately after cooling.
  3. Fruits of parsley - 5 g;fruits of juniper - 5 g;fruit anise - 5 g;flowers of the lily of the valley - 30 g;leaves of birch - 30 g. Infusion take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 1 hour after eating. Contraindicated with glomerulonephritis.


Vegetables, berries and fruits with diuretic properties.

Watermelon is consumed in fresh form up to 2-2.5 kg per day for urolithiasis, cystitis, glomerulo- and pyelonephritis, which proceed without fluid retention in the body. Watermelon is prescribed with urate, oxalate and cysteine ​​urolithiasis with the precipitation of salts in acid urine.

Cabbage white , due to the content of a large number of potassium salts, increases the release of fluid from the body, has a diuretic effect.

Cranberry four-leaved is used in the form of mors and extracts in pyelonephritis as a bactericidal and diuretic.

Wild strawberry forest .Infusion of berries and leaves has a diuretic property. Dill vegetable garden .Powder from dry grass or infusion of seeds is used as a diuretic.

Barabaris ordinary .Berries and leaves have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Pear .Juice and decoctions of fruits are used as a diuretic for urolithiasis.

Melon .Pulp and seeds have a diuretic effect.

Seed salad increases urination.

Gooseberry .Decoction of berries is prescribed to enhance urination.

Apitherapy : 3 g of mummy dissolved in 3 liters of boiled water. Take 20 ml of the solution 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. It is advisable to drink sugar beet juice, take 10 days, rest for 3 days. The course of treatment - 15 grams of mummy.

The prognosis of most cases of nephrolithiasis is favorable and becomes serious only with the adherence of chronic pyelonephritis or pionephrosis, as well as with the development of persistent symptomatic hypertension or renal insufficiency.

Electromagnetic biostimulation with ebonite circle. It is recommended to massage the loins for 10-15 minutes. Move in small circles. The second hand of the treating person should be below the navel. The number of procedures is 10-15.

Magnetic clips are also used as a medicamentless method of treatment and prevention by auricular magnetoradiation and acupressure in outpatient and home settings. Clips are placed on the projection points of internal organs on the auricle.

Folk remedies, prescriptions for the treatment of ICD at home

For the prevention of nephrolithiasis, general hygiene, proper nutrition, motor activity, and also the fight against inflammatory diseases and infections of the urinary tract are of great importance.

If urate is detected from a patient in urine, tries to exclude fried meat, liver, kidneys, poultry meat, cheeses, spinach, lettuce, radish, radish from his diet. Exclude from food sour juices, marinades, spices.

To help get rid of urates you can plants such as lingonberries, wild strawberries, celery, watermelon, pumpkin.

With urate acid diathesis and urate stones the patient can be recommended the following fees and herbs:

Gather 1 :

  1. bark of white willow,
  2. birch leaves,
  3. leaves of strawberry,
  4. rose hips,
  5. flax seeds,
  6. parsley grass,
  7. black elder blossoms.

Take all the ingredients in equal amounts and mix.2 tablespoons chopped collection pour 300 ml of water, boil for three minutes, infuse for 1 hour, strain. Take half a glass three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Gathering 2 :

  1. root of the stalk,
  2. birch leaves,
  3. juniper fruit,
  4. goose grass goose,
  5. celand grass.

Preparation as in the previous recipe. Take for a night 1 glass of infusion.

Collection 3 :

  1. parsley root,
  2. rosemary leaves,
  3. sage leaves,
  4. bean pods,
  5. St. John's wort,
  6. grass horsetail field.

Preparation and use as in the previous recipe.

Collection 4 :

  1. root of madder dyeing,
  2. birch leaves,
  3. fruit of juniper,
  4. rose hips.

1 teaspoon of collection pour 200 ml of cold water, leave for 2-3 hours. Drink during the day.

Gathering 5 :

  1. root of the stalk,
  2. rhizome root,
  3. walnut leaves,
  4. juniper fruit,
  5. golden rod grass.

Take everything in total, chop it.2 tablespoons of the collection pour 400 ml of water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool 1 hour at room temperature, strain. Drink half the glass 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Collection 6 :

  1. root of the needle,
  2. parsley root,
  3. asparagus root,
  4. celery root,
  5. fruit of dill.

Take the same amount.4 tablespoons of the collection pour 500 ml of water, simmer for 30 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink half the glass three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Gathering 7 :

  1. grass horsetail field - 40 g,
  2. rose hips - 20 g,
  3. herb mountaineer bird - 20 g,
  4. herb grass - 20 g

5 tablespoons of collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour,strain. Drink 2 cups three times a day with meals.

Gathering 8 :

  1. root of stalker,
  2. rhizome root,
  3. rhizome of licorice,
  4. fruit of barberry,
  5. fruit of juniper,
  6. fruit of fennel,
  7. grass of shepherd's bag.

Take all of the above, mix.2 tablespoons of the collection pour 300 ml of boiling water. Heat on a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes. Strain. Drink a quarter of a glass 4 times a day half an hour after a meal.

Gather 9 :

  1. whole plant of wild strawberry,
  2. parsley root,
  3. rhizome of ara,
  4. corn stigmas,
  5. leaves cranberries,
  6. shoots of kidney tea,
  7. grass spores.

Preparation and use as in the previous recipe.

If stones or phosphate ( phosphates) or oxalate ( oxalate) stones are detected in urine and kidneys, it is necessary to limit the intake of foods rich in calcium( milk, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, potatoes).Products containing purine bases( meat, liver, fish), foods rich in oxalic acid: spinach, lettuce, rhubarb, sorrel, tomatoes, coffee, cocoa, strong tea, chicory, milk, cottage cheese, carrots, strawberries, onions,beets.

Useful carbohydrates, meat, cucumbers, tomatoes, rice and other cereals.

It is advised to add citric acid as food, since it binds calcium. The diet should mainly be flour dishes, eggs, meat, butter, fish.

Juice of sauerkraut, sour and salted fruits and vegetables is useful. Birch sap is especially shown.

To help get rid of oxalate stones can: apples( especially peel), pears, grapes, quince, dogwood, peaches, black currant. Patients should also recommend bread, fats, eggs, cheese.

When oxalate and phosphate diathesis folk medicine recommends the following fees and herbs:

Collection 10 :

  1. root madder,
  2. corn silk,
  3. leaves cranberries,
  4. fruit of barberry,
  5. grass gryzhnika,
  6. grass clover,
  7. grassSt. John's wort,
  8. herb rash,
  9. herb rue scented.

2 tablespoons of the collection pour 500 ml of boiling water. Heat on a water bath for 15 minutes, insist at room temperature for 1 hour, strain. Take one-third of the glass three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Collection 11 :

  1. cranberries leaves - 2 pieces,
  2. leaves of the initial letter - 2 pieces,
  3. grass cornflower - 3 parts,
  4. veronica grass - 3 parts.

1 teaspoon of collection pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour in a warm place, strain. Drink 1 glass in the morning and at night with honey.

Collection 12 :

  1. madder root dyeing - 1 part,
  2. rhizome grass - 2 parts,
  3. sage leaves - 2 pieces.

4 tablespoons pour a liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Insist in the thermos for 2 hours, strain. Drink 1 glass in a warm form 2 times a day with honey.

Collection 13 :

  1. leaves of cranberries,
  2. leaves of strawberry,
  3. leaves of rosemary,
  4. fruit of juniper,
  5. cumin fruits,
  6. grass horsetail.

Total take 10 g( 2 tablespoons), chop, stir.3 tablespoons of the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes, infuse for 1 hour. Strain. Drink 2 glasses 4 times a day after meals.

Collection 14 :

  1. rhizome rootstock erect - 3 parts,
  2. herb inflorescence - 2 parts,
  3. daisy flowers - 2 pieces.

1 tablespoon of the collection pour 500 ml of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, insist at room temperature for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day after meals.

Collection 15 :

  1. root of the madder dyeing,
  2. root of the first lady,
  3. fruit of the barberry,
  4. fruit of the dill,
  5. the herb of St. John's wort,
  6. herb of peppermint,
  7. herb grass,
  8. grass rue.

Preparation and use as in the previous recipe.

Collection 16 :

  1. madder dye root - 3 pieces,
  2. stalk root - 2 pieces,
  3. flax seeds - 5 pieces.

1 tablespoon of the collection pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, infuse for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

With phosphate and especially with persistent current oxalate diathesis, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the kidneys and urinary tract, find and eliminate the cause of the disease.

With all kinds of uric acid stones, a vegetarian diet is very useful.

With all types of kidney stones folk medicine advises:

Take 1 tablespoon of radish juice three times a day for two weeks. If necessary, you can repeat the course of treatment.

With renal colic , prepare the collection 17 :

  1. birch( leaf sprigs) - 100 g,
  2. leaves cuffs - 10 g,
  3. raspberries( leaves) - 20 g,
  4. grass swamp grass - 10 g.

All mix,pour 5 liters of boiling water in enameled dishes. Wrap for an hour, then strain and pour into a bath. The water level in the bathtub should be just above the waist.

Oats .Half-liter can of unrefined oats fill with 1 liter of boiling water. Simmer for 1 hour. Take half a glass 3 times a day. Well expels sand and small stones.

Sporish .Water infusion of herbs( 20 g per 200 ml of water) promotes the removal of stones in urolithiasis, while having an anti-inflammatory effect.

Marena dyeing .It is used for urolithiasis to remove stones containing calcium and magnesium phosphates. The extract of madder is a part of the Czechoslovak Cystenal preparation. Preparation: 1 tablespoon finely chopped rhizomes pour one cup boiling water, insist 8 hours, strain. Drink one third of a glass three times a day.

Infusion of heather has a good effect on kidney stones.40 g per liter of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour. Drink two-thirds of the glass three times a day.

Pumpkin - a universal remedy that restores metabolic processes in the body. Cleans the kidneys well. Usually, fresh pumpkin juice is used two-thirds of the glass 3 times a day.

A good property to drive stones from the kidneys have the roots of a pumpkin. Finely chop and dry them. Two tablespoons of dry root brew in 0.5 liters of water, insist for three hours, drink three quarters of a glass three times a day for two months. Reception of this medicine can be combined with reception of warm baths.

Watermelon .Do not forget in kidney diseases about such an effective tool as a watermelon. The watermelon cake is dried, use for preparation of infusions as a diuretic and kidney cleanser for almost all kidney diseases. Parsley .Strong broth of parsley drink without norm at stones in a bladder, kidneys, a liver.

Russian peasants used flaxseed to cleanse the kidneys from the stones.20-30 grains, pour 200 ml of water. Simmer for 10 minutes. Drink half the glass every two hours for 2 days.

Rosehip seeds .Broth of rose hips is used for kidney stones and bladder. A teaspoon of chopped seeds pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes on low heat. Insist for two hours, strain. Drink one quarter of the glass 4 times a day before eating.

With kidney stones , ureters and bladder prepare collection 18 :

  1. licorice root - 1 part,
  2. ivy leaf - 1 part,
  3. leaf of rosemary - 1 part,
  4. leaf of the bearberry - 1 part,
  5. juniper fruits - 1 part,
  6. caraway seeds - 1 part,
  7. horsetail grass - 1 part.

A tablespoon of the ground mixture should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1-2 glasses of infusion 2-3 times a day before meals.

Collection 19 :

  1. tansy flowers,
  2. herb horsetail for 10 grams,
  3. leaves cranberries,
  4. herb grass,
  5. rhizome grass,
  6. rhizome root grass - 20 grams.

2 tablespoons of the ground mixture, pour 500 ml of boiling water, heat on a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 glass three times a day before meals.

With urate stones and , urine acid diathesis is also useful for using more simple phytopreparations.

Grass and celery root .2 tbsp.spoons for 300 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take one third of a glass three times a day.

and root parsley grass ( 1: 1).Cooking and reception, as in the previous recipe.

Rhizome of Asparagus .(2 tablespoons per 500 ml of boiling water).Insist 1 hour, drink a quarter cup three times a day.

corn stigmas ( infusion), root of ( infusion) root, cranberries root ( infusion) are also useful.

Half-fallen .This herb for the last 150 years has been applied in the countries of the East for the destruction and removal of stones from the kidneys. The native land of grass is Sri Lanka. Grass the brew as a tea - 1 tablespoon for 300 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 100 ml three times a day for 20 minutes before eating. Squeezes left from the grass, boil for three minutes and use for trays with hemorrhoids.

When treating a half-pala, you need to consider that infusions and decoctions of grass not only destroy and excrete kidney stones in the form of sand, but also destroy the teeth. Therefore, decoctions and infusions of half-pala should be drunk through a thin tube and always rinse your mouth with soda solution after each intake.

Half-fallen perfectly heals and chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys .The course of treatment needs 200 g of grass.

With the renal colic , the warm bath is useful for the patient for 20 minutes. In the bath you can add a few glasses of broth horsetail field and drink 1 cup of the same decoction before taking a bath. After the bath, lie down in bed and put the poultices on your stomach, every two hours, drink a tablespoon of radish juice with honey.

Poultice is best done from cooked potatoes .You can also lay a thicker cloth in several layers, moisten it with warm water or put a heating pad on it. But the effect will be much better if a wet hot rag is applied to the body, and not a rubber hot-water bottle or a bottle.

If bleeding begins( blood will appear in the urine), then instead of poultice, you need to put a bubble with ice on your stomach. Inside several times a day, take a tablespoon of Tannin, which is dissolved in a glass of water( Tanin take 1 g - at the tip of the knife).

Official medicine

Apply conservative and surgical treatment of nephrolithiasis. The main reason for conservative treatment is the dissolution of stones, the creation of the possibility of their spontaneous separation. Orally prescribed Marenu dye, Cystenal, Rovatin, Artemizol.

Cystenal - 5 drops on sugar 1 hour before meals three times a day for 1-2 months.

Artemisol - 15 drops on sugar before meals.

Marena dye - in the form of tablets of 0.5 g 3 times a day for 20 days. The tablet is dissolved in 100 ml of warm water. Marena dye has the ability to loosen stones containing phosphates and magnesia.

Introduction to the body of acids and alkalis changes the pH of blood serum and urine, which promotes the excretion of stones.

For the removal of small urates, the drug is used ugly in 1 teaspoon per 50 ml of water three to four times a day before meals for 1 month.

For phosphaturia, phosphate and carbonate stones, dilute hydrochloric acid( 15 drops per 100 ml of water with meals three times a day), boric acid 0.3 g three times a day is given to produce an acid reaction.

For oxalate and urate stones for alkalinization of urine use drinking soda( a teaspoon per glass of water) and sodium citrate( 8-10 g per day fractional doses).

Video on topic

Non-surgical treatment of urolithiasis

Stones in the kidneys, urine-genital system( kidneys, ureters and bladder) - is called urolithiasis( urolithiasis).This disease, at present, is much more common. The diagnosis of "urolithiasis" is received by almost half of the patients who got into the urological department.

Modern methods of diagnosis, treatment of urolithiasis, removal of stones - require extensive knowledge in this area.

This channel has collected and provided videos on the subject of kidney stones, the diagnosis of stones in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, their treatment and methods for their removal.

Urolithiasis: symptoms and treatment

Rapid and painless disposal of kidney and bladder stones

Hello everyone! All my videos are part of my life and telling about something I explain why and how I came to this. To tell at once about a technique without an explanation why and as I consider or count incorrect and pulled out of a context. The method is cool and simple. Stones in the kidneys and bladder quickly dissolve and come out painlessly. Drink in a month, so it will be 100% that the kidneys and bladder will be without stones. Good luck!

. Source:

  1. . G.Nasgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- M.: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.
  2. Encyclopedia of traditional and folk methods of treatment. Electronic version.